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Chapter 666: Attack

[666] Attacking the Mountain

"Leave it to you to command?" Wang Xiangqin's tone was full of doubts. Even if you want to seize power, Wang Xiang doesn't have to be brazen to such a point. Now, instead of working together to cope with the difficulties, can you not think of sharing them all together?

Chu Xiang tone firmly said: "Yes, they must be entrusted to me to command, otherwise they will be difficult to play a role."

Wang Xiangqin frowned. "Let me think about it, do you have any other suggestions?"

The Meng brothers said: "Commander, if we still break through according to our opinion, there are so many high-level zombies that we can't stop our strength. We know that we must die here, and this is not in line with the principle of survival."

The following people echoed each other. Although knowing that this will irritate Wang Xiangqin, but the law does not blame the public, Wang Xiangqin can't always kill all officers. Maybe they will take the initiative to retreat if everyone agrees, but these people underestimated Wang Xiangqin's determination , She said coldly: "I repeat it again, never retreat! Hold on to the Lanzhou base, if anyone will shake my heart again, be careful of your own fate!"

I didn't see any action from Xiangxiang Qin, but the huge statue behind her smashed open, and the crushed stone dust was flying everywhere. Everyone couldn't wait to be seen and was about to be sprinkled. Chu Xiang quickly urged the water control skills to cover everyone. A water curtain is raised, and the crushed stone dust is blocked by the water curtain. Because the water curtain is transparent, it looks like the energy hood in a science fiction movie.

Huh, a strong wind blows away all the gravel dust outside the water curtain. Chu Xiang took the opportunity to take over the water control skills. These things were only ten seconds before and after. Xiangxiang Qin blew up the statue without hands. Seeing her power, Chu Xiang's success in catching the fragment of the statue also let everyone know that his ability is not to lose Wang Xiangqin!

Wang Xiangqin was annoyed when she failed to succeed, but she saw Chu Xiang ’s power and did n’t dare to take another shot easily, so she vented her anger on the officers: "Everyone gives me the front line to resist the zombies attack. He came to see me with his head on! The Guard guarded the battle and found that Ling Chi, who escaped, was executed! "

The people in the hall are like falling ice kiln. This time, they can't escape if they want to escape, but the strength of the Guards is much higher than them. Without saying a word, they turned around and left. Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao had an indifferent expression, and when they left the hall, they were ready to go down the mountain.

"Wang Xiang wait a moment," someone whispered behind him, Chu Xiang looked back, it was Miao Qingfeng's person. Although Miao Qingfeng was greatly damaged, he was still a hegemon. After these time expansion, It grew to more than three hundred people. It was Liu Renjun who stopped Chu Xiang. He pulled Chu Xiang to an unmanned corner.

"Wang Xiang, we are old friends. What do you think of the current situation?"

Chu Xiang said: "There is nothing to think about, either to withdraw or defend, if it is more realistic to withdraw in the near future, but it is more secure in the long run. After all, we can't change the base often, and we will not be able to keep the base after this time. . "

Liu Renjun said: "Wang Xiang, let's not tell you, I and Li Yanyong discussed with them and decided to listen to your command. You led everyone to break out, and then we found a base to serve you as commander?"

Chu Xiang said: "Sorry, I don't want to be the commander." What Chu Xiang said was the truth. When he led the Resistance Army, Chu Xiang avoided talking about the commander-in-chief, let alone a small base in Lanzhou. To seduce him.

However, Liu Renjun did not know Chu Xiang's original intention. He thought that Chu Xiang did not have enough commandership, so he further said, "It is OK to serve you as emperor. Several of us will give you their lives in the future. You also know the strength of Commander Wang himself. Gao Qiang, this time she got Zhou Baogang's corpse-evolving evolver. She doesn't have to worry about herself regardless of the external situation, but we are different, so it is normal for people to organize from rescue. Wang Xiang, promise us. "

Chu Xiang said: "If you wish to

I warmly welcome you to Crested Mountain, if there is nothing else I will go first. After saying that Chu Xiang lifted his foot and left, Liu Renjun also planned to lift Chu Xiang's name again to impress Chu Xiang. Now it seems useless.

Zhou Baogang and Chen Deshui were put under house arrest by Duan Feng and left to the underground refuge room. For the time being, there was wind and water in the Lanzhou base. On the surface, everyone was enthusiastic about preparing for a blood battle with the zombies. In an attempt to use the group advantage to spur breakout, they thought that the leading candidate was Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang did not see anyone after rejecting Liu Renjun's plan. These people were anxious and useless, and they wanted to break out. That skill, afraid that after entering the zombies, they can never come out again.

Another day later, the zombie formation that besieged the Lanzhou base in the evening changed. The original front position t2 began to recede. The hidden t3, t4, and the creeper moved forward. They stared at the first level of the base. In the Sanxingdang Temple, there are now more than 800 soldiers inside, guns and guns are ready to go in the morning, and another hundred evolutionaries are also facing the attacking zombies.

Wang Xiangqin made up his mind to stand still, so after learning that the situation was severe before the battle, he led the leaders of the strongholds to personally go to the Samsung Temple to supervise the battle. At the same time, at t3, t4, at the same time, they spread their feet and rushed to the Samsung Temple!

Wang Xiangqin patrolled on the ground, she said loudly: "No one is allowed to shoot without ordering! The evolver shows his weapon to prepare for battle!" The defense degree of t3 is average. As long as the distance is normal, it can be penetrated, and t4 ordinary weapon is not needed They must be dealt with by evolutionists.

The first line of defense at the foot of the mountain was a bunker built with rocks and mud. The waist cut off the road into the mountain. Alas, alas, a flexible zombies leapt to the bunker, and the machine gunner's fingers trembled, even the evolver. Unable to hold back his panic, Wang Xiangqin waved down: "Shot!"

Flip-flops, the bullets scrambled to "shoot" out. The t3 that rushed forward was "shot" into a sieve. The corpse fell to the ground. The initial success greatly inspired the soldiers to fight, and the fear was gradually killed. Instead of the excitement of "sex", many people stood up from their bunkers with their machine guns and "shot" directly to hit the zombies, and the highway at the foot of Sanxing Temple was flaming.

The t3 before the charge was exhausted, and the bullet hitting t4 had little effect. Mostly, they knocked them over a few rolls and could climb up from the ground to attack it. Alas, the first soldier was kicked by t4 and his head burst. The two t4 rushed into the bunker, and the machine gun camp immediately "chaotic" the set. The evolvers held the spear of judgment to meet t4, and the two sides launched a **** battle.

The human force was defeated less than five minutes after the battle. There was no reason for it. The follow-up power of the zombies was amazing. At first, they were fighting one t4, but later they were fighting ten. The evolutionists were injured or died. The rest Werewolves fled into the Samsung Temple, Wang Xiangqin shot and killed more than a dozen t4, but many t4 came over to her, and then they could only retreat into the Samsung Temple. The firepower and evolutionaries who stationed in the Samsung Temple faced T4. Slightly stabilized.

Although Fu, Lu, and Shou Samsung have high strength, they are also scared in the face of hordes of t4. At this time, I didn't know where to hide. Wang Xiangqin's offensive t4 was slightly weaker, but the effort was not great. There was a rapid hoof sound outside, followed by the sound of a shaking mountain from the Samsung Temple, and hundreds of creepers slammed the main body of the hall! The following t3 and t4 crazily bite the humans in the rubble. Wang Xiangqin saw that he could not keep it at all, but he reluctantly ordered to return to the main base, and then use the mountains of the main base to fight the zombie army again.

The creepers rushed under the Qin Han Palace to take their steps, t2 slowly came from the end of the team, they slowly spread the formation, leaking the water blocked in front of the main base, and the civilians outside the Qin Han Palace had received the news and hid in the Qin Han Palace. When the Qin Han Palace was crowded, although the Russians were angry, they did not dare to treat them. Besides, the current situation was to deal with aliens, not human beings. Wang Xiangqin had a somber face. She walked on the steps of the Qin Han Palace. Several back and forth, looking at the foot

A hundred meters of zombies were helpless.

"Commander, there is no other way, let's withdraw," another suggestion was made, and Wang Xiangqin bit his teeth. "No!"

Everyone returned with disappointment. No one had any confidence in Wang Xiangqin's decision. What he did was success after his death. Everyone died. Success had a fart. That night, Liu Renjun brought a group of people to the foot of the Crested Mountain, rugged mountaineering. On both sides of the path are dense grass blades and "shooting" trees. Although the efficacy of these plants has not yet been seen, light from the surface can also give people a sense of security, which is much stronger than the bare main base.

After receiving the news, Chu Xiang personally went down the mountain to greet him. Liu Renjun took Chu Xiang's hand and said, "Wang Xiang, we have come to you. I hope you will accept everyone for the sake of sharing the hardships. So we brought only a hundred soldiers, and we will obey your commands in the future. "

Chu Xiang said, "Welcome, let's go up the mountain to arrange a place for you. Since everyone will come, I will treat them equally. We are blessed and we enjoy the same."

The news of Liu Renjun leading people to the Crested Mountain was missing. Although the Meng brothers dismissed it, they were no longer optimistic about the future of the Lanzhou base. They secretly organized a large number of elite forces to prepare for a siege force to break out before the attack. Still have to wait and see, if Wang Xiangqin really beats the zombies, they can't come back.

Wang Xiangqin learned that Miao Qingfeng's people were very angry when they were divided into two. At this time, the army's heart was important. Some people in Miao Qingfeng had taught some cowardly. Some people in the main base wanted to go to Jiguan Mountain to explore the wind. They seemed to The mountain should be safer than the main base, not to mention that Chu Xiang has a flying bird unit, and can leave the place by flying bird at a critical moment.

Wang Xiangqin considered and ordered: "Notify the civilians of the Qin Han Palace to the main base, and let the teachers stationed at the main base take strict precautions and not allow anyone to leave the main base. This **** Wang Xiang is doing something right with me everywhere. Sooner or later I will pack him. "

Zombie troops are very close to the Qin Han Palace. If civilians are not allowed to go to the base, there are only two results. One is that they will run around the zombies and go to Jiguan Mountain. The other is that they will be completely destroyed by the zombies. Chu Xiang could not be cheaper because he could not get it, so the civilians of the Qin and Han Palaces were allowed to enter the main base. As for the old "Mao" son, he had to stay behind.

Anjujevic was also impatient at this moment. The zombies were so fierce and he became the shield of Wang Xiangqin. The zombies were the first to attack the main base. He had been advised by his subordinates to leave. Anjujevic reluctantly said: "Isn't our plan to leave our base in Lanzhou at this time completely bankrupt?"

Hovsky said, "General, it is better that we directly hit the main base and take the right of Wang Xiangqin's woman. Defending the main base is much stronger than the Qin Han Palace."

Anjuyevich said: "At this moment the evolution of the main base is waiting. If we lose, everything will be gone."

Hofsky said: "Then we will abandon the Qin and Han Palaces and go to the main base. Why should the civilians be prevented from entering us?"

Anjuyevich said: "I think so, everyone, please prepare, we leave here, the polar bear team has not been used as a gun."

At the entrance of the main base, on the antique Great Wall, there was a clash between the garrison and the Russians. A small-scale fight began. The Ministry of Good Evolution soon received the news and rushed over. After listening to the report, Wang Xiangqin only agreed to Anjuye. Vicki also entered the main base, and the old "Mao" sons didn't seem stupid. The plan to use them as shields would not work. Otherwise, they would first fight to break the net.

After the old "Mao" child was withdrawn from the Qin Han Palace, it fell completely into the hands of the zombies at the foot of the main base. It seemed to know that there would no longer be human resistance under the mountain. T2 climbed the stairs and poured into the Qin Han Palace. Collapsed, t2 did not continue to attack the main striker, but instead bypassed the main base and walked towards the Crest of the Crest of the Crest, Wang Xiangqin learned that the news could not shut up and see how those who trusted Chu Xiang got it.


After dawn, t2 launched the first wave of "sexual" attacks on Jiguan Mountain. About 500 zombies advanced along the foot of the mountain. They were stopped when they met the grass blade. T2's body did not have any defense. The tall grass suddenly became extremely hard after stepping on it. A zombie statue was worn with a sugar gourd, and the defense of the Crested Mountain was shown for the first time.

Wang Xiangqin received an on-site report. She couldn't believe it and went to the observation post to observe it. Sure enough, the green grass turned into a sharp knife, and it was difficult for the zombie to step on it. However, there were soldiers and horses at t2. Soon they mobilized many soldiers. Continue to move forward, trying to fill the grass blade positions with human sea tactics, and they also did it. A zombies mower blade quickly opened the way, and the follow-up zombies continued to climb the mountain, and soon they entered the "shot" strike. The attack range of the tree, all the plump fruits suddenly cracked, and "hard" fruit arrows were "shot" from the fly. The zombies were stabbed head-on, and the fruit arrows "shot" through their bodies and plunged into the second one. Only the zombies fell, and piles of corpses were quickly left within the range of the "shoot" hitting the tree.

This scene spread to Crested Mountain, Liu Hu, Liu Renjun and others cheered loudly. This was a joy for their wise choice, but the main base was silent. Many people regret that they did not make up their minds to come down to Chu Xiang in secret. The army did not release a shot and has blocked the two waves of zombies. On the slopes of the Jiguan Mountain, there are still many trees and grasses. With them, you can feel relieved.

Wang Xiangqin did not expect that the attack by the zombies on the Jiguan Mountain actually increased Chu Xiang's popularity, but she could not grow such grass and trees, and now she can only be angry. The zombies consumed all the numbers needlessly throughout the morning, and their corpses piled up. The higher, later, the evolutionaries had to send out skills to clear the ground corpses, which can ensure that the defense at the foot of the mountain continues to take effect, but the zombies are not stupid. In the afternoon, they organized more than 2,000 creepers to force the mountain. Wang Xiangqin After watching it, they laughed. Although the grass and trees are powerful, they have little effect on the creepers. Chu Xiang is about to plant this time.

Not only did Wang Xiangqin, Liu Hu, and others see the lineup of creepers and couldn't help running to Chu Xiang, "Wang Xiang, can the grass and trees below block the creepers?"

Chu Xiang said: "Unstoppable." Liu Hu said in surprise: "Ah, unstoppable? What can I do?"

Chu Xiang said, "Isn't there anyone else? If we work together, two thousand creepers will never be able to rush."

"It scared us," Liu Hu and Liu Renjun rubbed their hands together: "Wang Xiang issue an order!"

Chu Xiang said: "You obey the command of Zhang Lien and Fang Lien, we will definitely defeat the creepers."

An hour later, the creepers finally started to attack. They only had a run-up distance of only 500 meters, but these creepers were strong and powerful. The 500 meters was enough for them to raise their speed to a high level. , Shouted and flew across the grass, and then hit the fruit arrow that came from the "shoot" and hit the "tree" and hit the trees and trees. Boom, boom, many trees were broken by the creepers, and the unbroken ones also lost their speed. The fruit arrows from the "shot" have no lethal effect on the skin-skinned creepers, and they rushed all the way to the mountainside quickly.

Wang Xiangqin smiled on the lookout post ~ ~ She sat in the lounge chair placed on the lookout post, and then drank the water to the secretary Wang while drinking water: I know the power of zombies. I see what other tricks Wang Xiang can make. "

Secretary Wang suddenly said in surprise: "Commander, they have sent an evolutionary. Could it be that they want to fight creepers?"

Wang Xiangqin looked up and said, "So few people want to block two thousand creepers? Let them dream."

Secretary Wang's voice was surprised. "Commander, not a few people, it seems that there is only one person."

Wang Xiangqin looked up impatiently again and looked outwards. Suddenly she sat upright, "What is Wang Xiang doing!" Wang Xiangqin's eyesight was not comparable to that of Secretary Wang. She could see Ying at a glance.

The creeper is Wang Xiang. In the face of two thousand creepers, even Wang Xiangqin did not dare to take risks. Is that Wang Xiang ready to intercept alone?

"No, right?" Wang Xiangqin "touched" and "touched" her forehead. She suspected that she had a fever and looked at her eyes.

Secretary Wang said loudly: "Yes! He really rushed into the creeper group, oh my god, this man is so brave, I hope he won't be trampled so soon!"

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