Chapter 102

The original country is a country with frequent earthquakes all over the world. As Dongguo News broke out a new construction method that can offset a certain amount of seismic energy through deformation under earthquake loads, thereby reducing the earthquake response of the structure, the topic of earthquake response has exploded. Concerned about this matter.

The news was spread to the country of origin, and was directly ridiculed by a group of netizens who did not know the truth!

There has never been an earthquake-proof building in the world. Now Dongguo can make big news every day, and everyone knows that they can see Dongguo’s big news on social networks every day!

“Are the Dongguo people making fun? Is this kind of news scientifically based?”

“I still liked Dongguo culture, but I am tired of Dongguo’s fascination these days!”

“Don’t spread this kind of false marketing!”

“It is also earthquake-proof. Our home country dare not publicize the house. Do the 217 people in Dongguo know that this is a concept?”

“Sure enough, I don’t know, everyone knows every bit of big news, it’s not ashamed!”


Not to mention how incredible this news headline is!

The netizens of Dongguo still couldn’t believe their eyes even if they saw it with their own eyes.

“Oh my God, there is a magnitude seven earthquake!”

“At present, the largest earthquake in the world has a magnitude of 8.9. If this model can survive it, it will be awesome!”

An earthquake of magnitude 7 or greater is an earthquake that can cause greater damage.

Then people saw the pictures in the live broadcast room, and the Tianyin Temple model was just a little shaken, it didn’t mean to fall apart at all!

“Fuck, there was shaking at level 7, how exactly did this happen?”

“Why is this structure so strong?”

“Added and added!!!”

The staff did not detect the maximum degree of earthquake resistance of the model, of course they must increase their strength!

“Level eight!”

Netizens were shocked by this test level, which would be level 9 after adding one level!

Earthquakes of magnitude 8 and above are already called huge earthquakes and will cause serious damage!

In front of the tenon-and-mortise structure model, such a strong earthquake intensity seems to have lost its destructive power, as if it was weakened by the strength of the building itself!

“Are these wooden houses stronger than those reinforced concrete??”

“Can this model remain intact after a magnitude eight earthquake??”

“The anchor is awesome!!!”

As the model withstood a magnitude eight earthquake for five minutes, the audience in the entire live broadcast room was boiling!

With the model standing still, not even a single piece of wood fell, the staff adjusted the earthquake intensity to Liang ninth level!

After a magnitude 9 earthquake, the ground outside the laboratory began to vibrate, which shows how strong this is!

“I feel that the camera in the entire live broadcast room is shaking, this model is only slightly loose!”

“As the intensity of the earthquake increases, the entire model is still very strong!”

“If all the buildings in the country are replaced with this structure mode, don’t we need to be afraid of earthquakes?”

“If it is popularized, how many people can this construction method save!”

Netizens were discussing with excitement, and soon even the state leaders were alarmed!

A building that can withstand the nine-magnitude earthquake test and is safe and sound is unheard of!

After the people above saw the news, they immediately sent someone to the Qin Feng Hotel to wait. They waited until the live broadcast ended to see if they could get in touch with Mr. Qin Feng!

The entire Dongguo caused a turmoil again because of the skills Qin Feng showed!

At this time, Qin Feng is still immersed in the fun of the tenon-and-mortise structure.

He is building a city built entirely of tenon and tenon structures.

On a large sand table, the rudimentary form of a house has been formed, and only a foundation has been formed, but it can also allow the audience to see his intentions!

At this time, far away on a plateau in the frontier, a worker was resting, just watching Qin Feng’s live broadcast.

Seeing the wood joining skills shown by Qin Feng, he suddenly collapsed with excitement, and ran to the construction site screaming with his mobile phone, letting everyone watch the live broadcast.

Soon everyone realized what he wanted to express.

“What is this technique called?”

The chief designer of the construction site asked excitedly when he saw this skill!

“I don’t know, my husband will not interact with netizens in retreat. This technique can completely build a building with only wood. Can we use it?”

The reason everyone is so excited is that they are a construction worker, because a bridge has been stuck on this plateau for half a month!

Due to the climate here, the quality of those reinforced concrete bridges is far below the national requirements, and the guaranteed time is only a short ten years!

Everyone racked their brains to find a way to prolong the survival time of this pontine, otherwise it would be impossible to make a difference with this!

But I tried many methods and found nothing…

Unexpectedly, I could find a way on Qin Feng’s live broadcast!

“Don’t worry, don’t look at what Mr. Qin Feng made is so simple, but the complexity of the craft is definitely not so simple!”

“Indeed, if it is as simple as what you see, this skill will not be lost!”

“First find the workers to learn all, and if we can learn, we will use this connection method to connect the pontics!”

When the workers heard the chief designer’s instructions, they immediately informed each other happily.

Then look for materials to find materials, learn to learn!

The next step of learning architecture on the construction site is to draw analytical drawings for everyone, and thus the division of labor is clearly defined.

Everyone is acting with enthusiasm.

Being stuck in this place for half a month, the schedule has been delayed again and again, and everyone is uncomfortable!

The plateau environment here is already bad, everyone wants to complete the task and go home soon, but unexpectedly it was blocked by a bridge!

Because of this bridge, more than a dozen national construction experts came and were helpless!

I didn’t know how many methods were useless, but I found a way by accidentally watching a live broadcast!

The entire construction site is full of enthusiasm. Workers who know the basics of craftsmanship learn these skills very quickly and can get started soon.

They all studied and experimented purposefully. It was not until the model of the bridge body was built that they were sure that the method of wood connection was really useful, and then they completely accelerated the speed of building the bridge.

“I waited for decades to study architecture, but I was stumped by this bridge body. I didn’t expect to see such a shocking skill one day!”

A construction expert over fifty years old looked at the busy figures of workers on both sides of the strait and said with emotion.

“That’s Mr. Qin Feng. We can solve the problems that we have always been able to solve all the time. If this technology can be mastered completely, I can’t imagine it!”

“Yes, how can I compare with Mr. Qin Feng!”

“As long as we can solve this bridge, we can go back soon. I don’t know if we can learn these skills like Mr. Qin Feng!”.

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