Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 401: Misfortune within Xiaoqiang

In the next few days, Meng Qian transferred several companies. On August 15th, Meng Qian was reading a newspaper in the drawing room of a California law firm. The newspaper he was holding was the China Economic Times founded by Liu Qicheng. "As for this law firm, which was also opened by Liu Qicheng, it specializes in serving overseas Chinese in California, and is usually taken care of by his daughter.

"Sorry, Mr. Meng has been waiting for a long time." After reading the newspaper for a while, Sun Qicheng hurriedly entered the living room and shook hands to signal apology.

"It's okay, I came early." It was indeed Meng Qian who came early. He didn't understand the traffic jam in California, so he set off earlier. After greeting Sun Qicheng, Meng Qian unconsciously looked at Sun Manyu at the door and stretched out his hand to greet her to come in.

Sun Manyu ran to the back of Sun Qicheng and grabbed his clothes. After looking at Meng Qian for a few moments, he saw Meng Qian stretch out his hand, and then cautiously grabbed Meng Qian's little finger.

Meng Qian's heart melted instantly.

After chatting with Sun Manyu for a few words, Sun Qicheng's two daughters also went upstairs and greeted Meng Qian one by one.

Sun Qicheng has four daughters, three of whom are lawyers. In the confrontation with the US government in 2008, the professional standards of the three daughters played a decisive role. Today is the eldest daughter Sun Yifang and the youngest daughter Sun Yilin.

The family of Meng Qian and Sun Qicheng had similar three views, and coupled with the catalytic effect of Sun Man's language, the atmosphere immediately became harmonious after a little chat together.

Almost an hour ago, I was talking about short things in the parents.

One hour later, Meng Qian held Sun Manyu in his arms. Taking advantage of the good atmosphere now, Meng Qian smiled and said, "Mr. Sun, you were explaining the right time, place, and time of Dafeng Group that day. In fact, I have been eavesdropping all the time. "

"Hahaha, then I really played a big sword in front of Guan Gong."

"Mr. Sun is too modest. What you said that day gave me a lot of inspiration. I have always paid more attention to the technology itself. I rarely analyze problems from an economic point of view. Of course, even if I analyze it, I don’t I understand." Meng Qian smiled self-deprecatingly, "I went to learn about it in the past two days, and only then did I know that Mr. Sun has established the U.S. Bermuda International Investment Group and U.S. Huaxia Trading Group, specifically planning and organizing US capital and technology to China Investment promotes our domestic economic development.

And I also saw the news on the news that Mr. Sun prepared the Mihua Education Foundation in the past two years, and promoted the cultivation of talents of Huaxia by liaising and organizing universities and relevant education departments in the United States to cooperate with Huaxia’s education departments to run schools. Everything the husband does is really admirable. "

"Compared with what Mr. Meng did, everything I did is insignificant." Sun Qicheng waved his hand for a moment. "Since Mr. Meng has heard what happened that day, I still have this point of view. Dafeng Group is the economic development of China at this stage. The biggest surprise I can do is to promote some small-scale changes. If Dafeng Group is a giant ship in the China Navigation Team, then I am a small fishing boat at best."

Meng Qian has become accustomed to Sun Qicheng's excessive modesty, and will not go into this detail. "Speaking of this topic, since China has entered the advanced stage of economic export, how does Mr. Sun see the future economic relationship of Huami?"

"Huami's future economic exchanges will become more frequent, and mutual dependence will become deeper and deeper. This is a foreseeable inevitability. At the same time, the future economic conflicts between the two countries will inevitably be stimulated."

Meng Qian found it interesting, "Economic conflict? Why is this?"

"I remember Mr. Meng once pointed out that the globalization of science and technology is promoted by the United States. Then who promotes economic globalization?"

Meng Qian blurted out, "Of course it is also the United States."

Sun Qicheng continued to ask, "Then the globalization of science and technology is for the world to work for the United States, and the purpose of economic globalization?"

Meng Qian smiled helplessly, "It's not for the whole world to serve Mi Yuan."

Liu Qicheng nodded, "Meng always sees it very clearly, but I have discussed with many domestic scholars that China's economic outward development does not want to serve anyone, so contradictions will definitely arise."

"Mr. Sun's meaning is that the conflicts between us are inevitable in the future?"

"I personally think so. It is inevitable to avoid it." Sun Qicheng said firmly, "If China wants to revive, it must give up some meaningless illusions."

Meng Qian's expression changed in spirit, "The road to revival is long and hindered."

"But I'm still very confident." Sun Qicheng's face has the confidence that matches this sentence. "From an economic point of view, why should we want to be large and complete? Mr. Meng should be very clear, right? I have read a public data from Dafeng Group. Dafeng Group has more than 100 domestic companies holding shares, and this is only public data. I also heard a rumor that Dafeng Group has an unknown group."

Meng Qian smiled slightly, "Behind the seemingly crazy economic outgoing is the silent deep cultivation of the internal market. China's domestic demand market will become a huge support for China's economy."

Sun Qicheng looked forward to it, “The technology and talents accumulated by Huaxia enterprises through the current external competition will feed back the domestic market at a suitable time. One day the people of Huaxia will see that Huaxia manufacturing is synonymous with high quality.”

Meng Qian immediately answered, "We will also gradually weaken our dependence on cheap labor in this process, and China can gradually transform from an industrial power to an industrial power."

"And if we want to have such a steady and planned development, only Huaxia’s system has a chance to be realized. I was most worried before that, as I said at the airport that day, Huaxia entered the advanced stage of economic export prematurely and was not ready for what to do. , But because of the appearance of the Dafeng Group, I feel a lot more at ease. I am now even more convinced that China’s next road will be smoother and smoother."

"But facing the pressure from the United States is huge, the hegemony of the Mi yuan, the hegemony of the military, the hegemony of science and technology, the hegemony of education, China can rely on domestic demand to defend the city, but at the same time it is impossible to rely on domestic demand to capture the city. How does Mr. Sun think about this problem? ?"

Sun Qicheng smiled indifferently, "China has a huge advantage, and the U.S. has a huge disadvantage."

"Appreciate further details."

"Looking at history, Britain, Germany, the neon country, and the United States. The development of these powerful countries has one thing in common. Plundering is achieved by sacrificing others. This is why the West respects the law of the jungle, because the history that everyone sees is In this way, everyone did not see the second way to success, did not see the second way to success But the rise of China Xia created a second way, a way to rise by our own efforts. And I personally think that such a path will inevitably become a model that everyone pursues in the future, because the times have changed, and the success of nuclear weapons in this world makes the probability of large-scale wars appear very low. Without large-scale wars, there will be no large-scale plundering and large-scale plundering. Plunder, there is no way to achieve a great country through plunder as in the past.

So what should the country that wants to develop at this time do?

I believe that many countries will learn from China in the future, and our country will definitely teach. "

Meng Qian and Liu Qicheng looked at each other and smiled tacitly. The deep meaning is that everyone knows well, "In Mr. Sun's view, what is the huge disadvantage of the United States?"

"The U.S. is the world's largest country of immigrants. U.S. relies on prosperity and interests to attract talents from all over the world." Sun Qicheng kept smiling, "But if you make friends with you, you will end up with you. Scattered.

I believe that one day there will be disaster within the Xiaoqiang. "


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