Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 464: Qingqi brain circuit

After Shao Yibo left the office, Meng Qian met with some department heads. The logistics business department that was established soon has gradually grown and matured. Recently, a group of domestic logistics companies have been reorganized through acquisitions and have begun to establish a domestic logistics network. At the same time, the logistics business The Ministry began to review applications in various departments and plans to have its own aircraft within two years.

On the maker side, with the success of the first global maker conference, the concept of maker is becoming more and more popular. Maker Huaxia now has activities in more than 30 cities in China almost every week, organizing everyone to carry out various ideas. Sexual activity.

With this momentum, the maker is moving to more countries. Now in Russia, Israel, Southeast Asia and other regions, there are already Maker organizations led by Dafeng Group to carry out various regular activities, and "Maker" magazine is also selling Went to more countries.

However, it is the Pure Land Lab that has more momentum than the maker. As time goes by, the Pure Land Lab has produced more and more open source technologies that are benefiting various technology industries, and the global reputation and global influence have been smashed. Rising, now more than 800 companies have joined the Pure Land Laboratory in the world. For this reason, Meng Qian passed an application, and the Pure Land Laboratory will officially publish academic journals and popular science journals from 2006.

Academic journals include "Science Field", "Digital Future", and "Artificial Intelligence". Each issue will publish related research and development results in the Pure Land Laboratory and call for papers from all over the world.

The most important thing is that the three journals are all Chinese journals. As for what to do if you can’t understand Chinese, the Pure Land Laboratory does not provide other language versions for the time being, so I will find a solution by myself.

Afterwards, the Zhaohui Charity Fund’s responsible team who entered Meng Qian’s office, according to the data submitted, the foundation has now reached 63 impoverished counties, of which 21 charity primary schools have begun construction, and 25 charity primary schools have basically completed prerequisite communication. The next ones are still in the early common stage.

It was Dafeng Entertainment that entered Meng Qian's office almost at the end.

At the request of Meng Qian, in addition to Gu Junhui and other high-level employees, the first batch of employees such as Li Feiqing, Wei Pengtian, and Fu Qinyi were also called in by Meng Qian.

Gu Junhui first reported on the situation of online novels. The company's online hour platform has successfully entered 73 countries around the world. The ancient mythical series novels have become a distinctive symbol of the output of Chinese culture.

"The next major direction of the company is to promote the development of Guoman. In recent years, many of our works have been written by Neon Country. In the past few years, some good cartoonists have appeared in the country. We will start to focus on training.

At the same time, the animation production department is becoming more and more mature. We plan to lay the foundation of the national animation industry in five years and build the domestic national animation industry ecology in ten years.

Thereby expanding our cultural output form. "

Meng Qian signed the plan to show his support, "How about the big movie?"

"It's going well so far. We went to Hollywood through Sony and dug a few teams over."

Meng Qian nodded and looked at Li Feiqing and others, "How is the game going?"

Li Feiqing hurriedly began to report.

According to the plan, what Dafeng Group was going to launch last year should actually be a moba game, but Blizzard’s general performance of "World of Warcraft" made it less and less popular from the parent company. It was originally supposed to be released in 2006. There is no news about "DOTA", so Meng Qian asked the company to continue to polish the game for another year to make the game the best that Dafeng Group can do.

Li Feiqing told Meng Qian that the final optimization of the moba game of Dafeng Group will definitely be completed by the end of the year. What he now promises to players is to start the public beta next spring.

In fact, with regard to games, one of the things that Meng Qian is most gratified about this year is that when the profitability of the game began to decline, he did not hear anyone come to tell himself about setting up some money-making methods in the game.

In all fairness, as far as Dafeng Group’s current status and user base in the online game industry are concerned, Meng Qian is willing to have a lot of fun with ten consecutive lottery draws, dig deeper to strengthen the mosaic system, and get more special skins with limited skins. It is said that there will be dozens of more game revenues a year. Billion.

However, Dafeng Group has the corporate culture of Dafeng Group. As a company, profit is definitely the first, but Dafeng Group will never abandon the essence of products for profit.

As a post-80s generation, Meng Qian saw the prejudice against games on the Internet in later generations and really wanted to say that the games in the past did make money, but there are really many companies who are making games very carefully. Games can really bring players to the game. Come be happy. Why did Nintendo have so many fans? Because he is really playing games, and users spend some money to enjoy the happiness brought by the game. That kind of happiness is really not the same as the happiness of recharging money and becoming stronger. .

The game culture in the past is really different from the online game culture led by domestic game companies in later generations...

But this is definitely not the fault of online games, it is a problem of the general environment.

So in this life, under the guidance of Dafeng Group, even "Fantasy Westward Journey" doesn't burn much money anymore.

After reporting on the game, everyone asked Wei Pengtian as a representative to report to Meng Qian the situation on Fengxin.

"In response to the bloated problems and privacy issues that have appeared in Fengxin in the past two years, we have combined the development direction of the mobile phone system center and thought of a product plan."


"Let's make another social product."

Meng Qian's hand on the file moved slightly, deliberately dissatisfied, "This matter has already been deployed by several innovative companies, whether it is Song Zhenluo’s DingTalk or Wang Xin’s recent one. The feedback from the new social software market is pretty good. Are you kidding me by presenting this thing?"

"It's different." Wei Pengtian was calm. "What we have to do is a new social software developed by Dafeng Group. It must be developed by Dafeng Group."

"Why? Fight yourself? Divert your own users?" Meng Qian continued to provoke, "Both products are ours. How to solve the problem of user viscosity?"

"Then it depends on how the product is designed." Wei Pengtian said, everyone looked at him, "Actually, I came up with this idea. And my inspiration comes from the most common life, marriage.

The husband and wife have been living together for a long time, getting to know each other more and more, exposing more and more problems, and feeling weaker and weaker. What should I do? "

Meng Qian really didn't react at once, "What should I do?"

"Find a junior or have a baby."

Meng Qian squinted his eyes subconsciously, and, among other things, Wei Pengtian was able to put the idea of ​​marriage into product design. This brain circuit is indeed very similar to his style, "So what?"

"If the new product is designed in accordance with the ideas of Xiaosan, it will definitely fight with Fengxin, but if the new product is designed in accordance with the children's ideas, not only will it not fight, but it will also bring a magical harmony to the family. "

"You are too silly."

Wei Pengtian is still very calm, "It's true, it's very simple when it comes to product design.

First, continuity. Regarding the new product as a continuation of the wind letter, we must first continue the core. In our opinion, the core is our social logic, which is DNA.

Second, pioneering, children are a symbol of the opening of a new era, so our products also need the arrival of a new era as a basis. This is why we sought colleagues from the mobile phone system center to develop mobile phones on the company’s development blueprint. As an important symbol of the beginning of the mobile Internet era, in the mobile Internet era, we can launch a mobile product that continues to be popular, and a social product that is more suitable for the mobile Internet era.

Third, characteristics. The feelings between children and their parents are completely different from the feelings of men and women, so new products need to bring users different product features The simplest thing, brand-new features, It is more suitable for the functions of the mobile phone, the functions that are difficult to achieve by the wind letter, the child, the blue is better than the blue, but it is still blue. "

"Do you all agree with him?" Meng Qian asked the others.

Everyone nodded.

To be honest, Meng Qian does not know what product they will develop according to this idea. After all, he is a rebirth. Meng Qian originally planned to be a WeChat in the past two years, but he does not know why. This is magical. The brain circuit makes Meng Qian look forward to something inexplicably. He always feels that the final product may be more interesting than WeChat. Of course, it may also be full of ideas and **** products.

But Meng Qian's character is like being unconstrained, and this is a plan they came up with after thinking about it for so long. Meng Qian didn't want to suppress them too much, so when he agreed, "OK, set up a project."

With Meng Qian's consent, Wei Pengtian and others were very happy.

After they left, Meng Qian just set off to take a look at the mobile phone business department.


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