Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 618: Realm Walk Seven

The phenomena of the world of consciousness cannot even be fully grasped by Long Aotian, who is an expert. Sakuya ’s anomaly suddenly becomes strongly dangerous. Those cult-like strange existences appear at the same time, making people unable to believe this Is a coincidence. [第 _ 一 _ 中 _ 文 _ 网] Saki Ye this time really seemed to become just a video staring at us, but Long Aotian prevented me from continuing to chu her. Although I believe that in any case, the phenomenon that appears in the image of Sakuya will certainly not be malicious to me, but Long Aotian should be afraid of being involved in my actions. After all, to face the abnormal Sakuya and those strange I am no longer alone.

Those weird beings are approaching step by step, seeming to move slowly, but in fact they are faster than the average person running, because each step they cross is not just a step distance. Not sure that they will attack us, but also that they are not targeting us. In this case, Long Aotian first chose to retreat instead of confronting them positively.

I do n’t know whether Sakuya ’s anomaly has “Jiang” behind it, and, even if it is so, I ca n’t imagine the intention of “Jiang” to do so. However, it is because these abnormalities have the shadows of "Jiang" and "Saki Ye", so I am not very worried. However, since Long Aotian has made a judgment, if he still wants to continue the current relationship between the two of us, he cannot It is inevitable to cooperate with him before proving that his ideas are correct.

So, I chased behind Long Aotian and sprinted forward. Long Aotian's firewall was destroyed, as if it had been pulled from an isolated space. My feelings should be correct. Now, the absolute position of him and me in the boundary has become the same. Because, his body began to be damaged, and blood slowly overflowed from his mouth and nose, in the absence of a firewall made with his own mysterious ability. In the world of consciousness, he is less able to bear the same pressure than me. Before I ran a few steps, I heard the moaning from his nose, and his steps became staggered, almost fell to the ground, just like when I entered the boundary line for the first and second time. Performance

I stretched out my hands to support his shoulders and helped him stand firm. He opened his mouth and seemed to be talking, but I couldn't hear him. This is not only because he still does not adapt to the pressure caused by the boundary line to the body without any protection, but also because the noise that has penetrated into my ears and the sound of the blood flow is as if the scales are continuously climbing and amplifying.

However, in terms of appearance and actions. He is more embarrassed than me.

During this period, I looked back to Saki Ye. When those strange human and non-human strange existences penetrated directly through her body like a phantom, her image was changed at the moment of being submerged in the group, and became one of the human and non-human existence, the appearance is one. However, it is not assimilation. My feeling tells me that it is more appropriate to describe it as "she ate one. Replaced that".

"Does it make any sense?" I said to myself.

"No ..." Long Aotian unexpectedly uttered a voice and answered me generally: "A lot of times. The phenomenon of consciousness is not necessarily a meaning, or rather, it is turbid, and it does not specify what exactly reflects. So, here ’s the trouble. Because it does n’t make sense, it ’s impossible to tell when and why the danger will appear. The same is true of the guys who chase us, they may just walk aimlessly, or they may chase under some kind of traction We. However. Whether they will attack us or not, their existence is dangerous for us now. Do n’t be caught up with them, do n’t attack them, they ca n’t be killed. The girl is gone, insist on fifteen Within minutes, I was able to regain my ability to fight back. "

"I used to think that you are more powerful in the world of consciousness than in the normal world, but what you look like now really changed me." I put Long Aotian's arms on my shoulders, holding him to continue Running forward, although in this realm, I only have the body of a sick teenager, but, with willpower, even if I support him as an adult, I can run faster than himself.

"You" interrupted Long Aotian's words with a violent cough, he spit, red, "You monster. I don't think there is anyone who can bear it like you without any protection." This pressure. "

"No, I'm not a monster, but you are too fragile. This is the world of consciousness, as long as the spiritual will is strong enough, it can produce strong enough resistance." I glanced at him calmly and said.

"Theoretically, this is true." Long Aotian covered his mouth with his hand and coughed again. "But, do you think a normal person can fight against the torrent of consciousness? It's like a person when the flood comes To block the dam gap, in theory, as long as it is strong enough, it will not die even if it fails, but the actual situation is that the person really survives, absolutely because of luck, because no one can be strong to that point. Mr. Gao Chuan, if you You really only rely on spiritual will to resist this pressure, then of course you are a monster. Only monsters can achieve the degree that pure theory can achieve. "

As we ran, the entire boundary became more turbulent, and too many details changed, making the outline of the entire passage twisted. This is a kind of distortion that can be observed through vision. No matter whether I am Long Aotian, I can see this change at this time. Where we are, it seems to have become a wriggling intestine.

We came to a three-way corner again, this time without any suggestive signs guiding me forward, and Long Aotian and I paused a little and ran in one direction. In this large-scale anomaly, entering the room is an absolutely bad practice. Let ’s not talk about whether the weird existence chasing us behind can pass through the room barrier, and even more terrifying, it is possible to trap yourself in a closed This possibility exists in space, and Long Aotian does not want to bet on his luck. We have to go through fifteen minutes, and now there are ten minutes left. Then, Long Aotian can re-use his mystery, whether it is counterattack or protection can try.

Although Long Aotian believes that "Saki Ye", which can destroy the firewall, disappears and can do something for himself, but I know that "Saki Ye" has not disappeared, but has merged into that strange group of existence. I didn't tell Long Aotian this slightly cruel fact. Because, I intend to use this experience as a bargaining chip for our next cooperation. Relying only on my own strength, I also have the confidence to find the "spirit integration device" hidden somewhere, but the appearance of Long Aotian made me realize that before I found the "spirit integration device". I will meet more acquaintances in this realm, and our goal points to the same thing, so it is inevitable that there will be fighting.

If there is bound to be contention, then I hope that after finding the "spiritual integration device", it is no better to obtain a temporary ally in the process of searching for the "spiritual integration device", which is always better than being alone against all people.

Before the vision behind me was blocked by the corner, I confirmed that the strangeness behind him became more than before, and they seemed to be able to multiply from the void anytime, anywhere. Although it is not known what kind of danger they are, this kind of existence gives people a strong feeling that it is better not to engage in them. When I walked alone, I did not encounter them, but I never met them face to face, every time I saw them. I'm behind them. Many times they walk unconsciously, but a few times. They seemed to be able to perceive me behind them, but after I hid in time, they did not insist on searching. It can be said that they exist for me and Long Aotian in general. There will not be such a strong reaction now.

Unexpectedly, this time, they suddenly met us, even if they were out of their sight, they did not seem to give up their plans to pursue us. And this strong hostile reaction. It is hard to say that it was not caused by the change of "Sakuya". I do n’t know when they will calm down, but if Long Aotian ’s plan fails, I think it ’s necessary to leave Long Aotian temporarily, because the excessive performance of "Sakuya" gives me the feeling It came out after being aware of Long Aotian's existence.

I do n’t know where Long Aotian stimulated her, but it is necessary to verify whether Long Aotian really stimulated her.

Since "Jiang" put Long Aotian in, it means that he should have the authority to walk on this boundary line, and there should not be such a reaction in this boundary line without reason.

When I was thinking this way, Long Aotian suddenly said to me, "Maybe, it's better for us to walk apart?" I looked at him in amazement. He seemed to have the same idea.

"The appearance of that girl has an inevitable relationship with you." Long Aotian said: "In my experience, in fact, it is very taboo to have this kind of existence that is closely related to myself, because this kind of existence will always create direct It is also full of targeted changes. Once they appear, it means that the world of consciousness is becoming unstable. If you are not careful, you may be left in the world of consciousness forever ... Of course, it does not mean that you will die, It's just that if you can't return, the body in the normal world will become a vegetative, a vegetative who keeps dreaming. "

"So? Now we are in danger because of me?" I asked in a soft tone.

"No, Mr. Gao Chuan, I'm not complaining. Listen to me, Mr. Gao Chuan, this boundary is putting too much pressure on people, but it allows us to achieve our goals faster." Long Aotian said: "I Guess, our goal is yàng? That does n’t matter, because, before finding that goal, we still have many difficulties to cross. There is no shortcut in the world of consciousness, but if there is a shortcut, it means a huge danger We need mutual support and mutual trust in order to avoid these dangers. You have said that this boundary has a master, and since it is so, it brings us here, it will inevitably let more people like us come here , Our opponent is not the only one of us. "

"Yes, I think so too." I said, "So, aren't we helping each other now?"

"The problem is that things that wouldn't have been troublesome, when we died together, became trouble for both of us. This will do no good to both of us." Long Aotian said seriously: " The girl changed only after noticing me. Before I met you, the relationship between you was stable, did n’t you? I think we have to formalize this problem. Although we are here, but. It means that we will never meet again ... The road to the goal is the same. When everyone is together, it is when we really test each other. "

"It turns out that way." Although I said so, I was not surprised. It seems that the timing of the "common suffering" has come to an end, and it does not make any sense to continue. The other party has clearly given an attitude and then does the same thing. The effect may not be better. "I see." I said, "Let's separate at the next intersection, and look forward to seeing you next time."

"You really are, Mr. Gao Chuan." Long Aotian looked at me and said, "Actually you have been waiting for me to say these things?"


"Yes, I can understand." Long Aotian responded with my words.

then. The next fork appeared again.

"Where do you think we are at the base now?" Long Aotian and I stayed in the middle of the intersection, looking around the surging environment of the sight. Although the phenomenon observed by the vision is very strong, it is in other parts of the body. In perception, there is no sign of activity in the place where we are. Behind us, the weird existence that was originally thrown away a distance, once again came out of the void, only about 20 meters away from us.

but. The fifteen minutes Long Aotian had hoped for had passed in an instant. The sense of distance he gave me became alienated again. Even though his hand still rests on my shoulder, it feels like it is separated by several layers of membrane. He turned his body to face the weird existence that was constantly approaching, and said to me without looking back: "I said that when you run, you will run immediately. Don't look back no matter what you encounter. In addition, I will not temporarily Knowing exactly where this is, maybe we can communicate next time we meet. "

"So. Good luck." I saw that, he planned to make a small attempt here with his own ability, and, for various reasons, did not want me to stay and watch. Although the cooperation agreement is only verbal, and does not involve their own secrets, from the beginning, whether it is me or him, the cooperation I want is only this level.

After all, our mutual positions are destined to be intimate, and our perception of each other is not as polite and friendly as it seems.

"Run!" Long Aotian shouted directly without saying anything more, "Don't look back!"

Although, in many cases, the more you say "don't look back", the more people will look back. But this time, I obeyed the meaning of Long Aotian. Without looking back, I chose a fork and ran headlong. Doing this is not only about releasing goodwill, but also the importance attached to Long Aotian's expert status. I believe that he said not to look back, of course, it can't be aimless and deliberately bluffing.

I did n’t hear any other voices from behind, nor did I have any reaction to the fighting, but for a moment, the sense of presence behind me completely disappeared, as if the entire passage had been erased by cognition. The appearance of the cut channel became blurred in my memory. And the feeling of being chased disappeared soon. Although Long Aotian said, "Don't look back no matter what you encounter", but in fact, I did not encounter anything in this rush.

After Long Aotian "did something", the realm regained calm. Of course, it is impossible for me to know what he did, but he should have achieved his goal. "Jiang" did not interfere. At least, I didn't feel To. The noise and pain were once again suppressed by the burning sensation from the soul and the sound of blood flow. I slowed down and stopped to look back at where I passed.

I saw her again.

"Sakuya" is standing less than three meters away from me ~ ~ What have you done? A night. "I ask her.

She just smiled quietly without any sound, her body gradually became transparent, as if melting in the void, disappearing from my vision.

"I love you, Achuan." Sakuya's voice, like my own thoughts, emerged from my mind. "No one loves you more than me and cares more about you."

"I will always be by your side."

I began to feel that it seemed that "Saki Ye" was really not an existence composed entirely of Sakuya's ingredients. It seemed that some subtle things were mixed with those weird existences. Perhaps those "impurities" actually came from me? I vaguely understood what Long Aotian said. In the world of consciousness, any observed phenomenon that is intimate and directly connected with myself is not a good phenomenon, even if it does not make a direct response to myself. hurt.

"Sakuya ..." I murmured the name, "I'm here, where are you?" (To be continued.)

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