Chapter 192

While everyone was still discussing, the production of Qin Feng was coming to an end. Everything except the appearance was finished. The people in the live broadcast room saw this scene, and they were so quiet that they could not speak, because this scene is really real. It was too shocking.

If it is a pure energy change, the existence of oil is no longer needed, and it becomes a clean energy hydrogen energy. This is still the public’s expectation, but seeing that this car is actually not an ordinary driving method, but can float in the air, this Let everyone not think of it at all.

Although I know that Qin Feng will definitely find a way to solve the congestion problem, everyone has thought about many possibilities, but they have never thought about floating in the air. This abnormal behavior really makes too many people unable to. Imagined.

“The design of the anchor is really shocking. It’s actually a car floating in the air. This is crazy. Shouldn’t this only be seen in the movie?”

“This setting of the anchor is really great, it is hard to imagine that this kind of floating car can actually be produced. It seems that we are also entering the era of science fiction. It is really amazing. How can the anchor be so good. ”

“As a student of science and engineering, seeing the design of the anchor, I was so shocked that I couldn’t speak, because the design is so clever that it can offset part of the gravity force so that such a heavy body can float in the air. It’s really amazing.”

Everyone was shocked by this driving method. The shock of this brand-new method is just like the appearance of a car. Such a brand-new existence refreshes people’s worldview once again.

At the same time, I also admire Qin Feng’s ability even more in my heart. Such things can be designed, which is really shocking.

The person in charge of the Dongguo Transportation Administration began to pay attention to Qin Feng’s actions after Qin Feng began to design cars.

During this period of time, other friends don’t know how many times I have told myself about Qin Feng’s miracle and regarded him as a god-like existence, but because I was so busy every day, I didn’t have much time to watch it carefully.

But through the playback, he also understands why everyone is so shocked, because Qin Feng does have that kind of strength, which can make people believe that he can do things that others can’t.

So when Qin Feng began to design the car, he quickly put down all the work in his hands and began to watch Qin Feng’s every move seriously, because he was also very curious about how Qin Feng would solve this serious problem this time.

But I don’t know it. I was startled at first glance. Qin Feng’s bold design left him stunned at the beginning, and the energy has been changed.

You must know that for a long time, due to the large population of the eastern country and the unimaginable number of transportation vehicles, the demand for oil is too great for everyone. In many cases, they can only import oil from abroad, so that they can barely supply the fuel consumption of cars. , At the same time, there are a lot of equipment, all need to use petroleum.

This situation has also caused the cost of importing oil to be very expensive, but there is no way not to use it. It can only be slaughtered in this way, and there is no way to solve it.

But now there is a new energy source designed by Qin Feng, which solves all the problems. As hydrogen energy is the most abundant in the air, there is no need to worry about its insufficient supply.

For a long time, I wanted to find a way to turn hydrogen energy into my own use, but failed in the end, but Qin Feng actually turned these into reality here, which is something I really didn’t expect.

According to Qin Feng’s design, hydrogen energy can truly enter every household in the next period of time, and no longer rely on the use of oil. This discovery can also solve an important factor in air pollution. It is undoubtedly a great surprise.

But then Qin Feng’s design made him feel scared.

A car floating in the air is just like in a magical world, which is too unimaginable.

I and others have always tried magnetic suspension cars at most, but because the required magnetic materials are too rare, it is simply difficult to popularize.

Now Qin Feng actually came up with this design, which is really shocking.

Especially because the energy used in the car designed by Qin Feng is hydrogen energy, the possibility of this floating car increases, and it can even be said that there is no problem at all in theory.

Now I’m just worried that the user’s technology is not good enough, and new traffic accidents are likely to occur at that time, so you need to wait for someone to plan new traffic rules and let everyone follow them, so as to avoid some tragedies. . …….

“Mr. Qin’s design is really fantastic, I didn’t expect it at all, but I have to say that when this car came out, the two most difficult problems were gone.”

“Compared with the appearance that hasn’t been made, these things are really substantive. If these are done well, then there is really no problem.”

The persons in charge of transportation centers in other countries have also seen Qin Feng’s designs one after another, and were shocked. Such a design is something they dare not even try.

Although the traffic problem is not so troublesome in their country, the use of clean energy is a very profitable thing. You must know that many countries are mainly oil-based, but the domestic oil quantity is indeed insufficient, and it also needs to be imported. .

But now that Qin Feng’s design came out, the energy problem has been solved.

At the same time, what makes them even more shocked is that the design of this suspension car is really unexpected.

Although this has always existed in their country’s movies, it has not actually been turned into reality, and can only exist in fantasy.

But now someone actually designed it, and right in front of them, this is really incredible.

At the same time, they are very excited, because as traffic control people, they are tired of seeing those unchanging cars. Now that a new thing comes out, the whole person is really excited.

But after the excitement, there was a wave of worry, because the appearance of new cars means that the previous traffic system is no longer fully applicable. After all, you use the rules of running on the ground to restrain a floating existence in the air, which is unrealistic. .

Since new cars are about to appear, they and others must design new traffic systems to control their existence. Otherwise, the entire country’s traffic will become messy, and the frequency of traffic accidents will also rise linearly. .

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