Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 797: Phase transition

Watching Gregia run into the underwear store, the prosthetic Gaochuan and Saki Ye continue to move in the direction of Big Ben. On the retina screen, the data of the surrounding scenes begin to change. Just a few minutes ago, the progress of Gaochuan ’s memory information forced fusion reached Eighty percent. The endless stream of illusions has confused the world observed by the prosthetic body Gaochuan. A large amount of memories seemed to spring from the depths of his mind. He understood that those memories were not his, but at this moment, he was like experiencing everything in those illusions. Leaving aside the memories of the "reality" level, the experience of "Gao Chuan" in the illusion of doomsday has many coincidences in time and place, and these time and place are similar, but stories of different directions have occurred, just like The dense branches cut the sunlight apart, and also made the spirit of the prosthetic body Gaochuan trance, as if he had made different choices at the same time and place at the same time-and this conflicting impact made people unable to adapt.

Prostitute Gao Chuan feels that he seems to have crossed countless world lines, and the self in each world line ends with the same ending-death. Gao Chuan was already dead before the end of the end of the illusion. Birth and passing are various, and death is the most real and unique.

The prosthetic body Gaochuan couldn't help but have a feeling that it was because of the only death that the memory information really had a basis for integration, although he never felt that he was a serious illness of schizophrenia like he did now. patient.

Those memories are not complete. It is like in every Gaochuan's life, intercepting what they think is the strongest segment of their life.

Incomplete memory. The overlapping and intertwined life made the nose of the prosthetic body Gaochuan hot, and he rubbed it with his hands, leaving a red blood color on the skin of his fingers.

The normal integration of Gaochuan's memory information reached its limit at 60%, but now it has reached 80% under various factors of changes in spiritual consciousness. When it exceeded 60%, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan had already received a warning from the brain hardware, but. At that time, the negative effects were not obvious. Nowadays, the sequelae of passively forcing the fusion of memory information are becoming more and more prominent. When the limit is 60%, the confirmation option given by the brain hardware, and now when 80%, the confirmation option given by the brain hardware. Although they are very similar in terms of words, Gaochuan feels that the results will be different. However, it is impossible to tell what is the difference. Achieve 80% integration. The prosthesis Gaochuan has a strong sense of loss. In these memories, the different choices made at similar times and places, and the different experiences that followed, prevented him from finding a unique self.

Maybe. The only good thing is that no matter what kind of memory. All of them have the common point of "death", and very few memories of the "reality" level have continuity on the timeline. Taking "death" as the end point and "reality" as the clue, how much can maintain the existence of self. The expression of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan did not change much. After secretly wiping the nosebleed, when Miye looked at it, she would also give her a gentle smile. This is what he can do now. At this moment, he had never been weak. He felt that this extremely strong prosthetic body would also disintegrate at any time, and the earth-shaking changes in his personality and spiritual consciousness were like twisting into a twist.

He saw Misaki, and Misaki in his memory, a huge deviation. In his tumbling memory, every illusion of reminiscence, Misaki appears not only in appearance, but also in personality, it is more like "the same person". "Two people with similar appearance." Among these different Misaki nights, Misaki night at this time does not seem so special. It is precisely this feeling that makes the perception that "Saki Ye in front of him is just a fragment of personality" becomes immediately tangible.

The night he protected was purely a phantom for her in the illusion of doomsday. The one in front of her, and the one in the illusion of memory, which one is more real and which is more important, can no longer be compared. The prosthetic body Gaochuan, which is a fusion of 80% of Gaochuan's memory information, bears and recognizes that it is no longer a doomsday illusion or a "world line". Too much Sakuya, like a phantom, has disappeared with the "world line", and only exists in his memory, causing him to produce intense and irreparable pain.

Just like Sakuya on the same world line. Obviously, which she, and her at this time, is obviously different.

Therefore, we have to pursue the only and true Misaki based on the only certain and coherent "reality" level. They had to be treated as a fragment in Doomsday Illusion. The prosthetic body Gao Chuan constantly wiped his nosebleed, and in his vision, the street scene in London became erratic from time to time, as if he were in an ideological world, observing the ever-changing ideological products.

No, this world, even the normal world presented in the "material state", is essentially an ideological creation. The pace of the prosthetic body Gaochuan is a bit staggering, and you can feel your own embarrassment, but the surroundings no longer have a specific outline, just a human form, even the human form has begun to distort things, but a pair of blind eyes attitude.

Prostitute Gao Chuan felt that he had become a lonely person all at once, and this distorted world was becoming strange and terrifying, making him subconsciously want to get rid of this state and return to normal world perception. but……

Unable to escape, the change in consciousness resulted in a change in the angle of observation. He could not calm down his personality, and he could not get rid of this distorted vision. Prostitute Gao Chuan knows that perhaps his staggered self is just walking like a normal person in a normal world perspective.

Change seems to be very fast and silent. When the prosthetic body Gaochuan wiped his nose blood again, he found that the entire right palm was completely covered with blood. The blood seems to have its own life, as countless worms piled up and crawled on the skin. Unusual nausea. When the blood dripped on the ground-though, in his eyes. His own foothold is no longer what the word "ground" can describe-there are ripple-like ripples spreading into the distance.

The original cement pavement, I do not know when it has become the water surface of the cement road color, the deeper the bottom of the water, the more it will seep a pale yellow. And his face reflected on the water is his own childhood, but not exactly his own childhood. Prostitute Gao Chuan is too familiar with this face. In his memory, there are too many faces in this boyhood, but the one that appears in front of us now is the most special one.

"Gao Chuan." He said to the reflection in the water.

That is, young Gaochuan. In his fusion of memory information. There is no lack of information about his memories when he was young, but too many memories of Gao Chuan's childhood made him unable to recognize which one was his when he saw this "special one". Now, while seeing him. Prostitute Gao Chuan realized that the part of the memory information he received about him was only a trivial sporadic part of his strange and unique life.

The young Gaochuan did not speak, like a mirror image. It was only because the prosthetic body Gaochuan was watching him, so he looked at the prosthetic body Gaochuan. Prostitute Gao Chuan blinked again. The woman who once eroded the alienated Youjiang and gained her existence in the boundary line, in her memory, should be the existence of "Zhenjiang", whose appearance suddenly appeared behind the young Gaochuan, staring at the young Gaochuan. This gave the prosthetic body Gaochuan an illusion that the other party was actually standing behind him, staring at himself.

The prosthetic body Gao Chuan suddenly turned back, however, there was nothing behind him.

Tick ​​Tick--

The sound of dripping became very clear, and the prosthetic body Gaochuan felt that this was the sound of the weird blood in his hands dripping down the water under his feet. He was awakened by this voice and looked at his feet again.

Scarlet, spreading rapidly on the endless water, and soon extended to the horizon, and even penetrated to the bottom.

The yellow on the bottom of the water has been completely covered by blood. And the red on the water is getting richer and thicker, and soon the water quality at the foot of the prosthetic body Gaochuan becomes thick. When he lifted his feet, he even brought up sticky wires. That sticky feeling is so real.

The prosthetic body Gao Chuan can no longer tell whether it is an illusion or reality that it has seen, whether it is an illusion of doomsday, or a place outside or more essential. Looking back at his memory not long ago, he couldn't find a clear picture about when and how he came to the dividing line of this world.

Everything happened naturally.

The huge, deep, unresolved alienation phenomenon made him deeply understand how lonely he is and how small he is.

At the next moment, he heard the voice of who, as if opening his eyes, his vision suddenly returned to the normal London street scene, and he was taking the next step. The sudden visual change and the difference in resistance on his feet made him almost unable to grasp the distance and stumbled forward.

"Achuan!" While the voice came from the ear of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, an arm held him.

He looked at the master of the arm, Sakuya frowned, and seemed a bit worried. This kind of her was familiar and strange, as if there were countless her illusions centered on her at this time, but they couldn't really overlap. stand up.

Prostitute Gao Chuan shook his head and said, "It's okay."

"What happened?" Saki Ye was obviously unimpressed by the prosthesis Gaochuan's comfort. She had noticed that something happened to the prosthesis Gaochuan. This unidentified situation makes her feel a weird feeling. This kind of feeling is not good or bad, but it makes people fear because of the unknown.

"I saw some illusions." The prosthetic body Gao Chuan could not explain, but he knew that he had to explain, and he could only generalize it vaguely. Only he himself understands that it is not completely an illusion, but is closer to a kind of ideology and some kind of manifestation and feedback. Everything I see is like encrypted information. I can neither decrypt it nor understand what the information is about.

There was no change in the running state of the brain hardware. At least, there was no record of changes. The data on the retina screen again showed a lot of garbled characters. Prostitute Gao Chuan wiped his nose, where it no longer burned, and the blood stains on the palm skin no longer disappeared without a trace.

As if everything was back to normal, but. Prostitute Gao Chuan knows that he is now. It is quite different from the one before the anomaly. This change in personality consciousness, even if it uses the past self as a reference, will feel that it is not a "change", but more like a "growth".

However, the prostitute Gao Chuan thought that what happened to him should not be "growth". It is "change".

"Illusion? At this position, has anyone noticed?" Miyaki watched left and right, but she didn't feel any mysterious power. However, the mistake of the prosthetic body Gaochuan is quite obvious. However, the prosthesis Gaochuan is not right. This is not the first time. Just a week ago, the prosthetic body Gaochuan was already in an abnormal state. At that time, it was judged by a conscious walker, but for a period of time after that. None of the conscious walkers who were judged to exist had shot again against the whisperer. Until now, the prosthetic body Gaochuan once again appeared abnormal.

Miyake helped the prosthetic body Gaochuan and walked slowly to a bench to sit down. She had pulled out the mask of the Ashbringer transformation, but. Immediately, he was pushed back by the prostitute Gao Chuan.

"It's okay, it shouldn't be the enemy." Yichuan Gaochuan couldn't explain her anomaly. Even he himself had only vague conjectures. Besides, the factors involved in this change were too complicated and too large. Even if he wanted to explain, he did n’t know where to start and what language to use. To describe.

"Is it the conscious walker? The one who shot you before?" Saya's tight body loosened and he withdrew his mask, but he still asked after him.

"No." The prosthetic body Gaochuan lay down with his head resting on Misaki's thigh, and his right hand rested on his forehead. "It's my own reason." After a pause, he said, "It's fine, just lie down."

"Sure enough ... what are the aftereffects of prostitute?" Sakuya's voice showed a trace of tension and sadness, which was the closest to the truth in the explanation she could think of.

The prostitute Gao Chuan grunted, Sakuya did not hear what he was talking about. This trip was really twists and turns. Gregia left halfway through. He was originally keen on business, and in a flash, his mind turned to the irrelevant side. If we say that Gregia's changes are only surprising, they don't produce a mustache. Well, Gao Chuan, who is the mainstay, was traumatized by inexplicable changes, which is not a trivial matter-although there is no trauma, his fatigue is clearly written on his face. Misaki is very clear, causing illusory damage, which is more difficult than physical injuries.

However, she couldn't do anything about this situation. If there are enemies, the enemies cannot be observed or touched, and the trauma of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, whether it is on the prosthetic level or the spiritual level, she has no way to start. Although, after the whisperer has gone through too many crises, this thing will not make her too depressed and helpless, but the remaining emotions are not good.

Miyue knew what kind of mentality he should maintain at this time, because, in those days in the past, the two were so partnered, Mercedes-Benz on the front line battlefield. When a person falls, then the remaining person, the last lifeline of the two, is the only person who can trust his affairs. And this person who is entrusted with everything must have a stronger psychological quality than usual, and must be more trustworthy than usual.

Miyaki relaxed her body, and she stopped talking. The two were like a loving couple resting, but, where they could only feel it, the enlarged senses were operating at high speed and methodically. She hangs her face, but the surrounding street scenes are building a specific outline in her mind ~ ~ Various possible solutions and tactical routes are constantly accumulating in her mind.

If it weren't for the prevention of the prostitute Gao Chuan, she had already turned into an ash messenger. However, it doesn't matter if you don't change shape. Miyuki still trusts Gao Chuan's judgment and her ability, believing that she can earn enough time in the face of any crisis in the current state. This kind of trust and self-confidence was cultivated in the battle of the past decade, and she felt that the most crucial factor for turning the past self into the present self.

Pedestrians hurried past the two. Although today is not a holiday, there are still many people sitting on the benches and basking in the sun. The early morning sun did not completely remove the smog that wandered in the streets and alleys, but in this humid climate, it became more moderate. Miyaki felt that there was a figure close to both of them, just because he didn't need to confirm with his eyes, he could feel more that the other side's goal was himself. She was ready to fight back, but the other party stopped a meter away from the two of them.

The prosthetic body Gao Chuan did not open his eyes, and still looked like a rest. Miyaki raised his head and looked at the man.

"Two, I haven't seen you for a long time." The other party said heartily. It was a woman in a casual hoodie, her head and face covered by a hood, but, listening to the sound, she was an acquaintance. (To be continued ...)

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