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Chapter 501: Self-sufficiency

[501] Self-sufficiency

Booming, a cross-eyed armored personnel carrier was destroyed by an anti-tank missile. The sudden blow surprised the cross-eyed, but soon he knew that the enemy was from the rear, but the rear was clearly interrupted by himself. Where did you get out of it, and quickly cross-eyed to understand the situation of the enemy, because the base car was too eye-catching, it was already in sight

"Don't!" Cross-eyed cursed: "How did they cross the broken bridge! They dared to stop us from getting rich, and I think it's time to give these unreasonable **** a look of" color "." Cross-eyed and others attack this human The reason for the base is simple. One is to sell female slaves. This is a good opportunity to gain extra money. The other is that he has determined that there is an acetic acid bomb in this human base. What is an acetic acid bomb? It was the only weapon to deal with the Terminator, and this kind of bullet was "lost" in the lost city.

Seeing the enemies coming menacingly, tens of thousands of people "challenged" and said, "Should we dispatch manpower to stop them? Our firepower is still sufficient."

The fat man said hesitantly: "We have tried before. The evolutionists are not weak. They want to" intervene "in our affairs. It is better to retreat. It is better to catch the terminator. Do n’t stick to this little wealth. "

Cross-eyed, "Isn't there just a few good evolutionaries? Really thought I was afraid of him, and unity is strength. All of our evolutionaries attack together, and forgive them for their fists!" Living in the war situation at the human base over there, don't let those survivors take the opportunity to repair the defense, we will use the power of all evolvers to fight them together! "

Cross-eyed is the boss of this mixed team. He said that attacking fat people and 10,000 people ca n’t oppose “fans”, so the evolutionaries of the three teams turned around to meet the three, seven, and ten groups of horses. The main force of the city field team, the total number of evolutionaries under his team is greater than the total number of people in Chu Xiang. This is also the fat man and the 10,000 fans who know that the other party has a master and agree to the cross-eye plan. If there are more bugs, they will roll over, and people will be more powerful.

More than eighty evolutionists working together is a rare big scene. Feisha walked away from the stone and the sky was dark. This small force coming out from behind was quickly hidden in the snow slurry, and the snow was completely soaked by rain. With the thin soup, the huge force drove down to the other side.

The cross-eyed thought that even if he couldn't destroy the opponent, his attack would be enough to destroy their vehicles and equipment. In the previous competition, in order to reduce the number of combatants and reduce the staff, they retreated after encountering their masters' resistance, but now the opponent threatens the execution of his plan. Therefore, the cross-eyes are unceremoniously and fully suppressed. Who keeps them away? If they follow the persuasion of 10,000 fans, give the car to themselves, or return to the "fan" after retreating to a roadblock when they are difficult. Lost in the city, then the cross-eyes will no longer care about it, but now the other party's "insertion" of the interests of the other side can not help him.

A victorious smile appeared on the face of the cock-fighting eyes, but his smile froze before the "show" was fully opened, and a sudden buzz sounded. The power that hit the opponent suddenly fell into the sea, and the accumulated product Xue turned her direction and pressed towards the team. Due to a sudden failure to dodge, someone such as cross-eyes was poured into the heart.

"It's an ultrasonic wave!" 10,000 fans are still conscious, their power is invisible to be sure that some people are engaging in ghosts, most of them with cross-eyed thunder and lightning are sucked away, and these rebounded syrups are ultrasonicated. return.

Watching a young and beautiful woman coming out of the opponent's team, the fat man suddenly screamed: "It's Zhou Muqing! How could she show up here, she is a big star! I think such a person has become a zombie, I am too Happy. "

Cross-eyed anxious to kick the fat man, he said: "You care who she is, now she is our enemy, as long as you defeat them and let her" lick "your feet, you can do it, but if you can't beat them, you go Hell be your star chaser. "

The fat man also came to his senses, at this time it is important to defeat the opponent, as long as there is a strong female star

Whatever, let them dance striptease is absolutely no problem. Thinking of the fat man here, he still retained his strength just now. The snowy sky was a catalyst for his skills. The water vapor around him instantly condensed and then quickly frozen into one. Each piece looks like ice vertebrae, and then "shoots" to the opposing team under the control of the fat man.

After all, Zhou Muqing is not a novice. It ’s a common practice to participate in actual combat. The jerky and scared in the past have disappeared. She was not panic in the face of the ice arrows. She still radiated ultrasound within the range of her ultrasound. Those who were frozen The iron arrows that were as hard as iron turned into pieces, but the ice arrows in her attack range were also repelled by Fang Yuxuan with flames.

The fat man did not expect that the confident attack could be easily cracked by the opponent. For a while, he didn't know what to do next. At this time, tens of thousands of fans lost their hands and solved the problem for him. Tens of thousands of people are "fascinated", they are all agile, they immediately attacked the team that has been approaching immediately after the emergence. Lin, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Song Jun, He Yaohui came down from the car to fight. The avatar she made did not resist for five minutes, and was quickly slaughtered by the other party.

The fat man was ready to attack again. He used quick freezing, spreading in an extremely low temperature of Chu Xiang's convoy. Ten ordinary humans recruited by the beetle captain could not stand the cold and began to tremble. One off-road vehicle turned off the road when it was crooked. In the side ditch, Fang Yuxuan immediately blasted out a few blazes of flames, and the flames of the fat man were originally not high-strength, and they were quickly defeated by the increase in temperature.

Cocker-eye knows that the other party also has the ability to control the storm, but his two partners had to take it out in the event of frustration, and then the wind broke out. At this time, Chu Xiang ’s team attacked, and the cross-eye skills did cause some damage. But Chu Xiang's team was blowing a strong wind at a fast speed. This storm swept the cross-eyed storm, and then spread to the cross-eyed team. Those evolutionaries behind them were blown away by the wind, and they saw their strength. Without the enemy ’s house, the cross-eyed helplessly ordered an immediate retreat. It seems that the strength is not high, and so many people have shot together, but they are like nothing.

After a few hurried bouts, the opponent left. Chu Xiang was not in a hurry to catch up. It was not the goal to destroy the other party. It was also an urgent time to clean them up. It was better to see the damage of the human base.

The contest between Chu Xiang and Cross-eyed Eyes was just a matter of ten minutes ago, and the people in this human base were frightened. They did not care about what happened outside. When they saw the Cross-eyes pulled away and Chu Xiang and others approached They can't help firing again, so the people in front of them are all evolutionaries, otherwise they will be hurt innocently by their lives.

After He Yaohui's shouting explanation, the other party finally stopped shooting, and came out of a personal class from a damaged building. They looked at Chu Xiang and others strangely, probably considering how these people are different from those before. .

He Yaohui turned on the broadcasting system on the base car and said, "The people inside listen, we are not malicious. The humans who attacked you just now were run away by us. I hope you can send someone to speak."

There is a saying among the humans after the construction: "What else to say, if you really are not malicious, then you can leave quickly. Don't lie to us, although we know that our firepower may not be able to hold it, but you don't want to take it. Cheap. "

He Yaohui said: "Why are you so stupid, we have run away the guys for you, but now we just want to know how your situation is, do n’t ignore people, if we want to win your base, it ’s not It takes a lot of effort. "

Captain Beetle also started lobbying Song Jun and others at this time: "This is an opportunity. I estimate that there are a lot of people in this base. Later we will go in and see how many girls are" sexual ", maybe we are rich. "

Song Jun glared at the beetle captain and said, "Do you dare to" chaotic "believe it or not to kill you!"

Captain Beetle dare not speak, at this time the other party finally agreed to let He Yaohui go to the base

During the discussion, He Yaohui discussed with everyone, and then he and Song Jun took Chu Xiang to take a look. The three of them got off the handlebars and left their strides towards the base. The other side was very vigilant. Mouth never left the target.

The middle-aged man was in command of the battle. The three of them climbed up the broken wall and entered the base. The middle-aged man led the way, and five members followed him with guns. Chu Xiang looked at the situation around the base. This was a run-down. In the county town, traces of the past are faintly visible. A large part of the roadside buildings are well preserved. Within ten minutes, everyone came to the center of the small county town. This was once a square and surrounded by a large number of commercial areas.

What surprised Chu Xiang was that there was a plant growing on the square, how tall a person was, and the leaves were thick. You must know that the current light is severely insufficient, and the number of plants that can be grown is over, and there are still people working in this plant land from time to time. In other words, these plants do not grow naturally, but are planted artificially, but it is not known whether these plants have edible value.

The middle-aged people who lead the way don't seem to want Chu Xiang and others to watch more, so they stepped up and took the three of Chu Xiang to pass through the square. Next to the square is a large supermarket. With the development of the economy, chain supermarkets also appear in the small county. This name is not weak, but the current brand is worn out, and there is a mess in it, and the things that can be used have already been used up by the surviving humans here. Through the broken windows and doors, you can smell a smell the taste of.

Suddenly a group of people ran over, and they were very aggressive with guns, but the target didn't seem to be the three of Chu Xiang, but the stupid mall. "Fast, fast, kill them all and take them away. We ca n’t even eat them. Can't leave it to others! "

The middle-aged man said, "What's wrong? What are you doing?"

Someone said, "We were ordered to kill the pigs we took and take them away."

Middle-aged humanity: "Wait a minute, the enemies outside have retreated. These are the people who helped us retreat. I will take them to meet our head."

Come humane: "Really? Then let's go together."

Chu Xiang heard that there were pigs in the mall. He couldn't help paying more attention to it. He really saw that two pigs had emerged from the shadows. The fat and big ears were much larger than ordinary domestic pigs. You can see by looking at its appearance. The wild "sex" is probably affected by the virus. It is not the first time that Chu Xiang, a pig-eating food, has seen Chu Xiang, so he has no intention.

The three of Chu Xiang were taken to a bank building because the former world was considered a high-defense building. The host of the army was called Chu Ming. His name was Wang Mingbo. Everyone went straight to the theme. He Yaohui said "We are from Lost City, and plan to go to the desert hinterland to catch a few Terminators. The team that lost you before is also Lost City, but we are not a group, so you don't have to guard us too much."

Wang Mingbo said: "It seems Captain He is also a refreshing person. In order to allow us to survive, we must be careful. The name of the" lost "city has been heard occasionally in the past two days. Some people can go there Life is the goal. I heard that there are no zombies and no terminator, which is much safer for participating in the resistance organization. "

Wang Mingbo's words made Chu Xiang very unpleasant to listen to, but others are right, "Lost" does not need to fight the Terminator, the safety factor must be higher, human nature "self-protection", if you can choose, of course it is Safety first.

He Yaohui said: "As long as the Terminator stays on the earth for one day, we will not have real security, so to escape from the" lost city "is to escape from reality, and we know the situation there, and if you want to survive in the" lost city ", There must be enough "lost" lost coins, and if you want to get "lost" lost coins, you have to pay for it. Like we are out to take risks, we just want to earn enough "lost" lost coins to live there. There is no real world in this world. Safe at all. "

Wang Mingbo said: "It makes sense, no matter where I want to be, I do n’t want to be a leisure person. Just say that I ’m a small base, and everyone needs work to get food.

It would be like being attacked by me in less than ten minutes. Fortunately, you shot, otherwise we would be miserable. "

After a conversation, Wang Mingbo's animosity towards the three of Chu Xiang gradually disappeared. Later, he heard reports that there were many women "sex" outside. The human foot can be trusted, Wang Mingbo invited: "How many people can take a break here if they don't want to leave?"

Chu Xiang said: "We just want to come in and see the construction of your base. If you are afraid that time will be too late, you will disturb the head of the king when you return."

Wang Mingbo said: "You are in a hurry to catch the Terminator, of course I believe in your strength, you are all evolutionaries, plus the Resistance's acetate bomb, you still have a certain degree of confidence in dealing with the Terminator, but you do n’t need to worry. The team that attacked us just now may not be successful even in the desert, and I can point you to a place where you will never be left empty-handed. "

Chu Xiang dubiously said: "Oh, I don't know if the head of the delegation can understand it."

Wang Mingbo said: "The terminator in the desert hinterland is definitely not easy to mess with. A lot of defenses are laid around them. I once took in humans who escaped from there. According to them, there are patrolling robots and zombies in the desert, and there are some weird ones. Creatures, even if the evolutionary wants to kill all those things, it is not easy, but as far as I know, there is an external outpost built by the Terminator not far away. I originally planned to take people to destroy them, after all Their presence threatens the safety of our base. However, in view of the small number of acetate bombs, we have been collecting weapons around recently. We did not expect that the weapons and ammunition had not collected enough to encounter the attack of the group just now. They asked us The surrender of all the women, and our acetic acid bomb, was clearly trying to kill our lives, so they started fighting. "

It is good news that you can catch the Terminator without going into the desert belly. After all, it is a bit risky to directly attack the Terminator's base camp. Otherwise, the Resistance will gather forces early to kill the Terminator. Wang Mingbo's words let everyone decide to change the plan, so At the invitation of Wang Mingbo, the convoy entered the base for the time being, and then went to the Terminator's outpost after due discussion.

Most of the women in the car were "sexual". Their lively and cheerful laughter increased Wang Mingbo's trust in Chu Xiang and others. In addition, He Yaohui provided Wang Mingbo with a thousand rounds of acetic acid bombs. Wang Mingbo was happy to close his mouth. At the moment, there is no trace of suspicion about Chu Xiang and others, and he excitedly took everyone from Chu Xiang to visit his base.

The size of this base is quite large, with a total of more than 400 people. A large area of ​​land was built using the county's building. It was because the area of ​​the base was too large that the defense was too weak, so it was defeated by the cross-eyed troops within a few minutes. However, there is more land available within a large area. In addition to the square, there are several roads that have been planted with plants with large leaves. The hard roads do not know how much effort these people took to get them. Sometimes the power is inestimable.

Wang Mingbo introduced: "Dear everyone, this plant was brought back from the outside by accident. We named it the fruit of life, because it saved everyone when we were going to starve to death. This plant is characterized by extremely fast growth. It can quickly make up for our lack of food. Unlike some crops that take several months to mature, and unlike some crops that have strict requirements on temperature and light, we have bred a large number of this crop in a short time, which allows our base to achieve Being self-sufficient is a veritable life fruit. "

Chu Xiang stood in the square and touched a plant that was higher than his head and asked, "What is its food value?"

Wang Mingbo said: "The leaves can be used for cooking and feeding pigs, the stems can be burned, and the smashed can also be fed to pigs, and its roots bear the edible fruit, which is the fruit of life I just said." Get up a tree with a bunch of fruit bigger than peanuts hanging on it. Chu Xiang pinches a product with a higher starch content.

Looking at a large crop of crops, Chu Xiang understands that Wang Mingbo

Why doesn't the head of the group reduce the size of the base and increase the defense? People are greedy. Everyone who doesn't want to have such a good variety of plants will have this idea.

Putting down the fruit Chu Xiang asked again, "How is this plant grown? Do you have seeds?"

Wang Mingbo said: "No, it can only be seeded with these fruits, but the growing season is extremely fast and matures in a slow one month. If it is well managed and matures in 20 days, now we have saved a lot of food, even if we come again Two years of hunger have also continued. "Speaking of the pride of Wang Mingbo here, I am afraid that few bases have this ability to be self-sufficient in this" chaotic "world.

Chu Xiang lamented: "This low-temperature weather is still growing so fast. We have never heard of it before. The miracles of nature have surprised us. This cold-resistant crop deserves our vigorous promotion."

Wang Mingbo said: "Yeah, when it comes to miracles, they are like evolutionaries. This is the result of adapting to the external environment. Plants must mutate in order to survive in this harsh climate, and this plant does it, so it can be our world. Large and medium-sized areas. Everyone, not too early, how about going to eat with me? Taste the fruit of life. "

There is no oil, and the amount of salt is very small. A large pot of boiled vegetables leaves does not taste very well. It is exaggerated to say that it is difficult to swallow, but the members of the base in the cafeteria eat it with flavor and taste. The staple food is the one you just saw. I have planted the fruit, but I have peeled it. Each person has a large bowl. It looks a little like taro. It tastes less slippery than taro. It is not so sweet. It may be due to lack of light. Maybe it is just harvested and may be left for a while. It will be delicious.

He Yaohui said, "It looks like you don't have much salt here, and the dishes are a bit light."

Wang Mingbo said: "Yeah, in the past two years, the original salt in the county town has eaten us up. Later, we also sent people to the nearby base to exchange for it, but the outside is becoming more and more unsafe, and people who go out often cannot return. Recently, we have stopped this kind of adventure. Although it has been saved repeatedly, the remaining salt is not enough for half a month. Alas, it is self-sufficient, and the problem of edible salt and ammunition cannot be solved. "

He Yaohui said: "We will provide you with a hundred catties. We ca n’t afford more if we have more. In the future, if we have the opportunity to help you more, we can save some ordinary bullets, but acetic acid bombs It cannot be increased anyway. "

Wang Mingbo said happily and gratefully: "One hundred catties of table salt is already an astronomical figure. Because we do n’t have too many fights, we are still holding on to the bullets. I do n’t want to report your great gratitude. You see what is happening at our base. Take it, you can also ask for someone, but let me say first, whether it is a man or a woman, you must treat it with you. "

Song Jundao: "Rest assured, we will not sell female slaves like the three teams just now. We only want your seeds here, and we also want to grow this crop. Although it does not taste good, it is alive food and starch. It is not low in content and suitable for the needs of our human body. "

Wang Mingbo said: "No problem, there are not many other things in our base, but there are thousands of pounds of life fruit. You can pull as much as you can. Anyway, the crops in the ground are about to mature, although winter is coming, but I think It's okay to plant another season. Most of the fruits can be simmered, and you can grind porridge or make steamed buns. "

Song Jundao: "Then we're welcome. When you leave, bring back a few hundred pounds of life fruit. If you have any problems in planting, please come to ask you, but it seems that you can't plant in winter, we Bring it back to the seed greenhouse for breeding, and promote it in large areas next spring. "

"Pig soup is coming!" Someone shouted loudly in the kitchen, and then the two chefs carried a large pot to the table. The pot was filled with steaming soup. There were two pig legs and two Big pork chop with humming meat.

Wang Mingbo said: "Let ’s not talk about farming, let ’s try our pigs. I know you may not be used to the taste of fruit.

Road, but the taste of this pork is absolutely authentic, comparable to wild boars in our former world. "

The staff at the base who was eating next smelled the taste of pig soup with envious eyes, but these people were of very good quality, and no one came up to grab the food, just twitching the nose twice to smell the taste and eat the food.

Chu Xiang asked Wang Mingbo: "Since why do n’t pigs improve their food here, or boil lard for cooking, it is better than boiling water. I think the pig pen area is very large, and raising hundreds of heads is not a problem."

Wang Mingbo's originally excited face "color" faded, "It's all due to our own care. We originally had three sows breeding here, but one died a year ago, and those pigs were violently" disordered "and beaten by us half a year ago. One dead, the last sow is no longer producing cubs, so there are not many pigs in our pig farm. I do n’t see how long it will be extinct. Today, it ’s also because the guest is near the door, so it ’s only slaughtered. We will kill pigs and improve our food during the holidays. "

Chu Xiang asked puzzledly: "The sow left in this year has no sow?"

Wang Mingbo said frustratedly: "Don't mention that the three sows we caught have never given birth to a mother."

Chu Xiang nodded. This is probably the consequence of mutation. Pigs are also farmed in base zero. Although the meat is not as delicious as this kind of pig, there is no problem in reproduction and the safety is more reliable. Perhaps these two pigs can be used. Combining the advantages of this, thinking of him here: "Don't worry, since you have been raised for so long, it means that this pig can adapt to domestication ~ ~ Just find out the reason for sow mutation and solve the problem. . "

Wang Mingbo said: "We also want to, but we are not scientific researchers. Besides, we don't have any equipment. We can only blame our bad luck."

Chu Xiang said: "Let ’s do this. After a while, we will send someone to help you see. Maybe we can find the reason why the sow does not give birth to cubs and bare babies."

Wang Mingbo is not quite convinced: "Really? Do you have talents in this area?"

Chu Xiang nodded and said: "There are talents in genetics, but I don't know if it's not good for pigs. I just have to take a look."

Wang Mingbo held Chu Xiang's hand and said, "There is no problem with genes. I want no problem raising pigs. Thank you so much. You are really our saviors. I do n’t know how to express my gratitude. Right, let ’s Hurry up to eat, and then I will take you to that Terminator outpost, so you can catch more Terminators so you can go back and make money. "

Pork is so addictive that everyone eats it, which is totally different from the taste of life fruit just now. He Yaohui also picked up a few bottles of wine from the base car. Wang Mingbo also has n’t had alcohol for nearly a year. He is happy to drink more. After nearly two cups, he was almost drunk, so he had to wait for the night at the Terminator outpost.

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