
Chapter 522: 31.18 Corona

In 862 of the cosmic calendar, the surface of the star of Jin has been "liquid", and the wireless electromagnetic block-shaped electromagnetic robot is distributed on the surface of the star like water.

The surface of the Golden Star was replaced with a brand-new "science fiction" skin, and under the "skin", there is a dense network of wired cables.

The wired and wireless transmission of electrical energy is not a substitute relationship, but a technology-assisted relationship.

It's just like that although the osmotic pressure of cells can transfer water, the human body still uses the vasculature to regulate the distribution of water, nutrients and oxygenated proteins throughout the body.

The mechanization of the surface of the Golden Star is actually very simple. It is nothing more than the infinite proliferation of robots. After mastering the production process and energy collection, it is like the proliferation of bacteria in a petri dish.

In fact, it can be faster, but this planet transformation is a feat of human participation, so four million people in the entire solar system participated in the construction. In the process of learning, thinking, and trying, the construction of artificial intelligence has not been the fastest. Speed.

In addition to the accumulation of industrial material, civilization is more important for the accumulation of talents, as well as for the spirit of cooperation and modes of cooperation among talents.

[This is like after the unification of the East on the earth, it is basically a matter of long separation and long separation; and in the 21st century on the west, the EU wants integration, but it is still awkward everywhere. Because there is a precedent for mutual cooperation in people's hearts, it is very important. There is no precedent model. In the careful mixing, everyone is always worried about risks, so it is very conservative in the region, and there is always centrifugal force. 】

Jun Zixing: "The previous generation of civilization developed too fast, so it was structurally a steam model; contemporary civilization was also a steam model before the war, but now through this common cooperation and competition, the form of civilization has been transformed into an electric power model. "

The most obvious feature of the steam engine factory is the central boiler. With its center, the high-pressure pipes radiate toward the surroundings, which drives the development of the surrounding machines. The pressure in the center is the highest, and although the edges also rotate, the steam pressure is lower than the inner zone. Electric power plants are quite different. Their representatives are pipelines, and the voltages on all structures are equal.

Civilization cluster of steam structure:

The rule of the central area is governed by legal system and contractual spirit. In its periphery, it relies on a strong military government.

The power of the military government, the maintenance of social order and stability, coupled with sufficient investment, can complete the initial industrial transplantation within 20 years. But this seemingly basic point of modern civilization comes from the provision of order by power. The order of the military government comes from the core leader's adherence to the upper style.

However, this core leader has used his whole life to maintain authoritative power, but in the end, it still cannot be transformed into the default mission of the upper group.

Once the original core died or stepped down, the native faction elites who had not been educated in the advanced civilization area took over the power baton, and immediately began plotting intrigues without any rules. The top-level ruling structure itself is chaotic, which in turn will cause the economic structure originally attached to it to begin to corrupt, seeking for a combination of gold and power. Further struggles will make it impossible to make stable investments in education and infrastructure, which will eventually lead to war and the collapse of society.

This is the fate of marginal civilization. Like the steam engine factory, once the support from the core is withdrawn, it immediately falls into chaos and stagnation.

And the civilization cluster of the power structure:

Legitimacy and morality do not lie in whether the core of power is willing to abide by it, but in the right and wrong that are understood by the generations of husband and wife.

When such a civilization is facing divisions, some groups may be operating from the perspective of self-interest, but as long as a forked organization of civilizations decides to re-execute the direction of the legal system through a large cause, the entire civilization is like electricity in the war. Collectives are 'live'.

[Two types of civilizations, steam and iso-voltage circuits, are the distinction between marine civilization and big river civilization in a more ancient context: marine civilization will always converge to a prosperous center, and any tribal civilization in the big river will be active, and the entire river channel must be activated. all. 】

In the solar system, when the federal family was the largest. Many projects can be postponed, and a large number of plans can be postponed to the next century. Because they are the central steam tower. They don't do it. No other forces in the solar system will follow suit.

But now is an age of multiple bulls going forward, "voltage" is equal, and "current" will pass through where there is less "resistance". Who can practice morality, the people will choose whoever they think.

The federal moon and many space cities, Saturn, and magnetic nebula, no one wants to be a place of great resistance.

As for most of the people on the carbon star, water star, wind star, and fire star, they have not participated in this civilization competition.


In the outer orbit of the Golden Star, there are now a total of three rings of matter. Three design ideas and three plans are developed simultaneously.

So, at this time, three material streams on the Golden Star are projecting, and then try to entangle the sun.

Jun Zixing also participated in the independent design of the three planets of Saturn, Jiyue and Magnetus, or, to be more precise, these three plans came from the original design of Jun Zixing II based on the records of the previous generation of civilization image data.

There can be three plans, and it is impossible to say which one is better, not to mention that after the "Three Passages of Divine Power", each version is a monkey version.

This shows that in the contemporary "Star Control" project, three groups of people have a more independent understanding.

They just understand that the entry point is different from some industrial orders, just like sugarcane eats from the beginning, from the roots, from the middle, and can be eaten to the mouth at the end, it doesn't matter.

In terms of efficiency, you only need to master one scheme, and experimenting with other schemes seems wasteful.

However, from the perspective of civilization, the more people participate in the core construction of the project, it means that the project system has been mastered steadily, instead of killing a scientist, the trend of star strike can be changed!


The cosmic calendar November 862, the ring around the sun was completed.

On the surface of the sun, clusters of high-speed probes were launched from the vicinity of the annulus, swept across the solar atmosphere, and made close-up observations. At the same time, the strange quark matter was dropped.

These high-energy and high-density materials penetrate the solar atmosphere and appear dazzling rays of light. The spectrum emitted during the penetration of the atmosphere allows humans to understand the condition of the star's surface. The picture of the meteor shower in the solar atmosphere is very bright, but considering the difficulty of the synthesis of the strange quark, this firework is too expensive.

Gaze turned from the sun to its outer orbit.

The artificial star ring resembles a white line, orbiting the sun. As the sun's rays pass through it, a brilliant focus appears.

In the ancient crystal ball records, the sun is covered by layers of light curtains. However, in this layer of tulle, the equatorial ring and three penetrating polar rings are important structures, which are called skeletons and support the entire energy. Dyson ball.

The equatorial ring is the first positive ring, and it is the most critical part to determine the position of the three polar rings evenly.

A massive star like the sun is not yet a 360-degree perfect circle! Due to gravitational folding, its circumference is a little more than in plane space.

[This situation is most obvious on neutron stars, and its rotation is very fast. You can even see a part of the back side, so that scientists have long been difficult to estimate its radius. 】

The sun's rays are so powerful that no material can withstand long-term burning. Therefore, gas refraction is used technically, that is, capturing solar hydrogen atoms, and then forming a lens atmosphere to deflect sunlight. This makes the center of this belt look like a very bright light band, which looks like a 'magic' luminous energy ring.

In mystic and Chinese tones, this is a large magic array built by humans and spanning the entire solar system.

Since it was launched once more than 23,000 years ago, it is unparalleled in the world.

Sixty thousand years ago, the most brilliant era of magic, the so-called twelve-man planet transported a large array, compared to this, like the gap between the mound and Taishan.

After all, the magicians just hoped to be on an equal footing with God and pray for God's power and eternity.

The great wisdom of contemporary creation of this is not what they are asking for, but rather to stand in a position that can overlook the deities, so as not to let these obstructive existences hinder oneself from looking up to hope!

Cosmic calendar 862, November 3.

In the outer area of ​​the star's gravitational field, there is a large scientific research space city with an absolute sphere shape and a diameter of 50 kilometers.

In the corridor of four meters in diameter and ten kilometers in length, all neatly dressed stars drift and float, and in the rows on the left side that accompany them drifting synchronously, they are all acquaintances who have been newly recognized in recent years.

They are all scientific researchers on the Golden Star, saying goodbye to the stars that have finally merged into the stellar halo. A total of 30,000 people.

The natural body evolved by humans in the catalogue cannot control stars.

Not to mention that the brain can't accommodate such a high amount of calculations, even if a high-level computer is manufactured, the information is too late to be imported in the face of the star's ring so long.

In the previous generation of advanced civilization, the organic body was dismantled, and all the thinking cell docking mechanical facilities were embedded in the equatorial ring and the tripolar ring. In the center of these rings is an absolutely stable magnetic field beam. The charged particles surround at the speed of light. They are the spinal cord of the sun-controller.

Use heroic words to describe: the body creates the corona.

According to the literature records of the previous generation of civilization, very few people are qualified for star control, which involves a concept of mental stability. That is, the will to think is very prominent, undisturbed and not divided.

There is not enough cohesion in the thinking of the various parts of the huge star ring, and there will be inconsistencies in the process of controlling the huge stars.

After reading all kinds of data records of ancient civilizations: all picked Xing No. 2 and felt that don't let others try it, it's the best for them at present!

In fact, the survival of the fittest and the truth of war also made "divine" judgments from the very beginning because of their distinctive characteristics.


Today, facilities constantly check the physical condition of all stars, every inch of skin is embedded by high-energy molecular tools, and artificial intelligence behind precision machinery is doing record backup. The stage where Jun Xing is a natural person is coming to an end.

Before entering the final disassembly.

Lying in the metal cabin, all picked stars and finally glanced at the acquaintances on the front row of interfaces, smiling and encouraging: "It's all right, many times."

In the industrial monitoring room on the surface of the Golden Star, Bai Jiuyang, standing in front of the interface, raised her hand, could not help rubbing her temples, staring at the stars and saying nothing.

On the orbit of the belt, Zhu Kongjie looked at Jun Xing with a smile, but smiled and smiled, his eyes were hard to hide.

As for the Cenozoic scientists, they are blessing success and want to ask some things, but they are hard to ask!

Although entering a star is destined to be irreversible, the regeneration and split technology has given human life a broad extension. They thought, "Can we meet again in the future?"

It is not known to anyone whether the split stars left the split.

At present, a very small number of people at the upper level have determined that all individuals with the same star gene are Jun Xiguang adopted by Cao Xinhong and Lan Tao Jiamin. But it was only after a high degree of rebirth, and the ignorance of the new individual disappeared. Not counting individuals who picked stars.

Before Jun Jixing entered the solar facility, where was the conscious mind? Jun Zixing kept silent.

According to the remarks that Jun Zixing once said, it gives people a little understanding of the reason why he "hidden" the self-split individual.

First, Jun Zixing made it clear that he would not let another Jun 4 with the same gene grow under pressure. After all, it was born as a shadow of another person, and was labeled as "deputy" ... This is not good.

Second, all the stars have expressed their emotions: human beings are in two states before the age of 400 and before the age of 50. Reborn at the age of fifty, the ego can still be regarded as the ego. But after 400 years of age, after self-cutting of thinking and memory, it will be incomplete. And now there are too many haloes in this era. The incomplete me, under the shadow of the contemporary halo, is hard to grow and complete. After all, I have a skinny personality, and I do n’t want to care about rituals! To imitate the "great me" in your mouth, oh! How tired it is.

The above reasons are very speculative, but there is another possibility!

This possibility is that-Jun Zixing did not leave a split mind. Shine to the world with the most brilliant moment, and essentially choose to leave quietly.

Many people foresee this as the truth. But this—Jun Xingxing did not acknowledge it.


The white, wall-lit walkway finally reached its end.

Jun Zixing entered the hall, stepped into the organic solute, one by one, the nanoparticle lines penetrated into the skin, and began to shift his mind and dismantle the body cells.

In the emptiness for a while, Jun Xing slowly said in his heart, "This is the last thing I want to do. Well, do I have anything else to do? I--"

After a long time, when the body was disassembled and entered the cerebral cortex, they all picked stars: "The next age is the era of the" Frost of Heaven and Freedom of All Things ", and does not require any form of the present **** to lead. Naturally, I do not need to do anything. . "

At the same time, nanomachines are glued to the brain, and brain cells are slowly disassembled as if being drawn into threads, and are incorporated into hundreds of swimming pool volumes, filled with bioelectricity and organic molecules. This container was code-named 'Sea of ​​Life' 20,000 years ago. Wind Star scientists have always assumed that in the huge ocean 20,000 years ago, there was a phenomenon of quantum consciousness before the birth of life phenomena. However, compared to the human brain, this consciousness phenomenon has an orderly fluctuation speed of 100 million times slower in chaos. And it is extremely difficult to retain. Only a few organic molecules eventually survived and stacked in seawater. Finally, they reached the era of "apparent life" that can be reproduced and proliferated.

In this solution, the mind structure of Jun Xing is embedded in the energy plane.

Finally, the core structure of the fort was opened, and these structures were transformed into light bands and transmitted to the star ring. The tulle covering the sun will have a soul at this moment!

And a few seconds later.

The solar belt sends radio waves to the entire galaxy:-Now, humans control the sun!

Six minutes later, Mars Space Orbiter responded with "Receive the sun!"

Eight minutes later, Earth Star and Jiyue sent a response to "Bright Glory!" "Human wisdom will always shine!"

Eleven minutes later, the Water Star Never Stops Fortress responded with "Emerald Green!"

Sixteen minutes later, the magnetic orbital and carbon star outer orbital control layers responded to "Eco-prosperous!" And "Stigma!"

A series of outer massive stars such as halo star, sky blue star, ice star ...

The radio waves spread layer by layer towards the frontiers of the solar system, arousing the unique message of all human star fields.

Until a few months later, the distant God Star received the radio waves of the civilization circle, and a circle of halo emerged from the surface of this high-quality star, forming a transparent film like soap foam, and the film continued to fill in the internal jet. During the process, the ripples continued, as if shaking, and it seemed that the little rabbit was as alert and cute as the big tiger.

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