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Chapter 514: Money effect

[514] Money

Wang Shaohui's face is a bit pale, and hundreds of thousands of scenes are nothing to everyone, but millions of scenes are not uncommon, and there is bad news, Xiao Si can't completely control them. serious.

"What's going on?" Chu Xiang just arrived and didn't understand the matter.

Xiaosi said: "Brother, these zombies seem to have undergone some special transformations. Although there are no parasites in their bodies, the nervous system is much strengthened. If I want to control them, I will have to pay several times more energy than before, so Right now I can only control tens of thousands, and the increased range can no longer support it. "

Chu Xiang said: "Then don't take risks. How many zombie zombies are there?"

Xiao Silk Road: "Not a lot, less than one percent, but their number is slowly increasing. If they are allowed to develop, these zombies will all become g virus infections in less than a month. It is impossible for the evolutionist to manually remove it. More than one million, maybe even close to two million, is too large. "

Chu Xiang also frowned. It would not be impossible to slaughter these batches of zombies on the strength of him and Song Jun, but this batch of zombies will never be unconsciously to follow them. The Terminator that just appeared may be with them It has a certain relationship, if one kills energy in the slaughter, who knows what will happen next.

"Let's teleport away, there is no need to stay and entangle them." He Yaohui said.

Chu Xiangdao: "There are more vehicles and people now, unless a transmission device is installed, otherwise how to teleport away."

Song Jundao: "It's better to continue to wait and see if it gets better. Anyway, it's useless to think too much."

Chu Xiang said: "This can only be the case. Inform the team to speed up, and pay attention to the movement of the zombies, as well as alert the sky to safety. I am afraid they will launch a sudden attack."

It is very troublesome for mutant creatures to launch air strikes. The main reason is that most evolutionists cannot fight in the air, which gives them a great advantage. However, if the air defense forces are strengthened before the air strikes, the impact of the air strikes will be reduced to a low point.

The zombies are moving faster and faster. Although the distance from the convoy keeps widening, it is clear that they have never given up the intention to follow the convoy. Chu Xiang considered that he had not started the zombies for a day. Later, He Yaohui came up with a The vicious idea is to lead the zombies out of the "lost" lost city and let the "lost" lost city lord deal with them, so that the "lost" lost city lord can come out. If the "lost" lost city lord has the power to destroy these zombies, Then save the resistance side to take a shot. If the "lost" lost city lord does not have the power to destroy these zombies, Chu Xiang will stand up and lead everyone to fight back the zombies, once establish a prestige, and second, let the "lost" lost city lord pay attention Chu Xiang, this will be of great help to the possible cooperative relationship in the future.

Because of the relationship between these zombies, Chu Xiang took people on the road and did not dare to rest. He rushed away day and night and finally came to the "lost" outside the city that afternoon. The zombies were not closely related. At this time, there were about 150 kilometers. It was almost two and a half days of their trip. It was totally too late for the fans to get the news and prepare.

Opening the first door of Lost City, Chu Xiang said to the King of Almighty, "All of you should go back to your own place. What you should say, what you shouldn't say, hope you can keep your mouth shut, lest you cause trouble. "

Almighty King will not show up even if he has a temper in his heart. Spiders and Transformers will not put on display. The two nodded and said, "Yes, yes, we understand. Please be assured that Captain Chu will be tight-lipped."

Captain Scorpion has woke up, but he has not been "face-up", so he does n’t know much about Chu Xiang. Even if he is not told, he is not afraid to leak the secret of "show-through". The king of Almighty and others leave when they enter the second door. They did n’t dare to mention nuclear fuel, even that

Some female slaves also gave up. These people were a little self-aware, so Chu Xiang did not embarrass them any more.

On the way, Chu Xiang transferred a group of ordinary humans from base zero. Among them, 30 were male and 20 were female. They were ready to undergo transformation. Before this came, Chu Xiang had explained to them. It's an experiment. The voluntary principle is adopted. In the event of an accident midway, it may hurt "life". However, these fifty people are completely indifferent. Compared to the magical skills, they would rather take this risk, even for the fifty. A lot of people are still fighting for the 'blood.'

Everything went according to normal steps. Chu Xiang, Song Jun, He Yaohui, and the beetle entered the mission announcement hall with 50 kilograms of nuclear fuel, brushed the organ under the TV wall, and the clones responsible for issuing the mission came out. The matter was handled by Captain Beetle, and Chu Xiang and others remained silent.

"Boss, we are back." Captain Beetle "showed" a humble smile, and saluted the clone humanely.

The clone nodded: "I have just received the information from the gate, how and what I have learned. I heard that your three teams are combined together. This approach is worth promoting before the strength of the team is strengthened."

The beetle captain said: "Thank you for your guidance. We also completed the mission this time because of close cooperation. Give us 50 kilograms of nuclear fuel. The quality we found at the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Station is absolutely first-rate. Get fifty evolutionary opportunities for transformation, so that the team can grow up and work well for the "lost" lost city, of course, you must take care of the boss. "

The clone was not surprised to hear fifty kilograms of nuclear fuel. It seemed that his psychological quality was high. He took the box in the hand of Captain Beetle, and then said, "Okay, the task is well done. I'll check the goods and you sit down. Wait a moment. "

The captain of the beetle secretly made a gesture to Chu Xiang and others. The clone returned to the house carrying the box. Several people in Chu Xiang sat down at the computer in the lobby and browsed the task at random, because there were still nine missions to make up ten times. If the trailing zombies can't "force" the "lost" lost city master, they can only continue to complete the task.

The captain beetle looked at the calm and calm Chu Xiang and others. He said uneasily, "Captain Chu, will anyone grab the nuclear fuel that has been sent back in front of us? How can I see that the boss's face is not astonished? Ten kilograms of nuclear fuel are not interested. Don't be surprised. We are all ready to be transformed. "

Chu Xiang said: "Be assured, no one will be faster than us. If anyone has already completed the task first, the cloner will tell you clearly and wait patiently."

Captain Beetle waited for a while and then said, "Captain Chu, will the zombies outside be able to break the" lost city "?"

Chu Xiang made a forbidden gesture and said, "Don't talk about this here."

Captain Beetle immediately covered his mouth and said, "Damn, **** it, I forgot, but my heart was too nervous."

He Yaohui whispered, "Come out, stop talking."

The beetle captain looked up, and it turned out that he was the boss who had just entered. The box in his hand was gone. It seemed that the goods had been verified. The beetle captain immediately greeted the front door: "Boss, how is the situation? "

The clone did not answer directly, he said: "How do you plan to distribute rewards for tasks?"

Hearing this sentence, the captain of the beetle only put down a big rock. He said: "We have counted together and want to continue to cooperate in the future, so this task rewards are taken together. Fifty remodelers are ready. After approval. "

Clone Humane: "Okay, you'll bring people in for a while, are they just ordinary humans?"

Captain Beetle said: "Yes, yes, skill side

Can we choose for ourselves? "

Clone Humanity: "No, if it is an evolutionary, you can choose another skill to be added to the body. Ordinary humans can only randomly generate skills, and in addition, which account the lost" lost coins "is awarded to.

Five million "lost" coins are lost. With this amount saved, there is almost no need to go out for adventure. The captain of the beetle trembles, but he knows that the credit has nothing to do with himself, and the five million "lost" coins are lost Chu Xiang didn't even look at him. According to the method previously discussed, Captain Beetle said, "On average, hit our three-card account. Let's mention it in a while. Everyone goes out to work hard and give them some comfort."

The clone nodded and returned to the door without saying anything. Captain Beetle asked Chu Xiang: "Captain Chu, are you bringing in people right now? Our time is very tight." Captain Beetle refers to the growing number of zombies. It's close.

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, we'll wait for you outside and leave this to you. Don't let us down."

Captain Beetle continued to say: "No, no, I will do my best to do this, please rest assured."

"Mission" is not allowed to break into the city. Even if Chu Xiang wants to go in to supervise the transformation process, he can only wait outside. The time required for 50 ordinary humans to carry out transformation at the same time is not short. I just hope that we can **** the zombies. Finished, waiting time everyone went to the bazaar.

Compared to the last time I left the "Lost" and lost the city, I finally have some vitality. Previously, those women who were selling along the street appeared again. It may be that they saw the return of team members and thought that there was business to do. The group of Almighty Kings did not have any gain at all, and of course they did not have the money to consume, so those women were destined to be enthusiastic.

Everyone went to a large restaurant and sat down. The **** was not yet sitting. A girl in a bunny costume came to her front. She bent over half of her **** and "showed" her eyes. "Boss, I want to eat." What? "

Zhang Hongbing stared at the plump **** of the bunny girl and swallowed saliva. She almost said she wanted to eat "milk." Song Jun kicked Zhang Hongbing secretly. The guy said: "Two tables are good for wine and food, don't be afraid to spend money. There is no shortage of money for men. "

The bunny girl said with an eyebrow, "Yes, bosses, please wait. It looks like you must return to victory after completing the task. Our shop provides a variety of services. If you are interested, you can enter the private room and enjoy alone."

The bunny girl has been bending down, she only wears a short "mystery" skirt on her lower body, and the skirt can't be covered with a little ass. Wang Shaohui, who sits behind her, and other people's face is "red", and Song Jun treats the bunny girl He waved and said, "We will naturally call you if you need it. Go ahead and serve us wine."

The bunny girl twisted her **** and went down, Zhang Hongbing said: "It's really fragrant, I start to envy the life here." Wang Shaohui's face "color" finally recovered to normal, he said: "OK, then you stay, come back to me Talk to Xiaohua, and let her remarry with her child. I think there are many people who see Xiaohua in the base zero.

Zhang Hongbing turned to Wang Shaohui and said, "How can you guys pry the corners of brothers? I'm afraid that you are the one with eyesight. I don't want to stay. If it's not too feudal, I would have married dozens of wives, like The Chu team ... "

Zhang Jingya stared at Zhang Hongbing. Zhang Hongbing could only swallow the words behind. Which woman does not want to enjoy the beloved man alone. Zhang Hongbing said that the rumors of Zhang Jingyao were of course unhappy. He Yaohui was afraid that Zhang Hongbing would go off topic and said: Zhang Hongbing, pick up wine from our car. I guess it's still the kind of sea fruit brewed wine. It doesn't taste as good as Moutai. Since the victory returns, we should drink a good drink. "

Zhang Hongbing loves to drink, but he has never been involved in driving the base car during this time. He Yaohui said that he was of course willing to run errands, and fart left. After a while, four of them were exposed

Young girls brought canned food to serve. They twisted their butts and exposed their chests to seduce men. This scene of Fang Yuxuan's women rolled their eyes, but it was normal for them to lose their city. These women also To live, seducing men may be their means of life.

"Let's go, let's go! No more annoying I shot you all!" There was a noise on the street, Chu Xiang could not help looking out from the window, and saw a team of more than 50 people coming over, They should have just returned from completing the mission from the outside. According to the round trip time, this team did not go to the nuclear power plant, but it seemed to be a good harvest. They brought back ten women. Maybe they found a human base. The men in the base let It is also possible that they killed.

Seeing that Chu Xiang was interested in the people outside, the flying man approached and pleased him: "Captain Chu, these are the members of the second field team. The former team leader was executed by the city owner because he said something wrong, so the captain came. He has a foreign name called Diak. It is said that he is very strong and good at speed. Generally, the evolutionist is not his opponent. "

Chu Xiang told Flying Man: "Go and tell him, I want to buy his slave women and let him make an offer."

The Flying Man is now convinced by the strength of Chu Xiang and others. He wants to show his strength when he finds a big backer, but how can he let others know his own strength without any trouble? Is n’t this a chance to come, Captain Chu? Those female slaves in the middle should deserve this two group of fake foreign devils.

Flying Man said with excitement, "Oh, hey, Captain Chu, wait a moment, I'll tell him right away."

The street is already full of people, and Flying Man managed to squeeze into Diak. Diak and Flying Man are the same group of field members, so although they did not communicate, they met each other and met, Diak said "Captain Flying, did you come back so early, did you make a big sale?"

Flying Man proudly said, "Generally, generally, that is, getting fifty kilograms of nuclear fuel."

Diak was taken aback: "What? You got fifty kilograms of nuclear fuel? I remember when you were mixing with Almighty King, didn't the kid send it? He had such luck!"

Flying Man shook his head and said, "n, n, Almighty King is not getting rich, I am not mixing with him now, Captain Diak, now I am working with the three and seven teams, how about, come in and take a sip, I will ask you something Discuss with your child. "

Diak said: "I'll go and pay the difference first. You can eat and wear 50 kilograms of nuclear fuel, but I can't worry about it. I can only sell slaves for a small amount of money."

Flying Man pulled Diak and said, "How much do you pay for the slave to the owner of the city? 20,000" lost "lost money? Not enough teeth, so I see you these slaves are in good condition, you can ask for a price , I want it all. "

Diak was a stunner. It was the first time that such a thing as buying a slave woman from someone else was encountered. Even if there was one before, it was only a beautiful one. The lion like Flying Man said with a big mouth that it was the first time. However, Diak immediately relieved, who would let people be entangled in the world, 50 kilograms of nuclear fuel, that is 5 million "lost" lost money, it takes 10,000 a day to spend up to a year and a half, "fuck" t, non It's impossible to slaughter this guy.

Thinking of Diak here, he was also welcome to enter the restaurant behind Flying Man. Flying Man gave a brief introduction to both parties. In fact, everyone had an impression of each other, but he had never said hello before. Flying Man said after the introduction: "Dia Captain Graham is asking a price. "

Diak grinned, "Since Captain He and Captain Song are in love, then I said, each person has 10,000" lost "lost money."

"What?" Shouted Flying Man. "You might as well grab it. A female slave dared to lose 10,000" lost "coins, even if the gold" milk "was not worth the price! Give it to the owner of the city for a few Money? Do n’t ask for prices all the time? Think we are bullying? ”

Diak snorted dismissively: "If it were really gold, I would rather throw it into the sea,

However, these women are all superior in color and class, and their work is top-notch. If I want to do it alone, I will also enter the value of the rewards for the task, which is not expensive. "

The Flying Man cursed: "You and he fart, everyone knows that the ordinary female slave mission has cancelled the transformation rewards! Don't put Captain and Captain Song in front of you, otherwise don't blame them for being polite to you."

Diak was also very angry. He patted the table and said, "Lao Tzu must be calculated according to the previous standards! What can you do to me? You can do it if you have the ability, and no one" forces "you. I will send them to the city owner right away. Let the city lord cut off their arms and legs and soak them in the nutrient "liquid" as a child-producing machine! "

The Flying Man turned his face and said, "Dialk, don't give you shame, do you know who to talk to? Be careful how you die!"

Diak challenged Flying Man provocatively: "Why, intimidate me, you think I am scared, just a few evolutionaries, and I haven't seen it. Each one doesn't give 10,000" lost "lost money, I "Trap them first and kill them!"

Flying Man literally said, "Diaque, we have to decide these people, I hope you know the current affairs!"

Diak, like he did n’t hear it, turned his head and walked outward. At this time, he must be decisive, otherwise the price will fail. Since the other party said that he would set his own slave, then he would surely prevent himself from entering the dungeon. Otherwise, They want and can't buy it back.

Seeing that Diak was not ready, Flying Man said anxiously to Chu Xiang: "Captain Chu, what should we do now? That guy's head kicked the donkey, and he dared to put your old man on the shelf and give him some lessons."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, how about this matter to you?"

The Flying Man stunned and gave it to himself? It seems that he ca n’t beat Diak. It is obvious that Chu Xiang is testing himself. If he ca n’t even do this, I ’m afraid that he will not be able to integrate into their team in the future, because this team needs talent, and It ’s not a waste, flying keen sweat, seeing Diak go further and further, if they do n’t hurry to stop them from entering the dungeon, or let Chu Xiang take a few shots in person, then all their value will be lost .

A group of people came out of the window again, and Flying Man's face was a joy, he said to Chu Xiang: "Captain Chu, rest assured, I will do this right away, you look at it, I will not lose your face."

Flying Man hurried out of the restaurant, just as the people on the street also came to the front, "Well, isn't this a traitor Flying Man, why was he led out by the master?"

Flying Man's face was red, and he wanted to be angry, but considering the completion of the test mission, he still resisted: "Several captains, I have something to tell you, it is about the future and fate of everyone."

The three men who came were Magnum, Transformers, and Spiders. Magnum did not ridicule Flying Man like Transformers, but asked, "What do you say?"

Flying Man took Magnum to the corner, and he whispered a few words. Magnum's face moved "color", and then Flying Man persuaded a few words. Magnum King bowed his head and groaned. Flying Man raised his voice and said, "This Do you still need to think about it? Do you still not understand the power of others? This is an opportunity. After this village, you will not have this shop, and you will have nowhere to say if you regret it later. "

The spider heard his voice come over and said, "Traitor, what did you just say? Almighty King, you must not listen to the villain's words. This guy is not at ease, he is not good at listening to him."

Almighty King said: "The Flying Man is not unreasonable. Our strength is too far behind them. It is better to make friends than to make strong enemies. Even if we ca n’t make friends, we hope that those guys do n’t engage in behind us. conspiracy."

Flying Man gave a thumbs-up to Magnum King: "It is indeed Magnum King. He has an open mind, and there is a good opportunity in front of us. Let's stop Diak, we must let him sell the female slave, and the price cannot be higher.

As long as Captain Chu is happy, are he afraid he will not treat us as friends? People easily got 50 evolutionary transformation places, and 5 million "lost" lost coins. Think about who has this courage? Do n’t you understand why people go up high and run low? "

With his three-inch tongue that is not bad, Flying Man even talked about Almighty King, Spider, and Transformer Steel. In the final analysis, it is a good word. Anyone who is good will be tempted. Besides, the three are defeated by Chu Xiang. Trouble them in the future, why not have a chance to improve the relationship?

Now that Diak is going to be unlucky, he was stopped in front of the entrance to the dungeon, and he was allowed to shoot fast but was shot honestly by the four heads of Magnum, Spider, Transformers, and Flying Man. Otherwise, what else? ? Throw away the slave girl that you brought so hard to escape? Otherwise it would never be possible to bring a dozen female slaves together.

"You, what are you doing? I want to call someone!" Diak didn't expect that the Universal King dared to hijack himself, and his voice was a little "panic", which made the other party arrogant.

Almighty King smiled and said, "Diaque, let's be old friends, don't be so nervous, but just ask you to drink, so anxious to do the task, go, let your brother follow, and the female slave will return to the residence to watch. "

Diak understands that Almighty King is about to come for a hard grab. He weighed it and decided to yell for help. After all, this is the "lost" lost in the city, how can there be rules and regulations? It's good to say that the "lost" is out of law and order in the city, but after a minute of sound, a team of soldiers drove over assault vehicles.

"What happened?" The leader asked.

Almighty Wang smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay. We were so immortal that we met an old friend who wanted to invite him to drink two glasses. I didn't expect that the sound of the joke was a big misunderstanding. I'm sorry for your trouble.

The leader ignored the Almighty King and asked Diak: "You just called for help, what's the matter?"

Flying Man came to the leader at this time, and he quietly took out a box of cigarettes from his arms and stuffed it into the leader's pocket, and the leader "touched" and "touched" the dull face of his pocket and even "showed" a smile, good thing. Not many cigarettes from previous lives can be saved, a box worth thousands of "lost" lost coins, and there is no market price, this guy will really be a man!

Diak looked at the omnipotent king and Transformer Steel who sneered at him, and now he understands what unity is power. This group of people are all together to fight and bully. He is not afraid of any of them alone, but now there are four of them. Surround him tightly. If he insists that Almighty King is in trouble for himself, I am afraid that the future will not be peaceful. Besides, the flying man bribes the leader. He also sees a whole box of cigarettes. Up.

Diak sighed and said to the team leader: "Yeah, we're kidding. I'm so sorry to trouble you. I'll apologize to you every day if I have a chance."

The leader did not get angry when he took advantage of it, and said, "Be careful in the future, the city owner is nearly investigating the law and order. Don't get in trouble. Okay, I'm leaving."

Diak looked like a discouraged ball, and was clamped by the four kings of Magnum to return to the restaurant. Chu Xiang quietly said to He Yaohui: "You see, I guess it's not bad. It would be too disappointing if the Flying Man couldn't even do this little thing. Besides, that Diak clearly showed interest in our trading. This time, his face was enough for him. "

He Yaohui said: "The Flying Man also knows how to borrow money, otherwise he can't beat Diak by his own strength, and it will be him who will sweep the floor."

The next thing is simple ~ ~ Diak no longer has a temper, but Chu Xiang did not treat him too much, still exchanged for the price of five thousand "lost" lost coins per woman, and took seven Wan ’s lost coin Diak was both angry and secretly left. He was angry that he was threatened by the Almighty King and Flying Man. What ’s cool is that he did n’t intend to give the female slave to the city owner. Now he finally got his wish. Income is several times higher than budget, not high

Xing is false.

The Flying Man cursed towards Diak's back: "It's cheaper, Captain Chu shouldn't have paid such a high price. One person gave him a lot of one hundred and made him **** **** before the hard."

Chu Xiang said: "We must not bully the bully, lest you be disturbed by the city owner to" disorder "the law and order. You have done a good job of this matter, and the great assistance of the Almighty King and others is also very good. Coin flower, if there is another team to bring back female slaves, you also use this price to redeem, I will give another reward at that time. "

Almighty King, Spider, and Transformer Steel thought they heard it wrong, but wanted to offer a diligent opportunity to unlock their encounter with Chu Xiang and others. I did not expect that this small favor would be exchanged for 100,000 lost fans. 100,000 people! Make a big profit, no wonder after the beetle and the flying hero fart fart fart and others butt, who does not do good and safe things! I was too concerned about gains and losses, and I want to eat a fat, and then they conflict with them, now it is not worth thinking about it! Life with money and "sex" is a fool!

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