Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 457: Return (End)

Abnormal flesh and blood slowly erode the constituent materials from the breach of the protective clothing. Although this protective clothing is a boundary equipment, it has reached the end of its life after the war in the 33rd district of the ruling bureau. The erosion of these abnormal flesh and blood is like a pressure The last straw that broke the camel. "Upload of Book Friends" Even though my body is harder than the protective suit itself, there is no way to even the abnormal blood and flesh that have penetrated into the internal organs. However, before the protective clothing is completely finished, some protection can still be provided.

Half an hour is left until the protective suit has been completely eroded. If it is not still on the battlefield, I really want to take it off immediately, and then perform an operation on myself to dig out the eroded part that has not been aptized. Here The flesh crawling inside the body shell. Due to the loss of parts of the normal human body, the functions of some organs and the operation of nerves have been completely cut off. The feeling of blood peristalsis and erosion is gradually disappearing, and it is converted into data for observation.

The operation of the advent circuit cannot be interrupted, and there is no sign of completion immediately. Although the cocoon in the middle of the advent circuit appears abnormal, the contents inside do not seem to break out of the shell immediately. I looked around and decided to clean up everything in this car that seemed to cause accidents, such as corpses, blood stains, shrivelled cocoons and gray-white silk threads all over the place, although I do n’t think their existence will change anything. .

If I look at the original purpose of this action, I have failed. What has happened so far proves once again that the things predicted by the Eight Scenes will eventually happen. My participation may be one of the factors that make things happen, but even if I do n’t. It will probably proceed as scheduled, just like the prophecy that happened in the four years of college.

As in the past, the only gain in this mission is to further observe the possible impact of this event, which is also very important for adapting to the world after the realization of the prophecy.

If Sakuya is here. Her photographs and recordings can give the whisperer a more intuitive perception. However, if I am alone, I can only see if Omi can extract the information from the brain hardware.

I used a dagger to cut off the thick off-white wire mesh, smashed the window, and threw a corpse, a shrivelled cocoon, and a rolled spider-web-like substance out of the car. There is no way to deal with your blood. When I finished these things, the flesh and blood had completely eroded the adjacent car, just. This erosion stopped when it touched the door and partition wall of the car, and did not penetrate into the car.

Soon, in addition to the phantom advent circuit and the cocoon in the center of the advent circuit, including the seat. All objects obstructing movement have been cleared out of the car. At this time, the cocoon has made further changes.

The sound from the cocoon became clearer, like the sound of chirping and scraping glass at first, but after the sound became thicker, it made people think of the heart. With the sound of agitation. In the naked eye, the carriage vibrates together with the space, and it seems that every time it shakes, including itself. They all pulled out pieces of afterimages. The retina screen shows a lot of messy data, however. If you use the visual field of chain judgment to observe, everything is normal.

The brain hardware concluded. This kind of shock is actually the transmission and spread of information. The shock phenomenon seen by the naked eye is because the senses are disturbed by this information. The carriage does not actually oscillate, but the brain receives the disturbed information transmitted by the senses, which is expressed by the illusion of shock.

If it is a normal human body, the state at this time should be dizzy, endocrine disorders, the operation of internal organs is disordered, and the nerves are weak. Just like being poisoned, it will die within tens of seconds.

Poo, poo, poo ...

The flesh and blood that eroded the protective clothing and normal organs of the body seemed to feel a certain summon, happily catering to it. Even without the influence of these alienated flesh and blood, this shock is enough to kill an ordinary adult because of the breakdown of the body structure. The familiar and unknown taste is more intense. It is a kind of breath that can't be detected by the five senses, but can only be felt by instinct.

Looking at the car eroded by the flesh from the window of the door, the entire flesh car looks more active than before, or it gives a feeling of enthusiasm and vitality.

The train shook, and this time, it really moved. Observing the inner wall of the tunnel outside the window, you can see that the train has started again and slowly left the station. This change started to make me aware that the exit of this temporary data hedging space was in the direction of the train, at the other end of the tunnel.

I do n’t believe that the wizards can create a temporary data hedging space that covers the entire city, and even if you do n’t need brain hardware to analyze it, you can be sure that once the alienated train leaves this temporary data hedging space, it will give the normal world. What brings. However, at least I do n’t have to worry about dying from the collapse of the temporary data hedging space.

The speed increased a little bit. After a while, the carriage where I was passing the platform, and then found that the cocoons generated by the sacrifice of the humans on the platform had been broken. Those self-propelled combat weapons that are probably similar to the body of the security agent must have been boarded.

This is probably part of the planning of these wizards, making demons and weapons in a suitable environment, and then dropping them into the cities of the normal world. This is much more effective than simply carrying out terrorist activities by the wizards themselves. Maybe these wizards are still alive, they will take advantage of the turmoil of the city to carry out the next stage of the plan, or even directly occupy the city.

To be honest, if it is not the Eight Scenes, no one will know that these wizards are active here, and under normal circumstances, no one can directly observe this temporary data hedge space. Everyone except me, when entering this station, will not realize that the space here is not the normal world anymore.

I turned my attention back to the cocoon, and its shell had cracked. Just when I was going to actively insert the dagger in my hand into the crack, and directly attacked the inside, the retina screen popped up notification: I have left the temporary data hedge space. . The train suddenly accelerated. The intense inertia tilted the body. When I readjusted the balance, the speed of the train has become very fast, and the strong airflow makes a whining sound in the tunnel and continuously pours into the car from the broken window.

It seems to be stimulated by this change in environmental factors. The cocoon agitation was stronger this time than before, and the cracks on the shell suddenly expanded to more than half the volume. Before I started, the cracks had penetrated the shell, and from the inside of the black hole, a mass of gray-black material that was thicker than gray mist flowed out.

This substance flows like asphalt and is heavy, but the overall feeling is as loose as gas particles. The gray mist stream flowing in mid-air was thrown into this strange substance all at once, and in the blink of an eye, its part exposed outside the cocoon shell expanded several times.

Is this also a demon? When this problem came to mind. The answer immediately grew from within: yes, this is also a demon.

However, it has no appearance similar to normal creatures, such as humans and animals. It is also impossible to determine whether it has the ability to think. At least, it didn't take the initiative to attack me before it completely disengaged from the cocoon.

When I tried to cut the demon with a dagger with a limit weapon, I cut it off easily. The demon did not cause any abnormal movements due to the cutting. It seemed to feel no pain. I didn't care about my behavior, I just kept pouring out, and even squeezed the cracks in the cocoon shell even more.

Except positive. The side and back of the cocoon began to flow out of this gray-black fluid.

In my assumption, if this is part of the devil. Then the part of the gray-black fluid that I cut should move and try to melt back into the whole. But surprisingly, the part that was cut off seemed to evaporate like mist. In other words, after disintegrating in the form of particles, the retinal screen locks the front sight in this floating floating particle, which is darker than the gray fog stream. These particles are quickly blown away by the wind. What is more terrible is that by magnifying the image details of these particles, you can clearly see the shape of these particles like an umbrella made of fluff and seeds.

These umbrellas that float out of the carriage with the wind make people think of spore plants and seed plants that spread seeds by the wind, such as dandelions.

Once these things from the demonic body, which look like spores and seeds, take root and germinate in the normal world, and even come into contact with human animals, what will happen? It would not be a good thing to think about it. The demon form that this virus generally spreads quickly is indeed the best partner to match the wizard's plan.

There is no way to wipe out all the "spores" in the first time. The small demon body that I cut off has most of it floating out of the window with the wind. The rest of the liquid form did not change similarly, but it dribbled on the ground like asphalt, showing no signs of life and thinking. This makes me afraid to cut it at will, but just waiting, these gray and black liquid volumes seem to fill the whole car.

I'm not sure how the direct contact with it will affect the body, at least, it will definitely affect the abnormal blood and flesh that erodes the body.

Regardless of the brain or brain hardware, there are several methods that may be able to cope with the current situation. However, there are currently no tools that can implement these methods. The consequences of attacking it with a dagger before are enough to convince me that no matter what physical method is used to strike it, it will only disintegrate more spores on this strange demon, and even the impact of the explosion will not let it Perish completely. High temperature and low temperature should prevent its morphological changes, and even pouring the entire car with cement may solve the problem, but these methods cannot be implemented at present. I also never realized that the wizards would summon such abnormal demons. At least in the past battles, demons could be driven or killed by physical strikes. Similarly, they had never encountered such a ghost. Destructive, yet loopable magic array that works normally.

Trying to deal with all the battles with only a limited weapon dagger may really be a big deal, but all the limited weapons I have obtained are all weapons that are struck on the physical level. A firearm without a special bullet and a dagger makes no difference to me at all.

If Omi is here, you will happily use luggage to solve these problems.

It makes no sense to stay any longer. Once the liquid demon filled the whole car, it came into contact with abnormal flesh and blood. There will be amazing changes, and it will be more troublesome to leave at that time.

Retreat, the prediction of the eight sceneries has been fulfilled. I thought so and retreated to the car window. Finally, I glanced at the gray-black fluid flowing from the cocoon like a dead object, and jumped out.

The train has reached a very high speed. When I left the car, the violent airflow almost rolled me back onto the car body. I inserted my fingers into the inner wall of the tunnel, trying to put my body against the wall as much as possible, feeling the huge inertial force acting on my body. With just a few breaths, the end of the train whistled away from me.

After the train passes by. I jumped from the inner wall of the tunnel and returned along the way. Most of the demon spores floating in the air were taken away by the air flow brought by the train, but the rest fell on me, which had made alienated flesh rejuvenated. It reproduces like a strain quickly, and a large number of "buds" grow out of the flesh and flake off the body in less than three seconds. As I moved forward, a large number of "buds" scattered all the way, quickly taking root in the cement. It grows and produces pure white flowers. Wherever I walked, the white flowers blossomed all the way, although the ability of the nose had failed. But through the collected data, the brain hardware believes that this white flower has a strong hallucination and excitement.

Even if it is not processed and taken. Merely the fragrance entering the body has allowed the naked eye to see some strange and distorted landscapes, although at this time. My body organs have all been alienated, and most of the nerves of the original human body have been cut off. However, in a way I did not understand, hallucinations still occur.

Someone was talking in the ear and seemed to be able to feel the presence of the figure, but when he turned his head to look around, he didn't see anything. A huge shadow with wings flew over the top of the head from time to time, but it was like a glimmer of floating light. When his eyes turned, he still could only see the cold cement. If you look at the tunnel for too long, sometimes the top surface of the layer of cement will become transparent, revealing a clear sky, which is extremely beautiful, and it is impossible to see the sky in the city. The sun shines from the sky, but it is not dazzling, and the sky is like different colors of glass, as if you are in a kaleidoscope.

Then the warm sunlight rose unconsciously, and the body became hotter and hotter, as if the skin was burning, and the blood was boiling. You can see the breath exhaling from your mouth breathing Mars, clearly a dark tunnel, but the ground is flowing bright magma. The sounds whispered in the ears became more and more, and gradually became a sharp inhuman voice, just like the screams of monsters. Then, the shadow of long wings passed by more and more times.

At this time, the self-test data in the retina screen began to rise. I feel that power is emerging from the muscles, but the problem is that this body is either prosthetic or alienated, and there is no muscle. I looked down and observed that in the visual field of vision, the alienated blood and flesh parts are gradually returning to the original organ, but in the self-examination image of the retina screen, there is still the appearance of alienation.

The hallucinations are extremely strong. The hallucinations that cannot be stopped even if the nerve is destroyed, accompanied by the aroma that cannot be smelled, and the pure white flowers growing on the alienated flesh and eroding the brain.

I can smell, hear, and feel that a huge object suddenly scratched the top of my head. When I raised my head again, I saw the creature with a height of two people-bat-like wings, goat head, strong body, The feet are the hooves of a bull. There are only three fingers on the palm. The nails are curved and sharp. The trident with a black flame hovering in the right hand. The buttocks have a tail with a triangular cuticle at the end.

It hovered overhead, and the snow-like Mars spattered from the dusk sky that burned somehow.


This is the most classic form of demon described in human knowledge.

At this moment, the sensory information describing its existence makes people feel that it really exists. However, in the field of view of the retina screen and the chain judgment, there is actually nothing in it, and the tunnel is still its original appearance.

All are hallucinations. If there is no brain hardware, the brain will receive this information and guide the body to produce some changes.

However, for me, this illusion has no effect, but from the data displayed on the retina screen, the muscle strength generated by the flesh and blood of the body does not seem to be an illusion.

I don't know why, a name came to my mind-white Claudia, the name of this pure white hallucinogenic flower.

I immediately accepted the girl-like name ~ ~ because it feels very suitable for this kind of flower.

I took off the protective clothing that was about to be completely eroded by flesh and blood alienation. It has completed its mission. Some of the protective clothing and the alienated flesh and blood that are integrated must be cut off with a dagger. For normal people, it is simply painful. It ’s enough for people to stop, but I do n’t feel pain.

Everything except the dagger has been eroded.

As I walked, I threw the pieces of meat cut by the dagger to the ground, and grew on the flesh. The "plants" rooted, propagated, and bloomed in the cement covered the passing area like a fungus blanket.

A layer of skin faded like a snake. When I peeled away the part that originally belonged to the human body and now has been alienated, a new feeling gradually spread.

"I'm back, Misaki, Eight Scenes, and Marceau."

nue ... (to be continued ...)


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