Return of the Swallow

Chapter 201 I will wait for you

She naturally knew about his past. After this man broke into her life arrogantly, and she found that she didn't hate it, and even didn't want to refuse, she inquired about his past in many ways, knowing that he was forced to Joined the army and knew that he grew up under the protection of his grandfather's family.

However, just because my grandfather opened a restaurant does not mean that Pang Xiao should be able to cook. This tall man has always been domineering and strong, and she believes that he can plot and kill. But she couldn't imagine what it would be like for this person to cook.

Pang Xiao dragged her to the kitchen at the back, and as soon as he got to the door, he smelled a special fragrance.

Is this beef?

Yeah. It's hot. I prepared beef tendon in advance, boiled the soup and let it cool. You will often cook cold noodles later.

While they were talking, the two entered the kitchen, and Qin Yining saw that a pottery pot had been placed on the chopping board, with a piece of reconciled noodles in it.

Pang Xiao washed his hands with a pot of water, lifted the wooden lid of the big iron pot and filled it with water, and said with a smile, Wait a minute, the stove is ready and you can eat it right away.

He put the dough on the chopping board and kneaded the dough firmly and vigorously in three or two strokes with his strong hands. Then he kneaded the dough into strips, twisted one hand to one side, and with a flick of his arms, the dough was stretched out on the chopping board. There was a pop sound on the top, and one share became two shares, two shares became four shares, and four shares became eight shares...

Qin Yining watched Pang Xiao's neatly pulled noodles at the door of the kitchen, and finally saw his big hands stretch the noodles into even thin strips.

The water in the pot was already boiled, Pang Xiao pinched the noodles from the head and tail, and put the even thin strips into the pot, and the tumbling boiling water settled down after the noodles were put in the pot.

Pang Xiao stirred with a long spoon, then prepared two basins of cold water for later use, took out the cucumbers and pears, washed them, cut them into uniform filaments, and took out a piece of cooled beef in sauce from the pot. Cut into thin slices and cut a few slices of watermelon for later use.

Qin Yining found that Pang Xiao was very neat in his work, and his knife skills were also excellent. Obviously, he used to do it often in the past, and he really meant to be a chef.

Not long after the noodles were cooked, he poured the noodles twice in cold water and placed them in two rough but clean clay bowls for later use. The delicious beef cold noodle soup, Pang Xiao picked out the green onion and ginger slices in the soup, poured the noodle soup on the surface, placed the cucumber and pear shreds evenly, and cut the watermelon slices and beef slices into triangles. I put it on the other side, and finally sprinkled some coriander and sesame seeds, then smiled and put the noodles on the table outside.

Come on, try my craft. Pang Xiao smiled and handed the chopsticks to Qin Yining.

At this time, Qin Yining had long been caught by Pang Xiao's quick tactics.

And the bowl of cold noodles with all the colors and aromas in front of him was shocked.

The ramen noodles in the stoneware bowl are meticulous and even, the soup is fragrant and the soup is translucent, the green shredded cucumber, the snow-white shredded pear, and the red watermelon slices, as well as the beef with delicate tendons, all together, you can feel it just by looking at it. appetite.

Qin Yining tasted a mouthful of noodle soup, the mouth was refreshing, there was no meat smell at all, but there was a fragrance mixed with vegetables, fruits and beef in sauce.

Take a bite of the noodles, it is strong and not too hard, and the thin noodles are very tasty. After eating another bite of cucumber and pear, another bite of watermelon, and another bite of soup, Qin Yining felt that the heat and heat of summer were all reduced in these few bites, and she ate half a bowl of soup and noodles before she knew it. .

Pang Xiao held a larger pottery bowl in one hand, took chopsticks and smashed the noodles into his mouth. He couldn't help but look over the edge of the bowl to observe Qin Yining. Although she was eating delicately, she liked her eyebrows and eyes. more and more happy.

Qin Yining has been worrying about things at home these days. In addition to the hot summer, she usually doesn't have much appetite. This is the most filling meal she has ever eaten, but the pottery bowl is too big, so she still hasn't finished it.

Seeing that she had half a bowl left, Pang Xiao put down his empty bowl and asked, What? Is the noodles unpalatable?

No, it tastes good, I like it very much, but I can't eat it. Qin Yining looked at Pang Xiao with bright eyes: I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good.

It's nothing. I'm short of time, so I have to cook the batter to make a fool of you. Next time I have time, and the materials are complete, I'll cook something delicious for you.

Pang Xiao naturally took Qin Yining's remaining half bowl of noodles, and Siri snorted.

Qin Yining raised her hand to stop it and stopped in mid-air, That's what I ate...

Pang Xiao put down the bowl and said with a smile, What are you afraid of? Do you eat watermelon? It's just been sitting in the well, and it's still cold.

He got up and took a kitchen knife, chopped the watermelon into several pieces in a few strokes, looked back at Qin Yining who was sitting on the bench and looked beautiful like a painting, he cut a few more knives, and cut a piece that was just the right size for Qin Yining to bite. Hand the watermelon to her.

Thank you. Qin Yining took the watermelon with both hands and took a bite. This year's drought made the watermelon in the sand very sweet.

Pang Xiao sat on the bench opposite Qin Yining with his legs crossed, looking at her while eating melons, his mouth was full, and he didn't forget to smile at her with his cheeks puffed up.

Qin Yining's mood became very light for some reason, and he was attracted to eat two more pieces by his good appetite.

After the meal, Pang Xiao made Qin Yining wash his hands with a basin of water, and washed her face with the water she had washed.

Qin Yining looked at him like this, and there really was an illusion that they were a family, just an ordinary family.

Pang Xiao wiped his face, his hair on the temples was wet, and he casually rubbed it back and said with a smile, Sister Yi, do you think my cooking skills are good?

Qin Yining nodded and praised earnestly, Your cooking skills are excellent, even better than our cooks. Compared with you, I am much worse. To be honest, I have done better so far. It’s barbecue, because I used to eat roasted meat a lot, and then I went back to the school to study a little, but I could barely eat it.”

Pang Xiao laughed: Don't be afraid, it doesn't matter if you don't, I'll cook it for you later.

Qin Yining was infected by his smile, and the word good almost blurted out, then he understood the deep meaning of his words, and his face turned red.

This man was willing to take risks to see her, never put on the air of a prince to her, cared for her, was willing to eat her leftovers, and was willing to use the water she washed. They were like a family. He might really be tied together.

On second thought, in the eyes of outsiders, her name was already given to this man, and besides, they kissed, hugged and hugged, she really could only be his.

Even without considering these, it would be difficult for him to repay his life-saving grace several times.

The more Qin Yining thought about it, the redder his face became, even his neck and ears turned red.

Seeing her like this, Pang Xiao couldn't help laughing and hugged him in his arms, What happened to our sister Yi? Could it be that she was cooked? Otherwise, why are you all red?

Qin Yining gave him a smirk and thumped him, What are you talking about, I'm not a shrimp.

Isn't it? Let me taste it. Pang Xiao smiled and tried to bite her face, but she pushed him away with a chuckle.

Stop making trouble. Isn't it still serious?

Don't worry, now that you know the origins of those shops, it's easy to do business. We only met after a long time, and I don't know how long it will take to meet next time. I can't always see you. The war is getting more and more tense, so I don't care. Okay, let me hold you for a while longer, okay?

What did this man say! Simply shameless!

What is this, we're not married yet.

So, as long as you get married, you can let me do whatever I want? Pang Xiaofeng looked at her with bright eyes.

Qin Yining was stunned and forgot all the struggles. After a while, he said, Who, who said I'm going to marry you.

Tsk tsk, our sister Yi is really a bad person. After eating my noodles and my tofu, do you still want to pay back?

When did I eat tofu! Qin Yining rolled her eyes.

You said I didn't eat it? Look, you bit my tongue! Now you turn your face and don't want to recognize anyone? My reputation is ruined by your hands. If you refuse to take responsibility for me, what will I do? manage.

Qin Yining pushed his chest with both hands and looked at his face that was so close to him speechlessly.

This person was not ashamed or ashamed, which really surprised her.

I really should tell your soldiers to see what their lord looks like when he is playing tricks. Qin Yining just said angrily at the end.

Pang Xiao smiled heartily: When you are in the army, all the men are rough men? They leave their hometowns to fight, and the ones who owe the most are the mothers and wives at home. The men in the north are so simple and honest and love their family, don't look at them outside. They are like little tigers, and they turn into cats when they go home and meet their mother-in-law, and they are more intimidated than the other, and I am not bad.

Qin Yining was dumbfounded and said, Don't tell me that your Hu Ben army specializes in cultivating men who are afraid of others? You're not too bad. Do they kneel on soy beans when they go home?

Pang Xiao didn't answer, just looked down at her with a smile.

Qin Yining blinked, suddenly realizing what he had said, and exclaimed Oops in shame, and lowered his head to cover his face.

Sister Yi is finally willing to treat me as your man? Pang Xiao laughed happily.

His laughter was right next to her ear, and her heart trembled.

His voice was low and magnetic, and her face turned purple with direct excitement. She wished she could dig a hole to bury herself, but the corners of her lips could not be restrained from rising.

Silly girl, remember, I, Pang Zhixi, deceive anyone, not you. It's a man's spit and a nail. I said that if I wanted to marry you, I would definitely marry you. The problem lies between you and me. You don't have to think about what kind of national hatred, what kind of family hatred, if I can't even settle these things, what face will I have to marry you? behind.

Pang Xiao said, and put a pious kiss on her forehead.

Qin Yining quietly leaned on his shoulder and nodded obediently: I know.

Pang Xiao kissed the top of her hair again: You have to believe me and wait for me.

Okay. I'll wait for you.

I will wait for you, no matter what the future holds. This time, I don't plan, don't count, don't care about the hatred of the country and the family, I only believe in you.

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