Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 187: Company management system

January 6, 2002 was the day of the annual meeting of Dafeng Group. This was also the first large-scale event held by Dafeng Group under the name of a group company.

This year's annual meeting was held in a hotel on the outskirts of the city. This hotel is not particularly luxurious in Hangzhou, but its advantage is that there are two places that can host dinners for thousands of people.

More than a thousand people came to the annual meeting of Dafeng Group this time.

Since the beginning of the year, recruitment has always been the top priority of the company. Now there are 11 people in the personnel department alone, and Dafeng Entertainment now has a total of more than 260 employees, and Dafeng Technology has more than 390 employees. When Shanghai Microelectronics was purchased, there were originally more than 100 employees. After the expansion, there are now nearly 200 people. In addition, Meng Qian invited several shareholder representatives, which brought together 230 people.

In addition, the annual meeting of agents was directly put together with the company's annual meeting. There were 160 representatives of agents across the country, with a total number of more than 1,000.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone except the agents had already gathered at the hotel. Like last year, we must make a summary and plan before eating.

There are also some overseas employees who have found hotels in corresponding countries and participated through remote videos.

Meng Qian brought the prepared manuscript to the stage, and there was a warm applause from the audience.

With a quiet gesture, Meng Qian seemed to be in a good mood and state today, "It’s all from his own family, so you don’t need to be so polite. Have you seen the thick pile in my hand? I just took a look. There are a total of 168 pages, and I will try to get it done in three hours."

Meng Qian smiled and put the pile on the table, and first picked up the top few sheets of paper. "We set a goal at the annual meeting last year. In 2001, we will achieve a performance of one billion. Everyone thinks we have achieved it. ?"

"It must be done!" several old employees shouted very confidently.

"Yes, we not only achieved it, but also achieved it by a large margin." Meng Qian didn't sell it, and directly gave the data: 2.5 billion.

Then I showed you some data, such as the sales distribution ratio, games accounted for 52%, lithography machines accounted for 20%, wind letter accounted for 17%, commercial software accounted for 9%, and other accounted for 2%.

Among them, overseas sales accounted for 57%, and Korea contributed the most, accounting for 29%.

Then the sales of each industry accounted for, "The Legend of God" naturally accounted for the largest proportion. However, the second-ranked lithography machine is considered to be a relatively special existence. Although the sales are large, the net profit is low, and the factory has also spent 500 million yuan, plus R&D investment, at least so far, the lithography machine has Did not create positive income for the company.

After that, there will be some expenditures, and the company's money this year is probably spent. Meng Qian passed it through for everyone.

After reading all the data, Meng Qian concluded, "In general, Dafeng Entertainment was a very successful year in 2001. We handed in a satisfactory answer sheet, but in recent times I have found more and more The growth of the company, I don't seem to see the feeling of struggle.

Is it because we went too smoothly this year? Why do I actually see laxity, conceit, and even intrigue in everyone? "

Meng Qian’s beating caused everyone to fall into silence. He deliberately paused for a while before continuing, “I thought about this problem for a long time, until I realized that as the boss of the company, any problems that arise in the company are my problems, so I Start to find answers from yourself.

Finally, I found that the company’s current systems may no longer be suitable for the growing status quo, so in the new year, the company’s system will undergo huge adjustments, including management, salary, and benefits. We have all made a huge adjustment. . "

As Meng Qian said, the content on the screen changed, and a line appeared: Dafeng Group Company Management System (2002 Edition).

"The new version of the company management system is very long. The personnel department will issue it to everyone tomorrow. I will give you a brief message today and pick some key points for everyone to say. Let’s take a look at the attendance system first. Take a look at them, such as the common tardiness problems. Under the new system, everyone has a two-hour tardiness exemption once a month, but they need to provide a legitimate reason for tardiness.

Starting from the second late arrival, we will increase the so-called late penalties that you say, but all fines for late arrivals and early departures will be deposited into the additional welfare fund.

The so-called additional welfare fund means that the money will not be included in the company’s original group building and other welfare expenditures. When the money is saved to a certain level, the personnel department will use it to provide additional group building or prepare some benefits for everyone. It will never be confiscated by the company, so if you don't have any money, you can be late and you can be considered as a contribution to the team. "

"Hahahaha." Many people in the audience laughed.

"Look at the administrative management system, document management system, and vehicle management system. In the future, all the company's materials, documents, and materials will have a fixed storage point, and everyone must return it in time after they are used up. I don't want to see the company's things everywhere. Randomly placed situation.

In addition, all future work reports of the company will be unified through the mailbox in our oa system, and emails sent through other channels can be regarded as invalid work.

In addition, starting next year, the company will have requirements for personal image. You can take a look. For internal positions, such as technology and internal service, you only need to do not be too sloppy, but external positions such as sales, public relations, front desk, etc. Maintain a spiritual image. As for formal wear, the company will purchase uniformly. You can get it for free after one year of work. If you have worked for less than one year, you can get clothes first. If you resign less than one year, you can compensate the company with a certain percentage.

As for the prices, they are all directly cooperating with manufacturers. I believe everyone knows how reliable Sun Jie works.

The production management system of the Shanghai Microelectronics Branch is basically the same as the past, with a little increase in safety control, and then talk about money-related things.

Purchasing and reimbursement have always been a big problem. I have also heard finance complaints to me many times. Starting from the new year, the company has made clear procedures and regulations on the details of procurement and reimbursement, such as reimbursement, which will exceed Those who are not reimbursed for a week will be treated as scrap. Don’t develop the habit of procrastinating. This will cause a lot of financial troubles. "

In the management system, a mistake that most companies will make is to formulate the system without taking the company's situation into consideration. After all, there are a lot of templates, which makes most companies' management systems ineffective.

The management system of Dafeng Group always revolves around the company’s corporate culture, including humanization, including details, including high efficiency. Therefore, Dafeng Group’s management system must make everyone feel humane, and at the same time it can really provide When everyone is under pressure, it is more important to use the company's own technical level to create a management system combined with a management system to streamline and visualize all the work to improve the company's office efficiency.

"Okay, I'm going to expand this thing a little bit." After passing through some details quickly, the screen was frozen on a ppt page: Management Accountability System. "As the company grows, the probability of everyone making mistakes is natural. It is also improving, so who should be responsible for doing something wrong?

Let me give you a very simple example. The typos in the copy caused problems with the publicity effect. Who do you think should be responsible? "

Everyone looked at each other, no one dared to answer.

Meng Qian stretched out his hands and made a helpless expression, "This is a big problem that our company currently has. Everyone doesn't know how to be responsible for mistakes.

From today, we must clarify this concept. In Dafeng Group, the first person responsible for all errors is the direct manager. In other words, if there is a mistake in the copy today, the supervisor is the first responsible person. If Mr. Xiao makes a mistake today, then I will be the first responsible person.

The second responsible person is naturally the person who made the mistake, but if there is a manager above the first responsible person, a joint liability system will be adopted. Simply put, if the copywriting made a mistake today, I also need to be responsible, but I am not the first responsible person. , I may be the fifth and sixth responsible person, but I cannot exempt you from responsibility. For the specific details of responsibilities, you can see the rules we have formulated.

Another point is that for joint projects, I don’t want to see the phenomenon of kicking the ball anymore, so I will always adopt a joint responsibility system. "

Many companies basically do not have an accountability system. As a result, companies do not know how to pursue accountability and the emergence of all kinds of kicks when problems occur.

Meng Qian’s thinking is very clear. Managers must be the first responsible person. Too many companies are too kind to managers, so that many people want to be leaders for the purpose of being lazy. They feel that they don’t need to engage in basic work when they are leaders. Up.

However, if managers get more salaries, it would be easier to get promoted. This is obviously unreasonable. Then why do you get such a high salary?

When a leader is to take responsibility, don’t say anything, I can’t control every behavior of everyone, then don’t get a higher salary than them, enjoy higher wages and benefits, and naturally have to bear it. More responsibilities, you do less grassroots work, it is for you to do more management work, not for you to drink tea and read the newspaper.

If there is no such awareness, at least Meng Qian in Dafeng Group does not need such a manager, because there is a raging soldier, and it will be a raging nest.

As for the joint responsibility of joint projects, it is also to enhance the company's team awareness. Since everyone is working on a project together, they should assume responsibility together. The system is not 100% reasonable, but the system must be and must not be ambiguous. This is the same as the law. Many laws are problematic, but in fact it is impossible to have a perfect law that applies 100% to all situations.

And in order to avoid some special cases, Meng Qian also prepared something for the employees, “With regard to the issue of accountability, the last point is the appeal system. If there is a special situation and the company's punishment is unreasonable, you can file an appeal. , The company will implement a special adjudication system for special events."

"Papa Papa." Many people applaud subconsciously. Again, Dafeng Group's system is to be rigorous and humane, and employees naturally accept it highly.

"Okay, next, let me tell you something you are more interested in, about everyone's salary, promotion channels and welfare guarantee.

The first thing I want to say to everyone is: we will implement the rank system from the new year. "


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