Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 665: Disorientation

The offensive spells formed on the surface of the gray fog have suppressed the wrestlers and potatoes. This attack is no longer the initial defensive counterattack, but appears more active. Tentacles, flames, frost, bullets, snake ropes, corrosive liquids, huge palms I have seen before ... A series of spell forms and phenomena erupted like machine guns. The area is pulling away awkwardly. However, after obtaining their physical data from the retina screen, they found that the most serious injury was not caused by the spell. The wound was more like being hit by a bullet, and the spell that the mist sprayed out at this time did not cause this. Types of seed wounds.

The bullet closest to these wounds-

It was the left wheel bomb after my left wheel was fired.

The brain hardware inferred the possibility that the bullet I fired in the fog did not reach the destination as expected, and the trajectory deflected after exceeding the observation distance, but instead shot through the fog and fell outside. The hands and other people caused harm, and even made them think that this is a wizard spell.

Except for wrestlers and potatoes, everyone is no longer in the observation range, and may have entered the fog. Like the two figures I observed before leaving the fog, one of them may be a file.

The spider web spell shrouded in the gray fog does not know when it has disappeared, which is why I did not encounter any resistance when I came out, but I do n’t think this is because the elite wizard who used the spider web was defeated . The wizards shrank in the gray mist, and what they wanted to do with this opportunity prevented them from freeing up extra energy to control the spell. The use of three elite wizards and fourteen formal wizards, spent so much time, doing everything they can to do, no matter what, it is enough to make people think that it will break the current situation.

The observation and judgment of the situation, under the chain judgment and the high-speed operation of brain hardware, has been completed between breathing. The gray mist is boiling. It looks like it is about to evaporate. The discrete gas is constantly erupting upwards, and the coverage is gradually increasing. In the process, the release of spells is becoming more and more intense. Not only wrestlers and potatoes, but even the one I just came out was locked by these spells.

Before being covered by rain-drenched spells, I had started pseudo-speed sweeping. Galloping towards the outer periphery. Wrestlers and potatoes who evacuated further away have also found me. However, in the environment where the fog has suddenly increased in attack strength, the gray fog spell is overwhelming. Rather than having the energy to say hello, take care of yourself. The wrestler and the potato faced with the spell of face-to-face and face-to-face, and they had no idea of ​​resistance at all. In addition to the spells that can see the phenomenon, there are more spell effects that cannot be directly observed with the naked eye have been applied to them, which makes them try their best to run outward, but the speed is getting slower and slower, as if both feet are irrigating Lead.

Both the wrestler and the potato could not help but scold the mother, but what they exchanged was that their relative distance from the fog was gradually shortening, as if they were not stepping on the ground under their feet. It's a conveyor belt going backwards quickly. The situation I encountered was similar to theirs. However, due to the absolute gap in ability, the effects of these destructive spells were not obvious to me. The acceleration of pseudo-speed sweeping continued, and I turned to wrestlers and potatoes Two people, in the retina screen, after they noticed my actions. The embarrassed expression jumped in joy for a moment.

However, before I reached the two of them, the offensive spell like a dark cloud had fallen down. Explosions, gusty winds, freezing, corrosive liquids, misty palms, and even all kinds of strange activated objects composed of gray fog, almost cover us all around. Up to 50 meters away in front, there is almost no empty gap, only the drop in time. Wrestlers and potatoes are simply unavoidable, and light arrows continue to condense around the potatoes. Trying to defeat all the targets for her own spells, the wrestler is not "mysterious", but her physical fitness is very strong, she chose to closely follow the potato, and hugged her head.

From time to time, there are potatoes that have no time to counteract the attack, or the attack spell that cannot be counterbalanced falls on the wrestler, and she is beaten in a few times, the skin is open, the clothes are almost rags, and there are even many wounds. It has begun to rot, but the energy to escape is more angry than the potatoes on the side. The physical quality of the potato is too general. When the attack spell that the light arrow can't offset falls on the body, it immediately makes his body a mess. If the wrestler grabs his collar from time to time, he pulls him a hand , May have long since died in the spell of leaking the net.

I use the spell's attack time difference to quickly shuttle through the dense spells. Many of these spells do not explode all the power at once like fireballs. Some of them will become new traps or even corners if they don't hit the target. The peeping snake will immediately pounce on the target once its attack conditions are met. This means that when the spell falls on the ground and even disappears with the naked eye, it does not mean that the threat has completely disappeared. Anytime, anywhere, in the unexpected corners, in the blind spots of the vision, behind, on both sides, some latent spells are activated again.

Judging from the number of spells and their attack methods and rhythm, they are not driven by human subjectivity, but operate similarly to a certain set of procedures. For example, the gray fog snake rope, if there is a wizard to operate, it will be as flexible as a real poisonous snake, but now their attack mode is extremely rigid. I wielded my double knives and beheaded all the nearby spells that could be killed. I chose some spells full of explosive power as a booster for pseudo-swift sweeping.

The chaotic and intense spell casting, in the case of not being able to break the prosthesis, will make my speed rise sharply. With this ability, I swept beside the wrestlers and potatoes before they became worse, carrying one in each hand, and crossed the distance of fifty meters in the next breath. This position has exceeded the limit distance of the spell attack. The shock wave formed by the cover spell blows up a misty wave. When I carried the two people on a device with a damaged shell, from both sides of me Gush.

Disturbed by this intense attack, it has been working with component devices as nodes, but the energy circulation network that has been exposed has become less stable. The energy network that loses stability stimulates larger-scale radiant light, and the phenomenon of energy leakage in many lines forms a series of dense sparks and arcs. The sizzling voice was frightening. It seems that these energy circuits covering most of the core area will collapse in the next moment, and then release destructive power, destroying everything in the core area.

However, the attack spell has stopped after this wave, and the distance between us and the fog should be the defensive limited area of ​​this fog. Or, it is the attack distance limit of those spells. As long as he does not break into this range, Fog will not take the initiative to attack. After confirming this, the wrestler and the potato can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The environment at this time is worse than before, like staying in a crater that is about to erupt. The extreme sultry heat and dangerous high-energy radiation make the air in the entire core area depressive and heavy. The scene like a ruin makes people feel like they have come to the end of the world. Only the tall tower standing in the middle is intact, but in this way The scene is particularly strangely set off. Even when standing on a high place, except for the fog, the tower, and the other mercenaries on the other side of Sakuya and the file squad, no other people and activities were observed on the retina screen. It was as if a member of a mysterious organization that had originally retreated into the core area. In addition to what I have observed, the rest have died in waves of intense shock.

However, there is a feeling that is incompatible with this judgment. Brain hardware flipped through the data I observed before and after the war, and the heads of mysterious organization members were listed on the retina screen. Even in subjective, I never pay too much attention to these people, but I will not forget these people. Soon, the "Canary" avatar was locked, followed by the "fan" avatar.

There was a sudden feeling in the native brain. It's like suddenly recalling some people and things that you have forgotten. However, the brain hardware is not so emotional, the cold data is flowing quietly, unless there is any mysterious force that breaks through its firewall, otherwise, these sensed, listened and observed data will not be deleted or sealed for various reasons .

Brain hardware. It will not forget or ignore any clues it has obtained, nor will it be interfered with by external forces. Even if there is some kind of powerful mystery far beyond the brain hardware trying to interfere, the extremely sensitive firewall. The alarm will also be released in the first time. This is the masterpiece of Super Dorothy. It is the same as Saya's Ashbringer's transformation. It makes me rank among the seven grades of "paper, merge, strong, fierce, mad, god, and extradition". "the power of.

The wrestlers and potatoes beside me didn't seem to realize the disappearance of "fans" and "canaries". When I asked them, they blurted out: "Who are you talking about?" However, being mysterious Members of the organization, they immediately realized the weirdness hidden in their own sentence. Our conversations are not uncommon in occultism. In ordinary times, this happens to ordinary people. Most of them are mysterious. The current situation seems to match, but it is necessary to exist The sense is erased from the cognition of people who often deal with "mystery", it is not as simple as imagined.

"Maybe hide." Tudou paused, saying so. He seemed to return his attention back to the gray fog, but the observation of his micro-expressions and some instincts in his instincts on the retina screen proved that he really cares about the disappearance of "fans" and "canaries". .

"Don't worry about those guys first." The wrestler's expression is very serious, and the constantly expanding and expanding fog is no longer as thick as before, but the violent movements can't make people think that this is a sign of the enemy's failure, even if it is separated Spell attack range, gray fog temporarily stopped releasing offensive spells, but it seemed like a calmer before a stronger storm was coming. The wrestler is not interested in whether other people are dead or alive, but her head is still caught in the fog. She did not hide the worry in her eyes and said to me: "Is the head going wrong? Mr. Gao Chuan, what did you encounter inside? "

"I didn't touch anything." I said quietly: "It's full of fog everywhere. Even the near side can't see clearly, and there is a power that interferes with the senses, making you think you are acting, but in fact what I did n’t do it. However, before I came out, I did n’t encounter any attacks. If the file is also inside, then the problem she had to face before I came out was just how to make the body act according to her own wishes. . However, the superpower of the file should solve this problem, provided she is aware of the problem. "

The wrestler was relieved after hearing the words, but she was very confident in the file. "What are these wizards doing?" She asked a question everyone here wanted to know.

"It's out." This time. Tudou reminds us that there are new changes in the fog again. He is not the first person to find a shadow appearing in the fog. In the retina screen, the figure is locked, and the contour data is quickly compared. Before the other party comes out, it is already determined who it is.

The gray mist that rolled like a boil solidified in the place where the figure was. Compared to the movements at other locations, this sudden solidification is extremely conspicuous, like a layer of condensed magma. And these solidified mists are no longer as shapeless as they were at first, but formed a mysterious decoration. These ornaments extended all the way to the ground outside the fog, and for a moment, the fog that solidified into the ornament was like a cave collapse. Qi Qi collapsed out of a route to the outside world, and the "tattoo" stepped out of it step by step.

It ’s not just her. The figure that followed her silhouette did not enter the path opened up by the “tattoo”, but turned to the other side. When the fog was just showing the signs of the radiation attack spell, the gray before the figure fog. Just like being cut open from the inside, a neat wound was split, and the invisible and invisible gray mist lost its flow. It was impossible to tear this wound, but it was torn away by the figure. After that, the file took the critical weapon high-frequency pan-domain cutting device out of it.

After being disturbed one after another, the gray fog spell that had decided to counterattack collapsed in an instant, and the previous spell was particularly violent because of the boiling fog. At this time, it seems that the energy is about to burn out, no matter how struggling, it cannot be reshaped in a short time. I think this is not just the impact caused by tattoos and file attacks. Inside the fog, some changes that cannot be directly observed must have occurred, and a lot of the activity of the fog was extracted to make it after the last madness. Finally, the exhausted state of exhausted lights was revealed.

Whether it is the part of the fog that was destroyed by the solidification of the tattoo, or the part of the fog that was cut and torn by the file with a critical weapon, it shows a completely different inertness from the other parts of the fog, and it seems that it can no longer melt back to its original body. in. And my feelings were applied again. The fog of these two parts, struggling and rolling, turned into ashes and dispersed with the wind.

The gray fog seems to have a pain sensation. After losing a part of the body, it is only a few breathing time. When the tattoo and the file determine our location, we start to move towards this side. The attack spell that conceals the sky and the spell with a complex composition of benefits are spewing out of the gray mist, just like a huge wave, rushing towards the two heads.

Tattoos and files suffered similar resistance as we encountered when we retreated, but only weakened in strength. After all, the gray fog at this time is no longer as complete as it was at the beginning. As the coverage area spreads, its volume becomes more and more loose, no matter how intense its reaction is, it is an indisputable fact.

"Mr. Gao Chuan--" shouted the wrestler, she hoped I could go up to help, and beside her, the potatoes had condensed light arrows and fired out, but the number of spells that were rushed to both tattoos and files In terms of quantity, it's just a stalemate.

"Don't worry, the two of them don't need our help." I replied, this is also the judgment made by the brain hardware.

The following is also true. The combination of tattoos and files is much easier than the combination of wrestlers and potatoes when dealing with the same situation where the strength is weakened ~ ~ Tattoos on the arms of tattoos With her footsteps, she infiltrated the ground all the way, making all the spell effects that interfered with the progress of the state ineffective, and the files that politely set foot on this route were also unaffected. The speed of the two Mercedes-Benz and the hardware of the brain were calculated There is no deviation in the speed. As for the rain spell falling from above, it does not need a file to use a critical weapon. When it enters the range of two meters above her head, it will automatically stop. The tattoos in this range will naturally be protected from attack. .

After the cooperation of the two went far, the spell that was within two meters of the land fell on the ground. Compared with the ease of the two, the light arrows released by the potato did not play much of a role, but after launching a wave, he stopped in a taunt.

"Boss!" The wrestler shouted loudly, waving at the file. After a few breaths, the tattoo and the file finally got out of the range of the spell attack and jumped to the component equipment platform where we were. There was no time for greetings, there were changes in the fog, and new figures appeared, but the people who came out this time were not as easy as tattoos and files.

This figure seemed to be ejected from the fog involuntarily, and just after getting out of the fog, flying in the air with a parabola. In the enlarged image of the retina screen, the person's mouth spouted blood with visceral fragments. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read at m.)

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