Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 345: Management reform

What’s interesting is that when the management and standards of the Computer Division became stricter, not many people were fired, and no one took the initiative to resign, but the complaints before it really became fewer and fewer. People who once complained about the company started to work honestly.

What's more interesting is that some people who know that they will be fired sooner or later will pull some of them to complain about the company and leave with them.

As a result, not only did these people who complained about the company with them would not follow along, they also stopped complaining about the company. What's more, they kept a distance from them and tried to draw a clear line.

This is the workplace.

Although the computer business department has reversed the past, Meng Qian is not at ease, because the company is destined to continue to expand the scale of acquisitions in the future, and the company’s management system does need to be further improved, especially in employee induction training and employees’ corporate culture. Education requires a lot of effort.

Otherwise, the situation of the computer division will happen again and again.

When the company's scale was tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, Meng Qian didn't have the energy to intervene one department after another.

At the beginning of May, Zhou Weikun explained to Meng Qian the management system reform plan in the meeting room of Dafeng Group. The IBM team has experienced long-term observation in Dafeng Group.

At the urging of Meng Qian, he finally came up with the reform plan, but this reform plan was not completely designed by IBM, because Meng Qian put forward a requirement at the beginning, that is, the entire plan must be reformed from the process to the result. With the participation of Sun Xiaojing and others, Dafeng Group does not intend to seduce it completely.

In the final plan, Zhou Weikun proposed four main reforms.

The first thing is to set up the company's internal self-inspection center, responsible for discovering hidden problems in the company's development process, and at the same time, regularly raise the company's management issues, especially for Meng Qian, led by the self-inspection center, every year Initiated a company-wide "review meeting" on Meng Qian.

For the staff selection criteria of the self-inspection center, what is needed is the kind of upright employees who are not afraid to offend others, and we must try to avoid the existence of sophistication in the self-inspection center.

The second thing is to further clarify the rights. With the emergence of more and more middle and high-level management in the company, Meng Qian will further delegate the rights, but at the same time introduce the vertical diffusion system and horizontal restriction system of management power proposed by IBM.

A simple understanding of the system of vertical diffusion of management power is that Meng Qian dismantles more powers and delegates them to senior executives, who then dismantle their own powers and delegate powers to middle-level management, and middle-level management must also dismantle their own powers. Continue to decentralize, and the level-by-level decentralization of this authority is not directly determined by the company, but by each management, and everyone is responsible for their next level.

Of course, the final system formulation needs to be reviewed, but the review will also be jointly voted by the corresponding level of management and the corresponding upper and lower levels of management, rather than a company or department that has the final say.

As for the horizontal restriction system, for departments that have overlapping, everyone will have the right of appeal, interpretation, and questioning in addition to their independent rights.

The third thing is to focus on building a training system, providing each employee with a complete training program from the grassroots to the management level, assisting each employee to create his own career development plan, the company through training, the employee development to a certain stage Proactive training should be carried out in a targeted manner.

Zhou Weikun gave the simplest example. After a salesperson joins the company, the company first conducts the most basic sales training and regular employee induction training, but at the same time, let the salesperson see the various development directions that the company can choose. .

When the employee has certain experience, start to assist the employee to formulate personal career development plan. If the employee is suitable and he wants to go to the management, the company will conduct management training at about the same time, when he has the potential to be promoted to a manager. And when it is in line with the employee's self-planning, the company will conduct further management training for him.

In the process of continuous promotion of employees, through training, employees can better go to the next step.

The result of the entire training system is that the recruits of Dafeng Group can find a career development path that can last for ten, twenty years or even a lifetime in a relatively short period of time. What they do is to help him follow this path and tell How should he go, give him a platform to go on.

Of course, if you want to build such a complete and sophisticated training system, Dafeng Group’s current training center is unable to do it. Therefore, IBM will help Dafeng Group do this in the early stage. Meng Qian pays IBM 100 million yuan each year. Consultation fee.

The fourth thing is to add a self-inspection center to the original management system, adopt a new rights model, and build a dynamic management system after making good use of the training system.

The goal of this dynamic management system is to enable Dafeng Group to have the ability to adapt to changes. Even if Dafeng Group becomes a huge ship, it can ensure that it will change its direction in time under any circumstances.

In addition to these four main reform directions, Zhou Weikun also put forward a number of suggestions, including letting the company's operations department start operating Meng Qian, creating a brand story, and creating a founder's story.

There is another suggestion that has been controversial in the field, which is to strengthen the principle of market priority.

Dafeng Group has always been a development model in which the market and R&D are in parallel. If you want to make money and do R&D, you can't delay it.

However, after observation by IBM for a period of time, Zhou Weikun said that Dafeng Group now has a vague concept, and even the marketing department is subject to the technology department.

Zhou Weikun’s remarks immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of several managers in the technical department. Zhou Weikun stated in a responsible attitude, “Time has proved one thing to us. All successful companies in the world must be market first, regardless of whether a company is in How big is the investment in research and development, but the premise must be market priority.

Because the essence of an enterprise is a profit organization, and the essence of the product is user-oriented, market priority is an unavoidable issue.

In fact, Dafeng Group’s model itself is not problematic. As far as I know, Dafeng Group’s earliest strategy is to make money first, use the money earned to support research and development, and then use research and development to promote profitability, so as to achieve a virtuous circle.

But now Dafeng Group’s problem lies in research and development to promote profitability, which has led to the phenomenon that the company actually regards technology as the basis for profitability.

Everyone has to be clear about one thing, technology is not the basis for profitability, technology is the basis for maintaining the company's long-term development, and the market is the basis for maintaining the company's profitability.

For large companies, R&D is not used to promote profits, R&D is used to ensure profits.

The difference is subtle but vastly short. For small companies, the harm of not being able to distinguish between them will not be great, but for large companies, the harm of not being able to distinguish between them will be very great. IBM has encountered this problem before. "

In order to allow Dafeng Group's senior management to better understand this issue, Zhou Weikun cited the situation of many companies, including how IBM encountered Waterloo because of ignoring the market, and how it was reborn by focusing on the market.

Among them, Zhou Weikun also mentioned I don’t know if anyone of you knows Cook, he is a person that Jobs personally visited and poached from IBM.

When he was at IBM before, I had several exchanges with him. This is a marketing genius, and what Jobs fell in love with Cook was his marketing ability.

Even a person like Jobs who likes to build a corporate image for users to change the world with products, he actually knows in his heart that the market is the most important thing.

We need to focus on the market and not underestimate R&D, but we must not let R&D become a barrier to the development of the market. This is a tragedy for companies. "

Zhou Weikun slowly persuaded the management of Dafeng Group with his expertise.

The system reform of the entire Dafeng Group will be announced on May 10, which is a very meaningful day for Dafeng Group.

Because during the weekend of May 8 to May 9, Dafeng Group moved.


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