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Chapter 600: Law enforcement

Chu Xiang's body suddenly turned sharply. A large hole was spun out of the concrete floor, and then Chu Xiang's figure disappeared into the ground. When Carbson got up, he disappeared. It was not that Chu Xiang didn't want to chase after victory, but that he just absorbed new energy and needed time To transform and merge, and the alarm sound has attracted a large number of soldiers and other bodyguards, coupled with Carbson has a certain strength even if injured, so Chu Xiang chose to retreat wisely.

I randomly found a place on the ground, Chu Xiang tore off the black cloth on his face, opened the bone ring, took a suit and changed it, and then ran back to the entrance of the building. Rushing into the building with a gun in the wind and snow, of course, someone was urging them behind, and Chu Xiang mixed with these people and entered the building.

Song Jun was extremely anxious. When the alarm sounded below, it was known that Chu Xiang was acting. However, thinking that he had lost his super power, Song Jun chose to stay on it. However, he did not see Chu Xiang for a long time. The soldiers went downstairs to the prison, and Song Jun decided to take a risk to follow them in. If you have the chance, you can help Chu Xiang.

Suddenly someone pulled La Songjun from behind, Song Jun could only stop and look back, "Chu Xiang! ..."

Chu Xiang waved his finger gently, Song Jun immediately closed his mouth, and the two retired to the corner to let the soldiers pass by. Song Jun then had time to look at Chu Xiang and saw that Chu Xiang was fine. Now, after all, Chu Xiang cannot compare with before, and his strength has not been completely restored, so Song Jun will worry.

After Smith followed the crowd with the team, he saw Chu Xiang and Song Jun hiding in the corner. He shouted, "Go, look down. The alarm says that someone sneaked into the prison, as if the No. 1 bodyguard most trusted by the owner was injured. . "

Chu Xiang and Song Jun couldn't leave the team at this time, they squeezed into Smith's team and rushed to the basement level. Soon a large number of soldiers took control of the prison, but they did not catch the culprit in the end, not even the film. I saw that many people suspected it was a false alarm.

Carbson was injured, but it was not a big deal. He waved the coquettish soldier out of prison, squatting down in front of the collapsed glass cover, and meditating. The sudden appearance of the masked man's strength suddenly changed. Carbson was surprised that before the death, the sister-in-law suddenly turned into a mist and entered the masked person, and then the masked person's strength greatly increased, and he only injured himself with one punch. This change is too shocking. Why is this happening? What if you absorbed the **** yourself?

The incident finally subsided at dawn, knowing that there were not many people before and after the whole thing. Like Smith, they were just catching the wind, saying that the mule suddenly got enough oxygen to recover, destroyed the bulletproof glass cover and wounded Carbson and fled. He Intending to return in revenge this evening, there will be no rest for Yamaki.

Rumors returned to rumors, but from the high-level response, the owner did not take any action on this matter, as if it had never happened, and soon the private discussions were automatically suspended because the zombies attacked the Yamak base again. At the foot of the mountain, it began to concentrate its forces in the wind and snow. Fortunately, this is a long process. Yamaki has not been occupied for the time being. It is only people's heart. Of course, it is impossible to study the zongzi intentionally.

I went to the cafeteria to take a meal at noon. Smith said, "Chu Xiang, the snow outside is so big. Come to my house to eat in a while. Cats will sleep with me in the afternoon. You have to be on duty at night. . "

Chu Xiangyang raised Yangfan's rice bowl and said, "Let ’s deal with it in the duty room. Hurry home and wait for your wife."

Smith grinned, "That is, the zombies began to mobilize their forces, and I don't know if Yamaki can hold on for a few days. Everyone should be happy. How about it? I don't need to help you find two girls, just play. Don't die, you are guaranteed to satisfy your twisted perverted heart. "

Chu Xiang cursed with a smile: "You just twisted the perverted heart. We really don't look down on those women, so we don't bother your monitor, your old man. Let's go upstairs when we leave."

Chu Xiang and Song Jun started out of the cafeteria with biscuit porridge, and the person who came in to take the meal oppositely talked aloud, "It is nice to say that the lieutenant is very good. It was a pity that I had done things under his hands. It ’s a pity that I do n’t know how I thought, the zombies were embracing us in the wind and snow. At this time, we were still fighting the evolutionists. Alas, I see that the fall of Yamaki is sooner or later. Alas, the lieutenant did not complete the task and bombed the arsenal. It is no wonder that the owner will be so angry. "

Chu Xiang had already left the cafeteria. He suddenly turned back and walked back a few steps to the soldier who had just spoken, "Hey, brother, what's the lieutenant about? What we said was the lieutenant? We just came back from the outside to perform the task with him. Did he go to the farmer to make a difference? ? "

The man sighed and said, "Yeah, he didn't complete the mission and issued a military order. So Zhuang killed him to do something special, that is, at noon today, he also called for others to see. In fact, it is to deter us. Let us Absolutely obey his order. "Someone pulled the man talking to him, reminding him not to talk too much and set himself on fire, and then the man closed his mouth and took the meal.

Chu Xiang shouted behind him: "Where is the location? We're going to see."

"In front of the owner's building, you know when you go there. It is estimated that the execution will be carried out. You may not see the last one late."

Chu Xiang and Song Jun refused to eat, and threw the rice bowl into the duty room and ran out. Although the lieutenant was not strong, he was good at heart, not to mention that everyone had just experienced life and death together. If he has something, Chu Xiang and Song Jun cannot sit on the wall and watch.

The snowstorm outside is still very big. According to this development, even if the humans at the Yamaki base have no way to retreat, the situation is indeed very critical, but the owner is still thinking about weakening the power of the evolver. Such people will sooner or later Will lead the base to the dead end.

"Ready!" In the snowstorm, a group of people stood in front of the building, a call sounded, the three soldiers took their guns and began to aim, Chu Xiang shouted to separate the crowd: "Stop!" His voice was loud, and Incorporating some ultrasonic power, the three soldiers who executed the crime could not help throwing away their pistols to cover their ears, and even the executioner's scared leg fell softly on the snow. The surrounding audience was frightened and ran away.

"Sir, what's going on?" Chu Xiang ran forward, kneeling on the snow with a man with a lot of flowers tied to him. It was the lieutenant who was looking for the landlord. His face was so bad that it might be the line of life and death that had just hit him. Psychological impact.

"It's you, Chu Xiang," said the Lieutenant with a smile on his face. "I didn't complete the task and issued a military order. Now is the time to fulfill my promise."

Chu Xiang tore off the rope on the lieutenant's body. In fact, the rope of the lieutenant's strength could not tie him at all. It seems that he himself was guilty. He probably thought that the lack of weapons and ammunition had greatly reduced Yamaki's defense strength .

At this time, the soldier in charge of execution was awake from Chu Xiang's violent drinking. They immediately picked up the gun on the ground, and the muzzle pointed at Chu Xiang: "Do not move! You will be killed if you move!"

Suddenly, the light shone, and those who screamed their guns at Chu Xiang's soldiers, couldn't hold the guns in their hands and fell on the snow again, and their wrists were invariably inserted with a knife. The material of the knife was very poor. The steel bars in the cement board were ground, and the person who launched them was Song Jun. Although Song Jun could not launch too many flying knives at the same time as before, it was more than enough to deal with several soldiers.

"Someone robbed the prisoner!" The uninjured soldier shouted for help. As soon as the owner's bodyguard came, these people would be dead, so there was no need to fight with them, and he was dead.

The lieutenant told Chu Xiang: "You don't care about me, this will hurt you, rest assured I didn't tell the owner that you are an evolutionary, otherwise you will be in danger, don't expose yourself in front of the owner Strength, otherwise you will not be able to settle in the base. "

Chu Xiang said angrily: "When do you think about these, when you don't leave anyone here, it's better to leave."

Lieutenant said: "But leaving the base is a dead end!"

Chu Xiang said: "It's a dead end if you don't leave, let's go!" As Chu Xiang pulled up the lieutenant, Song Jun opened the road in front of him, holding a small dagger in his hands. Those soldiers just taught Song Jun to launch and fly Because of the knife technique, they didn't dare to come up and try it out. They could only give way. Chu Xiang and the lieutenant ran quickly towards the gate of the base.

Da Da Da, the submachine gun began to shoot at the three, Song Jun could not stop such dense bullets, but saw that Chu Xiang never stopped, and his heart settled a lot. Sure enough, those bullets were a few centimeters away from the three. The distance stopped, and then fell vertically on the snow. The lieutenant did not turn back, so he did not know. Song Jun felt secretly happy to see this ability to control the metal. Chu Xiang's strength increased again, perhaps not far from his restoration of the heyday. Already.

After hearing the shouting, the guards at the gate started firing at the three people. Chu Xiang did not hesitate to launch an ultrasonic wave, but his power was well controlled. The soldiers did not receive much damage except when they were overturned to the ground, and they were released. The combat force Chu Sha quickly smashed the door with sonic waves, then grabbed the lieutenant with one hand, and grabbed Chu Xiang with one hand, and the figure disappeared into the snow and snow towards the mountain. Because of injuries, today ’s action will be delayed, otherwise Chu Xiang will fight with him again, and his identity will be exposed at that time.

Chu Xiang's bone wings stretched out when he was about to fall to the foot of the mountain. He returned to the valley shortly afterwards. The lieutenant and Song Jun were released. Chu Xiang said to Song Jun: "I didn't expect to be able to find communication tools. . "

Song Jun said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you have communication tools or not."

Lieutenant said: "You are looking for communication tools? Is there any use? There is no signal at all. The satellites in the sky have been hit by the Terminator. Right, where is this? I am really sorry for the two of you."

Chu Xiang said: "Sir ..." Lieutenant interrupted Chu Xiang and said: "Call me James," Chu Xiang smiled: "Well, James, in fact, you don't need to be guilty, we didn't intend to be in Yamaki. How long to stay, because we still have a base here, let's go, I'll take you in. "

Creating a base required great engineering, so James was not quite convinced, but thinking of Chu Xiang's strength still kept up, the three quickly entered the valley, and James saw the big project in the mountain wall, he couldn't help but be amazed. Unexpectedly, it turns out that you still have Kaneya Tsangyo here. I won't say anything of gratitude this time you are saved. Let me say what I can use. "

After entering the cave, the snow was blocked out, and it was suitable for conversation. Chu Xiang said politely: "We have two purposes for entering the Yamaki base. Now one has been completed, and the other is to find a set of satellite communication tools. Maybe you've been in and out of the owner's building, and you're more familiar with the situation inside, maybe this can really help. "

James said: "Yes, there is indeed a set of satellite communication equipment in the owner's building. In the early stage of the virus outbreak, the bases were contacted. However, the terminator attacked the equipment on the satellite in orbit of the earth and it became ineffective and locked by the owner. It did n’t work in the warehouse anymore. Why, it seems that satellite communications have been restored now? ”

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, China has launched two satellites, one of which is to serve the communications in the Americas. If you can get the communications tools, you can reconnect with the surviving humans everywhere."

James said: "My life was saved by you twice or twice. Since you need it, I will take you back to the owner's building, and I will get the satellite communication equipment even if I die."

Chu Xiang patted James on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, eat and rest first. In addition, you also know these friends. They are my affliction in Portland. If you think together, you will definitely avoid Carbson. Get the communicator. "

Rashid naturally has no rejection of friends recognized by Chu Xiang. Long Yi and others have been affiliated under Chu Xiang's wings, and they have no opinion on Chu Xiang's decision. Everyone talked to James intimately. The fire was burning more and more fiercely, and the mountain spring water rolled away soon. Rashid cut a pile of pork with a dagger and threw it into biscuits. Then the soup was cooked and a bowl of broth was prepared for each person. Eating cookies.

"Good thing, I don't even remember how long I haven't eaten meat. Everyone says that there will be blessings if you don't die, and it is true," James said as he snuggled his nose in the pot.

Chu Xiang walked back to his room, but saw that the door with the cloth curtains was replaced with wooden boards. The bedding on the bed seemed to have changed. There used to be only one set, but now it is obviously more. There is also a small stone table with a broken glass on it. Although there are no cosmetics, it feels like a dressing table.

"Brother Chu, how are you back? Are there any gains? There is such a heavy snowstorm outside, don't go back today," someone went into the room after Chu Xiang, closed the wooden door gently, and held it from behind. Live Chu Xiang's waist.

"Xiaoyu," Chu Xiang was shocked, and he couldn't help but touch the tender hand that stretched out from behind his waist. Chu Xiang hadn't thought about Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian before, because they were the No. 1 Chu Xiang woman, but I do n’t know why. Probably, the sister-in-law absorbed more, and there was an ambiguous relationship with Fang Yuxuan. Chu Xiang was irresistible at this moment, and even looked forward to holding these women in her arms, as if everything was justified. .

"Brother Chu," Fang Yuxuan heard Chu Xiang's light echo, "Did you suddenly come back to something that happened to Yamaki? Unfortunately, I can't help you by losing my super power now."

Chu Xiang said: "I can handle it, you can rest assured, these bedding ..."

Fang Yuxuan smiled with a smile: "We are all like that, can I not move here? Unfortunately, you may not be able to stay at night. When do you say you can restore your original memory, now I ca n’t tell Sister Lian, I ’m afraid she scolded me for betraying you, but I think you are back, and it feels so kind. ”

No one knows this complicated matter better than Chu Xiang, so he doesn't take Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian's concerns at all, but just restores the original Chu Xiang? Now Chu Xiang has never made this decision in his heart, but in fact he is unknowingly doing it to improve his own strength, contradiction, tobbe, thatisaquestion.

Bang, bang, bang, someone knocked on the wooden door three times, Fang Yuxuan quickly let go of Chu Xiang, the two pulled a step away, and Chu Xiang said, "Come in." The wooden door squeaked open, and Su Yulian probed in. Laughing: "The two patronize Qingqing me and me, can I drink enough water to eat? I have lunch."

Fang Yuxuan came out of the room with Chu Xiang, and whispered in her mouth, "Why doesn't Sister Lian seem to oppose us?"

The lunch was ended in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. At the same time, Chu Xiang and James discussed the actions at night. It was too obtrusive during the day, and when they broke out from Yamaki, it was just when the security was tight. In this way, it became a leisure time in the afternoon. After cutting a stone house for James, Chu Xiang returned to his room. Su Yulian and Fang Yuxuan came in one after the other. Chu Xiang did not know what the two women were going to do, although he I also wondered if I wanted to play a second waitress, but not to mention there were other people in the cave during the day, even if Chu Xiang spermworms could not easily do it on the brain.

"Chu Xiang, we don't have many biscuits. These days, we have been using biscuits as a staple food. In addition, the number of people is not small. Are we looking for other foods instead? Otherwise, we will use wild pork as a staple food," Su Yulian said Even when the official matter was mentioned, it seemed that Chu Xiang had misunderstood others.

Chu Xiang knew that there were still a lot of biscuits in the space of the bone ring. He just took a part of the space to make ammunition. In case of encountering the arsenal again, he could put in ammunition. The trust was from the heart, and the bone ring was opened directly in the room. In Chu Xiang's view, this matter is not a big deal, it is just a special storage space, but I did not expect that Su Yulian was almost unable to hold it!

Space ring! This is only the original Chu Xiang treasure, plus Chu Xiang several times before the restoration of the number one Chu Xiang, now Su Yulian completely believed ~ ~ in front of this Chu Xiang is the original Chu Xiang No matter how much he denies and quibbles, it's no use! No wonder Song Jun is so convinced of him, and Fang Yuxuan also volunteered, because they have a deeper relationship with Chu Xiang, and they naturally understand him better than a few points, so they judge earlier than themselves About it.

"How dumbfounded, help move the biscuits. Make some space. I'll pack something else in the future. By the way, take out a few bottles of wine. Let's drink a bit when it's okay. Such a cold day, warm your body." Chu Xiang to the second female road.

"Oh," the two realized that they came out of the space ring and took out more than two dozen boxes of cookies, and saw that there were still a lot of weapons and ammunition in the space, Su Yulian said: "Chu Xiang, can we get some more weapons? In fact, even if we lose our super power, we can fight like ordinary people. "

"No problem," Chu Xiang picked out several lightweight submachine guns and bullets, and a box of grenades. Unfortunately, it was too tense in the arsenal, otherwise more weapons could be obtained.

Bang, suddenly someone smashed open the wooden door, "It's not good, it's not good," Long rushed in with a puff of hiss, and Su Yulian frowned: "Long Yi, something so panic."

Long Yi said, "Someone is searching for the valley and will soon reach the wall!"

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