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Chapter 580: Team up

"Recruiting, recruiting," Rashid shouted loudly while standing on the street of the slum market. Behind him was an armed off-road vehicle and two machine guns. It looked like a majestic one. Chu Xiang sat in the car and smoked. The smoke was not a cigar that Rashid smoked in the boss's room, but a leaf tobacco made in a slum area. It was simple and savory.

"What team are you guys?" Finally, a young man who couldn't bear the hunger came forward to ask, Rashid said with a smile on his face, and introduced: "We are a team of Shenlong, join us to manage three meals a day, and come back for treasure hunting. Divided. "

I heard that there were three meals a day, and the young man couldn't stand the temptation, saying, "I join, but I must be full."

Rashid said with a smile: "Rest assured, get in the car! Who else wants to join our Shenlong squad, there will be no shop after this village, we have no conditions to recruit people for the first time, and later become famous again Recruitment must come up with craftsmanship. "

I saw someone taking the lead, and two more young people joined, but others were very cautious. Although everyone was hungry, they followed a team with no fame and only one car and two machine guns. One action will destroy the team, so let's wait until the famous team recruits.

Chu Xiang looked at the three youths, all of whom were thin and weak under long-term hunger. He doubted whether the three men could carry a motive gun, but it was already good to recruit people. "Friends, what do you call me? I am a treasure hunter." Team leader Chu Xiang. "

The three youths timidly answered their own names, but they were long and complicated. Moreover, Chu Xiang was not unaccustomed to the names of foreigners, Rashid said: "The three of you have changed their names now. Your name is Dragon One, his name is Dragon Two, and you are called Dragon Three. "Rashid is arranged according to the order in which they joined the Dragon Dragon Squad, which is also easy to identify.

Chu Xiang threw away his cigarette **** and said to Rashid: "Let's go, don't move. When our team becomes famous later, someone will naturally ask to join." Since Chu Xiang decided to get more valuable from Portland downtown Luxury goods for better transportation, then setting up your own treasure hunt team is imperative, and hiring staff is also the first thing to do.

Rashid got on the car and suddenly a red-haired foreigner came out of the crowd. He shouted to the off-road vehicle: "Hi, Chu Xiang, Rashid, what are you doing? Why don't you follow my courage? What did the team do? "

It turned out that the red-headed captain, Chu Xiang and Rashid got out of the car, Rashid mouth. The teeth are sharp, so he explained: "Captain, I'm really sorry, we took wine to change the car with the boss of Hao Hao Then, our brothers wanted to do their own business, so they greeted a team and asked the captain to take care of you in the future. "

The redhead snorted. To tell the truth, he was quite dissatisfied. This was the cost of food and money to harden the wings of others and then they flew away. However, the redhead knew that Chu Xiang was very strong, so he did not dare to The words are too much, "I said that you two light machine guns and an off-road vehicle want to pull the team yourself? Don't know how to die!"

Rashid is not angry. Hey he laughed: "Captain, do we have Chu Xiang as the captain, are you afraid of danger? You do n’t know his ability to avoid danger, I do n’t see how our two teams cooperate, maybe There are unexpected gains. "

Now that the other party has left his team, the redhead knows that he cannot persuade him, so he is no longer entangled with Rashid, and he snorted again and turned away: "Hum, I do n’t know how good it is. I want to see How did you fail. "

Rashid looked at the back of the redhead and said to Chu Xiang: "This guy is a little ungrateful. If it weren't for us, he would have hung up when he left the base gates last time. If not for us, he could get so much. Good wine? I am! "

Chu Xiang waved his hand and said, "Let's go, there is no need to care about him. Generally speaking, redheads are not bad."

Chu Xiang drove four people out of the city with an off-road vehicle. There are more and more people in the wilderness. Seeing everyone looks like they are in a enclosure, it is probably preparing for the next spring's land reclamation, even if they plan to leave here. Chu Xiang, who was looking for another sister-in-law, would leave a poke in front of the cottage for nothing, he was planning to leave in case he could not leave the place in the spring.

Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian who stayed in the thatched house are excited at this moment, because they will be able to contact China tomorrow. When Li Haipeng comes to pick up the two of them, they will not be afraid even if they lose their super powers at that time. Associating that these days have been covered with grass In this dark hut, the two women couldn't help washing their faces and ran out of the hut to bask in the sun. Although the light was still dim, it was more than a hundred times stronger than the darkness two years ago.

"Sister Lian, I heard Chu Xiang's meaning as if I didn't want to leave Portland." Fang Yuxuan walked freely in the snow in front of the door, watching a row of snow printed on her feet, her brows deliberately stepped on a plum blossom. , The inner happiness is fully revealed.

Su Yulian also grinned: "He doesn't want us to teleport with him, unless he can teleport himself, otherwise don't want to cross the ocean and return to the United States. Besides, it will be verified that he is our original Chu Xiang, and he will go ?"

Fang Yuxuan said: "Good idea, should we celebrate this evening, this is the last night to leave the United States." Fang Yuxuan said, looking away, a group of people are measuring something in the snow, maybe for next year Let's make preparations for the farming work. When Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian appeared, the group walked over and talked quietly while walking.

Elder Su Yulian has some rich experience in world affairs. She whispered to the other side, Yu Xuan, "Go, let's go back. These people don't seem to be coming, don't cause trouble." Su Yulian's words reminded Fang Yuxuan that they are just ordinary people now. , And the other is six or seven young men, if the strong second daughter is the opponent?

However, the two women still underestimated each other's determination. They hid in the hut and were also chased by the door. The door of the hut was smashed and an American **** leaned in. "Beauty, you hide here and hide. No need to suffer, I will protect and raise my cowboy, and I will definitely raise you white and fat. "

"Go out! This is our home!" Su Yulian whispered.

The cowboy sneered: "Your home? This is the land of our mafia! Have you paid for the land and protection fees for building a house on our land? I know it is not. Come with me, our boss loves it. What about an oriental beauty like you, really, would a Chinese woman have such a big one, come, let me touch it to verify the authenticity. "

As the cowboy said, he grabbed Su Yulian ’s chest, Fang Yuxuan slapped it, and made a crackling sound. A five-fingerprint appeared on the cowboy's face, and he jumped like a thunder: “Bind these two girls! I ’m going to taste the Chinese thorn What a rose! "Cowboys also have heads and faces in civilians, what a slap on a woman!

Several people rushed into the cottage in response, Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan struggled to no avail, and finally they were tied up. Because of the binding of the rope, the two women's chests were more prominent and straight, and the cowboy swallowed drooling. The clothes, in his opinion, are more mature / female like Su Yulian.

"Brother, it's not good for us to do this, unless it's the two girls who don't send it to the boss, otherwise it would be bad for them to say bad things about us in front of the boss," a young American said at this time.

The cowboy hands burst into a cold sweat. They just decided to dedicate the two women to the mafia boss. In case they said in front of the boss that they had played, wouldn't it be for the boss to drink his own pot of water? Will you have a good life in the future? It's really a good thing and got involved. The thought of the cowboy immediately dismissed the idea of ​​first touching it and waved to the crowd: "Take them away, our work today ends here, and the boss gave me a treat!"

Someone went up to set up Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian, and another couped in the ears of the cowboy: "Brother, this house is built on the ground contracted by our mafia. It is considered illegal construction, and I think it should be demolished."

Cowboy said: "what to open? Who has any time to spare, just burn it with fire!"

Huh, the flames hit the roof immediately by the wind. The original grass and wood structure was flammable. The flame reached the point where it could not be rescued in less than a minute. The main pillar was burned out. The whole thatched cottage disappeared. Watching this home that can't be regarded as a home is ruined, their hearts are cut! How to say they have their memories here.

"Hahaha," the cowboy laughed loudly, and then said to the human side: "Take a picture, then who will take up the land contracted by our mafia is like this! We must complete the task arranged by the boss as soon as possible, before the spring of next year will All land is cleared to plant fruit of life. "

In the eyes of Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan, there were tears, not only because the cottage was gone, but also because this happened the day before returning to China. Chu Xiang and Rashid went to work in the urban area, and now no one can save themselves. Is it just insulting his own innocence? The two women exchanged opinions with their eyes, no! Rather die!

Rashid sat in the co-pilot to pay attention to the three newly recruited members. A sudden fire broke out in front of him. Chu Xiangdao said: "No! It's our house." Rashid's face also changed: "Shot, what happened!"

As soon as Chu Xiang stepped on the accelerator, the off-road vehicle rushed straight out. Rashid hit the front windshield without hitting his seat belt. He hurt his teeth and cracked his mouth, but he could n’t care about the rubbed bag. He lowered his head and took out three iron bars from the seat, and handed them to Dragon One, Dragon Two, and Dragon Three in the back, and said, "I will let you fight, and you will fight. Whoever does not fight will have no food tonight! Whoever fights hard There are rewards! It's time to watch your performance. Those who fail will be expelled from the Dragon Squad. "

Crossing a piece of barren grass, Chu Xiang saw the situation ahead. Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan were **** and pushed forward, and behind them was the thatched cottage. Chu Xiang ’s throttle was not loose but tightened. Off-road vehicle Roaring towards the group, the cowboy has heard the roar of the engine, he yelled and jumped into the wasteland by the road, while the remaining men were not as flexible as him, and one person was directly hit by the off-road vehicle After falling to the ground, he spit out blood, and the other person was caught in the wheel, and the whole lower body was smashed and fluttered.

Dragons 1 to 3 with iron rods were stunned. Such a bad thing happened in the base, but it was the first time I saw that it was not a zombie that rolled the wheel, but a living human! Ga, the off-road vehicle stopped, and Rashid scolded the three of them: "Shoot, what are you waiting for? If you don't want to be fired without food, hit me!"

Long Yi took the lead in jumping off the off-road vehicle. The **** scene numb his nerves. The iron rod split his head and covered his face and yanked the American who was standing on the side. Ryuuji and Ryusan saw Ryuichi so brave. Fired to let Long Yi enjoy the food alone, so he rushed forward unwillingly, and the three chased after each other and rushed to death. Rashid yelled: "Mother, fight separately, don't just chase after One person! You are sick. "

Chu Xiang has seen that the cowboy is the brain of this group of people. Although I do n’t know why they tied Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian, Chu Xiang has unknowingly regarded the two women as his share with No. 1 Chu Xiang Products, do not tolerate others! Moreover, Chu Xiang had no discipline or legal concept at all, so when he went up, he just killed his hand and held the machine gun in a circle. The guy who was chased by Rashid and others immediately fell to the ground.

Chu Xiang threw away the machine gun to unlock the stunned Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian. Su Yulian was not quite sure: "You, did you kill them?" Rashid and Long Yi, Long Er, and Long San next to this expression. .

Chu Xiang calmly said: "Wait for them to kill us?"

Rashid reacted, he yelled at Dragon I, Dragon II, and Dragon III: "Get started! Throw the corpses into the fire, then get in the car and we will enter the city. We don't need to live here anymore, we need to move fast. The gunfire will attract the police ... "

Fang Yuxuan said excitedly: "It's so cool, you have more and more brother Chu's behavior."

Chu Xiang was unmoved, pointing to the off-road lane: "Get in the car, Rashid was right, we have to leave right away, and I think it's time to find a better place. This is no longer suitable for us." Chu Xiang said That's right, the thatched cottage doesn't keep warm and is not conducive to hiding the whereabouts. Nowadays it is imperative to get money into the city, but the Mafia people have played a catalytic role in entering the city.

On the road, Su Yulian recounted the distress passing just now. The Mafia was unfamiliar with Chu Xiang and Rashid, but Long Yi knew it well. He said: "You have done a great disaster. The Mafia is the most successful outside the government. Powerful organizations, I heard that they have just reached an agreement with the government and will lease all idle farmland in the base next year. They will use machinery to clear a large area of ​​wasteland. It ’s over. I am so impulsive just now. If you let the Mafia people know that I will Participation must be dead! "

Dragon II and Dragon III were also a frightened expression. Rashid comforted them: "Shut up! Who has seen you hit someone? The mediocre self-interference, now that group of people have been burned into bone muck, who else will Know this, coward! "

Rashid's scolding finally calmed down the three. The urban area is still relatively familiar with the three. They took Chu Xiang to find a relatively sturdy factory, but this factory had an owner who only paid a dozen bills. After obtaining the right of residence, the banknotes exchanged for the last time began to come in handy. Dragon One, Dragon Two, and Dragon Three saw the thick banknotes and their eyes were straight. They originally intended to sneak away. Now the three are iron I want to follow Chu Xiang and Rashid, because they have so much money to eat and drink for a year and a half.

This factory is not large, it looks more like a Sanheyuan, but there is no house on the other side of the south gate. The original workshop is a handicraft workshop. There are no equipment in it. They are all low-rise cottages, compared with high-rise buildings not far away. It's nothing here, otherwise someone would have rented it, but the building is not suitable for Chu Xiang, because he still has a car and a machine gun to park.

Soon after picking up the place to sleep at night, Su Yulian said: "Below we start cooking, and we pray for the rest of the night to stop accidents, as long as we get the communication equipment tomorrow, everything will change."

Chu Xiang didn't speak, he had his own plans, and Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian saw that Chu Xiang even hired his teammates, knowing that he had made up his mind not to leave, but the two women also had their own plans, so they were not in a hurry to raise the matter. After Sid bought back the food, everyone silently cooked for dinner, and then went back to their bedrooms to sleep. This small factory room is full of people, and no more people need to squeeze together. Rashid and other quilts are also bought back. Coupled with the presence of doors and windows in the factory, it is much warmer than when it was in a hut, and it does not even need a fire to heat it.

When the next day dawned, Rashid went to the morning market and turned around to tell Chu Xiang that the mafia searched last night. They have found that their members were assassinated, but no one knows who is the master. After all, the thatched house that Chu Xiang lived in before was very deserted, and almost no outsider had been there. If he hadn't been to measure the wasteland cowboys, he wouldn't have been there.

Chu Xiang said to Rashid: "You are optimistic about the three players. I'm afraid they will not be able to bear the temptation to report. When Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian are sent away today, we will go out, as long as their lives are linked to the Shenlong team I'm not afraid they will betray it. "In the absence of players, even suspects must use it, otherwise Rashid would not be able to cooperate with Chu Xiang alone.

Thirty bottles of wine were secretly removed from the bone ring. Chu Xiang drove Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian to the boss of Hao Hao. Of course, Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian were completely dressed this time, and even their plump chests were pulled back tightly Otherwise, they will have to be left with the jealous mind of the boss.

Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian didn't know where to put their eyes in the large room on the top floor of Minhao Bar, but they said that they faced the same sex, but they could n’t stand seeing the giant ** of Minhao. The sister-in-law has all of her heart, but the thought of whether she can get the communicator depends on the sister-in-law in front of her. The two women have to endure it. Fortunately, the sister-in-law does not know what the true looks of the two women are, otherwise they would be afraid of them. May not be able to get out of this room.

"I brought the wine, I don't know when I can see the communication equipment." Chu Xiang started the transaction without being humble.

Bohao Hao nodded and said, "I'm assured of your business, but I have to warn you first. If you use communication equipment to do things that are not good for the Portland base, then I will kill you as soon as possible!"

Chu Xiang said: "It's just an old friend saying hello, it will definitely not be detrimental to the base, please rest assured."

Bohao Hao nodded again, and then he suddenly changed the subject, "I heard you recruited members in the civilian area yesterday?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, my boss Rashid organized a Shenlong team, we will go to the city to find more treasures to exchange with you, I don't know if you can eat."

The boss of Haohao laughed and laughed: "Even if you can't eat, you can try it. Don't talk nonsense. I'll take you to this satellite phone. When it comes to your boss, I don't like it as much as you please, haha ​​... .... "

Chu Xiang left thirty bottles of wine, and led into the military camp of Portland base under the leadership of Bo Hao. In addition to Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian, six other people were already wearing clothing. Such vigilance that the idea of ​​absorbing his body can only be postponed again, otherwise, his own life is very likely to be insured, and the six women are not vegetarian.

At this moment, Chu Xiang really saw the power of Bo Hao's boss. He smoothly took more than ten people into the barracks command center, and no one asked him along the way! Will the strength that can reach such a close relationship with the army be weak, Chu Xiang's attention to Bohao's boss has increased again.

"Come here," an officer greeted the office, nodding enthusiastically to Bo Hao.

The boss of Hao Hao did not call each other either, and the other party may be even more reluctant to reveal his identity. After all, using military communication equipment is an unruly thing, so he next led the Hao boss into the communications room without a word. , Then entered a cubicle with three partitions and pointed to the equipment on the table.

The boss of Hao Hao nodded to Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang nodded to Yu Xuan and Su Yulian. The two women could not wait any longer. They knew the password of China Zero Base, and quickly connected the signal. The familiar voice of duty officer Ma Ming, the two women even shed tears.

"Who? Who knows our communication channel?" Ma Ming is very surprised ~ ~ The other party does not use video communication, but the channel is an emergency contact method for internal personnel, and it is impossible for outsiders to use it.

Boss Haohao was very angry and stood outside the leading officer just now, but Fang Yuxuan's eager voice believed that they could hear it, but he couldn't understand the Chinese, then said two things, "Ma Ming? Is it you, I am Fang Yuxuan! "

Ma Ming was startled when he heard the name from the other party: "Xiao Fang, where are you, everyone is looking for you and Sister Lian are going crazy!"

Fang Yuxuan did not hesitate, "We have an accident, and we are now in the United States base in Portland."

Pop, the other party ’s communicator hanged, Fang Yuxuan knew that someone would come to answer immediately, so she relaxed the microphone, Chu Xiang said: "Are you all right?"

Fang Yuxuan said, "Let's wait outside."

Chu Xiang made an ok gesture to Minhao, Minhao nodded, and made a thankful look to the officer. The officer smiled. Naturally, he didn't care about this seemingly useless communication. So it was very pleasant to take out with Hao Hao and Chu Xiang and others out of the headquarters.

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