Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 473: arrival

The flight was late. www.) When the airport broadcasts a notice, there are complaints all around. People ’s patience seems to be worn away by this notice. The flow of people begins to shift to more casual consumption places. The wall-mounted display continuously broadcasts advertisements and news. About Japan The topical interest in the SAR shows no signs of weakening, but it has become more noticeable as time goes by. At first, citizens only talked about the turmoil in the 11th district with the attitude of "tide", but gradually, almost everyone can use TV News and real-time reports from global networks felt the deterioration of the situation. Severe, unmeasurable, and it seems that it will become very bad. Similar ideas are revealed in the face of all the people who talk about related topics. The Central Principality does not seem to have any plans to whitewash peace, or rather, it is using a positive attitude to guide public opinion that "a war will break out at any time."

Looking around the history of this world, the Central Duchy is the first country to complete social reforms and technological revolutions. As a victorious country and one of the highest profiting countries in World War I and World War II, the Central Duchy is always neutral. Isolated from the global war and did not intervene in the war until the end. This time, the Central Principality's approach seems to be the same as in the last century, but the biggest difference is that in the past two world wars, the tipping point of the war was not in the country.

In the Second World War, Japan invaded its own country after the outbreak of the European War. As a result, it was beaten to find teeth, and even the country was completely destroyed. After the war, it became one of the special zones of the Central Duchy. But even in that era, the Sino-Japanese War only began after the erosion of Europe. At the beginning of the war. The Central Principality acts as the "leader of the Asia-Pacific co-prosperity circle". Once maintained "peace and tranquility."

This time, the Central Principality itself seems to be showing signs of being a fuze of gunpowder barrels, and the Central Principality's government is actively proclaiming this. This is the attitude of the Central Duchy and the international strategy it chooses. Perhaps it is to use public opinion to force the outbreak of war to shift from its home country. Of course, there is currently no way to judge the gains or losses of this strategy. The expert's judgment is that the key to the war box was handed over to the United States by the Central Duchy. No matter how the United States intervenes in the affairs of the Asia-Pacific region on the grounds of "maintaining Japan's free power", there is no denying that Japan has long been annexed by the Central Duchy. This annexation has been recognized by the United Nations organization. Current world opinion and education are used to classifying the island of Japan into the territory of the Central Duchy. Therefore, the reasons for the intervention of the United States seem to be untenable.

However, if the United States is really determined to fight with the Central Duchy, public opinion guidance will be useless. Not long ago, the fire friction between the two countries was like a test of each other's attitude. So far, it has not been possible to judge the strength of the United States from its actions. Many people claim that the American government will not risk the world. Now that nuclear bombs are everywhere, even the American people have few hopes to fight. Everyone knows the worst result of the outbreak of the Third World War. In countless works There are already too many descriptions in. However, how many people know that the key is not in the American government? The Doomsday Religion has enough power to manipulate a government that is composed of ordinary people, and the only thing that can cause trouble for them is probably the second largest mysterious organization in the world that the fire escape belongs to and has dealt with the government.

Today's situation makes me have to associate Father Sissen's plight with the actions that the Doomsday Truth may have already begun in the United States. If you simply judge according to the trend of the script. In the future, it is almost foreseeable that the Doomsday Truth will break the obstruction of the organization of the fire escape, successfully detonate the dispute in the Japanese special zone, take the two strongest continent-level hegemons in the world as the first opposition, and then drag the world into the war in one breath. , And then do something through this desperate war.

In fact, I have been thinking, what on earth do Apocalypse want to do? It is certain that they preach the end of the world and bring the end of the world to their own hands. But for now, it is still impossible to judge, this is a process that they must go through in order to achieve their ultimate goal, or this is their ultimate goal. From a practical point of view, the members of Doomsday Truth are also the projections of personality consciousness of patients with Doomsday Syndrome. From the perspective of this world, they are not all distraught. Except for the life of the body and Eluka, I haven't seen any completely inhuman aliens. So, how many of them retain their human attributes, how do they feel about their actions? What exactly do they want?

Judging from all the angles I can think of, the information I have obtained from my hands and the events I have experienced personally, I believe that the Doomsday Truth teaches the end because there is something like me that requires the use of the end of the world. The purpose achieved. There is no doubt that the third world war is the state closest to the "end of the world" in human cognition. However, it is only the closest. More information is needed to judge the true purpose of the doomsday truth.

The elusive enemies are the hardest to deal with. Although the actions of Doomsday Truth were equally beneficial to my plan, it was not entirely good to detonate the World War too quickly, especially when the bomb was detonated at the door of the house.

What to do specifically, you have to personally contact Father Sissen to make an assessment after evaluating the country across the Pacific Ocean.

I sat quietly on the bench and meditated. When the arrival of the flight sounded, I looked up and looked at Misaki Ye. Her eyes were full of peace and tranquility. As a continuation of the last Gaochuan, like him, I admit that I am not a good word, like people who are lively, although communication is essential when working in the student union, but perhaps because the public time is too frequent I can't help being bored, but I rarely speak in private time, and I especially like the quiet atmosphere. Even when I was alone with Misaki, I fell into a silent silence from time to time. However, Misaki never complained of boredom because of this. Whenever I express my apology, I do n’t ignore her, she always Said that he also likes this atmosphere very much.

When was the last time I was sorry for my silence? I was thinking about it. While pulling up Misaki's hand. Walk towards the exit.

The file is quite recognizable to her people. The kind of Rayleigh's popular momentum has marked them conspicuously. A total of ten people, including the file, are uniformly wearing military pants and wearing sunglasses. This dress is unique, like It is the same as being ready to go to the battlefield at any time, so that people do not dare to approach, or even dare to stare straightly. Where they walked. The crowd seemed to be opened by the reef, separated from both sides. The retina screen pulled the security image at the corner of the eye closer, and I found him a little nervous, constantly whispering something to the radio. The nearby cameras also swept the steering files and others.

"Hey, Mr. Gao Chuan, it's so nice to see you alive." The file quickly left the team and came forward to give me a tight hug. Her upper body was wearing a short jacket that was not as good as the navel, and the front was not buttoned up. , The plump curve outlined by the tight waistcoat that also showed abdominal muscles touched my body as if it was deliberately rubbed against my body a few times.

but. In addition to the large, elastic and soft touch, there is another thing that scratches my skin. The retina screen immediately outlines the outline of that thing-a slap size, it seems to be called palm thunder, or maybe Similar models.

"It's so warm, Ms. File." I gave her a backhand hug. "Although we have had a very good cooperation, but I remember that as soon as I leave that place, all my memories will disappear?"

"Yeah. But I re-read the record on one side, but it feels like reading the report, which is even tasteless than canned sardines." The file let go of me and patted me on the shoulder. "But. Who called you me What about the patrons? The patrons are great. "

I filed a few words with the file, and my eyes fell on the others behind her.

"These are your new men?" I looked at these people. There are three women among the nine, and their first impressions are also very different. Some are like veteran oil seeds that people often describe, and some are like recruits. A young man looked as big as me and kept his face tight, as if he felt an enemy jumping out of him at any time. My eyes stayed on him for a while, and he immediately shifted his position a bit unnaturally. There is also a man with a braided braid behind his head, holding a cigar, but it is not lit, and the sunglasses is placed on the forehead. As I watched it, I responded with a muscular smile. Half a step behind him, there was a tall man with a coffin face, and a woman who looked somewhat Latino. I always feel that the position and attitude of these two people is like guarding this man with long braid full of smoke.

"This guy is a newcomer to the industry, so you laughed." The long braid man's eyes fell on the young man who was staring at me before, showing a friendly smile, and he took the initiative to reach out to me. , You can also call me a hound, I am the deputy of the file. "

His palms are covered with calluses, hard and powerful, but more importantly, when he turned his wrist, the retinal screen scanned two prismatic patterns. Like the file, he is the second-level Mageweaver.

"People of your organization?" I turned to the file and asked.

She shook her head.

"Our organization may not be the same as you think." She said this way, "Each of our teams is doing its own thing. Apart from dispatching tasks, we will not intervene in team affairs or voluntarily assign members. Even if we ask for it ourselves, the above is only responsible for taking the line. "

"Simply put, it is like a chamber of commerce. The tasks are provided above. We choose the tasks ourselves to complete, but the staff finds them ourselves." The Shepherd explained: "All commissions, even if they are received by the team privately, will be returned to the headquarters , Just like the verbal contract reached between the file and you, has also been recorded. We are very credible. If we are killed during the mission, there will be a next team to take over. My last team It was broken up like a file. The file came to me and said that it had received a large order, so I simply integrated it. I have seen the stuff you gave to the file. That is not something you can get at hand. "

"Indeed, but I believe you deserve that critical weapon." I replied, once again squeezed his hand hard, "Welcome to this city, to be honest, this city is the Asian region except the Japanese special zone. In addition, the place where doomsday doctrine appears most frequently, you can think of this as the first front in the Asian region. Recently, these guys made a big movement here. Although we were beaten a bit, but they could not be completely defeated. The situation in the future will be more severe, and we need friends very much. "

"Is it confirmed?" She said with a serious expression. "What is happening in Japan Island is indeed related to the Doomsday Truth? We have been active in Europe, America and Africa, and the Doomsday Truth has never appeared to Asia." Signs of development, so our intelligence on Asia is very lacking. "

"Yes, they have already started preparations. The matter on the Japanese island is just the beginning." I nodded and said, "In short, it's too late now. Everyone go to rest first, and tomorrow I will take you to our whisperer The headquarters of the company will explain the situation in detail. We have recently cleaned the city and there will be no trouble in a short time. "

Sakuya finished with me. Take out five P bank cards from the pocket and give them to the file, saying in an apologetic tone: "Because I do n’t know how many people you have, so I only prepared five bank cards, and each card will be deposited with 200,000 yuan every month. . "

"Is this our salary? I have always heard that prices in the Central Principality are very cheap." The file did not excuse, pulled out a bank card into the deep cleavage, distributed the remaining bank cards, and turned his head to ask. Me: "Where do we live tonight?"

"A three-star hotel near the headquarters." I said, "It's just for one night. We whisperers don't buy property or conduct any commercial activities, so if you need to improve your living environment, you have to solve it yourself. As you said, the price of this city is very cheap, 200,000 a month, enough to pay for the most expensive property in this city, but I believe you will not like the location of those villas. "

"Enough. When we were on mission in Africa ... you can imagine that kind of remote and chaotic place." The file shrugged. "At least in the city, you won't get sick inexplicably. You don't have to bite hard brown bread. There is no need to drink the water in the smelly ditch. "

"I haven't been to such a bad place. But. Believe me, this will be more dangerous than that in the near future." I said as I took the lead towards the airport exit, "They called a special demon, use It cannot be killed by known methods. It can only be sealed. In this city, the Gospel Guild, a subordinate Apocalyptic organization, uses the power of the demon to make drugs. It uses this to expand the organization. It ’s also the Goat Guild. They ’ve been preparing for a long time. We knocked out their old nest in this city last night. I think they will be angry and angry, but for the time being, before they figure out what is going on here, we There will still be a period of calm. "

"Goat Guild? A special demon?" The file pouted, "It sounds like the monsters in the ruling bureau."

"They are much weaker than those monsters." I smiled. "However, the demon is still quite tricky. And, I need you to take a few people with me to America."

The file suddenly turned around and said with some surprise: "What happened?"

"Father Sisen sent a letter of help."

"Father Sisen? Is there anything he can't do now?"

"So, your critical weapon is about to start."

The file pinched the bridge of his nose with his finger and said, "It's really troublesome."

Of course, the sports cars stolen by Saya and I couldn't fit everyone in the file squad, but there were a lot of cars in the airport parking lot. Sakuya and I reapplied, and soon got a van. The members of the file squad couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw what I and Sakuya did, and I didn't know what to say. I do n’t think they ’ve ever done this kind of thing, so probably this kind of thing has never been encountered in this situation.

"I said, don't you even have your own car?" The shepherd ignited a cigar in his mouth with a match, and grunted.

"Ah, we are more yearning." I replied in a meaningful tone: "Everyone's also ours ~ ~ So, the money in this card ..." He shook the bank card in his hand, Asked with a complex expression.

"Simply draw a bit out of the bank's bad debts." I know what he wants to ask, but for us who are not buying a home or carrying out commercial activities and are isolated from all social production, there is nothing to hide.

"I feel like I'm in a robber's den." His expression was as exaggerated as an opera.

"No, we are just a mysterious organization." Miyaki interjected and said, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Damn mysterious organization." Shepherd dog replied in this way, "But we only have a few million income from birth to death." After that, he got into the van.

We put everyone in the hotel that has been booked. The area of ​​this three-star hotel is not large. The service can only be said to be passable, but the advantage is that it only takes ten minutes to walk from the headquarters. After that, Miyuki and I said goodbye to everyone, and this night passed so plainly. To be continued. . )


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