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Chapter 536: Steal controller

Although Pete is very old, his son is nearly thirty years old, but when he admired Xie Shanshan up close, his mouth twitched involuntarily. Xie Shanshan was indeed beautiful. Although her chest was lacking, it did not affect her. Temperament and the strong and feminine femininity on his body, but Pete just saw Chu Xiang pull Xie Shanshan behind him, he understood that Xie Shanshan was Chu Xiang's imprisonment, in case this woman destroyed him and Chu Xiang's relationship is not good, so Pete put up with it.

Xie Shanshan launched a brainwave while pouring wine slowly to Pete. Suddenly her hand shook and a few drops of wine spilled out of the glass. Xie Shanshan's face changed and the light of her eyes swept across everyone The bodyguard behind him gave a deep confusion, Chu Xiang immediately stepped forward to take Xie Shanshan's bottle, "Come, let me add wine, you go and rest."

Xie Shanshan did not reluctantly. She gave Chu Xiang the wine bottle and backed up. Chu Xiang quickly added a glass of Louis XIII to everyone in the seat. Fujikawa and Wilson could not bear the smell of the wine, and everyone took the initiative. He toasted with a sip first, and then praised it. In this case, it is not easy to drink 50 years of aging.

Xie Shanshan passed the information to Chu Xiang's brain without opening his mouth. "There are still two brain-evolving evolvers in the room, and one of them is not very strong. Just now our three-party brain-electrifying brain waves were entangled. I did not succeed."

Chu Xiang said to Xie Shanshan in his heart: "Be careful, can you find out who these two are? Which side do you belong to?"

Xie Shanshan said, "I can't detect them, the two of them. They are hiding very well, and everyone is standing so close. The time they have just met is too short. There is no way to distinguish where the brainwaves come from. Of course, they did not find me. As for which side it belongs to, it's not clear, but I guess one side is from Amanda, and the other side should be Pete. "

Chu Xiang said: "Don't act lightly for the time being. In the future, there are still many opportunities. There are too many people here today."

Xie Shanshan snorted coldly in his heart. He said, "These two people want to get their work done in front of me. I don't get the information they don't want. I will force them to show up. The tiger will not show their power and they will still be me. It ’s a sick cat, Chu Xiang, you do n’t need to worry about it. One of the two of them must have the same purpose for us. I ca n’t let him get the controller ’s hiding place, otherwise we would be passive. ”

Chu Xiang knew that Xie Shanshan's actions could not be stopped, so he asked Xie Shanshan. Zhang Jingyao was summoned to the next room through a close-range telecommunication. Zhang Jingyao would need to provide Xie Shanshan with energy support when necessary, look at the two control How capable the brain-walker is, it's unknown who will die.

After tasting the wine, Wilson said, "General Pete, I have been to the base for a long time. It ’s not too short. The situation here is very clear. It is too hard. Although I ca n’t drink Louis XIII every day, but wine and brandy. You can still drink it every day. It looks like you can only drink alcohol with water. For the consideration of tens of thousands of people in the base, you agree to move back to the United States early. "

Pete raised his glass calmly: "Come, let's take another sip. What's the anxiety of Mr. Wilson? I didn't say I wouldn't move back to the United States, just tens of thousands of people couldn't say whether to leave or not. You always give me some time. "

Fujikawa Taro said in a side. "Yes, yes, General Pete's vision is admired in the long run. It's not really a day or two to move away. After all, you also don't have the strength to bring tens of thousands of people together in the United States. Time is n’t it taken away? So General Pete has given the logistics department an increase in production. We have to make food reserves on the way back to the country. In addition, the United States has to prepare ships and fuel for us and send troops to escort, otherwise we are not France crossing the ocean, of course, it would be better if you could go in the air, but it is said that there are flying mutants everywhere in the sky, we are still cautious. "

After speaking of this, Taro Fujiwara deliberately asked Pete: "Am I talking about General Pete?"

Pitpi smiled and said without a smile: "Yeah, His Excellency Fujikawa said that I was in my heart, so I asked Representative Wilson not to worry. I want to eat bite by bite and drink bite by bite. Maybe we are finished in three months. It wo n’t be a migration task. In short, we ca n’t wait to continue drinking. ”

How could Wilson be in a hurry, but the parliament gave him time, and he would be punished if he failed to complete the task after the expiry, so Wilson had to hand in the truth. I hope that the Chinese can borrow the transmission device, so that the relocation of the Antarctic base population will not be a problem. "

"Transfer?" Pete, Tarogawa, and Amanda were all new to this thing, so they questioned it.

Wilson said: "Yeah, after the disaster, we were hit hard in the United States. But I did not expect China to take this opportunity to make a big turn in science and technology. They created a mechanical device based on the principle of transmitting evolutionaries. People or objects move from one location to another in an instant. In our United States, they have set up three such devices. Without satellite support, this is the only tool for our overseas communications, but satellite communication Xun should be able to recover soon, because China is already planning to launch two satellites. Although it will not be able to cover the entire area around the clock, it can still achieve global communication once an hour. "

Pete glanced at Chu Xiang, and then said to Wilson intentionally: "So China's current strength is better than ours in the United States? Can't we build such a device? In addition, China will not lead in this area alone. Right? Launching satellites was originally our specialty, but now the Chinese are taking the lead. "

Wilson has not heard the voice of Pete, so he still eloquently explained: "It's not the power that destroys itself. China is developing very fast. They also make sonic weapons and lightning weapons. Recent developments in laser weapons have also Very fast, but China's technology production base is too weak. The same weapon is given to the United States to make a new level of performance. So as long as we completely drive the Terminator away, we can surpass China again in less than five years. ! "

Pete smiled. The meaning contained in the smile was only clear to him. Then Peter asked Wilson, "Which country in the world can do the best job of fighting the Terminator? Mr. Wilson should not lie to me."

Wilson had wanted to tell a lie, but Pete had died. He could only honestly say: "We still have several Terminator bases in the United States, but we have accumulated the counterattack power. If we add General Pete's assistance after returning home, , Restoration of land is just around the corner! "

"What's happening in China?" Pete asked suddenly again.

Wilson looked at the Chinese present. He reluctantly said: "The Terminator in China was indeed expelled, but that was because of their luck. The Terminator did not deploy too many troops in China."

Pee specifically raised his glass, "I see. Come, let's continue drinking and stop talking about business."

Chu Xiang didn't understand what the purpose of Pete asking so much about China was to divert Wilson's attention? Or should we put pressure on Wilson? In short, these people who play politics are so insidious that it is better not to mix them up before they can figure out what they really think, otherwise it will really make people shoot. Chu Xiang also thought that Pete might give up returning to the United States and turn to China, but the idea just passed by. With Pete's desire for power, he would not even return to the United States to go to China, so his power would be Disappears faster.

The music was wide open, several women danced, and Louis XIII drank quickly, but there were other wines, and Chu Xiang didn't care about the consumption. As long as he could get the news of the controller, this evening is to make the rich man's club It's worth drinking all the wine.

You have a cup and a cup. Everyone is more relaxed by talking about wine. Most of them talk about the body of the dancing and dancing women. They rarely mention the relocation of the Antarctic base. After all, this is the focus of Pete's fight with Wilson. When mentioning this was really disappointing, Chu Xiang handed over the toast on the field to Guanshan, who then rushed to it. He and Xie Shanshan stood next to Guanshan and acted as bodyguards.

Xie Shanshan kept silent, Chu Xiang was a little worried, but did not dare to disturb her. At this time, the sound of music was getting more and more urgent. An American man standing behind Wilson moved, Chu Xiang knew most of that person It is a brain-controlling evolutionary. Xie Shanshan has found him out. At this moment, the two are probably fighting. With Xie Shanshan's strength and the help of Zhang Jingyao, if it is an open duel, this American man would have died dozens of years ago. Back, but in order not to let Pete be suspicious, Xie Shanshan also has to guard against another brain-controlling evolutionary, so it is only now that he has found the target.

The American man was struggling to resist Xie Shanshan's invasion. At first he didn't know who was attacking him, but following the position of the attack signal for a long time, the American man began to cast doubt on Chu Xiang and Xie Shanshan. But at this time he could not speak, Xie Shanshan controlled his actions with anger.

Wilson didn't know the contest in secret, and he didn't even know that one of the bodyguards behind him was beginning to have a nosebleed. The energy of that person was quickly disappearing, but he couldn't open his mouth to warn Wilson, but even if he spoke, Wilson could do it. After all, no one sees anyone taking the shot, and this hidden contest loser can only consider himself unlucky.

Flapping, Wilson's brain-controlling evolutionist fell to the ground, almost seven tricks bleed, lying on the ground unconscious, Wilson heard the sound and looked back, startled him, actually this time he came to drink alcohol is not There is no purpose, to rely on the brain-evolving evolutionary to find Pete's hidden controller, but who knows that the results did not come out, his capable staff will be like this, has a secret contest just occurred, and the party has already lost?

Chu Xiang stepped forward and lifted the evolutionary on the ground and said to Wilson, "Your man may be too weak. I will help him to rest. It is so noisy and heavy here, maybe he is drunk."

As an evolutionary, how could it be drunk, but Wilson couldn't say things clearly, only nodded: "Okay, trouble you, this **** embarrassed me in front of General Pete, I will not look back He was spared. "

Chu Xiang opened the door and talked to someone casually, so the evolver was taken to the lounge. At this time, he no longer had the ability to control the brain. He just lost the contest with Xie Shanshan. The consequence was that he was backfired by brain waves. No different from ordinary people.

With a smile on Xie Shanshan's face, she triumphed, defeating the enemy in front of the beloved man made her face glorious, but this is not the time to be really happy, because there is still a brain-controlling evolutionist who has not found out to eliminate it. With him, Xie Shanshan was unable to detect Pete's brainwaves well. There were four bodyguards behind Pete. One of these four should be a brain-evolving evolutionary. Xie Shanshan quickly locked the target through temptation.

This brain-evolving evolutionary was too far away. Only Xie Shanshan had the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos just now, but now Xie Shanshan is working against this evolutionary, and soon he is controlled, but Xie Shanshan didn't want to fight the grass and scared the snake. She issued a control command. The evolver said something in the leader's bodyguard's ear, and then went out of the room by himself. In order to detect Pete's brain signals more safely, Xie Shanshan led the person out of the room and forced him to faint. He Yaohui waiting outside stepped forward and dragged the person away.

Pete didn't know what was happening, thinking that the bodyguard couldn't hold the toilet. Suddenly he fought a cold war, as if there was a cold attack. Pete didn't care, he raised his glass and said, "Come, toast, this The wine is good enough to warm up. "

Chu Xiang and Xie Shanshan left the room with smiles, and Guan Shan left the delay time to continue to be indifferent. Some people outside He Yaohui could not wait any longer, "How? Have you succeeded?"

Xie Shanshan proudly said, "I can still be wrong when I go to the horse in person? Chu Xiang, you will immediately become a special skin, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, you went to the Antarctic Mansion to steal the controller, location, password, I know everything."

Chu Xiang's Yirongshu originated from the ability of deforming the body. In the early days, he could only control the deformation of the bones, and then he could control the muscles. So who he wants to become is very simple. Pitt is no stranger to him, telling He Yaohui to sit here In order to hold these people anyway, he took Xie Shanshan, Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie straight to the Antarctic Building.

Although Xie Shanshan and Wang Shaohui will not be easy to find, Xie Shanshan can send out interference radio waves to make others mistake her for others. Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie are directly invisible. Chu Xiang becomes Pete and slams open the front door of the Antarctic Building. Xie Shanshan led the way in the front to the top floor. There was originally a reserved maintenance room, but a small submarine was hidden in the maintenance room. This was used by Pete to escape in an emergency, and the self-destruct controller was hidden. In the submarine, even Misley didn't know the design. It seemed that Pete's caution was not stigmatized.

This doesn't count, Pete knows that it is inconvenient to carry the suitcase, but he has to make sure that he can control the survival of the entire base at any time and place, so there are two confidant rotations here. Once Pete goes out, he will contact them every hour. Over time, the two would detonate the base and leave by submarine themselves.

With Pete's memory, Xie Shanshan wanted to open a secret door easily. This hidden place became worthless. Chu Xiang easily killed the two guards on duty, and finally found the black box in the submarine's code compartment. Chu Xiang put it directly into his space ring. Even if there is another remote control that can operate the black box, it was cut off by the space ring. Xie Shanshan said, "Chu Xiang, we should make a fake put back so that Pete won't There will be suspicion. "

Chu Xiang pointed at the corpses of the two who had been cleaned up and said, "But what do they do? When Pete didn't receive the signal from the two, he would understand that there was an accident, and the paper could not catch the fire."

Xie Shanshan said, "Let Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie stay, and we got the controller anyway. As long as we subdue the army and the evolver, it will be foolproof. It won't take long."

Chu Xiang said: "That's fine, after all, the army is in the hands of Pete, we still have to be careful."

Chu Xiang controlled the metal to make an identical thing to the original black box, re-locked it into the code compartment, and then left Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie. He and Xie Shanshan left the Antarctic base. Xie Shanshan did not forget to guard the soldiers at the gate. The memory was erased, lest these people say that when Pete came back.

When Chu Xiang returned to the box again, Guan Shan had already filled those people almost. Now he was talking about the friendly match the day after tomorrow. Wilson proposed to let Pete's people participate in the battle, so that the mysterious power of Guan Shan was excluded. He believed that He will undoubtedly win. This game is a good opportunity to put pressure on Pete, and Pete, under the assurance of Chu Xiang, thinks he will win. This is also a good opportunity to prove to Wilson that he is not prone to mess with each other.

"I asked for this meal today," Guan Shan saw Chu Xiang return, knowing that things were done, it would not make sense to drink with these people, wasted his wine in vain, so he wanted to drop off.

Pete understood the meaning behind Guanshan even though he drank too much. He said, "Thank you Boss Guan, rest assured that your store will be opened, and I will often take care of it in the future, yes, I heard that your **** here is good, can you let me Bring some home to eat. "

Guan Shan wouldn't count on several gimmicks, saying: "Yes, okay. Everyone present today will send ten gimmicks. Please send someone to the kitchen for a while. The business of this club will depend on everyone in the future. Please come more Consumers, please rest assured that I will work hard to make more delicious food to meet everyone's needs. "

The people with the **** were gone, and Chu Xiang was successful and he closed the club to celebrate. As for the next action to wait for the match, it is not easy to take the army by now. They are the Marines, and their combat effectiveness is good. It's a pity Pete was a cannon fodder.

Not to mention the people in the Regal Club, Wilson learned that the brain-evolving evolutionary has become a waste person, and kicked the person to the ground on the spot. It's such an end, I really regret taking you to shame! "

Fujikawa said unhappyly: "Mr. Wilson, what do we do now, I'm afraid Pete already knows our plan, and it will be more difficult to steal the controller in the future."

Wilson said: "Now I don't worry about this, but I am afraid of Guan Shan and Chu Xiang. According to our information, Pete's side has never defeated the people who control my brain evolutionists, but now my people are destroyed. Well, there is a third-party force involved, and at the Antarctic base, the only thing that can act is Guanshan, the new one ... Chu Xiang ... Chu Xiang ... How does this person know his name so much? The most famous evolutionaries have the same name and last name. "

Fujikawa Taro has been staying at the Antarctic base. He was the first to hear about Chu Xiang ’s name. Although Wilson has heard about it, he has never seen Chu Xiang in person. After all, this is an Antarctic base. The Chinese tentacles should not It will be so soon, but to determine whether this legendary Chu Xiang needs to return to the U.S. investigation data to have results, but the current situation is impossible for Wilson to return home easily, because he did not send the evolutionary, in order to send He came to Antarctic America but lost a dozen **** planes. If it is not that the problem of return trip is not solved, Wilson would not have agreed to Pete's relocation three months later, because the United States is really not ready in this regard.

Fujikawa asked: "Why, is there any problem with this person?"

Wilson nodded and said, "I suspect this person is from China. Didn't your intelligence investigation say that he had just entered the Antarctic base a few days ago? It may be a Chinese spy. It seems that China is operating faster than we think. Faster. "

Fujikawa Taro said: "No wonder today, Pete is mysterious and secretive, and I keep asking you about China. It turned out that he must have reached a certain agreement with the representatives sent by China in private. Interest. "

At first, Wilson didn't think so. After reminding Tarogawa, he was skeptical. Think of Pete's questioning of China in the rich man's club just now, and Wilson sweated coldly. "We must seize power. Otherwise, Antarctic base It's going to change hands! It won't be too late for us to return to heaven. "

Fujitagawa said with some worries: "It's too easy to seize power, but how can a self-destruct controller get out of hand? Even if the seizure is successful, we can't keep it."

Wilson gritted his teeth: "There is only one way, and that is to make Pete an instant! Let him have no time to open the self-destruct device."

Fujikawa has a deeper understanding of Pete, and he raised his doubts: "What if Pete stays behind and sends someone to indirectly control the self-destruct device? Killing Pete will not necessarily relieve the danger."

Wilson said: "It's just a gamble. I don't think anyone is willing to find his own way. If Pete is killed by us, will his confidant be stupid enough to commit suicide? Gambling is better than watching the base fall into the hands of the Chinese. ! "

Fujikawa Taro's ancestor is the type of Qiu Hua, especially in the early days of Antarctic bases. It was learned that the entire Japan was disintegrated ~ ~ It is even reported that Japan's disintegration was related to the Chinese evolutionary. Hate is even more serious. Of course, he does not want the base to fall into the hands of the Chinese, even if it is destroyed!

"Should you tell Amanda the news? Let him cooperate with us in planning." Tarogawa raised another question.

Wilson said: "I don't need to see it. Amanda is Pete's son after all. We have to guard against it. You will be responsible for the implementation. I will send evolutionaries to help. I think the game the day after tomorrow will be a good opportunity to get started."

Fujikawa Taro said: "Yes, we will use this to annihilate Pete's evolvers first, and then it will be much simpler for him. This old guy is selfish and his power should come to an end. The Antarctic base will be in his hands at the latest. To perish. "

Wilson opened his mouth and swallowed his words, and finally said, "Be careful, that Chu Xiang is not easy."

Wilson wanted to tell Fujikawa Taro about this evolutionary story in the United States, but he thought it would be too easy to hit his morale, so he swallowed it back. Anyway, he wouldn't do it by killing and killing, so let Fujikawa Taro go. When the cannon fodder is ready, everyone is happy when it succeeds, and unsuccessful is just a loss of Tarokawa.

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