Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 229: Breakthrough

  Chapter 229 Dao Breaks Heaven's Secret

   "You little girl, you came to accompany our old bones just to get close to the boss?" Yu's father said half-truth.

  Yu's mother glared at him, the words were all said, but they couldn't be saved. The old man spoke too straight, and I wonder if Xiaoqian can think more.

"Uncle, this is close to our family. Auntie’s dishes are so delicious. I can’t control my urge to eat. Also, your chess game can also... inspire life to find self-confidence and follow. It is also necessary for the eldest brother to get close to that. The fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders. As a free laborer, I can't make other capitalists cheaper. If you want to serve you, you have to treat your own people."

  Xiaoqian replied grinningly, making a few strokes.

  Happy with the boss, "Co-author, do you still think I have a big advantage?"

  "Is it right? Let's talk about it." Xiaoqian blinked.

   "Go to my car and I will see you off by the way." Boss Yu also wanted to see Xiaoqian's intentions.

  To be honest, Yu Mingli felt a little unhappy about what happened yesterday, but he couldn’t help but give his brother a little bit of face.

Xiaoqian is not bad, it is just too good, and he caught his brother to death, Yu boss wants to know with his knees, Chen Xiaoqian's influence on Minglang is equivalent to 100 Wang Xiaohong's influence on Mingyi, in the middle It has to be separated by a Himalaya. If this breaks out, it will have too much impact on the youngest.

  Businessman, he doesn’t like his family’s fate being held by a little girl who has not officially entered his house.

   But she couldn't find the life of this little girl again, which made the profiteer always feel unhappy in the boss's heart. Now he really wants to know that Xiaoqian took the initiative to find him and wanted to say something to him.

  The Cadillac that the boss drove was still a good car in 2000. According to his identity, it is already very low-key.

  Yu Mingli has a driver, and he rarely uses it. He drives most of the time by himself.

He is the person who looks least like his family, which may be the reason why he prefers to laugh. Compared with the father and son of the Yu family, he looks easy-going, but everyone who knows him knows that Boss Yu’s easy-going is only superficial. And also to whom.

  Xiaoqian judged from the details of his driving and doing things, the boss of Yu still has the peculiar vigor of Yu's men, and his childhood tutoring still has a great impact on his life.

   "You came to me, not to see me driving, just tell me if you have any purpose." Yu Mingli was straightforward.

   "I thought about what happened yesterday. I decided to accept the cooperation invitation from my eldest brother. I will negotiate with my mother in the follow-up." Xiaoqian did not hide.

  Yu Mingli put his hand on the steering wheel, looked forward, and knocked casually.

   "I thought that you have to hide under the aura of the youngest youngster, and carry forward your noble character that can't be moved along the way."

  This is a bit heartwarming.

  Xiaoqian was not angry at all, and smiled.

Boss Yu is a person who is always smiling. He can say such things to prove that he is not very angry. If you really hate Xiaoqian, you will not be so straightforward. This is to test her. attitude.

   "It's inevitable to be high, just to whom the score is right, there is no need to pretend to the big brother, money is a good thing, if I say that I don't like it, it is hypocritical."

   "This doesn't seem to come from your mouth." Yu Mingli couldn't understand Xiaoqian's thoughts.

  If Xiaoqian did it for money, there was no need to make this yesterday, but her attitude today is very strange.

  Contradictory, is Xiaoqian also the kind of person who tends to be inflamed? Did you pretend yesterday?

"I just told the truth. Brother, what do you mean? I understand that Ming Lang's career is in its infancy. I don't want to bother him with these outside things. It depends on the fate of each other where I and Ming Lang go in the future. My eldest brother looks at me, I can’t help but appreciate it, but I don’t like to owe others.”

   "There is something in the words."

"Well, my mother was contracted for that piece of my house. Big brother, you are currently talking about business. I will help you win it. Minglang is your brother. I don’t like to use adjectives like bundle to express the relationship between me and you. I think mutual benefit may be more suitable for us."

  This is Xiaoqian's real intention.

  "Will you help me win?" Yu Mingli thought about many Xiaoqian's reactions, but did not count this step.

   "Well, is Big Brother now competing for the Chengxi project?"

  Yu Mingli’s signature smile froze on his lips, he turned around, and looked at Xiaoqian seriously for the first time after getting in the car.

   "How did you know? The youngest told you?"

  His two younger brothers don’t get involved in his business matters, and I just ask, how did Chen Xiaoqian know about it? This is all confidential.

  This project adopts a bidding system, and Yu Mingli has spent a lot of effort on it. If it can be negotiated, it will be at least an 8-digit profit.

  It's just progressing so far. It's not going well. He has almost exhausted all methods to contact Party A, but he almost feels that, seeing the bidding day approaching day by day, Yu Mingli has no idea.

  Now that Xiaoqian said this matter, Yu Mingli became more vigilant.

  Xiao Qian smiled slightly.

"Party A’s chairman Tang Daye is among the top five in the Forbes mainland rankings. His strength is particularly strong. You have a 30% chance of success with this bidder. Although your bid is not leaking, they may be selected in the end. Benefit company..."

   "What? How could it be, it was just a small company that was just established two years ago." Yu Mingli said in surprise, Xiaoqian, a student, how does he know so much?

  The reason why Xiaoqian knew about this was that the daughter of the former chairman of Party A was her patient. She was a little impressed with this key project about who is the boss of the real estate industry in Q City.

  The final bid was the small company she mentioned. Yu Mingli’s company did not win the bid. That small company also developed rapidly because of this bid. In the later stage, it can almost be comparable to Yu Mingli’s foundation for several years. The reason is beyond description.

  "Xiaoqian, why do you know this?" Yu Mingli is still wondering whether what Xiaoqian said is true or false.

   "Brother, I am a student of BD Normal University, Professor Liu Linlin has a good relationship with me." Q

  "I know, what does it have to do with the label?"

"I often get caught by professors to sort out the cases. I can see some things accidentally. I can't say in detail what is going on. I can't say in detail that it violates my doctor's professional ethics, but brother, what can you think about it? Right?"

  Xiao Qian deliberately made her words ambiguous.

  Yu Mingli understood after a little thought.

   "Xiao Qian, do you have any idea?"

  "Yes, eldest brother, you will arrange a meal tomorrow and invite Chairman Tang to come over."

  Yu Mingli shook his head, "I asked, but the other party always shirks."

  The chairman of Party A is named Tang Daye, a Shanxi merchant, very old-fashioned, and feels a little bit too oily. Yu Mingli tried to approach him several times, but was rejected in various ways.

   "He will definitely come this time, you do." Xiaoqian leaned close to her elder brother's ear and said a few words in a low voice.

  Big brother will be suspicious.

   "Can you really invite him like this?"

  It’s just right that I don’t sleep. People who slept a lot have forgotten the timing, oooooooooooooooooooooooo, sorry everyone. Thanks to Akateris for the peach blossom fan, thank you for the x1m2y sachet, thank you for the two peace charms of the autumn rain behind, wxzqlhzzy, crying night angel, memory 999, and Nanasheng's peace charm for the lover!

  (End of this chapter)

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