Chapter 265

For all researchers in virtual technology, the appearance of Qin Feng is like a light illuminating the direction they are going forward, and it is also a huge pillar of confidence that allows them to continue to move forward with courage, knowing Your own field can shine in the future.

With the emergence of Qin Feng, everyone can know the magic of virtual technology, which will be a huge affirmation for the direction that I and others will work hard in the future.

This is why everyone is so excited after seeing the live broadcast, because this is showing the magic of this field to all people who do not understand virtual technology.

Suddenly, what shocked all the researchers of virtual technology happened again. Although I knew that there would be infinite possibilities in this field, I didn’t expect Qin Feng’s design to have new changes.

The various scenes shown at the beginning, a deduction from the long river of history, can make all people who see it have a very real feeling, as if they are a witness of the long river of history.

But this alone is not enough to shock the virtual technology researchers again, but because they find that all the people and scenes inside seem to be real.

I saw that in a desolate desert, an oasis suddenly appeared. There seemed to be civilization there, and some people continued to walk out of the oasis and came to Qin Feng’s body. The words seem to be communicating with him.

And what confuses everyone at this time is that Qin Feng also said the same thing, but no one can understand one of them, as if it does not belong to the language of his own world.

But what makes everyone confused is that it can be seen from the expressions of people walking out of the scene that this is not a designed plot, but a real dialogue. All his emotions seem to be closely related to Qin Feng’s answer.

Because his body movements can express one of his emotions very clearly, and at the same time, it allows all viewers to enter it, as if he and others are all witnesses on the scene.

“Who can explain to me what is going on? This unintelligible language, which country’s language is it? How do I feel as if I have never heard of it from anyone?”

“Don’t say you are confused, I think everyone should be in a state of confusion at this time, because I am proficient in the languages ​​of various countries, but I have never heard of their languages. You must know that I am a translator. I know almost all languages, but this time I am really lost.”

“Could this be the language of other worlds in the legend, completely different from ours, or visitors from other planets, otherwise, how could this incredible scene happen?”

At this time, all the fans in the live broadcast room are very confused. I don’t know what kind of phenomenon this is. Is it true that they are the legendary aliens?

But the only thing that is certain is that everything that happens is right in front of my own eyes. Although I know that the people and scenery in the scene are false, everything I see with my eyes and everything that happens in life must be reality.

This huge gap makes everyone wonder whether the world they live in is real? Or it can be said that I live in a virtual world, but I and others have not noticed it.

This idea is like a flame that quickly burns in everyone’s heart, because it is hard to imagine what happened.

Virtual technology researchers are really shocked when they see all this in front of them, because they and others have always understood very well that a complete virtual technology is not a simple scene or a simple dialogue. Have a complete world view.

It is necessary to have a unique way of deduction, so that this virtual world can be connected with the real world, giving people a very real feeling, and the degree to which it is achieved is the virtual technology that should really appear in the ideals of oneself and others.

It’s just that because of the lack of scientific and technological capabilities, many studies have not reached such a point, and it is impossible to show this real scene in front of everyone.

But what excites them now is that Qin Feng’s design makes all of this possible, appearing in front of them.

Isn’t all the scenes displayed by them the scenes that their own people have always dreamed of, so when they saw this scene, they were really shocked by all this.

This huge change made them understand that their original assumptions were not wrong, but it was because they and others had not done enough research to reach such a point.

Today, Qin Feng has done what he and others could not do, and showed it to everyone, so that everyone who does not understand virtual technology can understand how important this industry is.

“Mr. Qin really created a miracle, because there is no experience in our field before, and we can learn from him. I can hardly imagine how he can accomplish all of this by one person, but it is impossible. Not to mention, Mr. Qin is really great.”

“Yes, it’s really unimaginable that Mr. Qin can complete such a shocking work without any reference, but it has to be said that this is the extent to which we need to work hard.”

“Mr. Qin’s miraculous move is indeed a creator of miracles all the time. What he can achieve in the field of virtual technology is what we need to work hard for. He is our best example and worthy We study seriously.”

All the researchers of virtual technology are very emotional at this time, because someone can finally find the way forward for themselves in front of them. It is no longer the same as before, and there is no thought at all.

In the past, I and others could only rely on imagination, and then use technology to turn it into reality bit by bit. The difficulty is so huge that there has been no outstanding achievement. .

A lot of research can’t reach the point that one’s own people expected, which makes one very doubt whether there is really a problem with his path forward, or that he and others are really not suitable for this field. .

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