“Director Li, happy cooperation!”

“Happy cooperation!”

In Yuanjiang City, Li Yi met the future person in charge of Zhencheng Bank who came from Yandu and will also be the future executive director and CEO of Zhencheng Bank: Mr. Wan Hui! Wan

Hui, Ph.D., professor, senior economist, once Working in Xingshang Bank and Xia Yin, holding senior positions!

He was recommended by Xia Yin and also a senior manager recommended by his teacher – Dean Chen.

It can be said that it is more than enough to manage Zhencheng Bank.

He is capable A top executive who directly manages the four major banks and serves as a deputy.

As for why you joined Zhencheng Bank?

The first is, of course, the high benefits and benefits.

The second is that you want a little challenge.

And… Xia Yin was there to help make peace..

Talents of this level are only temporary.

They are here to stabilize Zhencheng Bank. No matter which bank they go to in the future, they will be top management.

Wan Hui has been confirmed as the CEO of Zhencheng Bank, and Li Yi will be selected later. Of course, we discussed it with Wan Hui.

In the future, Li Yi will not manage Zhencheng Bank.

It will be Wan Hui’s management, and we must rely on Wan Hui’s suggestions.

Fortunately, the people recommended by Xia Yin are basically Xia Yin… or People from several major banks are actually relatively familiar with each other.

Moreover, it is impossible for Xia Yin to be disgusted with Wan Hui. There is no conflict between the recommended candidates and Wan Hui, and they are even relatively familiar people.

Cost It took about ten days to basically finalize the bank executives.

As for the following staff?

Leave it to Wanhui’s management team to form.

People of this level have their own confidant teams, just call some over. Okay.

There is no need for Li Yi to worry about it.

Wan Hui still asked:”Director Li, how long does it take for our Zhencheng Bank to be approved to open?”

Li Yi thought slightly.

He was not very clear about this:”I really don’t know. It needs regulatory approval. I will ask the leaders after the preparations are completed!”

Now that the bank management has settled down, one of the qualifications for the establishment of ‘Zhencheng Bank’ has been obtained.

Li Yi contacted the leaders of Yuanjiang City!

Officially in Yuanjiang City, he met with another shareholder of Zhencheng Bank: Gaoge Technology, Chairman Jiang Sheng Met once

“Mr. Li is here.”

In the official compound of Yuanjiang City, the leaders personally introduced Li Yi and Jiang Sheng

“Hello Mr. Jiang!”

“Mr. Li is really young and promising, he can achieve such achievements at such a young age! It’s admirable!”

When Jiang Sheng saw Li Yi, he felt like he was old.

Too young!!

He is more than 10 years younger than his own son, and he can achieve such achievements.

Li Yi’s company surpasses Jiang Sheng’s own Gaoge Technology. That’s a matter of time.

Even now, looking at the financial technology landscape created by Li Yi, it is more complete and larger than Gaoge Technology. It has to be sighed and admired!

This is really admirable!

Jiang Sheng compared it with his own son Li Yi… felt that his son could be thrown away!

There is no comparison at all.

I met Li Yi, introduced each other, and got to know each other.

Li Yi knew about Gaoge Technology.

He even bought this stock when Big A was fighting.

In addition to making its own products, this company also manufactures products for other companies!

Companies such as Apple and Rice are currently OEMed by Gaoge Technology.

In the future, Li Yi and Gaoge Technology may also cooperate.

After chatting and getting to know each other, , Jiang Sheng also said directly:”Regarding the investment in Zhencheng Bank, we at Gaoge Group only serve as directors and are responsible for supervision and do not participate in management.”

As the company’s third largest shareholder, holding 14% of the shares, it is normal to have a director seat. He took the initiative to express that he did not need an executive director seat.

He just wanted a director seat to supervise the company and not interfere in management.

Li Yi nodded and said,”That’s no problem. After all, Gaoge Group is the third largest shareholder and should have a board seat.

This is necessary.

He is the third largest shareholder, holding 14

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Subsequently, Gaoge Group directly injected 520 million funds into ‘Zhencheng’ Bank’ company account.

For 14% of the shares and a registered capital of 4 billion, a capital of 520 million needs to be subscribed.

This 4 billion of funds needs to be paid.

Li Yi’s Music Note Group and Tu Jijun’s Xincheng Holdings have already paid Corresponding funds.

This is also one of the ‘qualifications’ for preparing to establish Zhencheng Bank.

Now the shareholders, registered capital, and registration site have been secured.

Li Yi also talked about the progress of Zhencheng Bank’s senior management.

Introducing Wan Hui, Gu Xiaojun, and Chen Lijun Others have decided to join Zhencheng Bank.

These are a group of people recommended by Xia Yin who have ‘qualifications’

“At present, the preparations for the establishment of Zhencheng Bank are basically in place. I wonder when it will be approved to open? Hearing this

, the leader said:”The preparation work is progressing very quickly and smoothly. We have been keeping an eye on this matter.””

“Mr. Li has handed over the information. After approval, it needs to be reported.”

“After approval by the State Administration of Supervision, Yuanjiang City Supervision can approve the opening of Zhencheng Bank!”

“It is expected to be some time after the year!”

There is not much time left before the Chinese New Year.

The approval of Zhencheng Bank to open is not something that Yuanjiang City can decide.

This is a pilot project and is directly approved by the top supervision.

“No matter if it opens after the new year… let the leaders worry!”

If it can open after the year, it may even be faster than Maochang’s online merchant bank.

Li Yi thinks it is possible that they will be approved to open together?

Both private banks have been approved for establishment, and both are under review… It feels like They won’t be released one by one, they may be approved together!

It can only be said that this is the benefit of having a big backer. It’s not that

Cat Factory has no backers!

Cat Factory itself is a giant, including Zhifubao, Ant Company and domestic financial institutions. Relationships.

However… Cat Factory itself is a giant and has connections, but he is not”pure” enough!

Many things are not as simple and pure as Li Yi.

There is also no strong support like Xia Yin.

Naturally, it is not that fast!

Li Yi Prepare all the information:

Zhencheng Bank:

Registered address: Building 1, Yuanjiang Science and Technology Ecological Park, Building A, registered capital: 4 billion

Shareholder shareholding ratio:

Note Group: 67% Xincheng

Holdings: 20

Gaoge Technology: 13%

Executive Director , CEO: Wan Hui, Ph.D., professor, senior economist, worked at Xia Yin before joining Zhencheng Bank,

Executive Director and President: Gu Xiaojun, Ph.D. in Economics from Yanda University, senior economist, worked at Xia Yin before joining Zhencheng Bank Xia Yin serves;

Executive Director: Executive Vice President: Chen Lijun, who worked at Universe Bank and Xia Yin before joining,

Chief Advisor: Dean Chen, an academician who enjoys special cabinet allowances, and his main research fields are national financial economy and social security.

Board of Supervisors: Wang Meijiao, Vice President and Risk Director of Universe Bank Vice President

: He Yang, world scholar at Yale University, former deputy general manager and president of CCB Equity and Investment Management Department.

Vice President: Tong Huaimin, director and president of Huayu Investment,

Chief Financial Officer: Yue Zongzheng

Assistant to the President: Shi Mu

The preparations for the entire ‘Zhencheng Bank’ have been completed.

Li Yi submitted the relevant information to the Yuanjiang City Bank Supervision. It was then submitted to the Supreme Supervision Administration for approval.

Only after the approval of the Supreme Supervision, was it allowed to open.!

Before it can be opened!

It is only allowed to prepare for the establishment of Zhencheng Bank.

When it opens, regulatory approval is also required.

It can also be seen from here that the supervision of banks is unimaginably strict.

What’s more, this is a pilot project, the top Everyone is watching, not daring to make any problems.

They are all reviewed and approved according to the strictest qualifications!

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