Since they have just arrived, their work has not officially started. They will definitely not interfere in the daily work process of other hospitals easily. Sometimes they will just listen to the situation.

It should be mentioned here that as Team Leader Cui said, all the senior bosses implement the lazy cat spirit of Dr. Song. They are eager to find a place to sleep first to wash away the fatigue of the long journey so that they can have enough energy to cope with the next day. Work.

The only ones who can maintain their excitement all the way to this stage are young doctors with good physical strength and curiosity like children.

 Just listen to the doctors and nurses on the bus from Huiqin City First People's Hospital who came down and reported to their colleagues: Hypertensive patients have high blood pressure and have symptoms of headache and dizziness.

  It seems that this patient may have typical hypertensive encephalopathy?

 The young doctors in the team started discussing this.

“Hypertensive encephalopathy, does this hospital have a neurosurgery department?”

 It is very difficult to establish neurosurgery in small places, such as cardiothoracic surgery, due to shortage of personnel. The question raised by Dr. Du Mengen was refuted by other young doctors: "Now it doesn't look like a cerebral hemorrhage patient, as long as there is a neurology department, it will be fine."

Neurology is definitely a department that is easier to establish than neurosurgery. It can also solve common non-serious encephalopathy. If the patient's condition cannot be stabilized, he can be transferred to the hospital above for treatment.

It can be said that this is the first step for local hospitals to carry out hierarchical diagnosis and treatment.

The big bosses couldn't care less about the enthusiasm of the young people. Some of them were already yawning while walking on the road.

 This includes Shen Mowang.

Dr. Shen Youhuan never expected that a young man would suddenly stab him in the back with the intention of killing his sleepiness.

“I don’t think this person has a brain disease.” Dr. Fan Yunyun said.

The famous little fan of Dr. Xie, the junior sister, once again made a surprising statement, as if she had learned the essence of Dr. Xie, which everyone later realized more and more deeply.

 “What is it if it’s not a brain disease?” The young people in the team surrounded Dr. Qi Fan.

 Once again confirmed that the daily involution in the medical circle is suitable for all ages.

Dr. Fan Yunyun said: "It seems to me that he can't speak. He seems to have an acute heart attack, maybe acute myocardial infarction." Acute myocardial infarction? What is this man talking about?

If the patient has an acute myocardial infarction, can the ambulance doctor accompanying the vehicle not detect it?

 Connect the patient with an ECG monitor in the car and conduct a basic ECG monitoring to know something immediately.

Dr. Fan Yunyun used her trump card: "You were born in a big city. How could you know that ambulances in many places don't have ECG monitors?"

 Only Dr. Fan Yunyun and Dr. Yu, who were born in these economically poor areas, understand the pain of uneven medical conditions caused by uneven economic development across the country.

 In fact, it was not until the late 1990s that ambulances in large hospitals in big cities had ECG monitors and defibrillators as standard equipment.

Dr. Du Mengen recalled seeing his father and mother going out to rescue patients in an ambulance when he was a child, and he couldn't help but swallow his saliva with anxiety.

 Doctors of the older generation also feel the pain of this medical poverty.

When Dr. Du Haiwei and his wife, Dr. Tang, were young, they had similar medical experiences more than once in front of their son at dinner parties at home: Whatever the patient is, if the disease is discovered early, it will be cured. If it is discovered too late, it is all the blame. There are no instruments to help doctors judge.

  Doctors who have no clairvoyance are usually said to be miraculous doctors because of their accumulated medical experience.

Patients with acute myocardial infarction have a hidden characteristic that Dr. Fan Yunyun said does not seem to be taught in clinical textbooks: the extreme pain and suffocation can make the patient's eyes bright but it is difficult to speak. He can only use his eyes to ask for help from all directions, which requires the doctor's understanding.

 This should be combined into the textbook. It is not that nothing is taught. It has been said that such a situation usually causes other symptoms such as paleness of the patient's face.

You need to know the problem. Elderly patients like this have poor daily cleanliness, yellow and black skin, and see the doctor at night. The doctor only relies on eyesight to judge whether the person is pale and cyanotic. It is estimated that the traces will not be discovered until one minute before the patient dies. .

 That’s why Fan Yunyun mentioned this experience value for veteran doctors to establish their own technical threshold.

 (End of this chapter)

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