Restricted Superstar

Chapter 514: Ghostly pass

Inter Milan has countless methods on defense, but there are not many ways on offense. They mainly rely on Maicon’s assists, Stankovic and Gao Xiaodong’s long shots, and Cambiasso and Motta’s long passes. Gao Xiaodong's organization.

In this game, Maicon's condition was not good. There was no room for Cambiasso and Mota's long pass. Gao Xiaodong was stared to death. The offense was only Stankovic's long shot.

But no one can hit a hundred shots from long range. Stankovic has missed a few shots and dare not shoot again. After all, he is not the core of Inter Milan, nor is he favored by Mourinho, and has no right to shoot.

Inter Milan’s offensive misfire, but Dynamo Kyiv did not attack. They stood up and waited for Inter Milan to attack. They were very satisfied with the current score. Even if Inter Milan equalized later, they could accept the result of the tie.

The deadlock is the time when Inter Milan's patience is the most test. If at this time they can't calm down, make mistakes, and are scored by Dynamo Kyiv, they may fall into a bottomless abyss and have no chance to save themselves.

When Dynamo Kyiv’s defensive formation remains intact and their positions are in good standing, if they want to penetrate their defenses, they must not only invest a lot of offensive forces, but also require tacit moves and fast and accurate passes. These Inter Milan only Can play occasionally, making more mistakes than success. If Inter play like this, they will be counterattacked by Dynamo Kyiv every time they make a mistake. Under normal circumstances, Inter Milan will not wait until Dynamo Kyiv’s goal is broken, and may be first. Kiev scored again.

Risking fear of losing the ball again, and not scoring goals without risking, Inter Milan players are now in a dilemma.

At this time, Inter Milan must have someone to stand up, as for who to stand up, it must be the most responsible after losing.

In the 30th minute of the game, Gao Xiaodong and Eto'o raised their hands almost at the same time to ask for the ball. The two of them have the highest worth and the highest salary. Once they lose, they will definitely be targeted after the game. At this moment, they must stand up and take responsibility. responsibility.

Eto'o is a long-established superstar, Inter Milan players still believe him more, the two raised their hands at the same time to ask for the ball, the midfielder Cambiasso still passed the ball to Eto'o.

As the single arrow of Inter Milan, Eto'o received no less "care" than Gao Xiaodong, and Almeida has been following him closely.

After the ball passed, Eto'o tried to make a header to Gao Xiaodong like a center, but Almeida was very accurate in judging the ball's position. He rushed over to grab the spot with Eto'o. Eto'o is not like Ibrahimovic. The center forward was unable to get stuck and was squeezed by Almeida but failed to grab the spot. The ball was topped by Dynamo Kyiv’s defender to midfielder Magelang.

Magrand saw Stankovic rushing forward. He pretended to make a long pass, and suddenly buckled, swayed past Stankovic, and dribbled forward quickly.

Stankovic couldn't let Magelang lead him in this way. He tripped Magelang from behind and was shown a yellow card by the referee Atkinson.

Magelang gave a free kick, their right back Ye Leimenko suddenly jumped in and caught Inter Milan by surprise. Chivuo and Zanetti both returned and missed the ball. Ye Leimenko sank the ball into the penalty area.

The old demon Shevchenko in the middle moved to the side like a ghost, grabbing a header in front of Maicon.

Maikon was blocked by Shevchenko and couldn't grab some points. He didn't dare to foul, so he could only watch Shevchenko attack.

Seeing Shevchenko's header, Inter Milan's players and fans were so scared that they had returned to the fear of being dominated by Ukrainian nuclear warheads.

Shevchenko's goal is also very difficult. He used a rhino to look at the moon to push the ball to the right side of the goal.

The 33-year-old Shevchenko’s waist and abdomen strength could not be compared with the ball for a few years. This time, the old waist did not completely twist, and the ball flew out of the baseline against the goalpost.

"Huh!" The Inter Milan fans took a long breath and put their heart in their stomachs.

The on-site commentator Reka sighed: "Time has changed. Now Inter Milan is no longer the original star black hole, and Shevchenko is no longer the nuclear warhead of the year."

The Huaguo commentator said: "The root cause of the Dynamo Kyiv counterattack this time was that Eto'o couldn't hold the ball. He is not Ibrahimovic. Don't use him as Ibrahimovic. Unfortunately, Balotelli is banned. , Otherwise Balotelli can partially replace Ibrahimovic's role."

When Eto'o asked for the ball, his teammates gave him the greatest trust. No matter whether there was anyone around him or not, they gave him the ball, but Eto'o really couldn't get hold of the ball. He never played. After standing in the center, he must move to be powerful. After losing the ball this time, Inter Milan no longer dared to pass the ball to the defending Eto'o.

The ball is not given to Eto'o, and the ball can only be passed to the midfielder Gao Xiaodong on the premise that the full-back does not assist.

Because there are people guarding the ball, Gao Xiaodong used to get the ball mainly for organization and scheduling, and he passed the ball when he received it. He hoped to use the pass to tear up the opponent's gap. Now that there is no use for passing the ball, Gao Xiaodong decided to come forward.

When the ball passed to Gao Xiaodong's feet, Gao Xiaodong did not pass the ball right away, but turned around forcibly by relying on Mihalik.

Due to Gao Xiaodong’s constant receiving and passing the ball before, Mihalik had the illusion that after he posted it, Gao Xiaodong would pass it out. He didn’t expect Gao Xiaodong to turn around forcibly, and Mihalik reached out and caught Gao without hesitation. Xiaodong's jersey.

Gao Xiaodong struck hard, like a small tank with full throttle. Mihalik tried his best but didn't hold it, and Gao Xiaodong rushed over.

Dynamo Kyiv’s players knew that Gao Xiaodong was not good at making breakthroughs. Before that, Gao Xiaodong was mostly organized and dispatched. He did not come to defend in the first time. When Gao Xiaodong broke through Mihalik, the players who made up the defense are no longer able to form a pincer .

After breaking through Mihalik, Gao Xiaodong was about to shoot, and when Ninković intercepted again, Gao Xiaodong dunked the ball and passed Ninković.

When Gao Xiaodong buckled Ninkovic, Mihalik came up again, and central defender Khacheridi also came to prepare to encircle and suppress.

This is the so-called passing one over two but not three. If you are not a vertical breakthrough in high speed, Gao Xiaodong's breakaway breakthrough will only be surrounded by opponents.

However, Gao Xiaodong is not ignorant of this principle. He has 20 years of experience and is very skilled in handling the ball. After he got rid of two players in a row, his teammates also came in at a high speed.

With the addition of super glasses, Gao Xiaodong’s vision is much wider than normal. When Inter Milan central defender Lucio appeared in Gao Xiaodong’s vision, no one else had noticed Lucio. Gao Xiaodong's heel knocked the ball behind Mihalik who was coming over, and quickly thrust it forward.

"Ah! Who is this for?"

"What does this foot mean?"

When Gao Xiaodong passed the ball, the fans sitting in front of the TV did not see Lucio's plug in. They were all thinking about whom Gao Xiaodong wanted to pass to. Just between this thought, Lucio appeared. In the lens.

Lucio stopped the ball and it was clear before him. Gao Xiaodong, Eto'o, and Stankovic were all advancing. The difference is that there are many people around Gao Xiaodong and Eto'o who are guarding against him, but Stankovic has Was ignored.

In fact, it is not negligible. Gao Xiaodong has just got rid of the two in a row, and his opponents have come to double-team him. No one is going to defend Stankovic.

Lucio was a defender with a knife, and his attacking power was incomparable to an average defender. He immediately pushed the ball forward with his bow and slammed it straight into the penalty area.

At this time the situation on the court was very clear. Gao Xiaodong and Eto'o attracted all the defensive players. Lucio's kick gave Stankovic the chance to go to the meeting solo.

At this moment, Dynamo Kyiv’s goalkeeper Bohus was crying. He was surrounded by defensive players in the penalty area, and he had to single out his opponents.

Being on the goal line is equal to waiting for death. The farther away from the ball holder, the greater the angle of the shot, and Bohus can only attack at the fastest speed.

How could Stankovic miss such a good opportunity, facing the attacking goalkeeper, he stabbed the ball from the foot of Bohus into the empty goal.


Stankovic helped Inter Milan tie the score.

After the goal, Stankovic opened his arms excitedly and screamed and ran towards Lucio. At this time, Lucio ran towards Gao Xiaodong, and Stankovic ran over to hug both of them.


"Pretty! Lucio passed it beautifully!"

"Gao Xiaodong's score just now is really magical!"

"This ball has a great view!"

"Gao Xiaodong's heel is a thief!"

"Stankovic's stabbing is also beautiful!"

"Lucio looks like he can be a cameo!"


The Inter Milan fans in the stands cheered excitedly. Everyone talked about it. Although Gao Xiaodong didn't score a goal or assisted, at least one third of the credit for this goal belonged to him.

Mourinho's heart has been hanging, Gao Xiaodong and Lucio's two-footed pass he did not praise him, until Stankovic scored, Mourinho raised his arms and shouted towards the stands. He threw an uppercut and vented all the depression.

Dynamo Kyiv coach Gazaev sighed. He couldn't figure out Gao Xiaodong's haunting pass. How did Gao Xiaodong see Lucio just now? He didn't have time to look back. ...


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