Return of the Swallow

Chapter 469 Desert

In fact, the best section of the road from Dazhou to the Tatar capital is not so harsh.

It's just that there are always all kinds of troubles along the way, and so many robbers and gangsters come from nowhere, forcing the team to enter the desert.

Qin Yining was dressed in a dirty cotton-padded jacket and skirt, with a coarse scarf wrapped around her head and face. She was holding a thick and curved branch in her hand as she followed the team with difficulty.

Her injuries have healed, but her body is a little weaker than before.

It had been ten days since they entered the desert. In fact, if they hadn't been unlucky enough to catch a sandstorm, they wouldn't have been so miserable. At least the water I brought was enough to eat.

It's a pity that God seems to like to joke with them.

Qin Yining also didn't expect that the Tatars would travel thousands of miles to Dazhou to look for the treasure, and they had been looking for the treasure for a long time.

When the sky and the earth were shaking, she and the others had just reached the entrance of the cave when they were intercepted by the people brought by the Tatar Prince Consort Siqin.

Siqin looks like a handsome scholar, and he looks a bit gentle and doesn't look like a Tatar man. In fact, he is a ruthless man who kills people without mercy.

At that time, Long Xiang's army strangled all of them without leaving any survivors. The people Lu Heng brought along with her and Mrs. Liao were all taken out.

However, after entering the desert and catching up with the sandstorm, everyone in Lu Heng was abandoned by Siqin in the desert.

Instead of killing them directly, they drove them into the yellow sand in the sky and left them to fend for themselves.

Now in this team are the Tatar Prince Consort Si Qin and twenty dead soldiers brought by Si Qin, Mrs. Liao and two followers of the Blue Sky Alliance, and then Lu Heng and Qin Yining.

Qin Yining's feet felt like they were filled with lead, her lips were dry and cracked, and she was too thirsty to speak.

The last time we drank water was early in the morning, and each of us took a sip to moisten our throats. Qin Yining was reluctant to swallow the saliva at that time, but held it in his mouth for a long time so that he would not feel too dry on the way.

But even though they were so frugal, they still didn't have enough water.

Stop. Si Qin called to stop the team.

Qin Yining panted and stood holding on to the branch, wanting to see what Siqin was going to do.

Si Qin walked straight to Mrs. Liao and the two Qingtian Alliance members.

He said in fluent and standard Da Zhou language: Now we don't have enough water. You must tell me where the treasure is hidden, otherwise I will leave you here.

Mrs. Liao was silent.

The two Qingtian Alliance members had already collapsed and were about to cry.

They have the least amount of water. Are they going to be left here now?

Speak quickly, tell them quickly!

Yeah, it's already this time, why are you still hiding and dragging! If you don't tell me, your life will be lost!

What's more important, treasure or life! You've killed so many brothers, do you still want to kill us now?

The two people were thirsty and their voices were hoarse and unpleasant, but they still tried their best to persuade Mrs. Liao.

Mrs. Liao looked haggard and had sunken cheeks, but she still smiled confidently: To tell you the truth, only I know the location of the treasure now. If you let me die, you won't have to get the treasure for the rest of your life.

Siqin straightened his scarf and said without raising his eyebrows: Then what? Do you mean you don't want to say it?

Mrs. Liao said: Unless you agree to my conditions, I will not tell you the whereabouts of the treasure.

Hearing this, Si Qin smiled crookedly, with a dimple appearing on his handsome face, making him appear to be a very kind and lovable person.


, In fact, we don’t care at all. If you want to say it, I can let you live. If you don’t want to say it, then it doesn’t matter if we don’t want the treasure. Si Qin waved his hand, and two strong men pulled the two soft-headed Qingtian Alliance members down, walked a hundred steps, and threw them on the sand.

The two people ate mouthfuls of yellow sand, but they didn't dare to stay. They climbed up with difficulty, swallowed the sand in their mouths, and stumbled back again.

Mrs. Liao smiled even more confidently when she saw the two men returning.

The Emperor of Zhou and the First Emperor of Yan all need the treasure and want it for themselves. You say you don't care about it, but I don't believe it. How can you prove it to me?

Si Qin was amused by Mrs. Liao, You are an interesting woman, but there is no treasure. My army is still my army, and there is no difference at all to me. If you don't want to say it, then let's do it. You guys go far away together. , we will no longer provide water and food to you, just ask for your own blessings.

After saying that, Si Qin smiled and nodded to Mrs. Liao, then turned back and led everyone on their way.

Are you really not planning to get the treasure?

Qin Yining looked suspicious.

This treasure was hidden by Mrs. Liao. Except for the person who moved it, who will definitely be silenced, Mrs. Liao may really be the only one who knows the whereabouts of the treasure. Is this a deliberate attempt to scare people by saying they want to give up Mrs. Liao?

Mrs. Liao originally thought that she could use the treasure to negotiate terms, but who knew that now she would be so straightforward and just say no to it?

Qin Yining has been watching with cold eyes for so many days. Si Qin is actually a very strange person.

He looks like a scholar on the outside, but in fact he is highly skilled in martial arts and not weak at all.

According to Tianjizi's original calculation, Greedy Wolf, one of the three evil stars, fell in Tatar. Combining Siqin's military exploits and rumors in Tatar, it seems that he is the general marshal who has fought with Ji Zeyu for many years.

The little regent raised by the Tatar princess Anari died of illness. Anari returned to her favor and became the female khan of the Tatars, while Siqin became Anari's consort.

Even so, Siqin was still in charge of all the affairs of the Tatar army, making Anari happy every day. You can also do some things of your own in private.

For example, during this search for treasure, so many people were kidnapped.

Therefore, Qin Yining found Si Qin's behavior of giving up the treasure strange. Shouldn’t those who support the army plan for more food and pay?

Qin Yining didn't want to talk because she wanted to maintain her strength.

And Si Qin really did what he said.

Mrs. Liao and the two members of the Blue Sky Alliance chased after the team. He was already stumbling along the way, and he might fall down at any time.

But Siqin really didn't give them a drop of water or a bite of food until the three of them fell behind and never caught up.

Qin Yining also wanted to save people. But she had no water and no food.

Si Qin also impressed Qin Yining when he distributed the remaining water.

He would first let the twenty dead soldiers who followed him drink water first, and they would drink the rest. Siqin would take a restrained sip, and then give them the extra water. Lu Heng was in Siqin's mind. The one with the highest status, so he got more points, Qin Yining was second.

Now all three of Mrs. Liao have been left behind. If they can't get out of the desert again, she will be the next one to give up.

Qin Yining had a clear mind, so he walked calmly and thought of a solution.

Qin Yining is quiet and taciturn, never loses her temper, and is very patient. Si Qin can't help but walk beside her.

You were so seriously injured and then followed us into the desert. How did you survive until now? Siqin asked with a smile.

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