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Chapter 530: Initial rise of power

[530] Preliminary Rising Power

"Stop!" Chen Xiuying sighed and ran over to grab the whip in the Russian woman's hand. Although neither of them could understand what the woman said, her actions had shown that the man was an enemy.

"Who are you?" Russian women can speak English. In this mixed ethnic Antarctic base, English is still the common language. After asking this, Russian women just pushed Chen Xiuying backwards, and their strength was different. It's too big.

Chu Xiang hurried to help Chen Xiuying, Chen Xiuying eagerly said, "Why hit my brother?"

The Russian woman proudly said, "He is my worker, and I treat it as I want. Do you care?"

At this time, Chen Duo, who was covered in blood, also recognized Chen Xiuying. He cried in aggrieved cry: "Sister ..."

Chen Xiuying said: "Brother, don't be afraid, my sister is here to save you, my sister will not let others bully you."

The Russian woman raised her whip in her hand: "Do you have this ability?"

Before Chen Xiuying asked for help, Chu Xiang acted. He threw out a bunch of Antarctic coins, and then said to the Russian woman, "I bought this person, and the price is whatever you want."

The Russian woman apparently did not see that Chu Xiang was a rich man. She stared at the Antarctic coin on the ground for a few seconds. "I do n’t see that there is still a rich man. I can meet your requirements, and I will pay 10,000 Antarctic coins. Take away, save me the trouble of staying here. "

Chen Xiuying was taken aback: "You, you're grabbing! Ten thousand Antarctica coins? You can buy thousands of workers back!"

The Russian woman sneered scornfully: "You don't have to buy it if you think it's expensive. I haven't worked hard to accompany you. Today, I'm sorry I'm not beaten up and flirted, get away! My whip doesn't have long eyes."

Although Chen Xiuying was very angry, she knew that this woman's handyman office must have a backer. She didn't know what to do. She could only look at Chu Xiang with her praying eyes. Chu Xiang laughed: "Not expensive, you wait here I ’ll go get the money and let the people down and wash them first. I do n’t want to get a **** person back. How can you be worthy of my 10,000 Antarctic coins? ”

The Russian woman smiled at Chu Xiang: "It's still up to you, okay, I believe you, get the money, I'll let go."

Chen Xiuying pulled Chu Xiang anxiously: "Where can we find 10,000 Antarctic coins? She is in danger!"

Chu Xiang told Chen Xiuying: "You don't need to worry about that. Since we can take you down with 70,000 Antarctic Coins, then what is your brother's 10,000 Antarctic Coins worth? Don't worry about it. It can be solved with money. It wo n’t be complicated, it ’s easier than asking the big officials to plead. Wait, I ’ll go and do n’t let her bully your brother again. ”

Chu Xiang came out of the handyman's office to find some scraps of material after the pigeon cage, and then found a broken suitcase in the trash bin, and tied it with iron wire, stuffed the Antarctic coin inside, and carried it back. In the basement, Chen Duo had been put down at this time. Chen Xiuying was carefully wiping his wounds, while the Russian woman looked at it leisurely. She was not afraid that Chu Xiang would lie to her, because if she did, she would regret the three. The world.

Chu Xiang handed the suitcase over, "Just a little, you will not be responsible after going out."

The Russian woman's eyes were straight when she saw a box of Antarctic coins. How many high-end items can be bought in this box. If she sells a handyman every day, I am afraid she will become a wealthy person in the Antarctic base. It's worth taking dozens of Antarctic coins to the civilian area to buy two back and make up the number. This risk is worth taking.

Grab a handful of Antarctic coins and take a closer look. The Russian woman said to Chu Xiang: "It's the real thing, and the number doesn't matter. I also recognize it if it is a few hundred dollars behind.

We also cooperate. "

Chu Xiang said: "Destroy Chen Duo's materials, otherwise this box of money will not be yours."

The Russian woman laughed and said, "You don't have to worry about this. I can just find a reason for dying from ill health. I dare not vouch for it elsewhere, but the handyman department is my world."

Chu Xiang wo n’t believe her easily. She saw Chen Duo ’s information on the woman ’s computer before she was discontinued. It was only then that Chu Xiang knew the woman ’s background. She turned out to be the director of the handyman ’s office and the Antarctic base. An uncommon female official, and the reason why she can get better is to sell her body in exchange for it. In fact, the Antarctic base is not a rare thing at all, but it is too ordinary and no one cares about it.

Chen Duo had some difficulty walking, Chu Xiang was carrying him back to the ancient "Chasing" Tsai Bar. At this time, the captain and members of the hunting tribe had also come to the ancient "Chasing" Tsai Bar, and Guan Shan had already waited. Came out of the back room to greet the guests. I heard that this group of people came to Chu Xiang. He did not dare to neglect. Although he said that Chu Xiang was his high school classmate, it was obvious that he was different from the previous Chu Xiang. There is blessing, but you can't look at the problem with the previous attitude.

Chen Duo ’s arrival kept the bar busy for “chaos” for a while. After all, his wound was just dealt with briefly. Now it is safe for Chen Xiuying to clean up the wound for him. The four bunny girls sleeping on the floor also came down to help, and Chu Xiang gave them a bag of fruit to let them take care of peeling and cleaning.

Soon the bar was quiet. Chen Duo, who applied some simple "medicine", went to rest on the second floor. Chen Xiuying went up to accompany him. Guan Shan went to the kitchen to prepare meals. Guan Xiangju ’s colleagues from Chu Xiang were good, and Chu Xiang took I want to keep them out for food. Although the bar is not short of money, but the Antarctic base has money and ca n’t buy food from the former world. In addition to a few common seafood, only this kind of image that Chu Xianggang just came out with Potato stuff.

It did n’t take long for the meals to be properly prepared. Due to the large number of people and Guan Shan considering that Chu Xiang probably had something to say to his co-workers, he arranged the four bunny girls for a separate table. Chen Xiuying took the meals to the second floor to accompany Chen. Duo eats, Chu Xiang bites his teeth and takes out three bottles of white wine. When the team members smell the wine, everyone has a big mouth that can be stuffed into a fist.

"Is this real wine? Isn't it alcohol and water?" Someone asked first. I'm afraid that only one or two bottles of high-end products can be found in the Antarctic base. People like them who have gone into the Antarctica have entered the Antarctic. The base never thought about it!

Sean asked the human who asked the question: "Can't you smell mellow, this is by no means alcohol! My god, I don't think I will ever smell real wine again in this life, Chu Xiang, you are too surprised. Are these for us to drink? "

Chu Xiang pushed the wine bottle forward: "Yeah, not much. There are only three bottles. I drank it and drank it. But today's rice tube is enough. It is a high-starch fruit, similar to potatoes. I hope everyone can eat it. the taste of."

Some people can't help but taste a life fruit first, because they add salt and simple seasonings from the ocean, so the unpleasant taste can hardly be smelled, and it feels like eating and potatoes Similarly, this makes the appetite of people who are accustomed to eating fishy foods, and each of them will dry a bowl of cooked life fruit before drinking.

Soon, most of the three bottles of wine dried up. This was a real measure, not a fake wine diluted with water. Although everyone in the world at the table had more than half a catty in the world, after all, he had n’t drank the real wine for more than two years. Therefore, the immunity of alcohol is extremely reduced, and the tongue is involuntarily enlarged. Some of the words that I was embarrassed to ask are also naturally spoken. Every question is about Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang treats everyone with the questions they have in mind. "You, I know you have a lot of questions to understand, but this is not the time, you just need to know that I am not malicious to you."

> Mo Baozhen said: "Do you still need to say, we all remember how good you are to us. If you don't have you, we don't know how many people will die in these two days. Now we have not only got bonuses, but also work is easy and safe. a lot of."

Chu Xiang said: "I ask you first, do you intend to spend your whole life in Antarctic base like this?"

The captain sighed: "What else? Fishing is a very dangerous thing. Maybe we won't be able to return to the water today. We dare not, nor can we have any ideals. Even if there is, we pray for God to open our eyes and bless us. The day's work was smooth and smooth, so you could live another day. "

Chu Xiang pinched a life fruit: "This thing is planted in the outside world. In fact, the human body already has the ability to resist t virus. There is no need to hide in an ghost place like Antarctica. The terminator in China has already It has been wiped out, and the world is setting off a high tide against the aggression of the Terminator. As long as we succeed, we will not have to live underwater and live a life that is not like a ghost or a ghost. "

Many people, including Guan Shannyi, were surprised. "Ah, so many things have happened outside? We don't know anything about it. It would be great if we could defeat the zombies and the Terminator and recapture the earth. We should find a way to return Go to the ground and return to your country. "

Everyone talked a lot, but Chu Xiang stopped talking, until everyone realized that it was impossible to return to the ground. Someone was disappointed and drank another glass of wine. Chu Xiang said at this time: "I think everyone is like me I do n’t want to live a life that is not as good as pigs and dogs. Maybe you worry that the high-level base will not give up the base and will not take the initiative to dissolve the base, but I can tell you that those high-level people are only a few, as long as we are united. , The power will definitely be greater than those people, and then they will have to respect our choice. "

Someone said: "But they have troops and weapons? We will be wiped out if we" reveal "a little resistance.

Chu Xiang laughed: "They have weapons, we can also have them. Besides, I don't believe that those who serve as soldiers are an iron plate. They must be like us, and they also yearn for freedom and sunshine. As long as everyone deliberately associates with them, tell them this truth Listen, when we take control of the Antarctic base's forces, will we be afraid that someone will object? "

The captain exchanged an eye with the team members, and the matter has been understood so far. Chu Xiang is inspiring them to rebel. If this is known to the people in the building, it is a danger of losing their heads, but in case If you succeed, you do n’t have to wear your head and trousers on your belt. Even if you ca n’t go back to the ground, at least you wo n’t have to worry about your life after you have mastered the leadership of the Antarctic base. You can live in the building like those privileged classes.

The captain coughed and said, "Chu Xiang, are you serious about this? We dare not make such a joke, and we will kill people, but it will take us two days to stabilize because of your presence. It's not worth it if you think about your own head because of "chaos".

Chu Xiang said: "Of course I am serious, do n’t you still believe in my strength? Besides, I wo n’t be stupid enough to let everyone attack the building. My purpose is simple. Let us unite and let the base know our strength Don't neglect them, let them face our requirements squarely, that is to say, we should be the masters of this base, not the slaves in the base! "

The captain questioned: "Just being together? Do those people care? They can destroy us like pinching an ant, I'm afraid they can't attract the attention of the base at all."

Chu Xiang said: "What if they are ants that can't be pinched? They will even bite them. Do you think they will take them seriously?"

The captain whispered and discussed with his team members for a while, then he asked Chu Xiang: "Will you continue to work tomorrow?"

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Yes."

The captain said with satisfaction: "Okay, as long as you don't throw

We will follow you behind you, and we do n’t care what we do, because we think you are more sober and farsighted than us in this respect. "

Chu Xiang is very satisfied with the result of today ’s meal. In fact, he did not expect to make these people into a vanguard against the ruling class of the Antarctic base. This is only the first mass of forces that he has cultivated. Do n’t underestimate the mass of the forces. The countryside surrounds the city. It can still be successful. Without these people, the Antarctic base cannot be operated. Even if Pete promises that the United States representative will not achieve any conditions in time, this is also the curve to save the country on the premise of not being connected to Pete. Of course, only these dozen people It's not enough, but it's a good start.

After lunch, Guan Shan ran to the talent market to hire people. Chu Xiang told him that he must be of good quality, rather than overrun. Do n’t engage people who eat and eat outside into the ancient “confusion” bar. After all, this place must be Chu Xiang ’s. Base Camp, if the secret is leaked to the outside and the preparation work is not completed, Chu Xiang will add chaos.

The Antarctic base has no day or night. The day and night in people ’s brains is measured by the working hours of Anzhao Antarctic Building. After four o’clock in the evening, the ancient “confused” bar began to come to guests, because yesterday ’s mushroom wine was all consumed. Now, the wine cannot be brewed in a short day, and Chu Xiang will take out a few vats from the alcohol brought by base zero.

I ’m used to Chu Xiang's inexplicably getting supplies to Guanshan. Although the captain of the third hunting team at the lunch table also asked this question, Chu Xiang did not give a reply. Some things should not be known to too many people, even if these people have already To develop into their own members, once they cannot guarantee that they are not leaked at all, and secondly, maintaining some mystery before their subordinates will have the effect of doing more with less, and it is easy for these people to die.

The wine was sold in a glass, and the ancient "confused" bar began to be noisy, even worse than last night. Guanshan bought eight women again in the afternoon. Although the quality is far worse than the previous batch, it is okay to pack and treat as a hospitality. In addition, the charm of a woman sometimes does not necessarily depend on her face, but the development of temperament is a long-term The process sometimes requires professional guidance, so how can girls on the talent market compare with women trained by professors who specialize in literature and art from the personnel department, especially women like Chen Xiuying who have received special training in the world before? .

Before seven o'clock, some people quarreled and let Chen Xiuying come out to sing. There were repeat customers who had seen Fang Rong last night, as well as guests who came here. However, Chen Xiuying just reunited with his brother today. Sing it.

"I said, we'll smash your bar if we don't let that" sao "girl come out to see you!" Some people started to rant.

Guan Shan is not a timid person, and with Chu Xiang's support behind him, he is not afraid of these jumbled guests. "D, which onion do you count, Chen Xiuying can't come out and sing, I'll let it go!"

The man who speaks wildly is an Indonesian. He leaped onto the table and kicked someone's glass with a kick: "Fuck, I won't hit your bar today and I will walk backwards!"

Chu Xiang stepped forward without a touch of color, and then grabbed the Indonesian who was jumping and jumping on the table, then threw his hand and threw it out. The guy was motionless and allowed himself to roll a few times on the ground. When he got up and left slumped, it was not that he didn't want to resist, but that he had no room for resistance after being caught by Chu Xiang, even with his mouth open and cursing. At this time, he knew that he had run into a clue, no wonder someone outside It is rumored that Fujiwara came back without fruit. It seems that this fat man is really capable, and a juggling bodyguard has this ability.

After the guy who took the lead in the trouble was thrown out, the bar became much quieter, and everyone turned their attention to the bunny girl. Although the eight recruited were not trained and the clothes were not uniform, this did not hinder the alcoholic hunting. After Chu Xiang dealt with the troublemaker, he returned to the corner, and Guan Shan approached him without notice.

"Just because that guy still wants us to make trouble here? I think he's just a fool to be a fledgling bird. You can see how detailed it is now. No one dares to find it again.

Unhappy, or the guy just now is an example. "

Chu Xiang reminded Guan Shandao: "It's not easy to come here tonight. There are several evolutionaries. Don't take care."

Guan Shan carefully looked at the people in the bar: "Evolution? Where is it? What are they doing here?"

Chu Xiang said: "People like them should not leave the building normally, and now they have no plans to come to the bar to show their respect. Since the other party doesn't make a shot, let's wait for the development of the thing. Remember that I am your bodyguard. You have to say hello to me before I can make a shot. I'm too proactive and will attract attention. Once you put me in the clear, our advantage will be lost. "

Guan Shan nodded: "Understand, Chu Xiang, you first give me the bottom, you can fight these evolutionists, otherwise I am not at ease, you know that they will also become magic like you, and people There are many more. Would you like to greet all your co-workers? One more person will give you more strength, and we will not be too defeated by then. "

Chu Xiang said: "Return your heart to your stomach, these people are not strong."

Guan Shandao: "That's good. I don't think anyone at the Antarctic base can beat you. I'll say hello to the guests."

There are five people identified by Chu Xiang as evolutionaries. They are clearly divided into two factions, holding the corners on both sides. After entering, these people do not say anything. They only drink silently, and Chu Xiang will not. I think they came for these alcohols. They have offended many people in the past two days, maybe revenge has come.

"Boss!" Suddenly the two evolvers in one corner sang loudly, Guan Shan drilled out of the bar and ran to the front, "What's the matter?"

One evolutionist said: "Buy wine."

Guan Shanlian's "color" is a bit displeasing. Buying wine should greet the twelve waitresses. It would be a bit of a contempt to have his big boss serve the wine himself, but the evolutionist threw a bag of Antarctic coins to the table. In terms of quantity, it is estimated that there are about seven or eight hundred, "how much can be bought."

Guan Shanlian's "color" changed, and said, "I'm sorry sir, our wine here is limited to our store consumption, and the packaging business is not yet done." Just kidding, if all these Antarctic coins were replaced with wine, then other people would not have to tonight Drink, isn't this a smashing deal?

Guanshan really got it right. The two people were going to hit the ground and heard Guanshan say not to sell, an evolutionist was on fire, wow, and overturned the cups and plates on the table! Then I patted the metal table with one palm, and that table deformed immediately. You must know that the table top is a metal plate with a thickness of nearly three centimeters. Lift up the collar of Guanshan, "Hey, how big a breath, we have to do business if we don't do it!"

Guan Shan was a little panicked at first, but he immediately realized that this was the evolutionary that Chu Xiang said was going to make a mess, thinking that Chu Xiang's mysterious power Guan Shan was immediately calmed down, although he was trapped in the air, but his **** In "color", there was contempt, "boy, please put me down, otherwise you will be out of luck."

There has been a hostess who turned off the music here. Everyone's eyes are on here, and everyone is not blind. At a glance, it is clear that Guan Shan has provoked the evolutionist. However, seeing Guan Shan so calm, some people couldn't help thinking. No wonder people dare to fight against Fujikawa. It turns out that even the evolutionists are not afraid.

"Look who his bad luck is!" The evolutionist raised his palm, slap his face towards Guanshan.

Pop, a loud and crisp sound, everyone could not help but sigh, the strength of this fat man is still a little bit worse, and the evolutionist is right, isn't that obviously trying to die? However, everyone immediately noticed that something was wrong. Guan Fat was standing on the ground well, and his face didn't change at all. Instead, the evolutionary who was holding him was gone, and the guy in the distance was lying on the ground again! When he struggled to get up, his face was swollen like a hoe! Apparently, the slapping sound hit his face!

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The slap-up evolutionary turned upside-down. He didn't know what happened just now, but he lost his face in front of everyone after eating such a big loss. The evolutionary was completely angry and he yelled Launch a wave of ultrasound at Guanshan.

Guan Shan knew that it was Chu Xiang ’s hand, but Chu Xiang ’s speed was so fast that ordinary people could n’t see it at all. At this moment, Chu Xiang saw that the evolutionary had launched his skills, and he pulled the one that was bent. A table top was hit by an ultrasonic wave, and the metal plate up to three centimeters thick turned into a mass of twist immediately. The strength seems to be good, but it is far worse than Zhou Muqing. Needless to say, compared with Chu Xiang, let these two people launch the ultrasonic wave. Attack, this metal plate will be shaken into powder!

At this time, another evolutionary also launched an attack, and saw that his arm suddenly stretched like dough, and then wrapped around like a rope Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang's action was immediately delayed, and the Sonic Evolutionary took the opportunity After launching a second attack, they seemed to have no chance of escape in cooperation with each other.

Chu Xiang can use the same skills to take the "life" of these two people, but he still wants to use the strength of the weapon, so that his strength can be greatly hidden, hey, the trial spear hanging on the waist shot , It instantly combined into a steel knife, just a slight cut to cut the deformed man's arm! Then Chu Xiang controlled a thick film of water, and the water film shocked by the sound wave was extremely deformed.

The arm of the metamorphosis evolutionist was cut off, and he retreated backwards. At this time, the first wave of attack of the sonic evolution was intercepted. The metamorphosis evolution was injured and distracted him. Flashing, then his throat seemed to be hit by a blunt object, alas, a spit of blood spewed out, and he just lost his voice! That ultrasound skills are gone without the vocal cords.

It was Guan Shan who came on the court, and he grabbed one person and threw it out, "Go to you, I have warned you long ago, dare I make trouble on the site, this lesson is considered light!"

Two waves of vandals were wiped out. Ordinary people in the bar did not dare to have a heart. Even the waitress who had teased the scene became cautious. At this time, there was no hiding another group of evolutionaries to find Guanshan .

"Miss Guan, our boss wants to meet you."

Guan Shan was so energetic at this moment, he looked up at the three men in front of him: "Oh, who is your boss?"

Those three are a little bit embarrassed ~ ~ Boss Guan, you'll know when you go. "

Guan Shandao: "If you let me go, I'll go. That's so shameless, don't be sold by you."

One evolutionist said: "Boss Guan has such a strong evolutionary as a bodyguard, and we dare not even sell you."

Guan Shan secretly looked at Chu Xiang next to him. He would also listen to Chu Xiang ’s opinion if he wanted to go. Chu Xiang secretly pointed his finger at the bar and made a k gesture. After all, he had no experience in this area, and Guan Shan thought for a minute. Only after understanding Chu Xiang's meaning, he said to the evolver: "What if I leave the bar safely? You also saw that there are a lot of people who make trouble, in case you lead me away and find someone to smash Am I not a big loser in the field? "

Another evolutionist said, "We will never smash your field. If you are afraid that someone will make a mess, I will show you here to ensure that there are no accidents tonight, otherwise you are asking us. "

Guan Shan is not afraid of this person lying and talking, it is very difficult for the Antarctic base to go out. Even if this person is behind the destruction, the monk cannot run the temple. "Well, I want to see your mysterious boss."

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