Looking at Li Ling once again wounded the Happy King.

Everyone thinks that it’s already very good to be able to reach this point, is it possible that something else needs to be done?

I saw the happy king shout loudly.

"Drunken stupor! Was rich! Apricot came out of the wall! An angry bullfight!"

Suddenly, the King of Joy paused, his whole body was shining bright, as if he wanted to go anytime. The outbreak is average.

"Four evils gather Exterminating Heaven and Earth!"

In an instant, the surroundings became very uncomfortable.

Although every move of the King of Joy is to arouse the infinite desire of mankind, at this time people actually feel like they have fallen into hell.

The wine jars are flying past everywhere, and there are gold ingots everywhere!

There are gorgeous beauties everywhere, and there are angry anger everywhere!

Nowadays, the four evils of Royal General's wine, wealth and qi are vividly and thoroughly played out. It seems that he has become synonymous with the degeneration of Human World!

Everyone finds it very uncomfortable to strike out this series of tricks.

There is a group of dazzling rays of light in his hand, which makes people unable to even look at it.

"Isn't this... the four evil magic methods are destroying heaven extinguishing earth!"

The King of Joy has long understood that the one that can truly destroy the world has never been What is the profound spell martial arts, but the greedy desire.

As long as you can control this desire, you can plunge people into boundless hell!

"Li Zailin, as long as you are human, you can't stop this greedy rays of light!"

Li Ling smiled: "Really?"

Li Ling closed his eyes, and then slowly floated into the air.

The Tianzhu Sword left him and also hung in the air.

Seeing that the Happy King was about to kill Li Ling with the light ball in his hand, but as a result, I heard Li Ling call out the name of the move.

"Seven magic weapons, the sun and the moon are extinguished!"

The light group was about to be thrown on Li Ling's body, but it lost its color on the way.

The King of Joy was shocked: "What trick is this!"

He looked up, and there was a sun and a moon above his head.

The appearance of the sun and the moon in the sky is really scary.

When the sun and the moon appeared, the rays of light of the light group were sucked away, and at the same time, the cultivation base of the Happy King was sucked away.

The King of Joy wanted to try his best to stop it, but found that he simply couldn't stop it.

His whole body seems to be fixed there.

His cultivation base also slowly left his body like a stream of water.

"Li Zailin! What are you going to do!"

The King of Joy was so shocked that he was even a little worried.

The little girl named Miao Jing watched this scene, and she hurriedly pulled Yaya: "Dumb girl, please persuade Li Zailin. If you wait, the King of Happy Life will be anxious. Aren't we all going to die here?"

Yaya heard it, but treated it as not.

At this moment, she was looking for a branch to play with ants on the ground, and she didn't feel any danger to Li Ling at all.

Among all the people present, only Yaya thinks Li Ling will be okay.

The Great Happy King is still being absorbed into the cultivation base. He changed from losing one's head out of fear to kneeling and begging for mercy: "Li Zailin, I will give you whatever you want! Please give me This move is accepted!"

But Li Ling remain unmoved.

"I said, if you can stick to ten tricks, I will leave you a whole body, but you don’t have one."

About 5 minutes of time passed, the King of Joy The cultivation base was sucked dry.

He is no different from a mortal at this moment.

Megatron, the Great Happy King of Ranked 1st on the Flying Eagle Ranking was destroyed like this?

Is the cultivation base that he has worked so hard for many years really disappeared like this?

The answer is yes.

However, this is not enough.

How can the cultivation base be sucked away?

I saw that the King of Joy felt as if his body was being pulled by something.

He took a closer look and realized that the flesh on his body was torn apart!

After being torn apart, the meat was broken into small pieces and moved towards the mid-air sun and moon past, and was also sucked away!

"The cultivation base has been ruined by you, are you going to kill you!" The mood of the King of Joy at this moment can no longer be described as lose one's head out of fear, but it is all desperate.

Li Ling didn't answer him, but watched indifferently as the King of Joy was torn to pieces by little by little by the gravity of the sun and moon.

At first, the King of Joy was still able to scream, but later he couldn't even make the scream.

He eventually became a powder and was sucked away by Sun and Moon.

Next, Li Ling snapped his fingers, and the sun and the moon went out.

The environment of Jiuchi Meat Forest is gone, and Jianmu Forest is restored to its original state.

Everything is clean as if it never happened.

The so-called Happy Forest and the ancient formation were also removed by Li Ling, without any suspense.

Everyone felt incredible when they saw this scene.

The King of Rose Fragrant tremblingly said: "The King of Joy...was torn to pieces?"

"No corpses left?"

At this moment, Only then did King Rose Fragrant realize how powerful this Li Zailin standing in front of him was.

She couldn't hold the big happy king's move herself, and the big happy king couldn't make Li Ling suffer much damage even with ten moves.

"It was all my fault before, and Sir Li please forgive me!"

The rose incense king knelt on the ground, and now she realized how unforgivable she had committed error.

But Li Ling is too lazy to take care of her.

A king like her, Li Ling pinches to death if she wants to die!

The flying eagle list has been washed out!

Ranked 1st's big happy king was torn to pieces by Li Ling, this news is enough to shock the rivers and lakes.

Presumably, if someone wants to do something evil in the future, I am afraid that he will have to weigh whether he is Li Zailin's opponent.

Zhu Youjian held a fist to Li Ling: "Congratulations to Brother Li for his invaluable feats."

"Don't worry, let's see what this is."

At this time, Li Ling found a wooden token from the extinguished light group.

There are eight characters clearly written on the wooden token.

Xinhai, Geng Yin, Yi Wei, Ji Mao!

"What could this be?" Li Ling looked at these four words, looking thoughtful.

"This...Isn't this my birthday character?"

Zhu Youjian was already stunned, he absolutely didn't expect the Great Happy King to have his own birthday character.

Under normal circumstances, the birth date of the prince is a secret of the Imperial Court, and even a more powerful minister can't know it so clearly.

Why did the King of Joy know that?

"I guess what he wanted to do, but he was killed by me before he could do it."

Now I can only imagine that, after all, in this case, There is really no other reasonable guess.

"They even colluded with the most wanted criminal and attacked me..."

"Who is it?" Li Ling asked.

Zhu Youjian shook his head: "I don't know yet, but it's someone who doesn't want me to be on the throne."

"Don't worry, with me, your throne will not be Next to it."

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