Chapter 216 A major event involving tens of billions of dollars!

Listening to this, Zhang Lin frowned. According to his memory, Mingdu Technology, should there be no major events?

Now, in his memory, it should be a few days after he sold the right to use the system patent. Is it possible that a buyer has already appeared?

But if the buyer shows up, Li Yanran should be happy, why is she still hurriedly talking about major events?

Is it possible that after his investment, the course of history has been changed?

Seeing that the black hand behind the scenes couldn’t deal with him, and started attacking his industry instead?

But almost no one knows about the matter between him and Mingdu Technology?

However, Li Yanran said so, indicating that the matter is definitely not small, Zhang Lin did not delay calling Long Bingbing, so he hurried to Mingdu Technology.

After arriving at the company, Zhang Lin discovered that the historical process had indeed changed.

As a result of his investment and before he told Hu Mingdu about the so-called future, Hu Mingdu’s ideas have also changed a lot. The direction and results of research and development are even better than those in the previous life. The overall direction seems to be heading. Development in a good direction.

Just good things have a high probability of being targeted by others.

Now, in addition to Miqiguo and Lati Technology, which spent 60 million US dollars in the previous life to purchase the right to use the patent, there are also the Kato Consortium, which has a good life in the country, and Jingyang Technology in Beijing.

At the beginning, they all came to buy with goodwill. Hu Mingdu and Li Yanran were both excited, but as more and more buyers came, the quotations were getting higher and higher, and they were also lost in confusion, not knowing what to give. who?

The reason why they have not told Zhang Lin about this is because they wanted to give Zhang Lin a surprise after the matter was negotiated. Second, what Zhang Lin did these days has been raged throughout Haicheng, and they too. He didn’t want to tell Zhang Lin about this matter and gave him more thoughts, so he chose not to tell Zhang Lin.

But just yesterday morning, he came to the company to see that half of the data of his research and development system was stolen!

If it weren’t for Hu Ming to always carry it with him, the other half of the data, the system they worked so hard to develop, would have been taken away by others!

They reported to the police immediately, but after the police searched in many ways, they found that when the other party started, there was a power outage for repairs in the building, and the monitoring all failed, and even no personal shadow was found.

Now they were completely panicked. They were just R&D personnel and had no experience in business struggles.

Without knowing what to do, they could only call Zhang Lin and ask him for help.

“Do you back up the half of the data they took?” Zhang Lin asked.

“The backup is backed up, but we are worried that they will find a way to get the other half of the data. Once they succeed, the system we worked so hard to design will belong to them!” Hu Ming said worriedly.

Zhang Lin was quite a headache, he did not think of this, and thought that the course of history would be exactly the same as in his previous life.

But now it seems that the past history has completely changed, and any future that is affected will change.

“By the way, Mr. Zhang, there is one more thing. Our half of the data is actually an independent system. They can even apply for patents with them. If they also apply for patents, we will talk to each other. I’m in a patent dispute.

By then, neither of us will be able to use this system for a short period of time. Now that the technology is developing rapidly, our system will be worthless if it drags on for a long time. “Li Yanran added: “So, we have to find a way to recover the other half of the data!” ”

“Yes, we must find a way to recover the data, otherwise we will lose too much.” Hu Mingdu also nodded.

Zhang Lin was speechless for a while. Once this thing was stolen, the probability of wanting to recover it was too low. They could copy countless copies of it casually.

Wanting to come back is more difficult than reaching the sky.

However, this thing involves 60 million US dollars, and even the future development of Mingdu technology.

In the future, the market value of Mingdu Technology will be tens of billions of dollars.

Now a small thing will change the course of history, so this time, if the other half of the data is not recovered, the US million in patent royalties is small. Maybe the market value of tens of billions of US dollars in the future may also be It’s going to go to a halt.

Zhang Lin felt an abnormal headache, but he didn’t expect that things would develop to this point.

“Mr. Zhang, you have to find a way!” Hu Ming looked at Zhang Lin pleadingly.

Zhang Lin was speechless. Before so many companies talked to them and didn’t tell him. They were smart to surprise him. Now that something happened, he didn’t know how to solve it, so he came to him.

However, speechless to speechless, the amount involved in this is too huge, Zhang Lin can’t let tens of billions of dollars run away from his own hands.

Immediately he nodded and said: “I will figure out a solution for this matter, but let’s calm down first. We need to figure out who it is and steal half of the data before we can get the thing back! ”

“The police have checked and found no evidence.” Hu Ming said with a sigh.

“They said that there is no evidence, but it does not mean that there is no evidence. First of all, the other party took advantage of the renovation of the building to show that they have a good understanding of the situation here and can accurately find out where you backed up the data. The inner ghost and their inner and outer united together, and they came up with this one!” Zhang Lin analyzed.

“Yes, yes, there must be an insider. Wang Tianming of our company has not been to the company since yesterday morning. Did he get along with outsiders?” Suddenly, a girl with mushroom head stood up.

“Yes, I also remembered that he suddenly resigned the day before yesterday and said he hadn’t done it! I didn’t think much about it at the time. Now that I want to come, he is likely to be an internal response!” Hu Ming slapped his head.

Listening to this, Zhang Lin did not immediately affirm that the person is Nei Ying, but pointed to the mushroom-headed girl: “Who is she? Why haven’t I seen it before?”

“Her name is Fan Mimi. She is an intern from our company only last month.” Li Yanran explained.

“Hello, Mr. Zhang!” Fan Mimi immediately respectfully greeted Zhang Lin with a smile on his face.

After looking at her up and down, Long Bingbing gently pushed Zhang Lin, motioning him to look at a corner.

Looking in the direction she pointed, Zhang Lin saw the latest iPhone she bought from the corner of her eye.

Zhang Lin was puzzled, but Long Bingbing, who didn’t like to talk very much, said: “Mr. Zhang, your company’s employees are well paid, and interns can use the latest iPhone models!”

“No, no, I’m a pirated copy.” Fan Mimi showed panic and put the phone in her pocket.

“Why do I look like it’s genuine?” Long Bingbing stepped forward, put her into the mobile phone in his pocket, and took it over.

Fan Mimi immediately became anxious: “What are you doing? Don’t think you are the boss’s bodyguard, you can grab the employee’s mobile phone at will!”

“Grab, I can’t talk about it. I just looked at your phone. I’m going to buy it.” After Long Bingbing took it over, he took a closer look and threw it directly to Zhang Lin. Then Long Bingbing was very surprised. Pointing to Fan Mimi with certainty, he said, “You don’t need to find that Wang Tianming, she is a traitor who fits inside and out!”

Fan Mimi’s face changed drastically, and she immediately denied: “What nonsense! How could I be a rape! The rape is Wang Tianming!”

Both Li Yanran and Hu Ming looked confused: “Zhang Lin, did your bodyguard make a mistake? Fan Mimi usually performs well, but it is Wang Tianming who sneaks and rapes all day long!”

“If it wasn’t her, why would she panic?” Long Bingbing still did not change his mind.

“People are just a little girl, you have framed me, of course I am going to panic, oooooo.” Fan Mimi said, she started to feel wronged, as if she was wronged by the heavens.

“That, is it really wrong?” Hu Ming couldn’t stand the grievances of the girls at all: “Mr. Zhang, look…”’

“Listen to Long Bingbing first.”

Although Zhang Lin doesn’t know why Long Bingbing is so sure, Long Bingbing is the world’s number one bodyguard in the future. Her vigilance is absolutely comparable. If she doubts, she must have seen clues, not to mention the staging of that era. Buying a mobile phone is still not popular, she really can’t afford it as an intern!

“Long Bingbing, tell me why you think she is a traitor, I hope you can say something to convince the public.”

“Since I came in, I have observed that she has been watching what you are saying and looking for opportunities to interject. It is impossible for an ordinary employee to predict what you are going to do next? Why does she want A chance to chip in? The purpose is obvious, she just wants to frame Wang Tianming!

In addition, she is an intern, where did she get the money to buy the latest iPhone?

Also, this is obviously genuine, but she said it was a pirated copy. It was obvious that there was a ghost in her heart. “Long Bingbing said, stretched out his hand directly, grabbed Fan Mimi, his eyes became very cold, like a blade out of the sheath: “Tell me if the rape is you!” ”

Fan Mimi is a female student with vanity. Where did she see someone like Long Bingbing, she was so frightened that she cried, she directly admitted: “I, I am a rape, I am a rape!”

“What, are you a traitor?!!!” Li Yanran and Hu Mingdu, with shocked faces, immediately Li Yanran asked angrily: “Fan Mimi, I’m not thin to you, why are you betraying us?”’

“After they promised to buy me the latest Apple mobile phone, I helped them…” Fan Mimi’s scared voice became quieter.

“What!!! Just for an Apple mobile phone, you sold us all! Do you know how much our system is worth? It can be worth hundreds of millions, you sell us all for an Apple mobile phone! You Damn it!” Hu Ming almost didn’t vomit blood, and slapped Fan Mimi on the face.

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