Chapter 35


As expected, there were not many viewers.

“It’s 30,000 dollars, so it’s not a lot.”

Watching videos for 30 million won was a luxury that ordinary people wouldn’t dream of watching real-time streaming.

The same is true of having a lot of money.

For 30 million won, you can buy stone consumables several times.

Of course, it was not without rich people who were willing to pay 30 million won generously if they could benefit from watching the video.


The few rich users came in as soon as they turned on streaming.

The number is about 50.

It’s just that I turned it on, but I’m doing this. Even though it doesn’t matter if you just turn it off.

It means that 50 people came in after seeing only one name of Lee Hye-sung.

“I made 1.5 billion won in 10 seconds.”

Han Tae-sung, who was watching from the side, kicked his tongue.

I roughly expected it, but seeing the number of viewers going up in person makes me sigh.

What’s more surprising is that it keeps increasing.

If real-time streaming ends and remains as a video, the number of purchases will increase again.

Lee Hye-sung did not keep such users waiting.

“Our potential customers who are watching from somewhere. I’ll show you briefly and concisely. The reason I’m streaming is because I’m not trying to show you how to strengthen it. I’m trying to show you what’s different from others.”

Take the ring straight away.

Hovering silence.

The speed of the chat is slow.

It is not simply because of the small number of viewers.

It’s to concentrate.

Because they are willing to pay 30 million won and visit Kang Hwa-sa, a ranker who knows how to increase the probability of success.

Nothing else matters.

Only one thing is that it is successful in strengthening.

It doesn’t matter if it’s luck.

Luck is the most important thing for users with reinforcement skills.

Knowing that, Lee Hye-sung did not explain further and pulled Mana up.

“I’ll show you the reinforcement you know.”

Business has begun in earnest.


Lee Hye-sung does not know the principles of reinforcement skills.

I don’t want to know.

I don’t use it even if I know.

It’s an unforgivable exchange for him to get a reward for the odds.

Prediction! Monopoly!

Those words are the only words that’s all.


Mana is moving.

Don’t be too much now.

In addition, Mana, which is stored as a mana storage skill, is combined to engrave blue letters in the air.

Rune, uh!

A civilization that only a few high circle wizards can encounter on a fantasy level!

Magic that you can’t understand even if you understand it, but not a language that you can useable even if you understand it.

Glamorous patterns are transmitted through the video.

Nevertheless, I didn’t care.

“Hyesung, can I make a video of those letters?” We can see it, too.

“I don’t care. If you were to follow me, there would be no one on the continent who wasn’t a seven-circle wizard.”


“There’s something like that.”

It took a year for Lee Hye-sung to fully learn.

It took two years to learn and handle.

24 hours a day with Dragon Road.

In addition, it was when he achieved 10 circles that he was able to handle perfectly beyond the level of using rune language.

It’s that kind of study.

Rune is.

Ganghwa is.

What about the human talent.

a compound study

Magic, mana, rune, alchemy, human dent, everything you need to have a perfect understanding of.

Countless runes are listed and arranged.

As Mana moves, the light flashes and is absorbed by the ring on the bed.

And Lee Hye-sung shakes his finger at Mana’s movement.


Han Tae-sung recited quietly.

Han Seo-young also nodded in sympathy.

Even though he knows that he is arrogant, Mana’s movement underpinned by the pitch is bound to look cool to those who have never seen the Lun language before.

The same is true of viewers.

Most of the rankers are people who have lived their entire lives looking at users, but I have never seen such a sight before.

– Wow. – What is it?

What are you doing?

You said you’d strengthen it. What’s wrong with you? Does Ganghwa normally do that?

Smiling at the responses of the surprised people, they begin to wrap up.

In fact, it doesn’t have to be this long.

Strengthening, so increasing the attack or options that people generally know, is the most basic skill in the human race.

You can combine a few run languages and add mana.

But there’s only one reason why I took the time.

“If you make it too easy, you’ll think it’s easy.”’

This is a business.

To sell his skills in the most appetizing wrapping.

In particular, price is the most important thing in terms of selling money to users who have money.

The quality is certain anyway.

But what matters when there is no guarantee of quality is how expensive it is.

If you want to appeal to people who don’t know which one is a luxury brand, it’s okay if it’s

Likewise, reinforcement also looks good if it seems to be doing a lot of things.

In particular, it is a process that differentiates itself from the previous strengthening that was left to chance.

It’s better to look as good as you can.


Countless list of runes were absorbed into the ring with the finishing work and inserted into the finger.

A ring hovering with a gentle blue hue.

It’s before I checked the option, but I think it’s already better.


I think so.

Hurry up and show us.

JN: Wow, we really succeeded. Are you sure you’ve strengthened it? I think I did something different.

With 150 people, viewers started chatting actively.

If you look at it like this, it’s a friendly chat room with novice users who just started streaming videos and small viewers who are interested in it.

[A bouquet of magical flowers]

▶ Level : 5

▶ Reinforcement figure : 1

▶ A ring containing mana in someone’s heart. Mana clumped and condensed like a bouquet of flowers.

▶ Mana +17

▶ 힘 +1

▶ Agility +1

But when the result was sent through the video.

– Crazy.

– Mana 2, strength 1, agility 1 up?

– We really succeeded in strengthening it. – That’s right.

– How much is it? – 20 billion won.

I want to strengthen myself. We have enough wealth.

Unrealistic chats that can never be seen in a regular streamer’s room begin to come and go.

It’s inevitable.

It may be too much if you think it’s simply a 30% chance of success.

Why are the numbers going up so abnormally?

Is that really a special way of strengthening?

– Is there a probability of reinforcement…….

Experienced rankers noticed that Lee Hye-sung’s reinforcement was different from other reinforcement.

Nothing is certain yet, but they are pouring money into the 1% chance.

Your lifetime weapons and armor options can go up even a little bit!

How hopeful.

Lee Hye-sung kindly explained to customers who were ready to drink spring water in Gangwon-do’s mountain valley.

“It’s not a general reinforcement. My chances of reinforcement are 100%. I don’t know how other reinforcement companies do it, but the effect of reinforcement will be incomparable to them.”

What an arrogant remark!

Make your peers pseudo-fake vendors overnight!

But no one could frown.

– I have never heard of the stats rising to level 1 in strengthening.

Wouldn’t it be great if it went up at least one?

– It doesn’t make sense that the probability of reinforcement is 100%.

The number of reinforcement companies is small and the efficiency of reinforcement is too low compared to investment.

The cost of reinforcement is similar to the cost of reinforcement materials.

However, one day, such a generous reinforcement fell from the sky.

“Of course, the cost is prohibitive. My mana also consumes a lot of money, so if the labor cost is higher than other reinforcement companies, it is not cheap at all. So I’m telling you in advance. If you’re looking for efficiency, if you’re here to do something cheap, get out.”

Of course there is no ranker who is terrified by this warning.

You can definitely succeed in strengthening it?

I just check the balance.

Come on in.

Rather, Lee Hye-sung was proud to see the increasing number of viewers.

“Good, good.”

It’s for money, but it’s definitely nice to have someone who recognizes the value.

Since Lee Hyesung is a person.

No, I rather live emotionally than others.

I like it when I feel good, I don’t like it, and I have enough power to show it.

So I decided to show you.

“Seoyoung, what’s the most reinforced item in the world?”

“Oh, as far as I know, one of the level 2 necklaces is in six?”

– ㅇ 6 6 is the highest existing level of reinforcement.

– That’s

“Then I’ll show you the sixth straight.”

What a great figure 100 percent is.


Kang In-ho was also watching the broadcast.

He is a user who always emphasizes the importance of equipment.

In the current situation, Kang Hwa-eun, who has only the highest level of equipment, has only a few contents that can raise the specification of a nail even after a year of hunting.

However, the reason why they have not been able to touch it so far is because of the risk.

That’s what probability is.

Decreased options as well as destruction of equipment.

Since it was not a game, it was impossible to have safety devices through the cache, so it took a huge gamble to reach the first round.

So I didn’t do it.

But today, I saw hope.


He believed Lee Hye-sung since he brought it up.

It’s already proven in the move that he’s not the one to lie.

Above all, there is nothing to gain from lying like this.

So what he was looking at was to calculate how much specification he could increase through reinforcement rather than to see if it was real.

“I’ll have to do the math again.”

However, as soon as I saw the reinforcement, I had to cleanly erase the calculations that I had done roughly.

He already gave Lee Hye-sung the crack core he needed for the broadcast and was promised not to receive the reinforcement fee for a month.

I spent more than 30 billion won simply on that permission, but I didn’t regret it at all.

I don’t know how much it’ll cost, but it’s enough to earn more than that.

Kang In-ho likes Lee Hye-sung, but he is not a philanthropist.

In the meantime, if I gave him more, I gave him more.

Of course I don’t mind coming back.

“100%. If we can make it to the semi-finals…….”

How much does Lee Hye-sung’s value jump?

In the agonizing video, Lee Hye-sung began to draw rune language again.

One, two, three, four, five.

Mana that permeates every time you draw.

Every time the mana penetrates and runs are drawn, the light gets darker and the waves of mana become stronger.

[A bouquet of magical flowers]

▶ Level : 5

▶ Reinforcement figure: 6

▶ A ring containing mana in someone’s heart. Mana clumped and condensed like a bouquet of flowers.

▶ Mana +30

▶ 힘 +5

▶ Agility +4

▶ Stamina +3

I don’t know how much more talent there is to set.

However, it was certain that the relationship with Lee Hye-sung, who faced Lee Hyun-hwa, was a gemstone of such high potential value that even Kang In-ho, the world’s No. 1, was lucky.

============================ Review of the work ============================

As expected, games are all about luck and luck.

Thank you so much, first of all. Every time I write two episodes, I get energy.

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