Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 803: Everyday King

In the night of Val Pugetz, in the ideological Zhonglin District, a glimmer of light appeared in the gloomy sky, and the mist flowing in the streets and lanes seemed to melt a little, like a layer of tulle covering the block. The environment here is closer to the real world than the boundary line environment, probably because the human subconsciousness condensed by the spiritual integration device does not extract the negative part to construct this ideological world like Jiang, for most humans, Brightness, daylight, and daylight are indispensable and commonplace existences, and even if you hate light for certain psychological problems, your own body's survival and growth cannot completely avoid the light.

Therefore, after entering the night of Valpuss from the boundary, the gloomy environment has gradually changed. It is like slowly transitioning from night to dawn, or the sun finally tearing through the obstacles of the dark clouds and throwing in a little light and hot. The outline of light and shadow became clearer. I sat by the window of the house, watching the shadow gradually elongated, like an extremely slow walking light, moving on the wall.

In contrast to the memory of the prosthetic Gaochuan about the two Valpuss nights, the Valpuss night I am feeling today is in many ways closer to the normal urban landscape than the first two. I ’m not complaining about the environment in the boundary line. I ’ve already decided that I must accept it regardless of the boundary line. However, after entering the night of Valpus from the boundary line, I still ca n’t stop this kind of "a feeling of.

Although there is a change in light, until now, this change has not been thorough, people have to wonder whether this Valpus night really exists during the day, or the brightest and warmest time period, just It's just this dawn-like look. No matter in the boundary line or in the night of Valpus, it is difficult to accurately grasp the passage of time. I exist in ideology, and there is no physiological time at all. On the dial in Zhonglin District. The pointer is still moving, but the direction of time is the same as that of each department, which adds to the confusion of the sense of time.

How long has it been since the end of the last battle? I do n’t have to sleep or eat. I have too much time to do anything, but that ’s why. In addition to writing your own adventure story, there is nothing else to do most of the time. I am not a mental patient, but I am not a lunatic. Of course, I do n’t want to fight every moment and find myself an enemy for no reason. On the contrary, in many cases. I am a pacifist. My fight is only because life requires me to fight, nothing more.

So, now, I just sit by the window, watching the slowly changing landscape.

What is Zhenjiang doing? The problem is obvious. She has almost no free time, but it can also be said that she is more idle than me at all times. She is "Jiang", whether in a relatively material form or in all ideological worlds, she possesses absolutely powerful power, theoretically, in the illusion of doomsday. There will be no stronger existence than it, and even on the "realistic" level, no stronger existence has been found. However, this kind of power is like being sealed, and it cannot be displayed in front of people all the time, making everyone shudder. How powerful it is, only people who really have the ability to feel its existence. To get closer to the truth.

"Jiang" seems to be omnipotent, and theoretically, it is also omnipotent. Its existence has exceeded the scope of science. Came to the "mysterious" situation, however, in these times with me, it shows such omnipotent opportunities are few.

Fu Jiang likes fierce melee fighting, and will only appear when he is fighting happily; Zuo Jiang likes leisurely daily time, so she will appear in a truly calm time until things start to wave again; Like a real mental patient, a person hiding in a dark corner or talking to herself in bed, her favorite is the repressive environment before the storm and the occasional calm moment in the fierce battlefield. There are other "Jiang", but their appearance time is not long, sometimes only in the blink of an eye. I have noticed a long time ago that Zhen Jiang ’s nervous self-talk, the ambiguous language, can actually be seen as a performance of "talking to other Jiang". She is like an administrator of a personality platform, Responsible for the adjustment of online personality activities. I think this is really a heavy job, because no one knows how many personalities "Jiang" has. It can even be thought that every second, there are personalities born, like grass tips after the spring rain, Scribbling to show signs, growing up crazy, so I can't just let it go.

I often feel that it is precisely because of the existence of the "administrator" of Zhenjiang that the personality of "Jiang" can be maintained, rather than being destroyed by self-promoting personality. Zhen Jiang is so busy that even though she is always crazy and can always show a mystery far beyond the personality of other "Jiang", she can hardly take the time. Even, her madness, in my eyes, is more like a catharsis of stress, a means of regulating personality conflicts.

I don't know how to help her, because, I never had the trouble of having too many personalities. After Gaochuan died, a new Gaochuan was born. In the past, Gaochuan was always one. Although there are now two at the same time, which is really in line with the "personal splitting" doomsday syndrome patients, the most prone and the most common mental illness, but I still can not understand at this time, more than three personalities exist simultaneously , What kind of scene will it be, and how to maintain self-existence in the rapidly splitting and continuously multiplying personality system.

There are many things that seem simple, but the actual study will make the scalp numb, especially psychological and psychological problems, it will make people retreat, headache, endless, even the best psychologist can not really To ensure that there is nothing wrong with your mental spirit, there is no guarantee that if you have problems, you can cure yourself. In psychology, there are too many examples of people who do not self-medicate, and too many psychiatric criminals are themselves excellent psychologists.

Psychology, spirit, consciousness, personality, these invisible and intangible, can only capture traces through examples and imagination, and derive their existence from the traces, so varied. Sometimes it is as hard as diamonds, as broad as the sea, and sometimes it is weaker than glass and softer than cotton. It is precisely this variability that makes people see the potential for growth. It is like quantum mechanics that advocates uncertainty. It has an upper limit that humans themselves can't imagine. At the same time, it makes the ideological world beyond the danger of imagination.

The ability to control the mental consciousness of patients with Doomsday Syndrome, named the "spiritual integration device", has such an ability-although such a statement does exist in the memory of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. The intelligence comes from Super Colors and Super Dorothy, and the action of "Jiang" also seems to prove this. However, it is difficult for me to have a deep understanding of this cognition. It can even be said that I can't understand it at all, even if "the world is big. There is nothing strange", it is difficult to believe that there will be such a thing.

Because, after studying psychology, I understand how unreasonable this kind of thing exists. In theory, it does not exist the condition of formation-subconscious. It restricts outer consciousness and individual behavior, but it does not restrain itself. Although it always hides itself, it is not that it is hiding itself, but its own form of existence. Especially the collective subconscious, it may be very broad, like the deep sea can not see the border. Can't see the bottom line, but its depth will not be uneven, nor will there be a stone that can control the regularity of each ebb and flow.

Simply put, if the consciousness sea can be refined, then every component is absolutely important. There is no one component that completely overrides the others.

Yes, personality, psychology, spirit, and consciousness are not high or low, they are just different forms of expression.

This is my knowledge after studying psychology. I can't confirm whether it is right or wrong. But this kind of cognition through learning makes it difficult for me to change my ideas, unless there is absolute evidence, or the most essential truth is placed in front of my eyes.

It is a pity that there is no absolute evidence or the most essential truth to refute my cognition.

Therefore, even if there are many human behaviors and words that tell me that there is a spiritual integration device and a personality preservation device, I cannot treat it as something that really exists. Even so, I must cooperate with Jiang to fight for such things.

"Viruses" infect humans and guide the emergence of patients with Doomsday Syndrome. In the mental consciousness of Doomsday Syndrome patients, things like "spiritual integration device" and "personality integration device" are born, but they are not owned by "virus", so "virus" should be They are obtained because they are the fruits of the hard work of the "virus"-judging from the perspective and cognition of human beings, this conclusion will be drawn. However, it is difficult for me to prove that this is the final truth, Because "viruses" are not human beings, nor are those mortals that humans recognize, they are monsters that cannot be resolved at the "realistic" level.

Do "viruses" really need mental integration devices and personality preservation devices? Does "Jiang" really need a spiritual integration device and personality preservation device? Judging from the actions of the two, it seems to be true, especially when thinking from the perspective of "Jiang", it will even come to the conclusion that "the spiritual integration device and the personality preservation device are very important and have the power to change everything." .

It seems that "Jiang" really needs them, not just spiritual integration devices, because "Jiang's" spirit and personality are unstable and inconsistent.

"Viruses" also need them because it is already facing the unstable personality mental phenomenon of "Jiang".

However, I still cannot be convinced by this reason ...

I always feel that there are other reasons, perhaps those reasons are closer to the truth. I'm always thinking, though, I can't do anything. I am just a human being, one of many patients with doomsday syndrome who is both special and not special. What I can do, both "Jiang" and "Virus" can do it, and it can do better than anyone-it is under this kind of cognition that I totally feel no in the actions they take To a sense of urgency-whether it is "virus" or "jiang", it is just walking slowly at its own pace, it seems that the fast-growing doomsday illusion, in fact, should have become faster, even in the blink of an eye It came to an end.

Even in the memory of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, there are super-colors and super Dorothy that constrain their actions and seal their power. However, super-colors and super Dorothy are still patients with doomsday syndrome in essence. In their bodies, all the diseases that patients with doomsday syndrome should have exist, how can they really fight against the "virus"? If they can do it, there must be seroplasma in their bodies, but no matter how powerful or important they are, they cannot be changed. The fact that they are seriously ill patients who "almost becomes l". In my memory, there is no lack of color and Dorothy's mapping in the illusion of doom. To a large extent, they are only one step away from the collapse of their personalities such as Misaki, Bajing and Marceau.

With reference to the situation of Zhenjiang, we can understand how dangerous their personality status is. It's like a balloon about to burst. Although this extreme pressure of personality consciousness will allow them to display extraordinary power in the illusion of doomsday, it also means that they have reached the limit. From the perspective of Zhenjiang's performance. "Jiang" and "Virus" are far from the limit.

Moreover, if the "virus" is extremely binding on patients with doomsday syndrome, the same is true for the color and Dorothy. Even if the word "super" is prefixed to their name, they cannot change them. This is the fact of patients with doomsday syndrome. Therefore, under this principle. The "Super Gaochuan" plan hosted by them also faces the same flaws.

Super Gaochuan is still Gaochuan. Gaochuan is a patient with doomsday syndrome. Therefore, Super Gaochuan is also a patient with doomsday syndrome. Without serum and antibodies, patients with doomsday syndrome cannot avoid the erosion and destruction of "viruses". Unable to resist a series of symptoms caused by "virus", it may further cause worsening symptoms.

Will Super Takakawa get antibodies? At least, I don't see this possibility. Their plan is nothing more than to unite each generation of Gaochuan personality through the mental integration device and personality preservation device, and then devour the personality consciousness of other patients with doomsday syndrome from the level of spiritual consciousness. Guide the integration of l. Furthermore, they may be able to verify the correctness of the superstring theory or the unified theory in this process. Try to build an eleven-dimensional combat weapon-even so, the further possibility is still extremely low. After all, the superstring theory itself is not necessarily correct. At present, it can only be said that it has not been proved to be wrong. The only reason is that human beings cannot find examples and there are not enough means to prove them.

Moreover, even if it becomes the power of absorbing all the patients with doomsday syndrome and gaining a high-dimensional existence, the super Gaochuan does not necessarily deviate from the existence of virus erosion. The existence of "virus" has not been proved so far. Although, the patients with doomsday syndrome and the doomsday illusions produced by patients with the doomsday syndrome are an excellent test of the "superstring theory" and even "big unification". The platform of "theory", but it does not mean that "virus" is an existence that can be demonstrated by the superstring theory and the so-called grand unification theory.

To fight against "viruses", the best and most direct way is to produce "antibodies"-this is the simplest principle I have been insisting on. In the case where all the factors for obtaining "antibodies" are already in place, there is no need to bypass it and take detours.

"Virus" cannot be observed, so "antibody" cannot be observed, but as long as it can fight "virus", it means that "antibody" has been obtained. My rebirth, the essence of "Jiang", and the confrontation that appears in the illusion of doomsday, are originally a symbol of resistance to "virus".

Therefore, all I have to do is to win in the confrontation, not to capture the spiritual integration device and personality preservation device. That kind of thing is not the center of gravity at all, not even a way, it is just a symbol of confrontation. My enemy is not the Doomsday Truth, not all mysterious organizations and personnel trying to compete for the spiritual integration device, nor the Doomsday Illusion itself, the "reality" is farther away.

I have nothing to do and no steps to follow in this Valpuss night. If it must be said, it is to cooperate with Jiang ’s actions and maintain its will. Zhenjiang, Fujiang, and Zuojiang, all kinds of "Jiang" that just disappear after flashing, have their own pace, their own ideas, and, excluding these personality maps full of humanity, also There is a "jiang" in my perception.

That is ~ ~ It seems to be sinking in the deepest abyss of the sea, which can only be faintly felt, a kind of more essential, almost doubtful is the existence of the "virus" itself-in contact with it for so long After that, I began to think that it was closer to the essence than "virus". Although "virus" is an embodiment of instinct, it is possible that its height does not exceed that of "Jiang", but, like "Jiang", it only shows the existence of the opposite, or rather, it is just a manifestation of nature. It is like instinctive behavior, subjective behavior, rational behavior and inertial behavior in human beings, but it cannot be said that a certain behavior represents the essence of this person.

Perhaps the lurking "Jiang" was the most essential thing at first.

I lack enough knowledge to describe this truthfully. I can only say that I really feel that there is such a thing.

The problem I am facing has long been beyond the scope of what I can deal with. It did not start when I was born. In fact, when Gao Chuan was infected as a patient with doomsday syndrome, it already existed. All people, as long as they are patients with Doomsday Syndrome, no matter how good the name is, how imposing they must face this embarrassing situation. The problem itself needs to be solved by the culprit that caused the problem, that is, the so-called ringer must be connected to the ringer. This is a contradictory but actually existing situation. To be continued.

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