Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady

Chapter 340: Invitation, goodwill from the four princes

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"Miss Wei, please go back!" Wen Tianyao's eyes fell on Wei Qiufu's body.

"His Royal Highness!" Seeing Wen Tianyao not treating himself, Wei Qiufu was excited.

"Let's go, take a good rest, if such a thing happens in the future ..." Wen Tianyao's face was still quite peaceful, but afterwards, he faintly threatened.

"His Highness ... I ... I just thought the older sister wanted Liumei to see the evidence, and I really didn't know ..." Wei Qiufu cried loudly, covering her eyes with a papa, crying and breaking her heart, it was miserable, " The elder sister only said that she was skeptical of Liumei, and said that she had evidence, and I would ... just help her. Whoever thought the elder sister would ... would be so! "

She cried while interrogating.

Wei Yuewu was held aside, Jin Ling rubbed her hands for her, and Shuimu glanced at Wei Qiufu. Wei Qiufu responded really fast, and she instantly came up with a reason, and the reason was really true. It is said that in the past, she and Wei Fengyao grew up in one place compared to herself. In terms of sisterhood, they are more than two of them.

Even though they were sisters with them, they were a little worse in the end, they were later.

"Okay, don't cry, don't mix things like this in the future." Wen Tianyao's face became more gentle, and he waved his hand, signaled to the housekeeper to lift Wei Qiufu up.

Seeing Wen Tianyao like this, Wei Qiufu was overjoyed, and she felt a sigh of relief, just before she just thought that she was finished, and there was a kind of dying despair.

But I couldn't think of the peaks and turns, His Royal Highness heard all of his explanations. Sure enough, after yesterday's incident, the Prince was completely different to himself.

"As for the nonsense that my sister is talking about, it's just nonsense. I ... I just saw that my sister was hurt and I didn't dare to stimulate her. Just follow her words!" Wei Qiufu continued to explain, intending to put the talents into practice. Push it all out.

"I still have something here, let's go first!" Wen Tianyao flashed a disgust in his eyes, but his face was inconspicuous and said lightly.

"Yes!" Wei Qiufu always accepted when she saw the good. Knowing that it would cause annoyance when she continued. She stepped back carefully, performed a gift to the prince, wiped her tears, and spoke softly to Wei Yue Wu. "Is my six sister going back with me?"

Seeing her turn to Weiyue Wu, Jin Lingji was nervous and stopped in front of Weiyue Wu with a look of vigilance.

"Thank you four sisters, I ... I'll wait a little longer 1" Wei Yuewu shook her head hesitantly, looking at Wei Qiufu's eyes with a little suspicion.

It is impossible for anyone to have such a thing.

Wei Qiufu didn't really want to invite Wei Yuewu. She just did something in front of the prince. When Wei Yuewu didn't leave, she didn't insist anymore. She held Ming Yan's hand and walked out.

"Miss Wei Liu, what's the matter?" The prince sat down on the side chair and turned to Wei Yue Wu, his face sinking.

"Nothing, maybe the older sister has misunderstood something, but I came late, I don't know why the older sister misunderstood me." Wei Yuewu shook her head in confusion, even more generous in her words, but she did not mention Wei Fengyao And Wei Qiufu may conspire to kill her.

"Shi Zifei's hand is going to be abolished!" Wen Tianyao's eyes fell on Wei Fengyao's softly hung on one side, and her eyes were deep and faint, and for this stupid over-exposed world son Concubine, Wen Tianyao really felt speechless.

This matter is not related to Wei Yuewu, but this world concubine who seems to have lost her heart and madness actually found Wei Yuewu as it is, regardless of her injuries, and rushed to hurt Wei Yuewu. .

"Can't look good?" Wei Yuewu turned to Tai Yi.

Taiyi shook his head helplessly. If there was still a glimmer of hope before, there is basically no hope now. The impact of such a heavy fall is not much worse than the previous injury.

"Grandma, father, and uncle, they will be sad." Wei Yuewu lowered her head and sighed, but did not mention herself. Whoever has this situation, if you still care about it, it is really unsettling. I believe so much.

"Miss Wei Liu, you can go back first, I will take her out of the palace in a moment, if there is something wrong with Miss Liu, please forgive Miss Liu." Wen Ruoming stepped forward, facing Wei Yue Wu Gong hand in hand as a gift, no matter what, Wei Fengyao is now his concubine, and some words, he is still very suitable.

Wei Yue Wu's body is partial, avoiding Wen Ruoming's gift, and she can't help but slightly move this Nanan Wang Shizi who has never been regarded by others. Sure enough, the royal family has no real fool, let alone the Nanan Wang Shizi The queen mother loves it.

Being able to be favored by the queen mother-in-law among a few grandsons, even surpassing the prince and several princes, also shows that this Nanan Wangshizi is not a fool.

He stood up at this time, it would make people feel good.

It is impossible for Nan'an Wangfu to cut off contact with Huayang Houfu. Even if Wei Fengyao had an accident, it is impossible to stop Wei Fengyao, so Nanan Wangfu said that Wei Fengyao had caused the disaster and they took responsibility.

Although this disaster is still in Huayang Houfu, in short, with the words Wen Ruoming, Nan'an Wangfu's attitude is clearer.

"The eldest sister asked Shizi to take more care!" Wei Yuewu nodded, not saying yes or no, just speaking softly, then holding Jin Ling and turning away.

Fang Caiwei Qiufu did pull her arm violently. Although Jin Ling rubbed it for her, she still had a dull pain, especially at the wrist. You do n’t need to watch Wei Yuewu to know that she was pinched by Wei Qiufu. The place is already green.

"Miss, your hands are green, why not tell His Royal Highness!" Jin Ling said indignantly when he was out of the palace.

She had always wanted to say before, but was stopped by Wei Yue Wu.

"Why do you say, Prince Edward actually knows!" Wei Yuewu smiled, although Her Royal Highness Prince Nothing was seen on the face, but flashed disgust, Wei Yuewu noticed.

Wei Qiufu performed very well, but the response of the prince was really strange. How could the painting not cause her doubts, but His Royal Highness Prince did not react at all, and also gave Wei Qiufu many rewards. The meaning here It's enough to make Wei Yuewu feel the same several times.

The prince knew that Wei Qiufu had a problem, but the Prince had another reason to bring Wei Qiufu into the East Palace, so for some things, he opened one eye and closed one eye.

"His Royal Highness knows that Miss Four must be rewarded?" Jin Ling asked for a moment without understanding.

"Prince has a purpose!" Wei Yuewu said with a faint look, Wei Fengyao would jump over desperately and wanted to catch his own face. There must be Wei Qiufu's provocation in it, otherwise Wei Fengyao could not be so desperate.

It's just a pity that in the end, not only did he not cause any damage to himself, but he also withdrew his arm to the end.

"His Royal Highness has ..." Jin Ling said that she immediately shut up. She was not a normal girl ring. Of course, she knew that there were some things that could not be said, so she changed a topic immediately.

"Miss, how do we get along with Miss Four in the future?"

"How was it before and how it will be in the future!" Wei Yuewu said slowly, believing that Wei Qiufu was more willing to maintain this superficial article, and even better for herself than before, she must have acted before and let the prince see. Not better, her previous explanation was completely ineffective.

And she did n’t want to rip her face in front of everyone with Wei Qiufu. There was also an auntie and Weiyuewu in the house. They could not do both. The enemy of the enemy was a friend. She did n’t want Auntie and Wei Qiufu to stand completely. Come together.

This is why she did not destroy Wei Qiufu's plan in person before, and only caught Wen Tianyao's attention in secret, but since Wen Tianyao had other plans, she was not in a hurry, she would not forget Wen Tianyao, but her mother had specially mentioned To people.

She prefers to look in secret rather than face to face, or Wen Tianyao's investigation is what she wants to find out. There are no people here. Wen Tianyao is not the same. He is a respectable prince. What do he want to use? It is useless for him to check. It is the most effective one.

And you just have to wait for the results secretly, and provide some clues when appropriate.

"Miss Wei Liu, please wait!" They came down the stairs here, and heard someone crying behind them.

Wei Yuewu looked back, was seeing the four princes slowly walking down the steps, and stood there waiting for him.

As soon as the four princes approached, Weiyuewu blessed her side by side: "I have seen the four princes! But what else is happening to the eldest sister?"

"It's not a matter of concubine of King Nan'an!" The four princes shook their heads, and their eyes fell on the sleeves of Weiyuewu's cuffs. Only when her ring was rubbing her wrists for him, could he see clearly, Her wrist was pinched, but she said nothing.

With this in mind, the four princes felt that Wei Yuewu was kind-hearted. Compared to the very delicate and pretending to be weak, in fact, Miss Wei, who was so fierce, was better than just one or two points.

I don't know what the emperor thinks, but he just guarded Qiufu through the door.

"What else is there?" Wei Yuewu asked inexplicably, and her long butterfly-wing long eyelashes flickered twice, her eyes clear.

"There is a lantern festival tonight, may Miss Wei Liu be willing to come out and appreciate the lantern?" The four princes thought for a while and asked.

Enjoy the lights? Wei Yue Wu froze for a moment.

"Today there is a lantern festival in the palace. You can enjoy the lanterns tonight. It is the first time for Miss Liu to enjoy the lanterns in the palace. It is better that I be a guide. Please invite Miss Liu to enjoy the lanterns together." The four princes kindly invited.

"This ... Thank Your Highness for your kindness, but so many things have happened ... with no intention to appreciate the lights!" Wei Yuewu shook her head and refused with a grin.

"You don't need to worry about the concubine. The emperor and I saw it." The four princes thought Wei Yue Wu was worried about Wei Feng Yao and comforted her.

"Thank you Prince Four, I'm not worried about this. The elder sister has bad thoughts, and the four sister helped me to harm me. Even if she was in front of my grandmother, she would have her own arbitration!" Wei Yuewu's black and white eyes were clear A cold and determined.

This look made the four princes stunned for a moment. Shouldn't Wei Yuewu be weak and thank you?

On the steps, Prince Wen Tianyao stepped over slowly and heard Wei Yuewu's words, his eyes flashed, this seemingly intimidating Miss Wei Liu was getting more and more interested ...

In fact, no matter what, there was not much to do with yourself!

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