Return to the red age

Chapter 34 Jia Zhang was taken away

Jia Zhang looked at the people at the street office and murmured in her heart: "Could it be that Yi Zhonghai was persecuting himself just for yesterday's 100 yuan?"

Although Jia Zhang was a shrew, she still didn't dare to say anything in front of people on the street. At this time, when she saw the people on the street leaving, she breathed a sigh of relief and secretly cursed in her heart what bastard had taken advantage of her rural registered residence. It must be Yi Zhonghai who will tell the truth.

Four people came to the street, two to question Jia Zhang and two to ask other people. They were nominally investigating Jia Zhang's household registration.

The four people returned to the street. At this time, the people on the street were also off work. Hurry up and find the director of the street office.

The director of the sub-district office lived not far away and arrived very quickly. He was also very surprised when he saw the report and slapped the table: "What does this Yi Zhonghai do for food?"

"Yi Zhonghai is Jia Dongxu's master. Yi Zhonghai seems to be sterile." Someone said.

"It seems that Yi Zhonghai is not enlightened. How did Jia Zhang get the painkillers?" Painkillers are strategic materials, so the control is stricter than any other materials. Now basically many materials are Control is very strict.

Some people say that the pigeon market is actually under supervision. Let me ask you, who has the extra food and supplies to sell? Are they ordinary people?

"Director, what should we do next?" Several other people looked at the director.

"Report to the police, first control the person, and say that we have found a drug addict who has wandered into the city." The director also had a suspicion in his heart. This Jia Zhang family is not originally registered in the city, and our street is also negligent and careless. If Jia Zhang is If your family name is an urban household registration, you will be in big trouble.

This is the base of the Imperial City, where suspicious persons are often tracked down, and now there is a drug addict. What does this mean? Does it mean that the past tracking down was not in place, is it just fooling the superiors, and is it perfunctory? This is an extremely serious problem of work enthusiasm and initiative.

"Director, why don't you call the three men in charge of the hospital first?" someone asked again.

"That's not necessary. Maybe Jia Zhang's painkillers are related to the three uncles. Otherwise, where can a rural woman come from?" The director thought more about it. Since painkillers can be obtained, what about other people? It''s scary to think about it.

After Liu Hai finished eating, he was tearing newspapers off the wall when he heard rapid footsteps outside.

"Comrade Liu Hai, several police officers have come to the courtyard." Yan Jiefang left a word at the door and ran away.

Liu Hai quickly came to the middle courtyard. Jia Zhang was already handcuffed. Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu stood aside with pale faces. The first man's face was also ugly, and Silly Zhu also had a look of shock.

Xu Damao is not here, he must have gone to the countryside. The second uncle's face is not good-looking, and the third uncle's face is relatively calm.

"Public Security Hou, this Jia Zhang didn't make a big mistake, so there's no need to do this." The First Master didn't know why he handcuffed Jia Zhang, but he still wanted to say something to leave a good impression on Jia Dongxu.

"Comrade Yi Zhonghai, you have to come with us later. Some problems are very serious." The director of the sub-district office spoke at this time.

"Found it, these are all, but no prescription was found." At this time, two police officers who were at Jia Zhang's house came out, took a glass bottle, and said.

The leading police officer opened the bottle, poured out some pills, looked at them carefully, and then asked: "Ms. Jia Zhang, is this yours?"

Ms. Jia Zhang was still a little confused. Several police officers and street office officers rushed in, handcuffed herself, and then drove the whole family out. Now when she asked this again, Ms. Jia Zhang nodded: "Comrade Public Security, my wife bought this. Painkillers, are you breaking the law by treating me like this?"

"Painkillers are addictive drugs and are controlled by the state. In the hospital, a person can be prescribed as much as they want. Drug addiction has always been a problem that our country vigorously combats, and it is treated the same as opium addiction."

"We advertised it once or twice on the street, asking everyone to check if there are any drug addicts around. Unexpectedly, one actually appeared on our street." The director of the subdistrict office said immediately.

"Director Hou, please handle it," the director of the sub-district office said again.

"Ms. Jia Zhang will be taken away first, Comrade Yi Zhonghai, you will come with us." Director Hou nodded and said.

"Oh, oh, oh, that's ridiculous. I bought it with money, I didn't steal it."

"Dongxu, Dongxu, Yi Zhonghai, you old bastard, you are willing to die without saving me. I won't let my son take care of you in the future." When Jia Zhang heard that she was being taken away, she immediately wailed.

When Yi Zhonghai heard this, he was a little worried about Jia Zhang, but it immediately turned into hatred. Elderly care was Yi Zhonghai's biggest concern. He must get rid of Jia Zhang, no matter where he went, and then take good care of Jia Dongxu.

The people who took care of Jia Zhang were two female comrades. At this time, they were basically all retired from the army. They just picked up Jia Zhang and left. If there weren't so many people, Jia Zhang would have been punished long ago.

Yi Zhonghai and Jia Dongxu were both taken away. Qin Huairu was a little panicked. The aunt comforted Qin Huairu, but she was also worried.

"Here, I would like to reiterate that if anything happens in the future that cannot be solved in the hospital, you can go to the streets. This kind of drug addiction must be rectified. Why was it not found out in the previous inspections? Everyone must learn from this lesson. "The director of the sub-district office said.

The person from the street office left, and the third uncle and the second uncle followed him, so there was nothing wrong with bangs.

"The master's method?" Liu Hai thought about it carefully and guessed that it was the master's method.

The new society is still growing. At this time, many hospitals and other institutions have many employees from the past, and it is inevitable that there will be some black sheep and so on.

In fact, painkillers may not be a big deal in other places, but what is here is Nanluoguxiang, the core area of ​​the entire new society, and the control must be very strict.

I don’t know how long it took for the uncle and others to come back in the evening. Liu Hai hasn’t caught any fish in the past few days because the fish cages are gone.

I trained in the swimming pool in the morning. When I arrived at the river at noon, I heard a few uncles cursing.

"You little thing, who stole my fish cage?"

"Me too, not a son of man."

"If I find these bastards, I will kill them severely."

"Xiao Liu is here, Xiao Liu, where is your fish cage?" Several old men saw Liu Hai coming and said quickly.

The old men had no shortage of food and drink, but they had nothing to do and this was all they wanted.

"I lost all mine yesterday." Liu Hai had known for a long time that this Liangma River was so desolate that it would be strange not to lose it.

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