Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 411: Information Tide

The streets selected as the battlefield became exceptionally quiet, as if all the air had been drained, and all sounds could not be transmitted. Then came the sound of wind, like a venomous snake from one building to another, after a while, the gusty wind turned into a hurricane, the violent airflow that gathered from all directions, facing the front body Life is gushing. This is a precursor to Father Sissen's use of superpower attacks.

The cloak on that juvenile body life was blown back and forth, continually swaying back, with no expression on his rigid face, and he pressed the double-knife handle around his waist in a hurry. Female body life also took off at this time, and it was not the two body life that first attacked. The body life as thin as a dry wood suddenly raised his hand, and the spikes on his body suddenly separated from the trunk , Like a large gun forest suspended in mid-air.

At this moment, Father Sissen's arm swung forward suddenly, and six tornadoes with a diameter of three meters formed from scratch in the blink of an eye. These six tornadoes completely cut off the line of sight of both of us. I launched a chain judgment, and the radar capability portrayed a black and white battlefield map in my mind.

No tactics were stated in advance, but everyone was making the same judgment when the incident came. Rasp and Rock flew to the left, while Fire and Jung drove to the right, leaving only Father Sisen and me standing on the spot, immediately forming three combat teams. The body life side also seemed to accept this speechless invitation. The moment the tornado engulfed their foothold, the flying female body life penetrated the tornado from the air. Flying towards the file and the Locke team. The boyish body life with a double-knife splits the tornado from the right side at the speed of lightning, and rushes into the building. As it progresses, a huge blade of light illuminates from the inside of the building to the fire and Jung. Attacked the location, breaking any obstacles in front of him along the way.

Although it was impossible to prevent the departure of two elemental life, the six huge tornadoes did not disperse. When the floating spikes penetrated the tornado and shot at us, they were pulled away from the original route by powerful forces. The power of the volume increases with each passing second. Prior to the strong airflow that Fr. Sisen had created, the weakness felt completely absent. He has extended his second hand, both of which are in a pulling position. Although his hand is empty, there is no doubt. This movement is full of tension, and even the buildings on both sides seem to be unable to withstand this terrible force. The shape begins to skew, and the massive material emerges from the wall, which in turn causes part of the building's stairs.

Under the influence of the airflow, the building constructed by mixing the structure with the ordinary material began to show signs of movement, and not only the movement, but also the air on the street became heavy, making it difficult to breathe. Lead-colored clouds rapidly increase at a rate visible to the naked eye. With the increase of air pressure, the substances in the air are compressed by a huge force, and the density is like the countless cotton tires being continuously squeezed and compacted, and then stacked up. The terrible air pressure, turbulent airflow, and suspended matter in the atmosphere distorted the area surrounded by the tornado. The suspended spikes seemed weak, constantly struggling to get rid of the airflow.

You can see the tall and thin figure vaguely. This body life seems to be really not good at fighting, still standing in the same place as a tower. I want to see what Father Sisson is planning to do. This level of air pressure and turbulence alone can kill ordinary people and make the Mageweaver messy. But they can't effectively combat the life of the elemental body. No matter how bad they are, they are still the creations of the extremely hard elemental body.

I think Father Sisen must be able to make some impressive attacks. However, before he did anything, the life of the body like the tower had already changed first.

Just like a generator. Lightning, visible to the naked eye, traveled over its body, constantly concentrating on the thorn-like structure behind the antenna. A ball of lightning condenses in the breath. The dazzling charge flowed through the heavy air pressure, lighting up a large area centered on it. Even at a distance of 100 meters away from it, you can feel the impact of strong currents, and even the skin can feel a kind of electric hair-like numbness.

But I don't understand why the body life should release such a huge current at this time. Obviously, Father Sisen controlled the atmosphere of this place. It is difficult for strong charges to break through this atmospheric control and have an effective impact on us. What ’s more, Father Sisen can let these charges be completely concentrated around it. It was like a huge bomb tied to it.

As I thought, Father Sissen smiled and snapped his left finger. The continuously compressed lead-colored atmosphere becomes more disordered, like many invisible iron plates rubbing against each other, and the resulting friction exacerbates the generation of electric charges. The blue sparks produced by the discharge phenomenon quickly fill up the six tornadoes.

In my eyes, these tornadoes are like burning blue torches, and the energy index of them in the retina screen continues to increase at an extraordinary rate.

All of this was completed in ten breaths. The thin body life still seemed helpless. Its figure was completely submerged in the lead-colored ocean that released lightning, and it formed a 20-meter diameter centered on it. There was a roaring blue thunder sea, bursts of low-pitched roar that caused heart loss, and the huge suction was still disintegrating the building next to it, swallowing the material of the stairs, these large and small suspended objects were in blue There was a terrible and dense impact sound in Leihai.

The only thing that was least affected by this tornado, Leihai, was where Father Xi and I stood. Despite this, Lei Hai is still accumulating scalp energy. Father Sisen controlled the extraordinary power of the atmosphere and continually compressed and compressed this super bomb mixed with energy and matter until it was compressed to a sphere of only ten meters.

I have no doubt that once this ball explodes, it will produce the terrible destructive power I have ever seen, which has exceeded the power of the shock wave generated by the 70% power radioactive gray particle resonance device. It is second to none among all man-made weapons in the normal world. but. It is necessary to detonate it to determine the extent of the effective damage that can be generated, because the oscillating shock wave generated by the spherical and radioactive gray particle resonance device is essentially different, and the critical weapon is strengthened for the body material and the structure material Effect.

However, even so, I can't help but think that now, even the body life cannot escape. The density of this ball is too great, coupled with its powerful turbulent force field, it is impossible to come out only by the strength of the feet.

The atmosphere is still being sucked into the sphere, and a stream of air with suspended matter is burrowing into the sphere from all directions like a tentacle. at this time. The surrounding air is very thin, even suffocating than on the plateau, but there are still strong blasting sounds from both sides. In the rasp and rock group. As well as the direction of the fire escape and the Jung team ’s departure, violent fighting is ongoing, and a large number of buildings have been affected and constantly destroyed. Firelight, bullets, knife lights, and explosions followed one after another, without stopping for a moment.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked Father Sisen this way.

"The response of this elementary life is a little strange, it has been still for a long time." Father Sisen said pretendingly, but the data on the retina screen showed that he was very tired, and my naked eyes could see this . The so-called best effort was different this time, this time. Father Sisen really did his best.

It can be considered that this energy ball composed of compressed energy and matter is the greatest destructive force he can reach at present.

"It confirms that it's still inside?" I naturally felt a little strange that the other party didn't move.

"Yes, it's still inside." Father Sisen said very surely.

"Then detonate it, let's look at the effect first. If there is a problem, I will deal with it." I said.

"You better be prepared, I think it is waiting for the moment when we detonate the bomb." Father Sisen said.

"I've already prepared myself." I turned to my side, put the knife-like critical weapon around my waist, and made a gesture of pulling out the knife. Once an abnormality occurs, this posture can move and swing a knife-shaped critical weapon at the fastest speed.

Father Sisen smiled convergently. He snapped his right finger with a cautious expression.

"Love to kill."

In the next moment, the lead-colored sphere wrapped in the blue flame suddenly shrank inward, during which a denser and violent roar sounded from the inside, and even the surface of the inwardly contracted sphere appeared a slight bulge. Only because the outside air becomes thinner is it weakened to the extent that ordinary people can bear. If this sound is in a normal state, it may destroy the normal human body in an instant.

How many times did the explosion inside the sphere occur? Countless. In just three breaths, at least hundreds or thousands of times have been generated. If this is a fighting game, the number on the combo counter will increase to a breathtaking speed with a terrible speed. However, just like the big move in the fighting game, imprisonment, combos, and the end with the most violent ultimate blow, Fr. Sisen shot the third ring finger as the end point.

"Death is not the end, just as the truth will last forever, embrace the truth of the end."

As Father Sisson gave a weary sigh, the ball that enveloped the life of the body itself was detonated. The translucent ring-shaped shock waves one after another, like heavy ripples, spread sharply to the surroundings, and the ground also jittered and rolled like waves, which had been pulled by the air flow, leaving only half of the building ruins as foam. Too.

Only the place where we are standing is a little calm, but we can still feel that the ground beneath our feet is becoming softer than cotton, as if it were sand, it will sink at any time.

It was terrible control. I stared at the explosion center and couldn't help thinking. We have not been affected by the explosion, it is clear that Father Sisen is still controlling this destructive power.

As the shock wave dissipated, the stairs of the ball, all the blue flames concentrated on the body of the tall leptin body that re-emerged in view. It is now like a pillar filled with lighted firecrackers. The spikes imprisoned in the ball with it are completely gone. Its body has become smooth because it has lost all the spikes. Even the antenna on the back disappeared. But even so, it is impossible to judge how serious the injuries it suffered.

At least, it has n’t died yet, and the sight in the retina screen keeps moving on its burning body. All data is displayed. Although it somehow remained motionless, it was still alive.

I drove forward against the ring shock wave that had not completely disappeared, and left the protection area created by Father Sissen. The shock wave and the object lifted hit me violently. I can't feel the pain, and the body with the body style can withstand this level of power, and I can't even effectively stop my sprint.

I stepped on the rolling street, constantly flashing a huge object that was pulled into the air by the shock wave and was blown up at a high speed, and was facing a small object like a storm. I approached the life of a body like a telegraph pole at a speed of twenty meters per second. After almost breathing, I reached the best range of the radioactive gray particle resonance device.

At this time, I suddenly noticed. This elementary life mask is generally stiff on the face, and the outline of the eyes is closed. Although I do n’t understand what it ’s doing, it does n’t prevent me from doing what I should do.

Just like pulling a knife, lift the knife-shaped critical weapon from bottom to top.


Along with the sound resounding in my heart, the long-standing oscillation disintegrated the shock wave as soon as it hit it, striking like a bamboo shoot on the body of life.

The oscillation extinguished the blue sparks remaining in the body's life in a blink of an eye, causing its body contours to produce residual images in resonance, and even the ground under its feet was shaking at an extremely high frequency. In an instant, everything became blurred in front of me.

Despite this, I still stared at this elementary life. Once again, do the posture of drawing the knife, preparing for the second oscillating shock wave. My fighting instinct tells me that this battle is not over yet, and the opponent's abnormal stillness must be preparing for some terrible counterattack. This guy must want to dedicate himself to a battle, and for this reason, he has accumulated the strongest power. Because of this, when the body life with the eyes closed suddenly opened the eyes at this time, the vigilance was raised the first time.

The effect of oscillation has not disappeared, and the injury cannot be confirmed from the blurred outline of the body's life, but more surprising phenomena are occurring.

I don't know if it is an illusion, when it opens its eyes for a moment. The world in the field of vision becomes a state of black and white line composition, just like the horizon I saw when I started the chain judgment. However, I am quite sure that I did not start the chain judgment at this time, and this black and white line of vision is not a virtual image that only I can see. My body has also lost color, leaving only black and white outlines.

I don't know exactly what this body life has done. But countless data is squeezing into my brain hardware, which contains both normal data and a lot of garbled characters, but no matter what kind of data they can't understand the meaning of the combination. A large number of calculation windows popped up one after another, followed by a large number of warning windows prompting insufficient computing power, full load, and data overflow. Afterwards, countless dialog boxes appeared requesting to increase the calculation authority.

-Detected an aggressive temporary hedge data space.

—— Malicious instillation of the world structure analysis data, judged as s.

——The firewall starts, the first layer is broken, the second layer is broken, the third layer is broken ...

The alarm in the brain hardware keeps on sounding. I seem to understand what this attack of elemental life is. Analyze the structure of the world within a certain range, but perform calculations, but instead insert a large amount of world composition information into the enemy's brain, allowing excessive information tide to rush across the enemy's consciousness and even destroy the thinking center. This type of attack is terrible and unsolvable. No matter human beings, security guards, or body life, without special power, they cannot bear this amount of world-class information. The reason why the companions are separated is probably because this attack ignores the enemy.

This kind of power made me instantly understand why Sha's base is always found soon, and how the life of the body is destroying the safety system. This very special body life seems to be a top-notch system, a and A world hacker similar to Super Dorothy. It is a pity that I am not within the effective range of this attack, because my brain hardware comes from the world hacker Dorothy, enough to resist the impact of this level of information tide for a certain period of time.

And ~ ~ To launch such a terrible attack, it must also be a very heavy burden for this elementary life. While observing the failure of a common attack, it decided to launch such an attack. It is not decisive. It is still in place to withstand the attack of Father Sissen and my first oscillating shock wave must be a must. However, the two attacks are not over, and its rigidity will withstand the most unexpected attacks.

And this attack will be a fatal blow.

I don't know if it will regret it, but I have no time to ignore it. The information tide attack is not effective for me, but this kind of wide-area attack will affect all enemies in the field. Although Father Sisen is a three-level Mageweave messenger, he is still an ordinary human body, and his brain will explode when he can't bear the load.

Not much time is left for me.

When these thoughts flashed in my mind, I had already waved a second knife in the black and white temporary data hedge space.

As I expected, the oscillating shock wave once again hit the tall and thin body life without obstruction, its contour is still continuously oscillating, and the second oscillation is superimposed, the contour becomes more blurred, and only A shadow-like human figure remains. To be continued. .

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