Chapter 88

[Remove it quickly!]

“Ah Okay. Are you sure it will burn? Fire rose!”

I summoned the rose and threw it at the black root.

As soon as the rose petals touched, a fire broke out, and the black roots screamed and disappeared.

The flowers that had turned into the flowers of evil stopped moving and returned to their original form.

『All the ‘flowers of evil’, the second dispatcher, have disappeared.』

“It’s over now.”

『The reorganization for restoration and expansion of the forest begins.』

“Look out.”

“Everyone, go upstairs. There will be another storm.”

We all climbed onto the bench to escape the storm, and rattans wrapped around it and blocked it with a bamboo grove.

The forest grew in size again.

After the storm passed, we went down to the big tree to collect the seeds of the source, and headed to the border of the forest.

“Look, I think I can go to the city in a little bit.”

A city that seemed far away came right in front of me.

[What do you do in the city?]

“Well, there will be no humans since the human race has perished, but I’m curious. I’ll just have to look for something. I also watch.”

We came back after finishing the sowing of the apocalypse.

* * *

“Annam, I’m going to start decorating now, so take a look at this.”

CEO Yoo of Café Soop unfolded the interior drawings.

Now, preparations for the renovation of the relocated cafe were in full swing.

Looking at the drawing, I couldn’t help but tilt my head.

Somehow the layout is a bit sloppy.

‘Well, I’m used to the atmosphere of cafes in 2020, so I can’t help but be unfamiliar with the layout of the Gyeongyang restaurant.’

“Why don’t you like it?”

“Yeah, I don’t think customers will come here no matter how delicious the coffee is. The cafe has an atmosphere.”

“Why are all cafes like this these days?”

“Please. We aim for the younger generation, so let’s go with a free atmosphere.”


“The partitions on each table are removed. The ceiling is uncomfortable to do this way, so I tear it down.”

“Then the ceiling cement is all exposed. I think it will be messy.”

“You will probably see it. The ceiling will also look wide and feel cool. I think it would be better if the entrance side was completely glass. If there is a window this small, it looks a little cramped.”

President Yoo pulled out the jagged beard under his chin one by one with his thumb and forefinger.

It was one of Mr. Yoo’s habits that came out when he had a lot of thoughts.

I wondered if anyone I knew had as many habits as Mr. Yoo.

“What kind of table and chairs did you choose?”

“Yeah, this one.”

The picture that President Yoo brought out was a rectangular table he saw at a Gyeongsang-style restaurant.

It had no personality and was somewhat rustic.

“Isn’t it supposed to put tempered glass here too?”

“Uh, how did you know? So it’s easy to clean.”

“Hmm… … How about doing this interior as I say?”

The interiors of countless coffee shops I saw in 2020 flashed through my mind.

Thinking that I should take out a piece of paper and try drawing it, I grabbed a pencil and stopped when I realized that I had no talent for drawing.

‘How do you explain this?’

At that moment, I saw Eun-chan passing by out of the laundry.

“Oh, are you Eun-chan?”


President Yoo also looked back.

It was nice to see Eun-chan after a long time, so I ran out.

According to Kim Jin-ah, she said that Eun-chan was busy preparing for her entrance exam and preparing for doujinshi, so she didn’t meet well.

“Hey, Eun-chan!”

Eun-chan turns around when I call.

I thought she was going to pretend she didn’t know, but for some reason she came.

“It’s hard to see you every time I go to pick up the laundry these days. You seem to be busy these days.”

“Yeah, a little… … . But, uncle, would you please clean up that picture I drew now?”

When I looked at where Eun-chan was pointing, I saw a picture of myself standing in front of the laundry at that time, pasted on the glass of the laundry.

“why not? Am I good?”

“I have improved my drawing skills a lot during that time. Now that I see it, I really can’t draw.”

“Nope? i like that picture And she said that when Eun-chan becomes a popular manga, she has to sell it.”

“Hey, who buys that?”

“Ah, Eun-chan. If you improve your drawing skills, can you help me for a second?”


“Yeah, like I said, draw some interiors of the cafe. So that CEO Yoo over there can recognize it at a glance.”

Eun-chan looked a little hesitant, and then she asked again.

“Then what will you give me?”

“Well… … money?”

“I see.”

At the word money, Eun-chan was already heading to her laundry.

I followed along too.

CEO Yoo looked at Eun-chan and looked like he knew him well.

“Oh, you know this guy well, right? It’s the boss of the cafe ‘Sop’ over there.

“Yes, I know. Good morning. My name is Eunpureum. I heard that the coffee there is delicious.”

At Eunpurum’s words, CEO Yoo’s shoulders went up and she pretended to be handsome.

“Well then, then. Because of our coffee, more people come to this town.”

“However, other menus require more research. Some commented that the juice was a little bland.”

“Uh, okay? Should I add more fruit? … .”

Again, it was Eunpureum who could not say empty words.

“You never came to our cafe. How do you know?”

“I have a lot of friends since then.”

When Eun-Pureum was Eun-Chang, I remembered her friends who followed her.

“Ah, those round legs, hot pants! how are they doing? what was his name Hyojin Choi and Gapsoon Kang!”

“Oh, it’s not Kang Gap-soon, it’s Kim Gap-soon. I haven’t seen them in a long time. We have different ways to go.”

“uh… … like that… … .”

Eun-chan took out her sketchbook from her bag, and she took out all kinds of tools, including pencils, colored pencils, ruler nibs, and pens.

She said, “I think I might as well just have a pencil… … .”

“When I was painting, I took it all out. These days, because I’m drawing cartoons, ask me to draw a face around me, draw a caricature… … I have too many orders. But I won’t do it if I don’t give them money.”

“It’s good to be professional.”

“There is such a thing. A writer who can make money by selling garbage is a pro. I still think my paintings are garbage, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t put my efforts into it.”

“I don’t know if that’s what you mean, but you’re right.”

“But, uncle. What am I drawing?”

“Oh, yes. What do you draw… … .”

As I talked about the feeling of the cafe in my head, Eun-chan began to draw in her sketchbook without hesitation.

She applied the feel and details of the furniture and painted them as they were.

She looked at it with a curious feeling, as if she was watching a picture show.

The drawings came out the way I wanted them, and when I painted them with colored pencils, I felt even more lively.

“Oh, how cool is that? When did Eun-chan’s paintings grow so much? I should get some money for this.”

When I said that, President Yu nodded as if he agreed.

“I couldn’t draw the original background. I drew only the character of Joogujangchang… … But the character is standing in the background. So, I practiced drawing the background a lot during that time. There was so much I didn’t know. The eye level, the perspective, everything in the world was in that perspective.”

“Yeah, there’s a sense of space. How are you, Mr. Yu? This is the inside of the cafe I was thinking of.”

“Good? I think I can understand it better by looking at this picture.”

“Pureum, can you enlarge a little bit and draw a few more detailed pictures?”

“If you give me the right amount of money, I can do it. But now I can’t draw much. I have to go to the doujinshi writers’ meeting.”

“Oh yeah. You can do it when you have time.”


Eun-chan drew a few more pictures, and we watched them silently.

It was easy to draw, and I could tell how hard I practiced.

“It’s done. Now the time is up and I have to go.”

Eun-chan looked at her watch and she finished painting and grabbed her tools.

“Yes, yes. Thanks.”

Eun-chan stood up and held out her palms.

“Oh, I need money. how good would it be? Ten thousand won?”

“Two thousand won per sheet. I think I can take that.”

“Then, will it all be worth 10,000 won?”


Eunpureum kisses the money when she handed him 100,000 won.

“It’s the first money I ever made with painting.”

“Is this your first time?”

“Yeah. Uncle, thank you. Whoops.”

Eun-chan, who had put in her wallet, ran out as if late.

“No, my grandfather is the wealthiest person in town, so why do you reveal money like that?”

“Well, you must have your own standards.”

I picked up the picture Eun-chan had drawn and looked at it again.

“Then do you agree to do this?”

“Don’t agree. When Annam hears you, the rice cake comes out even while sleeping.”

“Then cancel the purchase of these tables and go order furniture with me.”

“I haven’t bought it yet, so there’s no need to cancel it. But where do you order furniture? … .”(Read more @

“You have to sell your feet. Deliver laundry and come back with me in the afternoon when you have free time. There are a lot of furniture workshops in Hongdae.”

After the delivery, I went around looking for a furniture workshop with Mr. Yoo.

But there is no place that makes the furniture that you like.

“What the hell are you looking for?”

“I do not know. I don’t know much about furniture either. But you can see it.”

I’ve been to several stores, but I can’t find anything I like.

It was uncomfortable to sit on a chair because I thought the design was okay, or it was comfortable, but the design was too much and it was burdensome.

If you want comfortable and well-made furniture, there is no color.

“I’m going back today.”

“Oh, I’m tired. It would be convenient to just go to a ready-made furniture store and pick one. I will make you whatever you want.”

“As a business partner, I hope the cafe ‘Sop’ is not just a cafe, but a place where the philosophy of space and furniture that shows that philosophy are there.”

“Isn’t coffee just delicious?”

“Then we’re going to open a takeout shop. … ”

“right. So, should we cancel everything and sell mainly takeout like we did before?”

“There is a saying that if you don’t grow, you will regress.”

Try using the words you used for Ariel again.

“Oh, that’s a good thing. I think that’s right.”

Returning to the world building, I found a small signboard while looking for a furniture store and looking carefully.

At the entrance to the basement, the words ‘Walnut Workshop’ in small letters are crooked letters made by connecting trees.

It was so small that I almost couldn’t see it.

“Is there a furniture workshop in my neighborhood? I didn’t even know this place existed.”

“Ah, over there. It’s been a while since this store opened. It seems to be a furniture workshop run by three brothers. It was a company that made furniture after receiving orders from a large company, but it must have been a fairly large company. This is a case where the IMF burst and the payment was not received and collapsed. I couldn’t even pay for the imported logs, so it seems like I owe hundreds of millions of dollars.”

“Are you familiar with it?”

“I don’t know. It’s been a while since I opened a store in this town.”

“But how do you know so well?”

“Ah, that… … When my wife, President Park, is at the mart, she tells all kinds of stories. This is the story I heard from our president, Park. So half right and half wrong.”

“Hmm… … Shall we go over here?”

“here? I don’t know if they still do it.”

Come to think of it, there was a chair at the entrance of the store, and there was a sign on the back of the chair telling you to rest.

“I think I found it right?”

I parked my car nearby and went to the store with Mr. Yu.

Looking at the chairs outside, it was a well-made chair for a chair laid out roughly.

In addition, in the middle of the backrest, there was a traditional flower pattern that could fit into the door of a hanok, but it couldn’t be that pretty.

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