Chapter 119

When the experts heard the words of the leader, all of them bowed their heads!

It’s not that they don’t want to answer, but they don’t know the answer to this question either!

A group of people bowed their heads and you looked at me and I looked at you. No one dared to stand up and explain.

“This is because none of the experts here can give me an answer, right?”

No one answered for a long time, and the leader asked patiently!

“Mr. Qin Feng’s actions seem to be the same as animal taming, but he is obviously not comparable to our animal taming skills. Our animal trainer simply puts it through the establishment of animal conditioned reflex to consolidate its behavior. !”

“But what Mr. Qin Feng did is not a method of tame animals. To use an analogy, for example, we train a dog to have a bell every time it feeds. After a long time, when the dog hears the bell, it will think that there is food, so Will slobber. This is a kind of conditioned reflex!”

“We can see that these large beasts that Mr. Qin Feng faced, did not use these so-called skills at all, so we don’t know how this method of training animals is!”

An older animal trainer watched Qin Feng training the golden python on the big screen, and explained to the leader with a bitter face.

“Then you say that, you can’t do it, right?”

The leader did not expect to get this result.

In the eyes of laymen, everyone may not understand that the taming ability displayed by Qin Feng may be no different from the results of animal taming in everyone’s perception.

But the layman may not be able to think clearly about things that the insider can understand.

I didn’t expect this to get such an answer!

“We really don’t know the method used by Mr. Qin Feng, and we can’t do it to this degree. In the face of animals such as tigers and pythons, it may not be possible to get along with each other in a short time!”

All the trainers nodded in agreement with this.

“Then you can only contact Mr. Qin Feng.”

The leader contacted Qin Feng’s expert group directly, hoping to mention it after the Qin Feng live broadcast.

The animal training experts in the conference room also continued to study Qin Feng’s animal training methods one by one.

“Master Zhang, do you think Mr. Qin Feng’s method is too illusory? How can a normal animal training method be so simple, you don’t even need to move, just look at each other a few times.” ”

“How can our thinking and thoughts be compared with the husband? This must be a lost skill that we don’t know!”

Master Zhang is a loyal fan of Qin Feng. Faced with Qin Feng’s questions, Qin Feng could find an excuse for himself without answering his questions.

“Indeed, according to Mr. Qin Feng’s live broadcast a few days ago, everyone is very clear that what Mr. Feng made must be Fanpin!”

“We can’t say if we haven’t seen it!”

“But this kind of beast is more like an imperial beast to me!”

“Royal beast?”

As soon as this new term was proposed, everyone was obviously a little confused.

“This word is an adjective used in fantasy novels on the Internet. It’s a term that allows pets to recognize the owner, and then control and call.”

Everyone feels that this term makes sense. It fits perfectly with Qin Feng’s current capabilities!

“There is really nothing wrong with this word when used with Mr. Qin Feng. I have finally found something different now.”

“Indeed, these animals saw Mr. Qin Feng in a state of acknowledgment, very docile and obedient, and all instructions can be made perfectly!”

This group of experts are all people who know animal taming very well, and some ancestors even passed on animal taming from generation to generation!

Everyone sees that the ancient books of the ancestors have not recorded such terrifying strength, which shows that this is not a tame animal.

A group of beast trainers were crushed by Qin Feng. After being hit, their shaky self-confidence guessed that what Qin Feng used was not the beast trainer, but the beast control technique, and I was very happy!

Therefore, after a rigorous discussion and research, a group of experts explained Qin Feng’s beast-repelling technique!

Netizens were completely shocked by the official news.

In real life, there is even the art of guarding beasts that only exists in online novels?

How can this be?

“I’ll just say that those animals listen to Qin Feng’s words one by one. It turned out to be Yu Beast, so there is no problem!”

“Is it impossible? How could something that only appeared in novels be encountered in reality?”

“Can this be learned?”

“I wonder if the anchor can communicate with these animals to achieve this effect?”

“If it’s really not there, it’s awesome!”

“Can’t you learn this technique secretly?”


Netizens are very surprised by the newly-launched word “Yu Beast”, which is simply challenging people’s cognition.

But it must be a lot of curiosity!

After all, who doesn’t want to experience this kind of beast beast scene!

Think of those tigers, pythons and other animals all bowing their heads and letting people send them. This is simply the happiest thing. 1

The word Yu Beast directly exploded the entire network, and the number of viewers in the Qin Feng live broadcast room doubled in a short time!

It can be seen how much people yearn for this legendary skill.

Everyone swarming into the live broadcast room just saw Qin Feng training 5 monkeys!

“The anchor is teaching these monkey etiquette?”


“I can’t imagine this? Any animal can learn these ancient etiquettes!”

“The anchor is really awesome! The monkey just sent in is not suitable for this, how can it become human in a few minutes?”

“So this is Yu Beast? It’s even better than what is written in the novel!”

A large number of netizens stayed contentedly in the live broadcast room watching Qin Feng train this group of monkeys. This is simply more exciting than the monkeys in the circus!

Generally, the animal monkeys in the circus are trained to be humane and clever, but this time is different. People have seen the suitability of this group of monkeys with their own eyes, and they are still wild and ignorant.

Now it is indeed possible to stand and luggage like the Monkey King on TV!

I have to say that this is also Qin Feng’s evil taste.

He is experimenting how far the animal control can be.

Unexpectedly, the higher the intelligence of the animal, the beast-defying art is even more powerful. If you find the right animal, you can even recognize the master!

And the animals that passed through Qin Feng’s spiritual gulf, they all seem to have been re-developed, reaching a new height.

Qin Feng wants to see how far he can teach these monkeys to personify.

He faintly walked to the desk and wrote a word, then communicated with the monkeys mentally, guided them to learn to write, and was telling them what it meant!

This step is not easy. It is much harder to teach a 5-year-old monkey than to teach a (good) 5-year-old child.

But the effect is really obvious. These monkeys stand at the table like people one by one, drawing pictures with pens.

They can’t write, but they can roughly draw the characters described by Qin Feng.

This kind of useful skill has long been noticed by the relevant departments, but it is still incredible to see that Qin Feng can teach monkeys to write!

“¨ “Quickly, let someone contact Mr. Qin Feng to see what the observations they gave?”

The security department in charge of any request from Qin Feng soon received a group of leaders who visited the small hotel, walked to the observation room of the experts, and began to discuss the beast control!

Experts also understand the importance of this skill. If ordinary people can learn this superb beast control technique, it will have a huge effect on the country.

Everyone is waiting for the Qin Feng live broadcast to end, to explain this mystery to everyone!

Even if everyone is eager to know what this beast-repelling technique is, why can they recognize the master by looking at the animals, but everyone did not dare to disturb Qin Feng’s live broadcast! .

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