Return of the Swallow

Chapter 234 Someone with low self-esteem

Heh, say it again, Yuchi Qingyan wants Sister Yi to be his queen? Pang Xiao narrowed his phoenix eyes.

Hu Zi stepped back alertly, for fear of being affected.

Mu Jinghu nodded, not afraid of death.

Yeah, it's not convenient for me to follow the palace, it's easy to reveal whereabouts, otherwise I want to follow to protect it. You don't know, when the new emperor picks up people, she doesn't even allow her to take the servant girl who serves him personally. , at the beginning, you were not even allowed to bring a change of clothes. Your daughter-in-law was injured, and she was not even allowed to bring medicine. What do you think the new emperor is doing? Obviously, he wanted to take the opportunity to isolate your daughter-in-law and bring some raw rice to cook it. meal!

Huzi took a few steps back, Mu Gongzi, I beg you! Can we not add fuel to the fire!

Pang Xiao sneered a few times, his voice squeezed out between his teeth: Yuchi's family has a family background, this is to inherit his father's business!

Mu Jinghu found a tumbler and sat down and poured water by himself.

Pang Xiao was holding the hilt of his saber with white knuckles, as if this was the only way to quell his anger.

She is a weak woman, still injured, how can she resist the oppression of the imperial power?

Once something really happened to her in the palace...

However, he is now the head coach of the first army, and the old man of King Ning still has two brushes. They are fighting hard, and he can't leave the military camp without authorization. Pang Xiao was really scratching his head at this time, and he couldn't even try to protect the woman he loved.

Master, calm down, let's think of a solution first. Hu Zi persuaded.

Think of a way? Mu Jinghu put down the pottery bowl and said seriously, Actually, I think that your wife is qualified to be the queen.

Pang Xiao stared at Mu Jinghu coldly.

Mu Jinghu didn't realize that there was anything wrong with his words, he pulled his fingers and analyzed it seriously for Pang Xiao.

Look, her family background is not bad, her looks and talents are not bad, and she is so smart. Her father is also a very good person, and being his uncle will definitely benefit a lot.

Furthermore, if she is a queen, she is also a mother of the country, but if she follows you, she can only be a princess.

When you become a queen, no one will step on her head and bully her, but as your princess, when you arrive in your Zhou Kingdom, you will have to share the joys and sorrows with you.

Your status is embarrassing now,

I don't know how many people want to plot against you, she will naturally be burdened. So I think that if you only stand from her point of view, there is nothing wrong with being a queen.

Hu Zi silently covered his face and quietly retreated to the corner of the tent.

As soon as he stood firm, the square table in the middle of the tent was smashed by Pang Xiao with a slap. The teapot and pottery bowl above fell to the ground, and the tea splashed all over Mu Jinghu's shoes.

Hey! What are you doing! It's a pity that such a good table, as well as this teapot and pottery bowl, add up to two strings of money, you are too prodigal.

Mu Jinghu felt distressed and picked up the tea bowl that was broken in half and tried to piece it together.

The people patrolling outside the account heard the movement and came to ask.

Hu Zi hurriedly went out and said with a smile: Brothers, it's okay, the prince is competing with his brother.

So it is! The northern men of the Hu Ben Army were all loyal and forthright. Knowing that Pang Xiao had nothing to do, he liked to show off with his brothers, so he didn't think much of it.

In the tent, Pang Xiao had already lifted Mu Jinghu's collar, Rotten wood, what do you mean!

Mu Jinghu pushed his hand away and said sincerely: I'm just telling the truth. In fact, you think so too, don't you? Otherwise, what are you guilty of? I think you are selfish, you are a fox, and you don't care about everything. It doesn't matter if people want it or not.

Pang Xiao was stabbed in his mind, and his face was even more ugly. With a flick of his hand, he let go of Mu Jinghu's clothes, and slapped an armchair with his palm, and the armchair shattered.

Mu Jinghu felt distressed, squatted on the ground and said again and again: What are you doing! This is all bought with money!

Pang Xiao is full of anger, how can he take care of this?

And Mu Jinghu really spoke his mind.

He fell in love with Qin Yining, and he fought overbearingly and plundered her heart in every possible way. He didn't even ask her if she wanted to, and he forced her to label her his own.

What if she wanted to be a queen?

Pang Xiao gritted his teeth and said after a while, Tiger son.

Master. Hu Zi stepped forward and saluted.

You go back with Mu Gongzi and find a way to get an exact answer for me.

Master, what answer do you want? Hu Zi wondered.

The Marquis of Anping asked the wood to come, but he actually wanted to find out what I meant. What I mean is not the most important thing at this time. The important thing is what Sister Yi means. If she is willing to be the queen, and she is not willing to surrender, she will be my princess. How can I intervene in their good deeds? You go and find a way to contact the shopkeeper Zhong Da, they have a wide network of people in Zhao Yun, and there must be a way to contact the palace and ask Sister Yi if she would like to follow me.

Master, don't doubt Fourth Young Lady, I think Fourth Young Lady is pleased with you.

Pang Xiao smiled bitterly: I'm not doubting her. I'm afraid of delaying her.

Pang Xiao knew his own situation. From the outsiders' point of view, he was a prince with a different surname who worshipped Zhou Di, and he had the military power of the Hu Ben army.

But in fact, in Zhou's court, he was also struggling.

He was the one who took the lead in destroying Beiji at the beginning. All the murders and arsons were done by the Hu Ben army. Therefore, the officials of Beiji who surrendered to Dazhou now hated him in their hearts. He avenged his father and widowed many people, which intensified the hatred of those people against him.

The Northern Ji Kingdom is ignorant, and the treasury has long since been depleted. They destroyed Beiji, and they didn't get much money. When the emperor rose up and brought his brothers to conquer the world, he boasted that Haikou would be awarded a reward. Now Dazhou has been founded for two years, and the title has been obtained, but the reward is not yet in place. The brothers who fought together secretly complained a lot. , Now some people are saying that the first person who rushed into the capital of the Northern Hebei State ransacked the treasury first.

Isn't that alluding to what kind of money he has hidden away?

That's not to mention, his tiger army, Xiao Yong, compared other generals, and naturally attracted the jealousy of military officers.

The emperor now needs to pacify the world, and he values ​​military officers even more, which also makes the civil officials feel uncomfortable. He is also the representative of the military officers, so there is more hatred.

Thinking about it carefully, he is a rough man with a group of people staring at him. He really has nothing to be proud of...

In a word, Pang Xiao was beaten by Mu Jinghu's words and felt inferior.

Hu Zi sighed, Then I'll ask, what is the master going to do next?

Pang Xiao's eyes flickered, he rubbed his sword hilt for a moment, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: Anyway, I'll beat them first, to kill King Ning's arrogance, I think they will become soldiers after they have fainted the Zen throne. The morale of each of them is so high that they have forgotten who they are, and I have to make them realize that they are still the scumbags of the past!

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