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Chapter 701: unexpected surprise

Shoot special! Liu Fuchun smashed the bong fiercely, and the small tree next to it was broken. As soon as he waited, his heart was inconsistent. He just rescued him. He offered him an official, but now he needs to make a decision immediately. Save your benefactor, there must be danger if you save it. From here you can see that the mountain has been surrounded by mutant horses. As for the specific situation, it cannot be seen because it is covered by trees. If you do n’t save yourself, you will lose your prestige in the team and lose yourself. The benefactors are so ruthless, let alone others, which is not conducive to future rule.

The black face said, "Captain. Should I take someone to see first? If the situation allows, we will save people.

Liu Fuchun said: "I will go with you, red face. You will lead everyone back to Chang'an City. No one is allowed to run around and give me an honest rest. We have to find a chance to transport the goods again. This time we have no time to hide. The car, if it was found by others, would lose a lot.

Did Chu Xiang really fail to keep up with Liu Fuchun and others? The answer is of course no. He didn't look at this mutant horse at all. What he saw was the materials on the car, which were disrupted during the emergency braking. Chu Xiang clearly saw that in addition to ammunition, there were a lot of well-preserved cosmetics. Although these cosmetics were not valuable compared to food, Zhang Jingyao's daughters had not used cosmetics for some time. Even if they are beautiful without makeup, which girl doesn't want to be more beautiful?

Everyone left. Chu Xiang calmly selected in the carriage. He even found two good ratios without opening the box. Everything is intact except the battery is dead. Chu Xiang puts them into his space ring together with the cosmetics. At this time, the mutant horse has surrounded the truck and Chu Xiang jumps out of the compartment.

The mutant horse was holding a weapon in his hand and carrying a bullet bag on his shoulder. Chu Xiang reached out and snatched a gun and a bullet bag. The mutant horse had fear in his eyes. Chu Xiang's speed is beyond their reach. Isn't this guy who hasn't escaped so weak? Although the mutant horse was clever, he didn't think about it any more, but launched a unified attack on Chu Xiang. Suddenly there was a red light in their eyes, and then they knew nothing when their bodies were hot.

Chu Xiang threw the magazine into the space ring, put the rifle needle chair on his shoulder, climbed into the cab, set on fire, and started a truck toward Changan City. There were constant mutations on the road and immediately siege, Chu Xiang could not launch a fire attack in the cab. He controlled hundreds of metal swords to open the way, and mutated horses were assassinated countlessly. Seeing that Chu Xiang's skills were so powerful, they immediately mobilized energy bombs, of course, the type fired by ordinary rifles. However, it had no effect on Chu Xiang. After using a dozen mutant horses one after another, the metal swords that were open in front of the van continued to slaughter them. The mutant horses were then convinced that the evolutionary inside was not that they could deal with them and they retired with the corpse and the wounded helplessly.

Liu Fuchun and Hei Lian rushed to the truck to throw cobalt, but they were surprised that the van was gone and the mutant horse was gone. Only the ground was still slightly ashes, but most of them were blown away by the wind. Liu Fuchun and Hei Lian could not even notice . The two searched around, and finally found traces of rolling vans, looking at the direction to go to Changan City.

Helian said in wonder: "What's going on? Is it that Chu Xiang has driven the truck?"

However, Liu Fuchun said, "No. Chu Xiang doesn't walk into the person, even if he has divine power and marksmanship, if he wants to deal with so many mutant horses, there is no respect for him, let alone drive the car in this situation. If he said to us Concealing his own strength, the mutant horse can also deal with it. You see, there is a bomb shell of an energy bomb underground. Maybe he is dead. It is because the mutant horse has driven away the truck. They probably want to use our truck to open the Changan city gate. ".

The black face thought that Liu Fuchun's analysis was also to the small "captain, let's hurry to stop it, otherwise the people in Chang'an City will push their sins to our heads without saying that the goods are over. By then, we will become street mice.

Liu Fuchun didn't dare to be vague. The two quickly chased along the rut. When they found the truck, they had already come outside the gate of Chang'an City. The truck network was stopped and was about to be inspected. Afraid of a mutant horse sneaking in, Liu Fuchun had not yet arrived. The sound is here, be careful! There are mutant horses inside! "

Hearing "mutated horse, the soldier guarded by the three words immediately opened the gun insurance. One of them was too nervous and went out. When the bullet hit the carriage, it made a crisp sound. The sound of the gun sounded like a signal. The machine on the top of the gate The gunman also fired, and the bullet swept into the cab, smashing the windshield.

"Stop! Stop!" The squad leader on duty shouted loudly. This kind of merits of firing without listening to the signal was too dangerous. The squad leader was angry and kicked the soldier who had left the fire, and then he took the man carefully to the truck. Suddenly, the driver's cab crackled, and a pile of broken glass was pushed out. Hearing the gun in the hands of everyone, they had to pull the trigger involuntarily, but they heard the sound of the driver's cab screaming: "Don't hit it, you are the one."

The squad leader is an evolutionary, and his eyes will quickly press down the muzzle of the soldiers around him, and the bullets that are going to fire again will be shot into the soil. The quality of this group of soldiers is really bad. They really want to fight, and they will definitely lose. Push away. Chu Xiang shook the broken glass on his body and walked down, Liu Fuchun and his black face were shocked.

Chu Xiang was not in danger. And the truck is back! It was only Liu Fuchun who shouted a problem and the truck's head was smashed by machine guns. This time, I am afraid that no matter how high the repair technology is, it has not been cured, but it has already reached Changan City. Just find a powerful evolutionary stroller into the city.

The squad leader turned to Liu Fuchun and said, "How did it happen, didn't you say there was a mutant horse? You are lying about the military situation."

Chuan Fuchun hurriedly pulled out a small gold bar from his pocket and stuffed it into the squad leader's hand armor. Sorry, it was a misunderstanding to keep the brothers to buy and sip, and I will never enjoy it until the batch is processed. "

The squad leader weighed the weight of the gold bar and quietly put it in his pocket, and his face eased a lot, "There is no misfortune if there is such a false positive! It was just too dangerous just now, and someone came to investigate the reason for the shot. It takes a while. "

Liu Fuchun hurriedly pulled out a gold bar and stuffed the monitor: "Please give us a lot of words, our car is approved, please check it. The goods for trade are already listed in the police station. Can I enter the base? "

After being frightened, the shift monitor was reluctant to check more. He roughly waved his eyes and let go. The business of the trade is not within their jurisdiction. It is enough to get a gold bar. Of course, the guns and ammunition that are in and out of the base personnel It is required to deposit them. This is a requirement of each base. If the people want to enter the base to live weapons, they will be confiscated.

Liu Fuchun got the gate soldier on duty to have time to appease Chu Xiang. "Good little Chu! I didn't expect you to drive the truck back. We thought it was a mutant horse who drove to the fraud city. Do n’t Blame me before calling the police, that was completely unaware of the situation, right. Why did you fall behind, I came back to you with black face, but nothing was found, and the van was gone, we chased all the way along the track . "

Chu Xiang said: "Captain. My speed is not as fast as you. I did not keep up with the team when retreating. Later, the mutant horses somehow retired. I couldn't contact you. I was afraid that the goods would be dangerous if left outside, so I opened. came back

Black face held Chu Xiang's shoulder affectionately: "You guy, you ’re so lucky, you did n’t get hurt by the mutant horse, but you brought a cart of goods to the safety base. I really convinced you, maybe you are God of luck for our team? "

Chu Xiang pretended to smile embarrassedly. Liu Fuchun took out two gold bars and handed it to Chu Xiang: "Hold on, tonight, relax and relax. You have done a lot of work today, waiting for this batch of goods to be processed I will reward you again. "

Chu Xiang and Blackface are pushing a cart behind, Liu Fuchun controls the steering wheel, and the three men drive the truck into the hotel where they stayed. People in Chang'an City have seen countless trade caravans, which is this kind of wandering evolutionary. The car was the first time, so they came out to watch the bustling, and they even gave Liu Fuchun a small advertisement.

Liu Fuchun came down from the cab and stabbed the civilians around: "Big guy, our car broke down, so the network brought in the freight. Because we still need to take inventory, we will open the booth tomorrow, please tell each other. What we brought this time There is a wide range of products, so check them out if you don't buy them.

Two hours later, the red face of the detour led the team into the city. When they learned that Chu Xiang had driven the truck back safely, they were all very happy. They had shut up on Chu Xiang and prejudices. They not only repaired it today. After getting in the car, I brought back all the goods that everyone has worked so hard to get back. Even if Liu Fuchun made a big award, no one dared to say anything.

Skip the night time. Early the next morning, Chu Xiang and other team members were summoned by Liu Fuchun. They set up five large tables at the entrance of the hotel, which were stacked with the goods unloaded from the car. Statistics have been given last night. With the exception of some cosmetics and two puppets. On the road where Chu Xiang drove, the door was broken by a mutant horse. Some of the goods were picked up by the mutant horse, and some were stolen and dropped on the side of the road. Little Liu Fuchun and Heilian chased after them, so the two were not hesitant about the missing goods and only took them as mutant horses.

"Boss, how do you sell these books?" Some customers soon approached to inquire about the prices, and in the last days the spiritual food was almost cut off. Occasionally, the books from the former world can be seen, especially the world famous books, which are more precious in the eyes of slow people than slow heads.

It was a network that was thrown into the car, which was not a masterpiece, so Liu Fuchun said generously to the first customer: "Just take some gold and take it first, and the first customer to take care of my business, no matter how Take care. "

The man was very satisfied with Liu Fuchun's words. He took a golden bean from his arms and threw it to him, and then pulled the book on the table and removed it. There are a total of books, each of which is very thick.

With the first customer, it ’s easy to say that clothes, appliances, tableware, kitchenware, and various tools have been approached by people to ask for prices. In particular, Chu Xiang ’s leftover cosmetics are very popular. Most of them are officers and police who come to buy them. They must buy them back to please the women at home. After this period of development, women ’s land in the base has picked up and bought something. Sending them a smile is not a waste.

Liu Fuchun was taken care of by the officials who bought it. He is savvy and does not want to sell with a hammer. This time he has established a good reputation in Chang'an City, and it is also convenient to bring more goods to trade in the future. Only one third of the goods brought by the stall the next day were sold. Chu Xiang was very happy with this result, because it would be almost sold for another day tomorrow. In that case, Liu Fuchun would have to consider restocking, and according to Honglian speak. Their next goal is likely to be Yuncheng.

After collecting the stalls in the evening, each person got ten golden beans, each of which has the size of a soybean. This is a reward given by Liu Fuchun for this task. As for more sales income, it will be used as a provident fund. I am afraid that everyone will spend their old capital with great care. Secondly, they also need a part of the funds to buy arms. Otherwise, skills attacks are tiring, especially when dealing with mouths and ordinary creepers. Gunpowder weapons still have a certain effect.

the next day

The Babei members got up and set up their goods for sale. Surprisingly, the business was very light in the morning, not even one tenth of yesterday. When everyone was wondering there was a noise from the Dongcheng Gate, soon after returning civilians passed by Liu Fuchun's booth and began to whisper, "Do you know, there is another trade team here, and they will be announced when they enter the city in the morning. It ’s half the price. Let ’s wait and see if there is anything cheaper than this. ”

Liu Fuchun heard the common people ’s discussions, and winked at the red face. Red face hurriedly left, and returned half an hour later, he said, "Captain, this is the wolf trade team. I do n’t know where they made their fortune, but they brought Coming to three trucks, I'm afraid we can't do business

Liu Fuchun dropped the cargo at hand and said, "Let's go and see

On the way, Chu Xiang heard the details of the wild wolf trade team from Honglian's mouth, but it is also a wandering evolutionary team, but they are relatively large, about forty people, which is considered to be strong and strong in the base trade team; more important It is because they have cheaper goods that will overwhelm Liu Fuchun's business, so Liu Fuchun has to take a closer look in person.

This team got the police and military people in a very short time. After driving the truck into the Dongcheng Gate, they did not go far. They set up a stall at the intersection into the residential area. The materials brought were better displayed, but it took hundreds of people to encircle it in a while. If it was not crowded, it would come to the front.

Chu Xiang only watched hissing seven and began to worry about Liu Fuchun's business secretly. The goods of the wild wolf trade team are more complete and larger. Therefore, the price is lower, and the buyers are in tide. Often, a golden bean can be exchanged for a bunch. No wonder this morning there is no business. Whoever has cheap goods will still have expensive goods. This will not work. Liu Fuchun will not process the goods brought. It is impossible to go to Yuncheng afterwards. In that case, Chu Xiang's purpose to find Xiaosi will not be achieved.

Chu Xiang is thinking about how to solve this competitor. Liu Fuchun is also worried. The other party's force value is higher than him. The quality and price of the goods are superior to him. Even if he can beat the other party, this is Chang'an City. He would be suppressed by both the police and the army if he was in trouble.

"Hi boss Liu, how come you patronize my business?" While everyone was hesitating, the wild wolf trade team came out. This man was extremely fierce, with a sharp mouth, a thin face and sharp eyes, looking like a wild wolf hungry for a long time. And he is the captain of the wild wolf nicknamed the wild wolf, unnamed and unnamed trading team like Liu Fuchun, he does not look at it.

Because the two have known each other for a long time. Liu Fuchun called haha ​​and came forward: "Captain the wolf, okay, shall I do nothing to see how your business is doing?"

Captain Wild Wolf smiled sharply: "Okay, great, I can sell half of the goods in the morning, and it looks like I will go out tomorrow to find new sources. Yuncheng is said to be a good place. Not far from here, and Most of the materials in it have not been cleaned. I wonder if Captain Liu is interested in going together

Liu Fuchun's face changed. He looked back at his team members and turned out a traitor! If not, how does Captain Wolf know the situation in Yuncheng? But also aggressively speaking to himself in this tone.

After scanning the team members' faces, Liu Fuchun wasn't sure who sold the news to the wolf. He took a breath and calmly said, "Okay, maybe you have the captain of the wolf who can **** us for something good. "

Captain Wild Wolf was a stunner. He just wanted to run Liu Fuchun by words. Who knew that Liu Fuchun had come this way. At this time, he would not be able to justify taking others. "Okay, Captain Liu, you are very brave. We plan to handle the goods today and leave tomorrow morning. Come with us if you are not afraid of death!"

Liu Fuchun returned to his booth with a somber face. His team members were not many, and yesterday he sacrificed another, and one was injured. Some of these people must have betrayed the captain to the wolf captain. Although they do not know how they were contacted, the details of their team have been mastered by the wolf. If they do not go to Yuncheng with the wolf, then the goods left by them last time are likely to be If all the wolves are taken away, their losses will be great.

Black face cursed: "Damn wild wolf ~ ~ usually enough to bully us, this time I want to grab the goods before us! Never let him succeed!"

Chu Xiang added jealousy: "Be sure to grab our goods before them."

Liu Fuchun patted the table and said, "All the remaining goods are discounted. We will start early tomorrow. From the two days of business, I can see that Chang'an City has great purchasing power, especially the upper middle class, and our luxury goods are just right. To meet their needs, it's definitely worth the risk! "

Liu Fuchun's attempt to get ahead of schedule failed to materialize, because the wolf received the news early. When Liu Fuchun took someone out of Changan City, he was already waiting at the gate of the city. Naturally, Liu Fuchun knew that his own person had leaked the wind. But currently he can't find out who did it, so he can only endure it.

The wolf mocked and said, "Captain Liu, I got up so early. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Let's go. Do n’t you want to go to Yuncheng with me to make a fortune? Be careful, there is no better than Changan City. Do n’t I have done an undeserved death.

Liu Fuchun snorted and took someone to hurry, but the wolf continued to laugh at him: "Yo, you are not planning to walk to Yuncheng, I really admire you, forget it, forget it, get in the car, this time Just be good. "

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