Return of the Swallow

Chapter 642 Arrangement (2)

Qin Yining opened his eyes, and what he saw was the low roof of the carriage and an oil lamp that was as dim as beans. Pang Xiao's handsome silhouette was clearly outlined by the orange light, and his gentle voice was right next to his ears.

How did you sleep?

Fortunately, why have I slept for so long? What time is it now?

Qin Yining's stomach prevented her from lying flat, so she used Pang Xiao as a pillow and nestled in his arms.

Pang Xiao smiled and said: You slept all afternoon, and I took you out of the palace directly after Sanchao. How do you feel about your health?

I'm fine. I didn't expect to sleep for so long.

Finding a comfortable angle on Pang Xiao's shoulders, rubbing his cheeks against his clothes, Qin Yining's voice was lazy and soft, Are we going back all this time? The court meeting lasted until night?

That's right, the Holy Majesty revived his father-in-law, discussed the Tatar matter in the court, and had already made a decision, but unexpectedly there was an accident in the middle, and he got new news from the south...

When Pang Xiao said this, he ran down her long hair with his big hand apologetically, and said helplessly: Sister Yi, I'm afraid I'm burdening you again. We don't need to prepare the delivery room in our new home, I'm going to take office in the old capital of Yan Dynasty , Your Majesty ordered you to accompany me and set off within three days.

Qin Yining opened his eyes wide in shock, and sat up while holding his arm: What happened in the south? Is there something wrong with King Yan Jun? Tell me in detail what happened in the court hall.

Pang Xiao nodded, took Qin Yining into his arms again, and said with a smile: Don't worry, I was going to tell you too.

two hours ago.

Fengtian Palace court meeting.

Qin Huaiyuan, dressed in the court uniform of the first-grade crane Buzi, a civil servant, kowtowed in front of the hall: My minister, Qin Meng, thank the sage for his kindness. I have been highly valued by the sage, and I will repay him with loyalty.

Qin Aiqing get flat soon. Li Qitian smiled and slightly leaned forward and raised his hand, showing a gesture of courtesy.

Qin Huaiyuan stood up and naturally stood at the top of the civil servants.

Li Qitian then transferred the official positions of officials in the DPRK and China as appropriate. This time, many important ministers died in the underground palace, and many positions were vacated. Therefore, the structure of officials in the DPRK and China ushered in a great adjustment.

After making adjustments one after another, Li Qitian said: This time of turmoil, the court has lost many capable ministers.

It's really heart-wrenching. The northern Tatars invaded to Tianmenguan, and the Longxiang army was defending to the death. If they were defeated, it would only take a few days for the Tatars to step on the capital.

The south is not at peace now. Since Yuchiyan fled to the south, Yongning Mansion, Hengzhou Mansion, and Jianyang Mansion declared independence, echoing Nanyan's Yuchi Xujie to support Yuchiyan's return to the throne.

But I have also received reliable news here. The independence of Yongning Mansion and Hengzhou Mansion did not succeed at once. They were all suppressed by local officers and soldiers. It's just that the people of Nanyan had a civil uprising and rushed into the government. Killed the local officials I arranged to go, and then included those three prefectures into Nanyan.

Having said this, Li Qitian let out a long sigh full of helplessness, and said again: Now the war in the north is tense, and the situation in the south is like this. The country is already in crisis. If you have any ideas and countermeasures, you can tell me now. , let’s brainstorm together to tide over the difficulties.”

Li Qitian's words were extremely sincere, and he did not put on the emperor's airs at all, looking expectantly at the people under the imperial steps.

Some of the ministers frowned in contemplation, and some muttered in low voices, but after a while, someone stood up.

My Majesty, although the situation in the south seems to be tepid, and Yuchiyan's ability is not as strong as that of Utkin Khan, at first glance, the situation in the south does not seem to be as good as the situation in the north. Nervous. However, it is the tepid encroachment that is the most terrifying.

My lord Wang's words are true. Nanyan is now slowly trying to catch up and gradually mobilize the people, fearing that it will cause unpredictable consequences. It must be not long before we regained the Yan Dynasty in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the local people have not particularly strong feelings towards our Great Zhou Dynasty Belonging.

The south was originally the territory of the Yan Dynasty, and the people there also felt that they were from the Yan Dynasty, but the Yan Dynasty was destroyed, and Yuchi and Yan all handed in the letter of thought, and the people had no choice but to bow their heads and live their lives .

But now, if Yu Chiyan starts to move in the south, and sparks start a prairie fire, it is very likely that the people in the south will be encouraged to turn towards the Yan Dynasty. At that time, if Da Zhou wants to take back his power, it will be even more difficult.

The south must be stable. The base of my Great Zhou is in the north, but the south is the most important place for food production. If there is a rebellion in the south, I am afraid that the food will return to its previous poor state.

Exactly. Our Great Zhou Dynasty has strong soldiers and horses, and what we lack is money and food. If the first two are not enough, even if the tiger goes down the mountain, it will not have the strength to fight.

The voices of the ministers are getting louder and louder, which shows that everyone is aware of the current crisis.

It was very difficult for Dazhou to deal with the Tatars who already had insufficient money and food. If a chaotic south is added, I am afraid that it will really be attacked by the enemy.

What's more, it has only been five years since Da Zhou overthrew the tyranny of Beiji and established a regime. In the past five years, the kingdom has been in constant war. The common people have no time to recuperate, but live under the shadow of war every day. If things go on like this, they will definitely lose popular support. Otherwise, the people will be exhausted.

The truth is clear to everyone, just to solve the problem, but it cannot be done overnight.

Li Qitian sat high on the imperial steps, listening to the courtiers' discussions, his heart was also quite heavy.

He didn't sleep last night and went through a thrilling battle to seize the palace. He was already exhausted at this time, and the ministers in the palace couldn't discuss why for a long time, which made Li Qitian feel a little more irritable.

It's just that as an emperor, he must maintain his proper demeanor, especially in front of the Lijun King who wants to seize power, he can't behave worse than this kind of rebellious officials and thieves.

Li Qitian cast his eyes on Qin Huaiyuan who had not spoken all this time.

Qin Aiqing, what do you think?

Qin Huaiyuan, whose name was called, took a step forward and saluted, Returning to the Holy One, I believe that the chaos in the capital city and the rebellion in the north and south were premeditated. The Tatars and Nanyan must have secretly communicated.

When Qin Huaiyuan spoke, everyone in the discussion fell silent. Everyone knew that he was known as Zhi Pan'an, and they all wanted to hear a definite solution from Qin Huaiyuan.

Li Qitian also stood up, standing on the imperial steps with his hands behind his back, Qin Aiqing is right. So what is Aiqing's countermeasure?

Return to the Holy One. I believe that for the present plan, it is necessary to distinguish between priorities and defeat them one by one. If we deal with two sides, although my Great Zhou has strong and brave generals, I am afraid that there will be insufficient food and grass, and the battle line will be too long. No good.

Li Qitian nodded, and asked with a smile: Then, which side do you think should be the main one to break down one by one?

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