Chapter 148

Qin Feng made a new mechanism, but the mechanism items this time did not seem to be large, but it took longer than the previous robot.

Many parts were tested repeatedly before they were retained.

Everyone in the live broadcast room became more and more curious when they saw Qin Feng’s meticulous appearance.

“Any mechanism that the anchor did before hasn’t been as detailed as this one. I guess what will appear will be very delicate things.”

“It can be seen that all the parts are not large at present, and it is estimated that they can be picked up with one hand. It shouldn’t be something like a man.”

“Finally, I don’t have to look at the organs anymore, my heart can’t stand it anymore.”

“If there are more agency people, I guess people in other countries will collapse.”

Now Qin Feng’s live broadcast room is no longer just people from the East, but from all over the world.

As a result, the number of people in the Qin Feng live broadcast room has reached an unimaginable number, and there has never been a live streamer with more than ten figures of live online viewers.

Qin Feng is a unique existence here, let 27 others understand once again how high the charm of Qin Feng is.

I saw Qin Feng finished all the parts and started the assembly.

If it took more than an hour to make parts before, the assembly now only took less than ten minutes.

Everyone can only see Qin Feng’s hands dancing madly, and they can’t see exactly how they were assembled.

I could only vaguely see a small box unfolding in front of everyone, full of mystery.

In the eyes of everyone’s expectations, the new mechanism was finally completed.

What you can see is a wooden box with a length of no more than forty centimeters. There is no excessive pattern on it, and it looks very ordinary.

But it was such a shameless box that allowed Qin Feng to produce for nearly two hours. Anyone who knows Qin Feng understands that this box must hide an existence that stuns everyone.

“I bet that this small box made by the anchor must have a different secret, and it will definitely not just look like this.”

“Aren’t you nonsense? Everyone knows that this box is unusual. The key is to look at its special place.”

“I guess there may be a variety of sophisticated weapons that can kill people invisibly.”

“It may also be a variety of small props, maybe this is a treasure chest.”

Everyone started crazy discussions about this small box, but no one was sure what Qin Feng made.

Military scientific researchers from various countries are now looking forward to their hands together. What Qin Feng makes must not be weapons anymore. There is a new trick, but it is really irresistible.

If you want to do harm, go to other industries, let them also feel what despair is, don’t let yourself and others face this problem all the time.

But things backfired, and they were disappointed this time. This box is related to combat.

I saw Qin Feng gently lift the box in his hand, and the small box instantly turned into a long sword with countless grooves on the blade, which can split the scratched wound and cannot heal it easily.

The hilt of the sword is a round shape, which protects the wrist three hundred and sixty degrees, so that no one can attack it.

And it can increase the stability of the sword holder’s hand, so that even a novice can still control this long sword.

And to everyone’s horror, this wooden long sword actually split a wooden board on the side in half.

“Is this watching a science fiction movie, or a legendary martial arts movie? The wooden sword splits the plank in half? This is unscientific!”

“Finally, look at the cut surface of the wooden board, it is unimaginably smooth, which proves that the wooden sword is perfect without any effort.”

“If it hadn’t been for watching the anchor without touching the board next to it the whole time, I would have suspected that the anchor was doing tricks on the board.”

But the things that horrified everyone had just begun. The long sword gradually began to shrink, and countless mechanisms began to change frantically. The original long sword turned into a buckler between two breaths.

There are layers of bulges on the buckler, which can reduce the strength of the attacker layer by layer until the shield holder’s hand.

The magical thing has just begun, and the mechanism changes again, and a halberd appears in front of everyone.

This halberd resembles an ancient Fangtian painted halberd, and the blades on both sides are beginning to shine with cold light.

After passing the long sword before, everyone didn’t doubt the sharpness of this halberd at all.

The halberd contracted again, and a small mechanical crossbow appeared. The arrow in the middle made people feel a bit cold in the back.

The next small box displayed a variety of cold weapons, of various types and different uses.

People all over the world saw that in the end, there was only one thought in their hearts, which was amazing.

It’s just such a small box, but it contains so many weapons.

These intriguing ways are simply overwhelming. You think that the opposite is a long sword, and a mechanical crossbow will be changed in the next second, which is dozens of meters away, letting you know what despair is.

Looking at this small box, the military research team of the East Kingdom was already speechless with excitement.

In today’s era that does not rely on large forces to fight, the ability of individual soldiers is even more important.

However, advanced weapons are too heavy. Considering the combat capability and endurance capabilities, we can only abandon those heavy weapons.

But this also led to the fact that many times they did not have weapons to use.

At the same time, the monitoring of modern technology is too strict, and it is difficult to bring in dangerous goods such as firearms.

But the small box in front of me is completely different. Its appearance is like an ordinary small wooden box, which can be seen everywhere on the street, and it is not suspicious at all.

It can be easily brought into the place where the task is performed, and there is no need to worry about the exposure of the identity.

And the most critical point is that the various weapons contained in this small box are unexpectedly powerful in the complex terrain environment.

Just such a small box can raise the strength of special forces several steps.

If this small box can be mass-produced, the special forces of the eastern country will truly become a nightmare for other countries.

“This little box is really amazing. I really admire Mr. Qin’s ability to create such a magical existence.”

“Originally, I guessed that there would be mystery, but I couldn’t guess that it would be such a weapon. This can only be described as terrifying.”

“Hurry up and send someone to the residence where Mr. Qin is located, and take him back after 8 o’clock tonight.”

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