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Chapter 523: Meet old classmates

[523] Meet old classmates

"Leave a leave?" Black Dog's face was serious. "Now I'm the captain. I'll take care of the maintenance team. What do you think a little electric welder compares to me? There was such a big accident today, and no one should think about it. Go out. "

Chu Xiang gently grasped the black dog's wrist and said, "Is it? I have nothing to compare with you, but I love my life and don't know if you are?" ... I don't mind sending you to Xitian to see the Buddha God."

Chu Xiang lowered his voice and aggravated the strength of his hands. The black dog's wrist came with acupuncture-like pain, "You, dare you threaten me?"

Chu Xiang hehe laughed: "No, I just learn from you, but also give you the captain a disappointment, if you know everything is easy to do, if you still insist on seeing, I think your good days are really over."

The black dog "touched" and "touched" the neck, and the traces of the metal collar were on it. He knew that Chu Xiang's power was amazing. If Chu Xiang wanted to pinch his wrist, he could say it was effortless, although he said that he was behind him. A few brothers, but these people are probably not enough for Chu Xiang to fight, the black dog knows that he can't hold back his opponents by his captain's identity.

Three minutes later, Chu Xiang came back with a piece of label paper. There was a crooked signature on the black dog, and he waved proudly at the monkey. The monkey said, "Boss, you are really amazing. I think you have great power. The black dog was yesterday. I'm afraid of you. In the future, his captain wants to continue to be honest and obedient, otherwise he will suffer. "

When Chu Xiang saw the monkey going with him, he said, "Well, you stay, this time you can't go, I have a private matter to do."

Although the monkey was reluctant, Chu Xiang said that he had to do the same. Chu Xiang took the signature and entered the duty room. The pair of fat men and women actually counted the coins. Yes, they counted the coins. The currency issued by the Antarctic base looked like Today is payday, and their faces are filled with laughter, but the words of conversation still reveal the meaning of not spending enough money.

Chu Xiang was considering whether to use strong or soft to fix the two. Seeing the expressions of the two, he knew that he had found a weakness. Chu Xiang grabbed a piece of waste at the door and took it to his desk. Ex: "I want to ask for leave."

The fat man hurriedly swept the coin into his drawer and said, "Without this rule, go to rest honestly, and go to work tomorrow. The workers will be replenished tonight. The work of our maintenance department cannot be delayed for a day."

Chu Xiang put the black dog's leave note on the table: "Our captain has agreed."

The fat man picked it up and looked at it, "" Shoot ", the black dog is not human. Why did he do such a stupid thing!"

The fat Japanese woman coughed suddenly, and the fat man looked up to see her. At this time, he noticed that there was a pile of things on the table, which seemed to be exactly the same as the coins he just scanned into the drawer. The fat man thought he had leaked, and opened the drawer and looked carefully. Look, it's definitely not your own. Besides, the number of coins in that pile is fast to catch up with him and the fat woman opposite!

The fat woman blinked at the fat man and said, "The leave is reasonably stipulated above, and I think he should sign it. Besides, the matter was approved by Captain Black Dog, we are only responsible for reviewing it."

The fat man's face "colored" and hesitated: "Yes, I'll stamp it for you, but remember to come back to work early in the morning, otherwise we will have a hard time doing it. Everyone is eating and drinking, and we must be considerate of each other. "

Chu Xiang shook the black metal bracelet on his wrist and said, "Don't I come back, do you have this thing in charge?"

The fat woman smiled heartily, in fact, how could she know that the bracelet had already been broken and broken, would Chu Xiang's ability to control the metal be restricted by it? Otherwise, wouldn't he teleport back to base zero to cause the bracelet to explode?

With the document, Chu Xiang blatantly left the maintenance department, probably because of the light leak tonight

The light was much weaker, and Chu Xiang had no intention of observing the scenery on the street. He went straight to the ancient "confused" bar. People heard the noise of a fight inside before he reached the bar. Chu Xiang hurriedly pushed in. I saw a mess in the bar, dozens of people scuffled on the dance floor, Chu Xiang didn't understand the situation and was not convenient to shoot, he could only look around to find his classmate Guan Shan.

boom! Suddenly a shot rang, and the people who were fighting hard stopped. Everyone was afraid of being "shot" by the bullets. They were looking for the shooter and preparing to stay away. Chu Xiang was originally a bystander. Of course, he saw the shot earlier than others. Man is a young man in a gray suit. The arrogance of this man is by no means comparable to those survivors living in dove cages. Just looking at the brand newness of his suit, he knows that he has an extraordinary history.

"Where is Guanshan? Get out and talk to me!" The young man snorted his gun into his waist.

A waiter climbed up from the ground and said, "Our boss has gone out to buy goods, who are you? Is it too mean to bring someone to smash us? We haven't paid a small fee, and can't we guarantee legal business? . "

The young man said, "I care if you are operating legally, he won't take my woman! If he doesn't hand over people, I will burn the fire here!"

The young man dropped the harsh words and turned and walked outwards. It seemed that nothing could be found for the Lord. Chu Xiang shrank to the corner and found a good chair to sit down. Under the premise of not knowing the situation, Fortunately, don't "chaos".

"Eh! Hurry! Otherwise your parents wo n’t recognize you!" A waiter got up from the ground and scolded him fiercely. This guy was born in the world as a bitch, and he did n’t consider the consequences. He was beaten up just now. Seeing the other party withdraw, he couldn't help but scold the last two sentences to vent his grievances, but didn't know that the conflict had intensified again.

The face of the young man in a suit turned red, and he shouted, "Burn me the bar! I'll take it if something happens!"

Among the people who came with the young man, a barrel of "liquid" was proposed. In the splash bar, the smell was not gasoline, but it was very pungent and volatile. It was probably very flammable. Hey, one with long hair Man stroking a homemade simple match and throwing a "liquid" body on the ground, the waiter in the ancient "confused" bar did not expect these people to be so bold, knowing that the fire in the base was a big mistake, and this is still the case Such a arrogant fire! The waiter who had just released the cruel words squatted on the ground with a scared butt, far worse than others.

"Huh?" The match ’s "liquid" body extinguished on the ground, and everyone who thought it was a big fire was unsuited by this result, as if the usual habituality did not appear, which made people very uncomfortable. The young man glared at the man who threw the matches, blaming him for not doing well, not even the trivial matter of igniting.

The man took out a match and ignited four or five at a time, and then sprinkled it on the ground. This time, you ca n’t hold it. The match fell off the ground for a while, but those "liquid" bodies were never ignited. Some people noticed that it was wrong, and they changed their hands and touched the "liquid" body on the ground. "Boss, something is wrong, it's frozen."

The man in the suit was called the boss. He squatted and rubbed his fingers with "confusion". Sure enough, the "liquid" body on the ground was not flowing, but it was already in a state of strength! It would be strange if this level can be ignited!

The man in the suit did not doubt the other, but on the man who kicked back and splashed with "liquid" body: "d, let you do something good, what do you see as a mess? Putting some garbage to deal with is not pure Does my heart lose my face? Get out! Get out! "

It seems that today ’s affairs are about to end here. Chu Xiang put his heart down, and when he saw Guan Shan, he asked the reason carefully, and listening to the man in the suit, it was estimated that it was another war of sorrow and evil, but he did n’t know that Guan Shan liked it Which woman did you dare to provoke such an arrogant master? If you didn't do it yourself, it is estimated that this ancient "confused" bar became a fire.


After the person left, the waiter began to pack the smashed "messy" thing, but Guanshan came out from behind the bar after ten minutes. It is estimated that there are special facilities underground. Just now the fat man was hiding inside to avoid disaster. Chu Xiang stood up to meet him , Patted Guan Shan's shoulder and said, "How did your boy do it, grab a woman from someone?"

Guan Shan was shocked. For a man with a head and a face, he could panic like this, and the strength of his opponent would be known. Guan Shan did not see Xiang Xiang clearly. He was shot with his shoulder and almost jumped out. "Fuck, the original It ’s you, how did it come out? Today I heard that the maintenance department had an accident. I was going to see you. Who knows what happened. ”

Chu Xiang said: "That person is very dragging, what's the origin?"

Guan Shandao: "Just look at him, you know, Yankee, the son of the No. 3 character at this base, we can't afford to mess around."

Chu Xiang said: "Since you know you can't afford it, you still rob a woman with someone?"

Guan Shan pulled Chu Xiang and said, "Go, take you to see someone."

At this time, Guan Shan still had an introductory person to know Chu Xiang. Presumably it was the woman who snatched it. Chu Xiang followed Guan Shan and entered the bar. It turned out that there was a short door on the ground. It was messy to enter through this door. Warehouse, the warehouse looks nothing special, and there is no one in it, but Guan Shan smashed something twice, and then the ground cracked a gap, there was a short staircase inside, and there was a faint light leaking out. It seems this It's Guanshan's Golden House.

The basement is actually a metal wall, but under the ground level of the Antarctic base, if Chu Xiang is right, there is still a lower part of this hemispherical base, but the underground part is not open to civilians, or it may be a power chamber. Or a place like a warehouse.

Guan Shan gestured please: "Come and see who she is?"

At this moment the stairs had reached the end, a small room less than six square meters appeared in front of him, a bed, a small bedside table, and nothing else, of course, there was a woman sitting next to the bed. Chu Xiang was surprised and said, "Xu Shumei? Read it wrong "

Guan Shan proudly said at this time: "Should I rob this guy and that guy?"

Chu Xiang stepped forward and held Xu Shumei's hand and laughed, "Sure, why didn't you tell me yesterday? I'm afraid I'll take her away."

Xu Shumei knew about Chu Xiang's existence long ago, so it didn't surprise him to see him. She held Chu Xiang's hand and smiled, "Chu Xiang, when did you become so skinny, it seems like you weren't so outgoing when you read? Hehe, in fact, you are fake and honest, you have enough skin when chasing recipes, how about you two ... "

Speaking of this, Xu Shumei seems to remember that it is the end of the world. Things like her and Guan Shan who can meet Antarctic bases are rare. Many people at Chu Xiang and Fang Su University said that there was no result. Later, they listened. It is said that Fang Su also took the flight attendant test, it is estimated that the two will not be able to meet again.

Chu Xiang said: "Don't talk about me, what's the matter with you, are you going to live in this birdcage for a lifetime?"

Guan Shandao: "Yeah, otherwise, what else can you do to hide for a day, or Shumei, you can find Zhang Zhi again? Let him help with the line, maybe there is room for easing, and at the same time let Zhang Zhi Help me talk about transferring Chu Xiang out of the maintenance department, and return him free, let him come to our bar to help us, we can also be together every day. "

Xu Shumei said: "You do n’t know Zhang Zhi yet? If he knows that I am hiding from you, he will probably be the first to report to Conns. Now it ’s just the wind that has made your bar like this. Right. "

Guan Shan patted his head and said distressedly, "What should I do? Can it be dragged down indefinitely like this? Would the bar be open and not make any money? Let's drink the northwest wind. I promised Chu Xiang to help him."

Chu Xiang could not think of a reasonable method for a while, but waited for him to control

It ’s okay to control the Antarctic Base, so Chu Xiang advised the duo: “Okay, do n’t worry, there must be a road to the mountain. Let ’s drag it for a few days before talking. As for me, I ’m not in a hurry. Today ’s I have escaped from the big accident. What other storms can't get through? By the way, do you have dinner? I brought some delicious food here. Our old classmates are reunited. Please be happy today and keep drunk. "

Chu Xiang threw the bag on his back to the bed. It was the food he had prepared in advance. He originally planned to come to Guanshan and enjoy it. By the way, he could "touch" the way to enter the Antarctic Mansion. No. 3's son came to Xu Shumei. It was so noisy that he couldn't eat in the bar. It happened that these things were too scary.

Xu Shumei is actually a beautiful woman. You can't say that the country is "color" Tianxiangba, but the charm of mature women is full of wonders. No wonder Conns looks for her everywhere, but Xu Shumei can attract Guan Shan without causing Chu Xiang any thoughts. It may be high school. It is known that Guan Shan likes her, and Xu Shumei, who is in the pursuit of Fang Su at Chuxiang University, knows that such a familiar relationship cannot naturally produce other ideas, that is, the intimacy of old classmates and friends, and has not experienced the "chaos" of the last days People do n’t realize that precious feeling. Besides, Guan Shan was extremely enthusiastic about Chu Xiang yesterday. He did n’t look down on him because he had no foundation at first, and he tried to help Chu Xiang leave the maintenance department. If you don't, then your mind is enough.

Guan Shan opened Chu Xiang's bag, and his face was startled: "God, I'm dazzled. Last night you made two bottles of good wine that I can't accept. What's going on here? What is the price of food? "

Xu Shumei didn't understand why Guan Shan had this expression. She pulled over the backpack in Guan Shan's hands, and her face also showed the same expression. "Canned luncheon meat, compressed biscuits, self-heating rice, white wine, gosh, this is Where did you get it, even the top of the base may not have these things. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "I'm going to be magic, it's all made out of rubbish."

Xu Shumei swallowed her mouth and said, "I also want to eat garbage, so please be generous and give me these things."

Chu Xiang spread his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. I don't want to let the old students have this food?"

Xu Shumei was a little unbelievable. She poured out the contents of the bag and mixed it with two bottles of white wine and a few packets of pickles. Looking at the packaging above, it was a fine product, because the army-specific logo was printed on it, which was not for civilian use. The food can be compared, especially the taste of luncheon meat. Xu Shumei and Guan Shan, who eat marine life every day, can't help but drain the water.

Guan Shan was going to open the can, but Xu Shumei stopped him and said, "Don't worry, these things can be of great use."

Guan Shan is not stupid, saying: "You mean to use these things to open up relationships?"

Xu Shumei said: "If Chu Xiangshe's, these things are enough to arouse their interest, as long as they no longer embarrass the ancient" confused "Aberdeen bar, our purpose will be achieved, and this matter can be left to Zhang Zhilai to match, his kind of person Just do something good. "

Chu Xiang "touched" two boxes of Yuxi flue from his pocket: "There is still something here. Take it together. I think men will like it, but after the expiration date, the taste will probably be a little bit wrong. come out."

Guan Shan straightly grabbed two packs of cigarettes, "Oh my god, my eyes aren't bad, really Yuxi smoke, brother, how much magic do you have, how can I look at this magic is terrible, if a pile of food comes out, The Antarctic base is yours. "

Chu Xiang said: "It's a pity that these can only be changed, so I can't stand alone."

Xu Shumei's enthusiasm passed, and she thought for a while: "No, these foods are extremely precious. We just took them too much from Chu Xiang. What's the difference from Conns and others?"

Guan Shan's face was red and he said, "Yeah, Chu Xiang, you hold these things

Any leader in the building can be changed to a free body. We are too selfish and excessive. "

Chu Xiang said: "Do you still treat me as a classmate?"

Guan Shandao: "What you said, of course it is, otherwise I dare to lead you down?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yesterday I was worthless. You helped me to attract Chacos, David and others. I also tried to find a way to help me move away from the maintenance department. Is it because you brought me some food today, and you won't take me? Be a classmate? "

Guan Shan was very touched and patted Chu Xiang's shoulder and said, "Good brother, it's interesting, I've got the feeling. If I say anything else, it will be obvious to me. In the future, we will be blessed to share! Mine is yours, and my wife doesn't count. "

Xu Shumei gave Guan Shan a glance, and Chu Xiang grinned, "Even if you are willing, I do n’t dare, do n’t worry about this, let alone I have my own thoughts. Can I call it out if I have a good relationship, this? It ’s for your own sake. ”

Guan Shandao: "Yes, we are for the same goal. I will go to Zhang Zhi sooner or later, and I will go to Zhang Zhi and let him send things up."

Chu Xiang said: "I'll go with you."

Guan Shandao: "Yeah, it's easy to tell Zhang Zhi about your work. Shumei stays here, and we will come back to inform you as soon as there is news."

Chu Xiangzhong put the food in his backpack. After thinking about it, he still kept two boxes of canned food. The so-called things are rare and expensive, but there are more things and they don't necessarily show value. Everything is interesting. Guan Shan climbed into the secret room and closed the secret door. The two got out of the bar and went straight to the Antarctic Building.

There were people to check when there were still two streets from the Antarctic Building, but Guanshan was very popular near here, just simply asked and let go. After all, the grudges between him and Conns were not put on the table, but they arrived at the Antarctic Building. You ca n’t enter without a pass at the door. Besides, it ’s off-hours from the point of time. It ’s not easy to let people in. If you make a hard break, who knows how much “commotion” and “chaos” will happen. The guards are not vegetarian.

Chu Xiang asked: "What to do? Is Zhang Zhi living in the building? We can't get in."

Guan Shan patted his head again and said, "Look at me and know that I have to enter the building after work. There is a good friend outside that guy. She usually stays at home at night, and we go directly to him."

Chu Xiang and Guan Shan found Zhang Zhi in a clothing store. He was young and handsome in a formal dress and really looked like a white-collar worker. His looks were not bad, but he was too envious. Chu Xiang was too lazy to look at her. To be honest, Chu Xiang was right. Zhang Zhi, an alumnus, had no impression at all, but what Chu Xiang did not expect was that Zhang Zhi even recognized Chu Xiang at once, "Are you Chu Xiang?"

Chu Xiang was surprised: "Yeah, I didn't expect you to remember me."

Guan Shan whispered: "Zhi is a noble person who never forgets things, which shows how old your classmates are."

Zhang Zhi did not show affection, and said to Chu Xiang: "Many people at the school knew that Toad wanted to eat swan meat. I don't know you, but the swan flew away. You are so embarrassed that you have been tangled for so long. ridiculous."

Zhang Zhi's words were a bit unacceptable, and Guan Shan's face was also awkward, but Chu Xiang said inadvertently: "Yeah, at that time, young and ignorant, it was ridiculous to think about it now."

Zhang Zhi was very satisfied with the tolerance shown by Chu Xiang. He held his hands and shoulders leisurely and said, "Guan Shan, let me have something to say. If it's because of Xu Shumei, you can dispel the thoughts. What is Conns's character? It was no good to fight him, so I handed in Xu Shumei, and I said a few good words before Conns.

Guan Shandao: "Zhi, in fact, I didn't want to fight him. I just wanted him to let Shu Mei go. See you and Shu Mei as a classmate. Could you please help me to stop them?

? "

Chu Xiang could see that Guan Shanken was so low and down four times that he showed how much he loves Xu Shumei ~ ~ It is no wonder that his temper is not high at this moment, but Zhang Zhi was asked, and he had to bear it now.

Chu Xiang did n’t talk nonsense with Zhang Zhi. He slammed his backpack down on the table. Zhang Zhi, who had been ignoring one side, had his eyes lit up, and the good friend who hid in the back room heard the sound running out. Throw it on the table like a smelly cat.

"Oh my god, where did you get the best, Guanshan has you!"

Chu Xiang said: "You take some of these things for a relationship, our only requirement is to let Conns give up Xu Shumei!"

Zhang Zhi said quietly: "No problem, no problem, I'll go find someone to clear up the relationship."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, I'll go with you." Of course, Chu Xiang has his own plans. Zhang Zhi is likely to find someone to enter the Antarctic Building so he can mix in.

Guan Shan "plugged in" and said: "There is another requirement to help Chu Xiang transfer his work so that he does not stay in the maintenance department."

Zhang Zhi, holding a bottle of white wine, said with dementia, "No problem."

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