Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 624: Rejuvenate

Just when I tried to unravel the clues in the bathroom, an accident occurred. The red girl who had disappeared before appeared somehow in the abnormal mirror.レ m ♠ 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ using "mystery", even in the normal world, it is not impossible to walk into the world in the mirror, not to mention that it is only the boundary. The problem is that she saw me in the world on the other side of the mirror in the mirrored world. She said that I was a thief. Ignoring the meaning of this sentence, she had already drawn out a kitchen knife to attack Henry in the mirror.

Corresponding to Henry in the mirror, there is no doubt that I am standing in front of the mirror and holding the comb. As long as you have a little understanding of the classic description of "mirror" in occultism, you can imagine that once your character in the mirror is injured by another person in the mirror, this damage is likely to be fed back to your body. The lethality of this "mystery" is that you can't freely control the image of yourself in the mirror. You can go back, run away, and leave the mirror, but you usually don't know **** the murderer in the mirror faster than you want to know After you leave, will your own mirror really not be captured by the other party?

The world in the mirror reflects the world outside the mirror. However, in "mystery", it is not a simple reflection. ..

This is the first time I have encountered this type of danger. My instincts act faster than my thinking. I have no experience, so I can only rely on intuition, the self-abnormalities and the "mystery" that I have in the depths and consciousness.

I waved the fire axe and smashed the mirror surface occupied by Henry's mirror for the first time. The glass shards fell down before the red girl's hand fell, and a few seconds later, no wounds appeared on me. Of course, because of the fragmentation of the mirror, even Maria, who appeared in the mirror, had only the part below the shoulder. Even so. The attack did not end there. Maria still exists, but her whole body cannot be observed through the broken mirror, which also means that the mirror still maintains the channel connecting the mirror world and the extra-mirror world.

The anomaly that appeared through the mirror as one of the props did not disappear due to the involvement and attack of the third party.

I scrolled back quickly. Of course, if you use quick skimming, it is very easy to avoid physical attacks, but I have not forgotten that no matter how much it feels like physical existence, its essence is still consciousness, here is the state of consciousness Line world. My back pressed against the door of the bathroom, which made me feel less seconds. I don't remember myself about going to the door. However, no matter what happened behind it, the most dangerous thing is still the mirror. A slender hand is holding the kitchen knife and is protruding from the broken mirror. The lady in red seems to be coming out of the mirror world.

I do n’t have a good way. The existence of Maria ’s mirror means that the anomaly has not disappeared. If you rush up, you will form an image in the mirror. Even if you have a super power. I also don't know if my reaction can be faster than the girl in red in the mirror world, who has the ability to flash, and the speed is not slow. Moreover, I do not have any ability to cause substantial damage to her in the mirror world, in my thoughts. The best way to deal with it is to temporarily leave the bathroom to reform.

If the girl in red really intends to come out of the mirrored world and confront me head-on, then naturally it would be better.

I stared at the hand reaching out from the broken mirror and quickly groped for the door handle behind me, though. It is disappointing that the state of this door at this time is completely consistent with the bad situation that was expected in advance. It can't be opened at all. The moment the exception appears, this bathroom becomes a closed world.

At about the same time, the hand holding out the mirror threw the kitchen knife at me.

I flicked it lightly, and the kitchen knife stuck to the door next to my head, but instead of the sound of piercing the wood, the sound of glass shattering. My left eyeball suddenly turned on its own and took that sight into my eyes. The position stabbed by the kitchen knife changed from a wooden board to a piece of cracked glass. It is conceivable that once it is stuck on the body, what will happen. This is another new power that has not appeared in the night of Val Pugetz. The red lady in this realm has the same strength as Long Aotian.

Perhaps, this is because her existence and ability are very suitable for the essence of this boundary line, and she also has rich consciousness walking experience. After all, in the night of Valpuss, the original lady in red appeared very close to the "evil spirit".

In this realm, whether it is the rank determination of the Mageweave messenger, or the broader paper and the fierce mysterious rank determination, are no longer applicable. The existence of consciousness and the ability of consciousness are just as subtle and weird as consciousness itself. The division of strength and weakness in the normal world becomes unsuitable here.

However, one thing is for sure, she is definitely not the vulnerable party before finding the weakness of the red girl's consciousness.

The slender pale arm that threw the kitchen knife, holding the wall, seemed to pull out the body in the mirror. I suddenly grabbed the handle of the kitchen knife, and the knife suddenly screamed. There is nothing wrong, it is indeed screaming, a mouth is split on the blade, and a cry full of negative emotions is made. Sharp, piercing and piercing the eardrum like a needle, straight to the brain, making me feel that the whole world is spinning.

However, this uncomfortable feeling was quickly suppressed by the burning heat of the soul and the rush of blood. I grabbed the kitchen knife to prevent it from flying back to the owner's hand, or was remotely attacked from behind me. Although, at present, it shows no signs of doing so. I waved the fire axe and chopped it on the wooden cabinet beside me, and then slammed the wood fragments and debris into the mirror that had been broken by one third, even the arm that was already outstretched Inside.

After a while, the mirror shattered to the ground, and even the lens that protruded from the arm was no exception. Only some debris from the edge of the frame remained in place, and the thin and pale arm was also smashed by me It was bruised everywhere, as if it were about to break. Even so, the arm is still stubbornly exposed outside the mirror, pulling the body out with force on the ground.

My attack caused it a lot of trouble, otherwise the girl in red would have pulled herself out of the mirror. At present, such a small lens does not make her think that she can pass smoothly.

I hold a kitchen knife in one hand. With one hand, he pulled back the fire axe embedded in the wooden cabinet and walked cautiously towards the arm. I saw that in those scattered lenses, Maria's mirror still exists, though, because of the fragmentation of the mirror. She also looked torn apart. However, it does not seem to cause real harm to the existence of such anomalies. Although in theory, if I can see Maria in the mirror, I will also leave images in the mirror, but the actual situation is not so simple, the mirror reflection here is an anomaly, and it is also a conscious essence The abnormality generated, therefore, the normal theory is not fully applicable. at least. I soon discovered that in most of the mirror fragments, there was no girl in red, as if she had completely retracted into the glass occupied by her arm.

I found a piece reflecting Maria's hair, put down the fire axe, and picked up the comb to comb the hair in the mirror.

Just combing it, the changes in response to this change have occurred. I felt that my whole body was shaking, like a plasticine torn by an invisible force. When this feeling disappeared, I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom again. The mirror, which had been shattered and covered with debris, hung intact in front of the eyes.

The bathroom was intact, the light was bright, the atmosphere was calm and vibrant, and Maria was sitting in front of me. The comb in my hand is resting on her hair.

The violent confrontation that happened before, and the feeling of sadness and decadence everywhere in the air, seem to be just an illusion.

This earth-shaking change has given me a moment. Thinking and movement are fixed.

"I know, Henry. Don't say it anymore, I know you love me, but I really can't give up this job. Do you know? It's really shocking." Maria in front said to me Through the mirror, I can see her in the mirror staring at me. This time, I am no longer Henry in the mirror, but myself. However, Maria does not seem to notice this.

I suddenly recovered. This is still an illusion, a scene of consciousness, and Maria in the past is telling the secret that will not be sealed at that time.

"Dangerous? Yes, very dangerous, but also very tempting, isn't it? Don't worry, Henry, you know that we have prepared the security measures we can do, if these measures can not guarantee our safety, then this base Everyone here ca n’t escape that kind of disaster. Do n’t you want us to have a child? If I unlock its secret, maybe it can be done. This is my favorite job and the way to achieve our dreams. I think it ’s worth taking the risk. Of course, just in case, I set up a small back door in the system. If it ’s really uncontrolled, you can use this back door to completely seal it in the safety device . Will it be hidden? No, do n’t worry about this, as long as it is still in this base, you will be able to find it. Remember, the password is our wedding anniversary. ”

After Maria said this, her body twitched as if hit by an electric current. She seemed to want to say something, but it was just a burst of noise, like the radio was staggering FM. It's not like what happened in Maria's memory, it's more like the security insurance for this secret is working again. I just took a step back, intending to continue to observe what will happen and how to get out of the current memory illusion, Maria's convulsions suddenly stopped.

Maria in front of me is like a frozen picture. This abrupt stillness and the previous violent convulsions create a strong contrast, which makes the atmosphere produce a strange atmosphere. After a pause of about a second or so, Maria's hair grew at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. Although the length did not increase much, she looked almost in the mirror, and her face was almost covered by her hair. There are some subtle differences in her silhouette, which made me think of another dangerous girl in red.

The facts also proved that my association was very correct. The clothes on Maria turned into a red suspender skirt in an instant. Now, her whole body is no different from the girl in red.

This kind of scene seems to tell me that this memory illusion of Maria has been replaced by the red lady through some kind of mystery, and the place where I am at this time is no longer a safe memory reproduction scene. In this realm of consciousness, hallucinations and memories are good. All can be turned into a more substantial danger in a certain way, this idea is confirmed at this time. However, I believe in intuition more than I think

"So ... you are Maria." I said to the lady in red.

Although the evidence is not sufficient, this guess can explain why the red lady appears here. So why did it appear in the night of Valpus, why did it have a relationship with the jīng **** integration device. I don't need evidence or anything. Everyone who deals with "mystery" believes in their intuition more than evidence. Because "mystery" is often impossible to obtain evidence, but intuition can get a more personal and intuitive answer through a more direct channel to the collective subconsciousness of patients with syndrome.

Because, the whole world of fantasy. They are all built on the basis of the consciousness of the patients with the last syndrome. If the normal society is the surface float of this collective conscious ocean, which is affected by the ocean-like subconsciousness, then this boundary is closer to the deep sea , Closer to the core of the essence of the final fantasy.

Here, the power of intuition will of course be magnified.

Even ordinary people. It will also be influenced by this enlarged intuition, and it will have a strong sense of trust in the answers that I feel directly. Not to mention people like me who are used to using intuition.

When I said "you are Maria", I was completely sure that even if the red lady is not Maria, she has a very direct and close relationship with Maria. Perhaps, you can say "at least she will be a part of Maria." .

From the clues already obtained. She once reached the place where the jīng **** unity device is located, and even touched the power of the jīng **** unity device, and had an in-depth study on the effectiveness of the jīng **** unity device.

Something happened to her, including the death of his lover Henry, once frustrated and hopeless. It was eroded by the power of the jīng God's integration device, and even became what it is now. Her anomaly was probably caused by the jīng deity integration device, which naturally became the key point of the fragment of the jīng deity integration device in the night of Valpus.

In the normal world, is she still a member of the 51st base? Has she rebelled in the fifty-one area and stole the fragments of the jīng unity device? Furthermore, is she still alive in the normal world? Neither her in the night of Valpus or her in this realm can prove that she is in the normal world and is actually there.

Of course, I can only rely on imagination for the details, but the outline is enough to make me guess. Therefore, she pretended to be a strange and inhuman presence in the borderline, and would come to this room so coincidentally, without the security insurance that triggers memory, would say that I am a "thief", or even display unimaginable prestige. Yes, all can be explained by this sentence.

This place, which originally belonged to this woman's realm, was a taboo that others could not touch, and her experience of conscious walking, or even the existence of consciousness, is likely to be richer than anyone else.

Although her secrets were dug up by "Jiang", the person who directly touched these secrets was me standing here.

It is really not a good thing to encounter her head-on in this situation.

The red lady "Maria" slowly stood up from the chair, her head hanging down, her body breathing strangely. I think that if I had knowledge of Long Aotian ’s consciousness walking, I might have a better understanding of what kind of existence she was at this time, but I ’m afraid I would choose to escape in the first place, rather than as it is now, and She stalemate face to face.

My palm lightened, and the kitchen knife that I was holding tightly disappeared suddenly, and suddenly appeared in the hands of the red lady ~ ~ Her movements are very slow, and she hasn't turned around yet, but gives a This kind of extreme depression. Now, my disadvantages are magnified again, because when entering this memory illusion, the fire axe cannot be brought in. So, when the memory illusion becomes more substantial, I have lost the fire axe.

Maybe, when the kitchen knife was still caught in my hand when I entered the illusion of memory, I should have thought that the lady in red would appear here, but I did n’t really think of it, and I did n’t even guess that she was “ "Maria", I never thought that the girl in red would appear in front of me in such a direct way.

Unarmed and very weak, the only mystery is the second-level magic pattern inherited from the illusion of the young Gaochuan and the super-swift superpower. I stood on the spot, staring at the red lady who turned slowly, holding two kitchen knives, and asked myself, can I win in this battle?

I am not sure whether I am in a mirror or an extremely realistic illusion, but these environmental factors are placed in the normal world and may be extremely worthy of attention. But in this realm of consciousness, you should not care. This bathroom is so complete, although it is very different from the bathroom where it was before, for example, it is brighter and brighter, and it is more full of the taste of people living here, but as long as you can open the door, you will still return to the base of the 51st district In the big map. (To be continued.)

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