One hour of time has passed away for many, but for hundreds of heaven’s pride in the sky, especially for many of them, it’s very difficult, like years!

It’s too hard to choose!


‘s only one challenge, so the challenge is a big one!

If the challenge is naturally welcome, but if the wrong target is chosen, then the result can only be to move the stones and smash their feet without paying!

Who are you going to choose?

Almost everyone is thinking back in his head, thinking more, not really.

And the hour will be over soon!

“Please walk out, stand by and wait for the fourth round of ten strong races!” The skies of golden light form a big word in front of all of us.

Between Dayton!

There is no doubt that the original ten strong men will leave, and that they will not be left alone in the eyes of countless people, waiting for ten strong races!

And then someone started walking out, Cao Xiaoqiao, Nanhuuqiu, and another hidden pride was followed closely from behind, all gone!

And seven Great Sage, seven Great Sage, the remaining five states of the Seven Corps are all out, and we’re sure we’re all involved in the Ten Wars!


there are three of the next three out of the three thousand of the top ten holy sons in the east, one of them Nagasaki, fighting Planan!

As for the rest of the top ten holy sons, they were struggling for a piece, eventually sighing, not leaving, and abandoning the ten fighting.

This 10 battle, though lacking many, such as the Lord, like the Vatican, the fairy, the blood of the world, the landscape, the wind and the others, Jian Wuchen in the spirits.

But the combatants are still luxury, especially in the second round of the war, where each day’s pride is watching one another, and people’s low strength has been judged.

Now, those who want to be involved in the ten strong races are powerful, Lingling, who have little control, so even if their hearts are extremely unwilling, they can only force themselves to calm down and make rational waivers!

And then three of them went out, one of them, two disciples in the Skyscrapers House!

To that end, in addition to war God’s career lineage, more than one of the five forces in the East has fought on behalf of people.

“Thirty-one people!” Of the people down there, there’s a quick count, and then there’s a noisy, “This ten battle is far more intense than ever before, and there are 31 people involved in it, and there are no more than 20 of them in the past.”

The voices have not fallen yet, but they stop!

Because of Mount Lin, the cream, the snow red, the Moon Four came out, standing in the crowd of ten strong races!

So, at the end of the day, almost everyone’s eyes were stagnated, and then the next line, there was no idea how many people were acting weird, up and down the wooden mountain, picking up the mouth and smiling!

Because even the highest number of Lin Mountains is 45, and the other three are more than 6,70!

Which second round is basically not before 30?

Even if there were several of them who were less than dependable, for example, in South Waiqiu, that was just because South Waiqiu had finally erupted, so it followed a little bit, but in fact his strength had been witnessed, and he had participated in the Ten Wars, and it was reasonable that no one would feel surprised!

So, in the name of the second round and in the face of the battle, the four of them are going to take part in the tenth strong race, and honestly, it’s really a little bit of a bit of a bumpy!

However, in the light of the diversity of countless people, all four people in Lin Mountains are calm and careless, and only the eyes are hidden in the depth of their desire for the coming war.

It’s worth fighting the top of the three regions, even if they don’t finally get the so-called talent reward!

And as the four of the Lin Mountains leave, the total number of people who decided to take part in the final round of the 40th strong race is 35, and no one else leaves!

So, third round, sure!

Thirty-five people in the final war, the remaining sixty-five challenging each other’s name!


golden light in the sky is once again gathered into a golden platform, and golden light drops from the sky, directly on the jumbo!

Starting with the last 100 people, each of them has challenged each other, and the jumbo is the first hundred, so start with the jumbo!

“I chose, ninety!”

“Come on,” and hear the challenge of jumbling, the ninetieth is also the time to jump on the golden stage, turn around and say to jumbo and sound low.

Jupiter no longer speaks more, he jumps on the stage, and then challenges in the eyes of countless people!

Three main regions are proud of the third round of war, officially starting!

At the same time, in the front door!

In the depths of the gates, it seems that one man in the middle of a ghost will not see the end, even more like the road to the Nine Ghost hell.

There’s only one man’s footsteps in an empty road that sounds like a man’s foot, moving away, going back for a long time!

And I don’t know how far it took, how long it ended, and then the landscape changed, and there was a rock in incomparable gigantic!

On the opposite side of the cave is a tenzhang grace cliff, the cliff is deep down, and when it’s cold, and if it looks down, it seems that only one eye can attract half the soul of the human being, and it’s not surprising!

Over the cliff, there’s a black door, quiet!

This iron door is tall and heavy, and it spreads extremely pale and ancient breaths.

Stand in front of it and give intangible pressure, and if it’s a long time to stand, the whole human being is more like suffocation and breathing is extremely difficult!

At the same time, in front of this railway door, there’s a black stone ten zhang high!

And this black stone, if there are foreigners here, will not be seen, because it and the one on the edge of the ancient earth need every day to be proud of each of the three major regions before entering the vast archaeological lands, it must be the same as one drop of blood on it.

The only difference is, it’s a small number!

Look at the black gate across the cliff, sitting on the knees, and finally smiling on the face.

Then he put his hands on the black gate and said, “See you, Your Majesty!”

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