Return of the Swallow

Chapter 417 Flowers and Candles (1)

Qin Yining's sight was blocked by Xipa and he could only look down at his feet. She was helped to sit on the edge of the bed, and then she felt the quilt beside her sink. A strong and powerful man sat next to her. Looking down, she could see Pang Xiao's bright red robe. and long legs.

Mrs. Quanfu stepped forward with a smile and pressed the corner of Qin Yining's skirt onto Pang Xiao's robe. Then he came across a tray with a wedding scale tied with a bright red concentric knot lying across it.

Please ask the groom to pick up the wedding dress, and everything will be as you wish from now on.

Pang Xiao pursed his lips, his handsome features expressionless. Only he himself knew that this hand that never hesitated to decapitate enemies on the battlefield would actually tremble when holding the scale!

He looked at the delicate person beside him, lifted up the auspicious red hijab with a slightly trembling hand, and handed it to Mrs. Quanfu together with the scale.

The room was brightly lit, and under the warm orange light, Qin Yining lowered her eyebrows, and the luxurious gold jewelry could not suppress her stunning appearance.

There was silence in the new house for a moment. Pang Xiao's long and powerful hands picked up the row of flowers in front of her phoenix crown and pinned it to the golden phoenixes on both sides.

The mountains are beautiful, the water is beautiful, the nose is beautiful, and the lips are beautiful. It is really bright and beautiful.

All the guests and friends who came to the wedding room to watch the excitement held their breath, and it took a long time to come back to their senses.

Mrs. Quanfu recited the hymn of hanging tents.

The couplets of leaves and hairpins are bright and purple, and the fan-shaped hairpins are surrounded by clouds and create waves. The two lines of praise and greetings kneel down, and there are many songs of fruit-scattering... ①

While thinking about it, children from Binpeng's family sprinkled red dates, peanuts, longans, and lotus seeds on Pang Xiao and Qin Yining's bodies and on the wedding bed behind them.

The guests became lively, shouting auspicious words such as having a baby soon and growing old together.

After setting down the tent, Mrs. Quanfu brought another tray with two pure gold wine cups on it.

Invite the bride and groom to drink Hexin wine, and they will live in harmony forever and ever!

Qin Yining raised his hand to hold the wine cup, touched Pang Xiao's hand slightly and separated again.

She raised her eyes and looked at Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao was also holding a wine cup and looked over with lowered eyes.

Their eyes met,

Pang Xiao's eyes are so hot that people can melt into them. Qin Yining lowered his eyes in embarrassment and avoided it.

When Pang Xiao saw her pink face, he felt fondness and pity in his heart. He stretched out his long arm and took her arm.

Qin Yining and his faces got closer and closer, and finally they drank Hexin wine side by side in front of each other's faces.

Okay! Everyone cheered and blessed.

Qin Yining put down the wine cup and lowered his head. Mrs. Quanfu brought a plate of dumplings and handed Qin Yining the ivory chopsticks.

Qin Yining was a little surprised, wondering what kind of etiquette this was, but he still cooperated and took the ivory chopsticks, picked up one and took a bite.

The dumplings seemed to have only been exposed to hot water for a while, and the dough inside was still raw. The sugar filling in the dumplings had not melted yet.

Qin Yining frowned and said, It's raw.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Pang Xiao's smiling features.

Mrs. Quanfu laughed and said, Did you hear, this is what the princess said herself, she was born!

All the guests and female relatives in the room burst out laughing and started cheering, I heard it, the princess said it was a baby. The princess should give birth to a son for the prince as soon as possible!

Qin Yining spat out the raw dumpling wrapper speechlessly and lowered his head with a red face. There seems to be sugar on the lips, and it tastes sweet when you sip it.

Now that the ceremony is over, let's go out to have a drink!

Mrs. Quanfu organized everyone to go out.

Soon, in the new house--\u003e\u003e

Only Pang Xiao and Qin Yining were left.

The two of them were sitting side by side on the Babu bed. Not far away, on the Eight Immortals table covered with a red tablecloth, a red candle burned brightly. Suddenly, a lantern burst out with a pop sound.

Pang Xiao cleared his throat and said in a hoarse voice: My mother said that it is a good sign to have wedding candles and lanterns popping up.

Yeah. Qin Yining lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

Pang Xiao said again: You, your phoenix crown is heavy, right? Can I help you take it off?

Okay. Qin Yining looked at him with a smile, My mother woke me up early this morning to comb my hair and face, change clothes and put on makeup. It was obviously the right time in the evening, but it was ready at noon, and this phoenix crown is solid gold. , my neck is about to be broken.

Pang Xiao stood up at this time, and with Qin Yining's cooperation, he first removed a few hairpins that were used to fix it, and then carefully took off the phoenix crown with both hands, for fear of causing her pain by pulling her hair.

Without several kilograms of gold and precious stones on his head, Qin Yining moved his neck and heard a click sound. He rubbed his neck and let out a sigh of relief: I can't stand it if I wear this thing every day. My head With such a heavy thing on my head, I dare not lower my head.”

Pang Xiao laughed and sat next to her, holding her neck and shoulders with a big hand.

The touch under his hand was so delicate and smooth, Pang Xiao's heart was filled with excitement, and he hurriedly coughed and retracted his hand.

Sister Yi, um, I, I'll go out and toast first.

Looking at Pang Xiao's face, Qin Yining knew what he was thinking just now, and nodded with a blushing face: Go, it would be rude to go late.

Okay, by the way, I asked someone to prepare food for you and ask them to bring it to you later. You take off your makeup and rest first, don't wait for me. I don't know how long these people are going to make trouble.

Qin Yining nodded again.

Pang Xiao looked at her soft face and couldn't help but smile and touched her face, I'm leaving first.

Qin Yining did not dare to meet his eyes at this time, and just nodded silently with her long eyelashes lowered. Little did he know that her appearance made Pang Xiao feel more and more seductive, as if his heart was on fire.

Pang Xiao stumbled away.

If he stayed a little longer, he would be afraid that he would lose control of himself and would not be able to go out and toast.

When Pang Xiao left, Qin Yining breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, his eyes were staring at the prey as if he could eat her. Thinking of Sun's words about letting him do whatever he wants, Qin Yining's ears were burning, and he had to cover his cheeks with his hands to cool down a little.

At this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open with a creak, and Bingtang, Jiyun, Xianyun and Qiulu came in carrying food boxes and other items.

Bingtang smiled and said: The prince just ordered that the princess must not be tired or hungry. Ask the slaves to serve the princess to eat something first.

The prince is very attentive to the princess. This chicken soup is said to be simmered on a small kitchen stove over low heat. The bones and meat are stewed until crispy. Red dates and wolfberries are added to it. It is good for the princess to eat it.

Qiu Lu put down the food box happily and filled a bowl of chicken soup for Qin Yining. Several plates of exquisite snacks and side dishes were placed.

Qin Yining was indeed starving. Mrs. Sun was afraid that something might happen during the trip, so she didn't give her anything to eat all day. At this time, Jiyun and Xianyun helped take off the wedding clothes, smoothed their hair, and sat down at the Eight Immortals table in their middle clothes to devour the food.

After eating two pieces of snacks, a few bites of side dishes, and half a bowl of soup, Qin Yining let out a sigh of relief and said, Hey, I feel like I'm alive again.

The four maids couldn't help but laugh.

Qin Yining asked again: Where's the porridge?

①Quoted from Jiang Zhiqiao's Tianqi Palace Ci.

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