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Chapter 578: Bone Ring (Happy Lantern Festival!)

"Shoot! Shoot!" The red-haired shouted loudly, but he forgot that those who had escaped had already shot out the bullets, and now the only weapon in his hand was an iron rod, an iron rod with the roadside fence removed!

As the smoke and dust that broke through the outer wall gradually fell, people finally saw the monster. In fact, it was originally an individual, and the members of the courage team recognized it: "It is the lion captain of the Lions! He, he How did it happen? "

To be precise, the original captain of the Lions team is no longer human. It has become more than twice as tall as a normal person. The most prominent is its back. The spine is extended into a pair of breathing tubes similar to common astronauts. See The chippings on the outer skin can tell that it is using this pair of breathing tubes to knock the thick walls apart. In addition to the weird back, there is a surprising mutation. It turned out to be long at the original thigh root. Draw out two thighs, so that the four legs touch the ground like a chair, so that it can grip the ground more firmly and more effectively!

Chu Xiang somewhat regretted taking risks to save wine, but now he wants to understand that the Lions may be just a trap, with high-level zombies manipulating the plot behind them. As for whether they are just hunting for these rich people It is unknown, or it may be just a small conspiracy in a big conspiracy, but now these players are already in a conspiracy anyway.

The player who was thrown on the wall and vomited blood suddenly turned back. He reached out and hugged Captain Lion's leg: "Run!"

The other team members only took a brief moment. Then they threw away the wine and ran to the corridor. Only Chu Xiang did not rush to retreat, but blocked the door of the wine storage warehouse with an iron rod. It was not Chu Xiang to return. The great man, but this proposal was made by him. If something happened, Chu Xiang thought that he must be held responsible, not to mention that Chu Xiang didn't think these people could escape, because this zombie level is too high, and the minimum is also mid-T4! In this way, there is another question. The fall of the Lions is just yesterday. What kind of evolution speed can allow the Captain Lions to evolve to T4 in a short night? But if natural evolution is aside, it ’s okay to think of this as part of a conspiracy. It ’s like the evolutionary energy bomb that was launched at the Salem mutant horse. They are all made of such advanced weapons, not to mention evolution. How about it?

Since the Captain Lion can break through the wall, he will be bound by a weak human, and it will only lift one leg and step on the person holding it! Spilled plasma was sprayed on Chu Xiang's face. Chu Xiang didn't even wipe it. He held the iron rod tightly in his hands and stared at Captain Lion. The Captain Lion felt Chu Xiang's sharp eyes. One foot kicked the corpse under it, and then walked towards Chu Xiang like a crab. It didn't worry about the humans who escaped, so long as they killed the blocked door, they could not escape! Sooner or later they will enter its belly.

Chu Xiang suddenly moved! Iron rods and humanization. A straight line, shot stunned to the captain of the lion, there is the only place where the zombies can be regarded as weak points, if the zombies have evolved their eyes and iron plates, then Chu Xiang has to hold hands, but fortunately, This lion did not evolve into such a monster. It avoided Chu Xiang's puncture for the first time, and then grabbed both hands quickly, and Chu Xiang was lifted up in the air. After all, his skill was still insufficient. A **** may be able to make up for it. This is what Chu Xiang thought when he was thrown out by Captain Lion.

Bang, Chu Xiang hit the wall, the hard concrete wall was hit and recessed. Going to one piece, Chu Xiang's five internal organs almost did not spit out the heart, liver, and lungs, but time couldn't help him cry, the Captain Lion relied The powerful force went to Chu Xiang invincible, it lifted its feet, as long as the feet go down, this person can only be a bunch of meat sauce!

"Roar--" Chu Xiang fired a wave of ultrasonic waves with his accumulated strength. No. His original level was not high, let alone that his physical strength could not be replenished and restored after the war. The ultrasonic wave just rolled the Lion Captain Zhen back two rolls and shattered the clothes hanging on it. With up to six hands and feet it immediately stood up, and he walked towards Chu Xiang again, and Chu Xiang turned over. Climb and drill into the bottle.

The lion had already determined that Chu Xiang should be killed first, so it ignored it. Those who fled to the corridor pushed down a pile of wine boxes with a long arm swept, and Chu Xiang continued to drill in along the special channel when taking the wine. Lion I chased in the wine bottles and didn't know how many good wines I had knocked down, which was worth more than a few cars.

Chu Xiang fled very wolf. Alas, at this moment he was desperate for an infinite power, and even looked forward to being controlled by the body again, even if it was only one minute, he could calmly kill this T4!

Bitch! Your own strength comes from the bitch! Chu Xiang understands that he is very different from his confidant in a small town a few days ago. If he had encountered this zombie a few days ago, he would have died N times, but now He is still alive, although he is very embarrassed, but this proves that his strength has been greatly improved in the past few days, and the reason for the improvement of Chu Xiang's ability is exactly the same bitch! He must absorb a lot of these bitches, and only by absorbing their own power will it become even larger!

Of course, in order to realize this wish, Chu Xiang must be alive, but now Chu Xiang is very dangerous. The small aisle used to move wine in the warehouse has come to an end. Chu Xiang has no choice but to leap to the side. After loading the wine box and running, the Lion Captain went on four feet and it jumped to the front of Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang rushed into the Lion Captain's arms in a hurry. The Lion Captain held Chu Xiang's **** and then Put it up again, the people of Chu Xiang were bitterly in the air, Captain Lion did not hesitate, grabbed Chu Xiang's left leg with one hand, and prepared to grab the right leg with the other. The intention was obvious, and it was torn. Chu Xiang! It can be done with its power!

Chu Xiang tried to emit ultrasound again, but his energy was exhausted, and the ultrasound was completely motionless. It was said that time was fast, Captain Lion had already put Chu Xiang's legs apart with both hands, and then a roar, Chu Xiang felt As soon as he felt a pain, he was very uncomfortable being lifted upside down. At this moment, his head was dizzy, and Chu Xiang felt another kind of power in the body. It appeared very quickly, almost He took over Chu Xiang's body within 0.01 seconds, quickly occupying every organ.

Captain Lion tore off! What was unexpected was that instead of being torn, Chu Xiang pulled his legs together, and then a pain was felt between his phalanges, and six stabbing bone knives pierced from the flesh. Chu Xiang's eyes glowed with a gloom and his body was upward A bonnet knife pierced into the eyes of Captain Lion!

This speed is the limit that Chu Xiang dreams of. Captain Lion has not made any resistance at all. You must know that it is a T4! Any blows known to Chu Xiang would not make it so helpless, but now it has no counterattack at all, letting the six-stalk knife penetrate into the eye socket left and right, then pull it out to bring out two eyeballs, and then the bone knife goes down After a turn, he slashed to the neck. At this time, the captain of the lion roared and threw Chu Xiang's body outward. Chu Xiang had no time to cut the neck of the lion captain's carotid artery. The six hands and feet attacked together, throwing bottles and cans at Chu Xiang from time to time, glass debris everywhere, and the thick smell of alcohol filled the room.

"It's too late, it seems to end the battle quickly," Chu Xiang said to himself, frowning to show the worry in his heart. Suddenly, a flame burst into his palm, and he threw a few centimeters thick liquor on the ground. Most of these wines are strong liquors. Coupled with the volatility of a few years, the alcohol content is higher. When they meet the flames, they immediately burn and the captain lion is immediately surrounded by the flames. Chu Xiang calmly comes to the corridor, followed by him His body was soft, and at this time another Chu Xiang thought, who had been in a semi-comatose state, took over the body again.

It can be said that in less than a minute, the original Chu Xiang in his body was shocked. Although he was in a semi-coma state, this time he felt extremely clearly another Chu Xiang's thought, yes, that is Another Chu Xiang, the two had a brief exchange while controlling the body together. If Chu Xiang No. 1 represents the Chinese one, Chu Xiang No. 2 represents the current body, then things can be used without complexity. The language is clear.

Chu Xiang No. 1 was indeed killed by a nuclear bomb, but after all he was a profound evolutionary. His genes were unparalleled, the lost genes flew around, and even more, as the smoke clouds from the explosion rose to the sky, then It was brought to all places by air flow, and gradually these genes produced self-repair. They re-evolved into a new one after nearly a year, but this new one did not inherit the skills and energy of the original body, and even Because the partial deletion of the gene only evolved an ugly mule, that is, No. 2 Chu Xiang. Only after the new and new fusion, will the former No. 1 Chu Xiang be restored, the No. 2 Chu Xiang inadvertently and several other No. 2 When Chu Xiang met, they absorbed them miraculously, so he inherited and opened up part of Chu Xiang ’s thinking and energy, but he absorbed too few new ones, which resulted in his ability and thinking remaining less than one. Min, the only time more than a minute was to talk to Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian. The energy spent that time caused No. 1 Chu Xiang to almost die, so he never dared to do so again.

At this moment, Chu Xiang No. 2 is in a complicated mood. Although he understands the truth, he is not happy. There is no reason for it. He turned out to be part of the original Chu Xiang's body, but evolved into a new body because of the specific genes. Coincidentally, another number two Chu Xiang was absorbed, and it turned out to be what it is now.

Chu Xiang No. 2 is worried that one day he will completely become Chu Xiang No. 1 after absorbing enough other Chu Xiangs. Does n’t his thought disappear completely? To be honest, he likes this world. Although this is the world of the last days and zombies, it is more joyful to be alive than anything!

If you do not continue to absorb the other No. 2 Chu Xiang, then the distance becomes No. 1 Chu Xiang, but you will not get strong energy without absorbing the other No. 2 Chu Xiang. Without this powerful energy, it is too difficult to survive in this world. Anyway, what if the other No. 2 Chu Xiang found out this secret? Even if you don't want to become the No. 1 Chu Xiang, it is difficult to guarantee that the other No. 2 Chu Xiang will not come to absorb yourself.

Boom, there was an explosion in the warehouse, and the severe explosion interrupted Chu Xiang's thinking. He climbed up from the ground difficultly, so as long as he was alive today! This No. 2 Chu Xiang inherited more from No. 1 Chu Xiang's temperament, and he couldn't solve the problem with indecisive thinking. However, today's gains are great, and I learned a shocking secret. The super evolutionary Chu Xiang in China It turned out that such a change has taken place. I don't know what they will think about Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian after they tell this matter, and how they will think of themselves.

A bottle of wine was detonated by the high temperature, and the fire was burning more and more. It quickly spread to several other warehouses. Chu Xiang could not use ultrasonic waves but did not need much energy to see through the eyes. He searched for the warehouses that were not on fire. I also found a small wine storage warehouse, but this one has a small amount of Chinese wine, but Chu Xiang contrasted it out, this one is all high-end wine! Whether it's the brand or the year, is it comparable to the one that just caught fire!

Chu Xiang first observes T4 in the fire, which is the Lion Captain of the Lions. Now if it rushes out, Chu Xiang has absolutely no possibility of survival. Chu Xiang appeared on the first day to save him, but today it is impossible for him to run out of energy. It has appeared for the second time, but fortunately, this T4 is actually afraid of fire, and it is the kind of creeper who is not afraid of fire. Two Chu Xiangs must explain here today! Now that T4 is slowly wilting under the fire moxibustion.

Chu Xiang breathed a sigh of relief to inspect the wine in another warehouse, and it took some time to open the door. The strictness of the door alone can also analyze the preciousness of the wine. A small box and a small box are extremely neat, although People who are still watching some dust but are still excited, Chu Xiang has a headache how to remove them, because the fire will soon be burned out, then the wine will be scrapped together, and you want to get close to the boss of Haohao, then this is the most Good knocker! So be sure to take a batch.

Chu Xiang was distressed to wander around this small warehouse. He wanted to call back redheads and Rashid and others, but those guys may have reached the sixth floor below now, and they will come here when they find them. A sea of ​​fire, but how much can you take away? If only there was a portable storage space.

Chu Xiang felt this way suddenly felt a pain in the third finger of his left hand, and then the bones there were squeezed together by people, forming a bone ring stiffly, let Chu Xiang look creepy, what is this? But then a thought flashed in his brain, as if someone else had rushed in. Chu Xiang rubbed the bone ring and rubbed it three times. Suddenly a nihilistic door appeared in front of him. Opening the door turned out to be a big one. Space! It's just empty.

Chu Xiang stunned for a while, although there was no explanation of this thing in his brain, but he figured it out, it must be something No. 1 Chu Xiang had evolved for him. It is not clear on what principle this thing was used to do it, but He subconsciously thought that this was the place to store things, so why hesitate, can't even drink the rosacea when the fire comes over? Chu Xiang began to move wine with great interest. Although he was extremely tired tonight, he was still sweating under the drive of interest.

Grunting footsteps sounded, followed by a shout: "Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang, we're here to save you!"

It ’s Rashid, but it ’s clear that there are other people listening to the footsteps. Even if no one else Chu Xiang does not want to reveal his secrets, rub the bone ring three times at once, and the seemingly illusory door disappears. Chu Xiang There is a lot of stability in my heart. This is a good thing. I don't know how many babies there is in Chu Xiang No. 1. If it can be added to himself, it will probably enhance a lot of combat power, then the probability of survival in this world is even higher.

Rashid came back with anger and anger. He escaped just now and was completely afraid, but Rashid regretted it before going downstairs. When he left, he didn't see Chu Xiang blocking the monster, but his strong fear made him He couldn't stop and rushed out with the others, but soon Rashid came to his senses, so he shouted and turned back, and some of the team members were also fighting, and came back to help, redhead shouted a few times in the back But no one listened to him. There was no way he didn't dare to go downstairs, so he had to keep up.

"Where's the zombies? I fight with it!" Rashid rushed in with an iron rod, Chu Xiang said: "Let the fire burn."

Rashid exhaled, and then he was afraid. He and the others just rushed up with a sense of enthusiasm. When he really faced the zombies, he must be afraid. Now he heard that the zombies were dead. Now, that heart seems to have fallen from the sky, and finally it is practical. It saves Chu Xiang without dying, and it is more cost-effective.

The redhead looked at the fire in the wine warehouse in the corridor and said with a pity, "What a pity, how much wine."

Chu Xiang said: "Captain, there is also a warehouse here, which is also wine. Let's move it quickly, or the fire will come over right away." Chu Xiang has taken most of it secretly, and the rest is just enough for these people to take away .

The redhead had some unbelievable probes and went into the warehouse, and he immediately became interested: "Developed! Chu Xiang, you are really my lucky god, guys, move! Don't leave a box, we will rely on it when we start again . "

Everyone carried the wine and went downstairs. Rashid quietly asked Chu Xiang: "You really have that T4?"

Chu Xiang couldn't tell Rashid the secret of his body ~ ~ He said: "I almost let it go in the beginning, but then the wine bottle in that warehouse broke, and I took the opportunity to light it up. Thinking that the guy was afraid of the fire, he was killed by crooking, otherwise you would have to collect my body now. "

Everyone went downstairs smoothly. Several members of the team had gathered at the entrance of the hotel. They collected a bucket of fuel and were preparing to add it to the armored personnel carrier. At a glance, the redhead knew that the guys could not find other means of transportation. He To Chu Xiang: "It seems that we have to use it to leave, but I doubt it can be activated? And the sound of this thing is loud, will it attract zombies?"

Chu Xiang looked around. Through the perspective function, he found that the zombies were gathering here, and said, "Can't control so much, because the zombies are coming to us, and they will be surrounded again if they don't escape!"

The redhead was startled: "What? There are zombies? Why didn't we see them?"

Chu Xiang didn't explain, let Rashid direct everyone to put the wine in the car, and then he took the driver's seat. There were few zombies in downtown Portland, but it was enough to make up this unarmed team. Now, leave early, otherwise T3 will be dead.

(Kitten wishes everyone a happy Lantern Festival and a happy, healthy and happy family !!!)

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