Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 691: Conscious lore

The elite female wizard wearing a **** mask stood on a misty sky, overlooking me, and said to me, "You are dead." Is this a declaration or a curse? The shock wave generated after the portal collapsed, tearing the smoky face from all directions, maintaining an undisturbed empty space between us. I didn't feel the attack that accompanied this statement, both physically and consciously, without any problems. However, the sense of existence and oppression exuded from this **** wizard, just looking at her, it will produce a feeling that even the world is rotating around her. Compared with other elite wizards I have ever seen, she is also very unique. This uniqueness breeds her power.

Every word she speaks is not a language I am familiar with, and the grammar is obviously very different from the language grammar commonly used in normal society. This difference or the feeling of being out of place is extremely strong and direct, just like from a Social civilization enters another social civilization. This is the language of the doomsday witches ’wizards. If my previous inferences are correct, the doomsday sect under the leadership of the Marl Jones family has achieved the" Genesis "-like results after completing the Tianmen Project, then this language Perhaps it is the language used only in their closed "world".

This **** wizard is different from other elite wizards who use the common language of normal society to communicate. From the beginning, she did not intend to use "the language of others". However, her power, even if it uses a different system of language , Enough for the listener to understand what she meant.

This is my first encounter with this type of communication. The other party's arrogant style is even more so than the other so-called arrogant people I have encountered. However, this is powerful, this is the embodiment of powerful. This kind of power is all reflected by alternative communication methods. It is not as bursting and magnificent as the power of Wei An when it is presented, but it is more intuitive and deeper into the heart.

"You, already dead." After she said this. I have spread my wings, and I will stand up. If her manifesto is not an attack, then I will start by being strong. I do not deny that I am very strong now, but. The opponent is not weak. Moreover, the philosophy of Doomsday Truth and I are to the left, the goal is the same, and there is absolutely no possibility of cooperative communication.

However, just as my feet left the ground, my body suddenly became stiff. It's not just hands and feet, it seems that even every nerve doesn't listen, and is twitching constantly. Then a hand rested on my shoulder from the back, and the **** wizard who had been focused on the sky I was staring at was suddenly not there, as if she had never been there.

I subconsciously know who the person is on my shoulders. Before the exact idea rose, I turned my head and looked back. However, there were only a pair of eyes like the fire of the red lotus industry, burning quietly behind the pattern of spades. It is these strange eyes that seem to be able to fully represent the woman with these eyes. I'm not unable to see the person's close appearance, but just attention, completely absorbed by the strange eyes of the emanator.

Wizard of Spades--!

When the thought just became clear, a powerful blow hit my face, and then I realized it. That is the fist of this female elite wizard. My body was spun up, but under weird force, it didn't fly back too far, as if it was floating and spinning in place, as fast as a whirling top. have to say. This blow is very powerful. For ordinary people, the head will burst at once, but I am just involuntarily, but the head is very sober. The shock and pain caused by this blow made me suddenly draw myself back from the mysterious, eccentrically attractive eyes of the industry fire, and the rapid swept super energy can be launched instantly, and the body galloped along a retreating channel . The second blow came as expected, but because my reaction and action were quick enough, the kick from the Wizard of Spades played on me, and most of it turned into a force to push me.

My volley flew backwards, and the rotating body used the power of the other party's kick to regain its balance. Even so, I still fell from the air and stepped on the ground and blinked out more than ten meters.

I do n’t think that this Spade Wizard ’s attack is casual. Although it looks like it is casual, it does n’t take any effort, but it ’s just that when people shake their gods, they start to fight on their own, but there is nothing. Anything that can make me so disappointed at the same time that I can't fight back and can only back away. Not to mention the statement for the time being, the eyes that attracted all my attention, the actions that suddenly reached behind me, but made me unaware, were the result of an extremely powerful mystery. I have great confidence in my strength at this time. Even when I am a little lax, I cannot be forced to follow the mystery of others casually. Therefore, there is only one result. This attack was originally the result of the **** wizard's careful planning. From the moment she began the declaration, no, maybe the moment when I walked out of the portal, the mysterious influence has already been applied to me.

It is a very complicated matter to describe the process of fighting, but the result of the action of various factors is already produced between electro-optical flint. I lost my hand first, but it was not a decisive one. At the same time as I retreated, the intensity of the chain judgment operation was actively promoted to a new stage, and the wizard of spades was in front of me, not chasing it up-when I felt this way, the existence of the wizard disappeared again, this time , Just like the previous copy, the chain decision did not observe the disappearance of this guy.

Is the nature of space moving instantaneously? Or is the observation ability of chain judgment broken? At this moment, I only have these two ideas. I have always known that there is no ability to eat all the world, absolutely unsolvable. Although the chain judgment has never disappointed me, I have always been ready, the moment it suddenly failed, and now, it seems that this is the case The moment is coming?

The invisible high-speed channel spreads along a complicated turning path. When the Wizard of Spades disappeared in front of the observation, and did not appear in other observation directions for the first time, I have begun high-speed dodge maneuver. The chain judged that there were no dead ends, within the range of 360 degrees. There are only two possibilities for not being able to observe the other party. One is that the other party is out of the scope of observation, and the other is that the other party really cracked this observation method.

Although it is a mysterious battle, but. Most battles are based on being able to observe the enemy. For me, when both the naked eye and the chain judgment temporarily lose the effectiveness of observation, the best way to deal with it is to use high-speed movement to stretch the distance and regroup. Although instinct can also detect the arrival of threats, this obscure observation method is the last method I use when I confirm that all observation methods are completely ineffective. At this point, there is not much difference between me and others. And now. Obviously this is not the time.

First of all, we must find a way to determine whether the other party can absolutely avoid my observation. If possible, guess and infer the reason why she can do this kind of thing. Perhaps, the other party is just, taking advantage of some of my blind spots. But it is not a defect that I am absolutely impossible to solve and unavoidable.

I actually have several thoughts about this kind of speculation, because, during the entire engagement, the reason why I fell in the wind is that its key points are, at least in appearance, very clear.

First, her declaration. Secondly, those abnormal eyes. former. It happened before my body suddenly stopped listening. The latter happened after she suddenly disappeared into my field of vision. During this time, her hand rested on my shoulder and disappeared in my vision at the same time. Although in the eyes of ordinary people, rely on these strange phenomena to guess. It is a kind of speculation at all, but for those of us who are familiar with occultism, it is a clue that has clear laws.

Perhaps this is a coincidence, but it is also possible, an inevitable law. For the time being, consider it the latter. Well, the simplest guess is that her declaration is the reason why my body does not listen to the call, which in turn leads to the phenomenon of "she disappeared in the field of vision", in which "hand on my shoulder" as a This kind of thrust allowed me to see her unusual eyes. When the attention was completely confined in those eyes, I was attacked by an indefensible defense.

In mystics, there are several corresponding classics that can explain this process. The manifesto itself is a kind of "speaking spirit". As a classic spell, speech spirit has not actually appeared in my journey. Moreover, although the wizards use spells, their spells and mystics The classic spells in are not exactly the same. Sorcerers need to consume gray mist to cast spells, and the wizards I have encountered have never been an exception. Even if the spell is not observable when it is born, it can be observed when the gray mist is activated. If the death manifesto is a spell, then the wizard of spades should activate the gray fog, however, I did not observe the gray fog phenomenon-perhaps, she well hidden the phenomenon generated by this activation process to the surroundings. In the gray fog, it is the collapse of the portal that supports this idea.

The collapse of the portal has formed a powerful shock wave, sweeping away the black smoke face all around, and the gray mist scattered in the space tumbling violently. This intense phenomenon may obscure the phenomenon of the **** wizard when activating the spell of fog. This guy, in this way to break the portal spell, not only to open up an undisturbed battlefield, but also to hide the cast, this is not an unimaginable, incomprehensible behavior, even, this is her real purpose More likely.

And that the death declaration is another support of a "speaking spirit" is that she uses the language of the wizards to describe it, but it allows me to understand-this is a mysterious phenomenon in itself. At the beginning, I thought It is a possibility of curse, but its effect is slightly delayed, but perhaps the delay is the natural result. The mystery I hold is quite powerful. If the curse can produce its original effect on me in time, it means that the mystery of the curse has absolutely suppressed the mystery that I have. I don't think that the wizard of spades can have such a powerful mystery.

Therefore, in my speculation, the Declaration of Death, as a spiritual spell, has immediate effects on some weak people, but putting it on me only temporarily paralyzes my body. No, there should be another effect that prevents me from seeing the **** wizard reach behind me when the chain judgment ability has been activated. All I can think of is that the factors that meet these conditions are not instantaneous, because. Even if she moves instantaneously, when she appears behind me, she will be observed by the chain judgment as the substance of existence. At that time, she is only one hand away from me. however. It wasn't until her hand rested on my shoulder that I realized that she was already behind. Therefore, there is only one situation that I can imagine, which is also the most in line with the current situation. The one that I can understand the most is Lingyan, which paralyzes not only the body, but also consciousness, or rather, paralysis of consciousness, because. This ideological world has not been completely transformed into a mature Valpus night. Its ideological component is still the most. My current Mageweave posture is the best reason.

Although, I am still used to the current situation. The body and consciousness at this time are distinguished, but in fact, this body is originally the result of the action of consciousness-it does not really exist, it is just the manifestation of consciousness. The stiffness of the body can also be regarded as the stiffness of consciousness.

Since my consciousness is paralyzed by the Spirit of the Spade Wizard's curse, I cannot sense the results of the chain judgment or errors. It's all possible. In this inference, the chain judgment has not failed, only that the results it observes cannot be effectively and accurately fed back to me-if placed in the normal world. Well, at the moment, I am like being hypnotized.

The Wizard of Spades, an expert expert who controls the power of consciousness, is completely understandable, and even makes people take it for granted. Because she needs to lead other wizards to fight in an ideological world, doesn't she? Therefore, I have to think that her words and her strange eyes are full of aggression against consciousness, and it is probably her inherent magic as an elite wizard. For those of us who are completely ideological, her type of spell is simply a natural enemy, and I attacked by her is like bearing the full value of lethality in a nearly naked posture-although mysterious There is a certain amount of protection, but for a conscious walker and a master of conscious power control, what other environment is more adequate than in the ideological world, or even to increase its ability to play?

It is not surprising that you are falling behind in the first match with this trade-off. The other party is very powerful. Even if there is physical protection, this should be undoubtedly. As an elite wizard, her inherent spells should be subject to certain restrictions on people with physical bodies under normal circumstances, but it will not be too much Big. Well, when she is in the current environment, she is completely at home.

In the short period of maneuvering, the rational thinking supports the inference one by one, and there may be other claims, but I still feel that this inference is the most likely. It can also be said that in the current situation, I also The coping plan can only be implemented temporarily based on this inference.

I walked on the ground and sky as irregularly as possible, and since the maneuver began, I have not been hit by her again. I didn't observe her existence, and I had no way of knowing whether she had given up, or she was still chasing me tirelessly, observing me, and waiting for the next blow. The only thing I can be sure of is the fact that she did not attack me again. My maneuver does not have too many restrictions on direction, spatial location and even distance. At least, I do n’t think that in the case where the inherent spell is an ideological attack spell, the opponent has a high mobility that can match me. Even if she has an ideological attack spell, it is absolutely impossible to have no scope limit. On the contrary, to make this kind of nearly "absolutely effective" spell effective, the limitation should not be too easy, otherwise, her title , It should be more than "elite wizard".

Also as an elite wizard ~ ~ Others I have met, but not as powerful as the current **** wizard-this feeling of "not on a level" should not be without Reasons appear on the same title rank. Compared with other elite wizards, the Spade Wizard in this situation has a sense of disparity like that of Father Sissen, who is a Level 3 and a half Mageweave messenger, and other ordinary Level 2 Mageweave messengers. In this sense, the current **** wizard can be compared with Father Sissen. This powerful and unique environmental factor must have played a huge role, not her own ability to reach this level.

Therefore, readjusting the method of combat and pulling the distance at the fastest speed should have targeted effects. I re-drilled into the space where the smoky face was dense. This time, no more beheading was carried out. The denseness of the smoky face was able to serve as a natural barrier under the circumstances that I could shuttle freely. My speed is very fast, so although the time is short, I have galloped a long distance. I do n’t know whether the magical effects I have suffered have disappeared, so it is necessary to find a relatively safe place to confirm. If this hypnotic-like effect has not weakened and disappeared with the extension of time and distance, then it is necessary to carry out the next step of cleaning up-do not clean up the magical effect on the body, and do not confirm an effective defense against this magical effect The method, the next time the face of the **** wizard results, there will certainly not be much difference. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read at m.)

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