Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 609: 3 giants

The bar presence monitoring system in the service center was invaded by "stargazers" through mysterious channels, which immediately caused the staff in the 51st district in charge of the bar to be busy. Although this busy situation did not spread to the bar reception, it was Within a few seconds after the surveillance system was changed to the door court, the "stargazer" was transferred with the help of the bar surveillance system, and then transferred from the "stargazer" to the surveillance image on the retina screen. Many members of the mysterious organization showed their knowledge. Look. www.dyzwwm (first, first, chinese, text, net)

They stared over from the surveillance screen. Although they didn't really see us, they all conveyed into the eyes with deep meaning. Maybe some of them have seen through their "mystery", we two as direct actors, although the warning on the retina screen has not been affected by the "mystery", but no matter "stargazer" , Or chain judgment, it is impossible to resolve all mysteries 100%.

When the "stargazer" invaded autonomously, I didn't stop it, and I was ready to be noticed the first time. The response of the bar security department was not unexpected. They soon realized that when someone was using the bar monitoring system to monitor their actions in turn, they quickly made a decision to go offline and began preparing for mobilization, but Before they actually acted, there was already a person in charge at a higher level who stopped these strong reactions.

Neither what happened in the backstage of the bar, nor the insights of the members of the mysterious organization who were visiting here, caused further riots. At least, where we arrived. The gloomy and gentle atmosphere did not cause ripples in our actions, and the waitress who guided us did not even receive the relevant news.

When we stood in front of the door of a box, a familiar voice came from behind the closed door: "Our communication will not be monitored." The man said so softly and softly, but said clearly enough, The door opened slowly, "So, can you please stop controlling the monitoring system? Mr. Gao Chuan."

In fact, before approaching this box, I have confirmed the people in this box by chain judgment, to be precise. Not completely human. The flat, waveless, lethargic voice, as expected, Jung was talking, in addition to him, there are strange creatures Chubby and three magical girls. If there is no brain hardware, these people and non-humans will come together, it will inevitably surprise me. However, when I looked at them one by one, the brain hardware did not let the emotions overflow. And my calm. It seems to be a bit unexpected.

"Mr. Jung, who is your representative?" I didn't mean to talk to them. Immediately opened the door and asked: "District 51? Father Sisen? The organization of the fire?" As such, Saki Ye has directly caused the overload damage of the physical level of the surveillance system through the "stargazer". When the darkness went down, the backstage staff's exclamation also passed to our information terminal.

Although the "stargazer" is a mysterious product, it does not mean that it can only use "mysterious" means. In order to adapt to complex combat situations, Omi has prepared some general programs for the information technology department of normal society. After these general-purpose programs invade the monitoring system through "mysterious" channels, they will reside in the system programs, and destroying the monitoring system at the physical level is the operating effect of these programs. In addition, it can ensure that it resides on the bottom of the device to a great extent, and will not disappear with the format and restart of the system. Even if there are system accessories that can be easily replaced in the background of the bar, it is necessary to thoroughly clean up the system viruses. It is not an easy task, enough for us to complete this dialogue.

Even if he had cooperated with the previous Mr. Jung in the ruling bureau, but. I'm actually not familiar with him at all. It is not clear where he came from, and in the past cooperation, he has not thoroughly analyzed his ability, because. He and I were not in a situation to deal with the group at the time. He is more stranger than Father Sissen and the file, even if he says that our negotiations will not be monitored, but who knows what will happen? I still broke the surveillance system in my own way. Although I ca n’t guarantee the confidentiality of the conversation from a “mysterious” level, I do n’t really care too much. Making such a slightly excessive move is just similar. Just off Mawei's behavior.

Jung ’s previous point of view was based on District 51. Therefore, I ran out of his will without any kindness and violently destroyed the things in District 51. In a certain way, Jung knew the background of the bar at the first time, because although his expression was still old-fashioned, his eyes slightly fluctuated-if it is not through the retina screen, it is still difficult to confirm .

Before he answered, I said again: "So, are you from District 51?"

Neither Sakuya nor I entered the box. We looked and talked across the door, and the atmosphere seemed very stiff. The waitress staying by seemed to feel that she shouldn't stay here again, and after leaving quickly, she stepped up and left.

Jung was obviously not very comfortable with my sudden questions. I know that my manner and behavior are not quite in line with the impression that the last Gao Chuan left to others, including Jung, Father Sissen, and the file. Even Father Sissen and the file expressed surprise and unaccustomedness, as did Jung. I think he may have done some simulations of this conversation, thinking that he can control the rhythm, but obviously, my reaction is not in his estimation.

For me, breaking the other party's inherent impression and not acting according to the other party's common sense was originally a good card brought about by the changes that occurred at this time. Moreover, if this card is not played out as soon as possible, it will become a scrap card. I don't think I will have such a complete change in the future. The people I deal with will sooner or later grasp my new style.

The shock caused by the sudden change of acting style only needs to be successful once. As long as it is once, the other party may be indecisive and feel that it is temporarily impossible to guess how I will react, thereby reducing the targeted arrangement or causing Mistakes in layout increased. of course. There is no guarantee that this situation will continue, nor how long the effect will last. However, in my opinion, it is enough to be able to cover up in this operation in the 51st district.

In this big scene of lack of favorable conditions and favorable conditions, almost all alliances are slightly unreliable. Although, I do n’t feel that my joint strength with Misaki fell behind in terms of real strength, but. If you only act as a whisperer, the momentum is indeed slightly weakened. In this case, it is better to make the other party feel unpredictable and alert than to fall into the other party's rhythm.

The tiny reaction from Jung ’s body observed on the retina screen made me sure that my several contests of initiative did produce the desired results.

Both the stiffness of the atmosphere and the brief silence of Jung were caused by this result. My eyes turned to the three magical girls who were not comfortable with the current atmosphere. When I met my eyes, Madoka Magica appeared very nervous. With a dry smile, he said, "Hello." The other two magical girls, who were more mature than her, were inevitably affected. They just nodded to me as a greeting. Probably, the most at ease in the box is the strange creature that claims to be "Chubi".

Its strange and innocent smile face never seems to produce other expressions, just like a vivid mask, it will be cute when it is first seen. But when you get along for a long time, there will be a feeling of hypocrisy. This makes me think that its emotional response is actually similar to mine-if it does not have a mechanism to suppress the generation of emotions, it is that it does not actually have emotions in the true sense. This creature that understands human language and is also familiar with human habits is actually not a real human being who can understand human beings.

"Don't be so nervous, Mr. Gao Chuan." Chubby jumped from the magic girl's shoulder to the table with a smile that was the same as before. Said to me: "We are not malicious. And, even if you do such a thing deliberately, it will not help anything to be said next."

"Is that true? Jung?" I didn't care about Chubby, it always looked unpredictable. Speaking of the pretense mystery, it seems that this is its "mode". In the past, it should have "persuaded" human beings to become "magic girls", and such a behavior pattern really helped it reach a contract with humans.

Of course, if it deceives the contractor, it ’s not the case, and I do n’t know the specific situation. However, I still think that if you really take the word “Qiubi” as the truth, you will definitely be Time to lose money. Perhaps, only naive female high school students, female junior high school students, and schoolgirls will ignore the mystery and weirdness of "Chubby" itself, and sign a contract with them when there is room for maneuver. In the night of Valpus in Las Vegas, the performance of the magical girl Xiaomei can be somehow annotated by my understanding of "Chubby".

"Since it's Mr. Gao Chuan's question, I think it's better to explain." Jung finally spoke, his facial muscles seemed to be dead, the old expression and the unsmooth sound made people feel like a rock. Cold, "I do come from a government agency, but I am not a straight member of District 51. District 51 and the department I belong to have not belonged to each other in the past, but because the movement of District 51 was a little big this time, That ’s why I ’m here ... "

"Supervision?" I asked.

"It's up to you what you think." Jung finally got an expression. He ticked off his mouth meaningfully. "Although I don't like politics, I basically deal with some political issues."

After he said this, I walked into the box with Sakuya. I think it ’s okay to believe Jung ’s words, since it ’s a political issue that brought him here, then what he represents is naturally not entirely the interest of the 51st district, and as a member of a government agency, he naturally does not represent mystery The interests of the organization.

The hidden secrets of Zone 51 have united Father Sissen and the organization to which Firefire belongs. Whether it is the union of Zone 51 or the latter, its estimated strength is full of pressure. If only these two aspects Humans and horses will basically maintain a balanced development before the final conflict. It is undoubtedly difficult to touch the fish in muddy water under such circumstances. However, since Jung came forward with a new identity, the possibility of muddy water has greatly increased. From the perspective of national institutions, political issues have always been a major problem that has made stability unstable, and the characteristics of the organizations to which the fire escapes belong, as well as the level of planning they have developed. It is impossible to completely avoid accidents caused by such instability.

I can probably guess the purpose of Jung's meeting with us, and our meeting and negotiation cannot completely avoid everyone's eyes and ears. Jung's actions can't avoid speculation by intentional people. If, just as our whisperer was the last mysterious organization that arrived in District 51, then, we became the last mysterious organization in which he “conversed”, then, I can almost think that chaos started from this moment.

"The file didn't come, does it matter?" I asked.

"It's okay. You are together, aren't you?" Jung asked back calmly.

"For the time being." I said.

"Mercenaries rarely violate the cooperation terms that have been set." Jung's words sounded like they had dealt with a lot of files. In fact, the two who had cooperated in the ruling bureau did not behave right. They are very strange to each other, "You can trust them, Mr. Gao Chuan." He paused and said: "If Mr. Gao Chuan has no problem, shall we go straight to the topic?"

I nodded. That there are no other problems. Although there are many things, Jung did not elaborate. However, his clarification of his identity is enough to give people a suggestive idea of ​​the nature of this conversation-although this suggestion may itself be a trap, but if both parties have their own calculations The conditions for further negotiations are still established.

"According to our information, the Doomsday Truth has launched some arrangements for the 51st district." Jung said: "I don't know what Father Sisen promised to you, but even if they did not make a promise, they were receiving In the situation that will happen in the future, it is completely impossible for Mr. Gao Chuan to be alone. Although there is no specific data, in the past half century, the doomsday truth has not lacked the penetration of the 51 area, after all . Fifty-one area is the only mysterious institution officially leaked officially. In other words, Fifty-one area itself is a huge target to maintain its existence and development mode by hiding dirt and dirt. . When the doomsday truth is focused here, it will not only reduce the pressure in other places. It will also bring some technology to the 51st district-in this perspective, the 51st district is currently achieved The achievements, as well as the plans to be launched at this time, are involved in the influence of the doomsday truth. "

"You mean, the Doomsday Truth Church took this opportunity to blow us all?" I asked rhetorically. Jung's description can explain some situations, but if his words are not alarmist, then the meaning of the 51 area will become very complicated. Complex means that it becomes more dangerous in the chaos.

"I don't know what they will do." Jung said: "They have developed too fast in the past half a century, and they have eroded the government agencies to a great extent. Although there are 51 areas as surface cover, But our targeted intelligence activities are still unlikely to be too large. However, they will definitely use this situation to come up with something. In the information we got, their purpose is not just one of the 51 districts. The important achievements that have been hidden are also related to those Nazis on the ground— "He said here, paused, and said in a special tone:" Maybe it is unbelievable, maybe you also know that in the first half In the middle of the century, the core of Doomsday Truth moved to the Americas precisely because of the Nazis ’activity and persecution. However, judging from the evidence we collected, those Nazis were helped by Doomsday Truth ... even, they were the end A member of Truth. "

The Nazis were a member of the Doomsday Truth-this sentence made me look up and looked at Jung to confirm that he was not talking about it. My knowledge of the Doomsday Truth is basically heard from Father Sissen ~ ~ Father Sissen did mention it, in order to avoid the spread of World War II, the doomsday The headquarters moved from Europe to the Americas, and only then did it develop in leaps and bounds.

"The Nazis, no, it should be said that at the time, there was a force behind the Nazis. The Nazis were just the tools that this force created when carrying out certain activities. They gained a lot of benefits through Nazi activity, and then After the end of World War II, a part of the Nazis disappeared. There is some evidence, although not comprehensive, but it seems that this force supporting the Nazis was once part of the doomsday truth, which is one of the so-called three giants. "

"So, now the situation is that after the three giants of the Doomsday Truth have split after half a century, since they have collided or merged again?" This is really amazing information. If the situation will really go in this direction, the end The union of the Truth and the Nazis is almost chilling.

"No, the split of Doomsday Truth in the first half century is not a guise." Jung said very surely: "Although they don't understand the specific situation, they have huge differences in ideas and technology ... Maybe, the source is from Because of the desire of the Big Three. Therefore, if there is a collision between the Apocalypse and the Nazis this time, it will not be in good faith. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) (Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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