Seeing the Queen Sect Lord has learned what he meant, the old voice is hidden, and it is clear that there is still a dark focus on the changes in the situation and that it has not left!

“Gentlemen, please!” There’s nothing more to say, the Vice-Presidents of Queen Sect Lord, look for the grand fairies again, say, silent voices, imply that the fairies and the others can enter the city’s kingdom!

“Well?” Look at the sudden change in Queen Sect Lord’s attitude, and many people are sudden, some don’t understand their intentions!

And only a very few people seem to have guessed something, when complexion slightly changed!

“The Deputy Sect Lord of the Emperor!” For the sudden change in the Vice Lord of the Queen’s Sect, the fairy remains the same as the expression, and let’s just say, “Keep your feet up and walk into the city’s heaven, and the rest of the man who chased Xiao Fan will enter together!”

And as the fairy enters the kingdom of the town, between the Houston, everyone’s eyes are focused on him!

The great name of the fairy is in the east. Who doesn’t know, who doesn’t?

Regrettably, however, it is very difficult to see the head of the divine dragon but not tail, whether it is a fairy fairy fairy or a beast, or the Vatican, the swallow, the moon and the moon.

Today, the first public appearance in front of so many people in all these years is that everyone here is looking for him, all of whom are visible!

And the fairies that went into the city’s kingdom did not move immediately, because he knew that Xiao Fan had no idea why, suddenly, six Origin Realm of the town’s Origin Orlm were chasing Xiao Fan.

So what’s next?

At the same time, the Vice-Presidents of King Sect Lord notified at the first time of the existence of Origin Realm, the six Origin, who were chasing Xiao Fan, of their intentions!

Soon, the six townships, Origin Realm, also responded by saying that they knew what Xiao Fan was going to do, and then they looked at the situation, and let Xiao Fan go back to the chapter, so that she could match the fairy fairies!

After rapid communication, Queen Sect Lord has also regained his head, looking towards the woods in the sky, Ultimate Demon Knife and the others, and blinded the cold intentions in his eyes!

Whatever Xiao Fan is going to do, and whether or not he’s going back here, these people are his people, so just grab them as hostages, Xiao Fan will surely return, and then confront the fairies!

These people are the key!

“Take it!” The Vice-Presidents of Queen Sect Lord opened, shouted in a low voice, ordered the Great Front of the Township to start, killing the forest mountains, Ultimate Demon Knife and the others.

But things always change so badly!


orders of the Vice-Presidents of King Sect Lord have not yet been completed, many of the murders of the city’s Catholics have really been launched, and a daoist silhouette is steep out of the sky and resuscitated into the eyes of all.

It’s Xiao Fan!

He’s got the knife, so Xiao Fan doesn’t hesitate to do anything directly, to Shrink the Ground to an Inch, to cross the space distance, to get back here, and then to take the woods, Ultimate Demon Knife and the others out of here!

“A blade?”

As Xiao Fan showed up, many of the people who were here had noticed the blade in Xiao Fan’s hand, when many people were looking at something different!

Xiao Fan asked for a blade at the first time of the advent, and now Xiao Fan is in the depths of the town, not for the sake of another, just to rob the Lord of the town.

It’s just that a lot of people are surprised that Xiao Fan is in deep depth and can get back!

The mountains of the town are not the abdomen of the people of the town, but the border. Otherwise, the people of the town will not really put so many people into the people of the town.

And the deeper, the deeper, the deeper, the deeper, the more the crisis, the more the emperor, the fairy, the Vatican and the others, you’re a real Origin Realm, and you’re almost like courting death!

But Xiao Fan dared to get into it, and he fled safely, so many people were surprised!

“O Lord of the town!” Li asked for a sudden opening, apparently he was one of the clear people at this juncture, meaning a long story.

And then look at Xiao Fan, and suddenly there’s a lot of famous mustache up!

A blade, a very special treasure of the ancient people of town, is, more accurately, a treasure with negative effects, possessing it, and its detriment is greater than its benefit!

Because as long as you take this thing, once you’re attacked by someone else, the knife will absorb your strength, and then there will be a probability that your strength will be injected to those who attack you!

And for that reason, it’s not really too much attention to this treasure!

But the effect of the blade, though said to be more harmful than useful, is to see how you use it, and if you force a man to attack you with a blade, then you also have the potential to absorb this man’s power!

So there’s a lot of room to operate in that, so long as you can imagine and then implement, it’s perfectly possible to translate the negative effects of the blade into positive effects.

Of course, the risk is not small, and if you can’t control the man with a knife, then a dead loss is impossible!

Now, while it is not known why Xiao Fan was without a knife, it seems that Xiao Fan came to town for the sake of a blade, and he would never give up the knife lightly.

So, isn’t this an excellent target?

“If the strength of Xiao Fan can be absorbed, perhaps today it will also push me to the beauty, the fairy, the Vatican and the others’?” The sparrow fairies are staring at Xiao Fan, with no cover, and the mustache is getting stronger.

After the attack, Xiao Fan has actually proven everything, and he can indeed be with the elements, the fairies, the pride of the Vatican sky!

The sparrow fairies are in the east, the beasts, the fairies, the Vaticans and the first line under the others, the separators, the fairies, the Vaticans and the others are, in fact, the same as the previous leaves, but only the last step!

But the last step is hard to cross, and the Sparrow fairies, by their own self, are afraid of being caught, so if they can absorb the strength of Xiao Fan, that would have been impossible!


temptation for power promotion is right ahead of the eye, and there are no cultivator who can refuse, and the sparrow fairies can’t stand it!

Li asked the same thing about expression, apparently he wanted to do something, suck Xiao Fan’s power, and help himself get promoted!

There are a lot of other people here who are proud, and who are under-recognizant, even though their hearts are so hot, they can only put out the heat of their minds, and don’t dare act blindly without thinking half!

And those who feel they’re good at their own strength, even though they haven’t really done it, but look like they’re just early!

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