Deseul’s gaze turned to me again.

I immediately moved the chain at the gaze that didn’t feel like an emotional movement.

But before the end of the chain could catch the cub, he shrugged off my hand and stepped back.

“Not through three times.”

“Oh, is it?”

I also won’t miss a bastard like you three times.

I fixed my sword and slammed it to the ground. As it was, Desul swung his sword towards the cub, but… … .

“Hey, you bastard!”

The little bastard who knew how to stop my sword managed to avoid it and threw the shattered pieces scattered on the floor at me.

An unknown powder, crushed in the dust, got into my eyes and stinged. My vision quickly became blurry and tears began to well up in my eyes.

“Oh shit!”

How dare you come out like this!

Without even rubbing my eyes, the sword that came in aiming at my neck immediately raised my sword.


I squinted my eyes at the sound of sharpening.

I tried to control my blurry vision, but I couldn’t help the flowing tears. I want to rub my eyes, but even that is not possible because of the damn bastard.

I tried to chain the damn bastard right in front of me.

“Because it doesn’t work.”

As soon as the chains appeared, the little cub took a step back as soon as they noticed it. It’s really stupid.

Slowly taking the time the baby retreated, I pressed the lids of my eyes firmly with my palms. It may not have been hurt by the power of the saint, but it still stings because of the dirt that got inside.

|Pr. warrior| : Judaism is fine.

I am very happy with the message that came through this time.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : a

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Still, just in case you don’t know, keep an eye on the child.

|Pr. warrior| : Can I help you?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : o

I blinked once, and tears ran down my cheeks.

“Hey, guild chief.”

“Do you know that I am the guild leader?”

I wiped away the tears running down my cheeks, then gulped at the damn little bastard.

My blurred vision finally returned, and a smirk full of laughter caught my eye.

“You know, I must have attacked you.”

What kind of bastard do you have?

I knew I was going to admit it, but that made it even more annoying. The little cub turned the sword once and made a voice mixed with laughter.

“I know that he is a new murderer, and I know he is a swordsman. You know she’s a saint.”

“… She never told me, so how would she know?”

In fact, she answered easily without even asking.

The bastard who used the magic of ‘Gloria’ must have told me. The little boy just smiled silently at my question.

“We need a new killer among them.”

“What makes you so creepy when you say you need me?”

“No, it’s not you, the guild chief.”

As soon as the sharp voice finished, something sharper than that flew towards me.

He simply brushed off his teeth and avoided the shoes of the man in front of him. Looking at the sound from the air, it seemed that if I had blocked it, I would not have been able to pick out the bones.

“Why not move the chain this time?”

The little cub scolds me, kicking once and then running away again.

“Am I far away? Can you come closer?”

“You talk too much.”

Why did the guy who had only one answer talk so much? For a talkative foal, just a mage cub is enough.

Desul looked at my annoyed face and raised the corners of her lips.

“Guild leader, I won’t touch you again if you give me the ‘New Killer’.”

“You madman. How do you give me?”

“No, it’s not you, the guild chief.”

It seems that the conversation continues to stand still.

Deseul swung his chin once to see if the baby was also aware of this, then raised his index finger and pointed at me.

“Give me the title that the guild leader has, ‘New Killer’.”

“How do you give it to me?”

Was there any way to give in the first place?

Anyway, this made it clear. I can’t communicate with that bastard. I swung my sword as hard as I could. A blue trajectory slowly flew towards the chick, and the baby slowly kicked the ground and tried to avoid it.

– Mamma?

“… … !”

I forgot who your enemy was, you bastard.

“Rim! Breath!!”

I hope our cute little dragon dragon understands what I’m saying.


Fortunately, Harim understood my words. A gust of wind blew in the breath that hit the ground straight from the air.

As the wind calmed down, I slowly started looking for traces of the cub.

he wouldn’t have died

“Cool… … !”(Read more @

There must have been a hole in the ship, though. I walked to the place where the coughing sound was intermittently heard.

A dwarf baby lying on the ground wrapped around his blood-flowing abdomen and vomited blood.

His pale, tired face looked like he was about to die. I went down to the shallows and stood in front of the cub.

– Mamma… … ?

Harim, who was hovering around Deseul, sits on top of my head.

I stroked Harim’s hair lightly and sat down in front of Deseul.

Then, using the power of the saint, he healed the wounds of the cubs, which are no wonder at any time of death.

very, very slowly. Can I cure this bastard right away because he’s pretty?

Still, she didn’t know how to use her powers, so the little bastard frowned and looked at me.

“Why… … .”

“Why is it? Because it’s difficult when you die.”

There are dozens of things to find out, but you shouldn’t die like this.

As soon as the wound on her stomach had healed to some extent, the little cub started staring at me. It’s scary that staring so intently will hit you like this.


“… … .”

Words become seeds. No, in this case, you didn’t even say it, but you became a seed, didn’t you?

I clicked my tongue briefly into a blood-filled fist that stopped in front of her nose.

Deseul-nim, whose body is tied to her chains, is clenching her teeth. I took a small breath at the sound and said.

“Deseul, do you want to take my title of ‘Shinsalja’ that much? Then tell me How can I give it to you?”

“… neck.”


“Give me your neck.”

“… … .”

this fucking bastard

Even if it healed her wounds, it didn’t completely heal, so the little cub was still vomiting blood. I was worried about that.

Should I raise her fist and inflict another internal wound, or should I just do it?

The worries didn’t last long.

“Ugh… … !”

I chose the former. To be precise, I chose to give the bottle and give the drug cycle.

It was easy for her to hit twice where she had been hurt once, because the whole body of the cub was tightly chained.

The little cub, who took a breath and drank, began to cough up her cough violently.

I grabbed her Desuli’s hair as it was and used the power of her saint. That must have been quite humiliating for Deseul.

“you… … ! I must… … !”

“What are you?”

I wanted to stick out my tongue at the sight of a lot of poison. But if I did, I had the momentum to somehow loosen the chains that were holding me back.

“Desul, there is one thing I want to ask you.”

Deseul-nim kept her mouth shut as if she would never tell me anything I asked.

yes it was

“The name Elosia.”

The cub frowned loudly, revealing his teeth, and said:

“Don’t dare say that name.”

“why me?”

“you… … !”

The sound of chains moving was heard. At the same time, a blue lightning bolt rose around the chain.


“ね… … !”

Desully bites her lip as if the cub would somehow not moan. I stared at him with cold eyes, then opened my mouth again.

“Just by looking at cancer, you don’t think you’ve heard that name here?”

No matter how much I thought about it, it was strange to see such a reaction even after hearing it. So there was only one conclusion.

I straightened her bent knees and raised the corners of her lips towards the cub.

“Do you want to go back?”

To the place where there is a person with the name ‘Elosia’.

I guess it was correct

I looked at Deseul-nim’s eyes swaying aimlessly and scoffed at me.

“I can’t go back anyway.”

Deseul-nim looked at me with blood-red eyes, and immediately let out a voice filled with anger.

“No, I can go back. I will return.”

It was a voice similar to howling an animal. Deseul growled, giving strength to his blood-stained eyes.

“I’m going to kill you, take ‘The New Killer’ and open the door.”


It was a word that made me laugh out loud. I loosened the chains holding the cubs and pushed her close to her face.

“Then, let’s try it.”

Deseul opened his eyes wide as if he was not a little surprised. It was also awhile. Noticing that the chain had loosened, the cub immediately summoned a sword and swung it at me.


“… … !”

But the sword that was aiming at my neck fell down helplessly.

“Ah… Ugh… … !”

There was the smell of burning skin from the deseul that had been pierced by her shoulder. At the unpleasant smell, she frowned and turned her head away.

In the distance I saw something flashing in the moonlight.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : Did the judge do something like this again?

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : useless.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : I can’t say thank you!!

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨

At the returned message, I briefly clicked my tongue and looked at the cub again. I don’t know what the bastard did to the bullet, but the skin around it was burning. His face was frowned upon.

“Gilma-sama, won’t this cure you?”

“… … !”

He took a deep breath at the sudden voice and turned his gaze away.

A young juvenile who did not know when he had arrived was showing a playful face. On that face, I took the power of a saint and said,

“… Of course.”

“Yeah, our Gilma-sama.”

What does ‘also’ mean? I felt like I was being teased for nothing, so I raised my hand. The wizard bastard flinched, but I didn’t mean to hit him.

“… … !”

He was trying to hit the bastard who was holding back his moans until his lips bleed.

I raised the back of my hand and slapped it hard on the neck of the baby. I adjusted it to control the power, but it seems like I hit it pretty hard.


The little cub couldn’t even scream, lost her mind and lowered her head.

The cub clenched his lips and gave me a thumbs up. I folded the thumb he raised.

Now that you’ve caught a cub like this, it’s time to do something you didn’t even care about.

I shouted loudly at the town, which was shattered and devastated here and there.


I was worried about the Archduke, who had collapsed without a pulse because of the cub.

“I’m going to wake everyone in the neighborhood.”

A hero appeared on the roof of a relatively intact abandoned house. I said with a small smile on my face, which was slightly frowned.

“The people in the neighborhood must have woken up sooner rather than later.”

The hero nodded his head saying that was the case.

“What about the Grand Duke? Where is the Grand Duke? Is your child okay?”

“I am here. It’s not okay.”

– Mamma!

I wondered where our Harim flew, but he went to the Grand Duke. The Archduke, with Harim on his head, appeared stumbling next to the hero.

“What do you think? Are you okay?”

“Because it’s not okay!”

I think I got angry because I asked twice. When I asked him why he was so sensitive, the judge next to him scolded him.

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