Probably because of the various surprises brought by the first two days, the small town in the future was crowded with people at less than eight o'clock in the morning on the third day, because before the start of this conference, only a general meeting process was given, and the specific process of each day was different. It was only distributed when they entered the town that day, so many people want to determine what content will be available today and then make a plan for today's participation.

After all, with so much content every day, it is impossible to participate in all of them.

Adam and Jesse came to the town of the future as early as possible. Another reason they came so early was curiosity. What Zuckerberg said last night made them almost sleepless all night.

"Today's biggest mystery should be the subject Meng Qian talked about." Everyone can see today's focus when they see today's arrangement, because there is only one content in the afternoon of the third day.

Jesse nodded in approval, "The key to the future is still being sold."

Adam found it interesting instead, "To the future, to make the gimmick so big, I want to see what Dafeng Group has prepared for us."

In the morning, Adam did not hesitate to choose the artificial intelligence venue, because one of the keynote speakers was his good friend Zuckerberg, who naturally wanted to cheer, and he was really interested in artificial intelligence.

"In the course of the development of artificial intelligence in the past few years, our company has seen the unlimited potential of deep learning and gradually began to master how to use this technology. Today at the conference site, we will show you one of our internal research." Zuckerberg said, the corresponding pictures appeared on the big screen according to what he said, "We use 20,000 computer processors to form a huge neural network to try to simulate the learning process of the human brain.

This is the 23 million unlabeled panda pictures we found from the Internet. We use these photos to train our deep learning algorithm. Next, let's feel the results.

Here is the live broadcast conducted by our colleagues at the safari park. Our colleagues will collect photos from multiple angles of the panda on the spot. Without providing any identification information, we will give us these photos and interference photos. Deep learning to identify, then can it accurately identify which photos are pandas?

let us wait and see. "

After Zuckerberg finished speaking, the operation started on the scene. The safari colleagues took random shots during the whole live broadcast and transmitted the photos to the scene under the lens. The relevant staff on the scene submitted the photos together with some photos of the interference items, many of which were not lacking. Some similar black and white photos have obvious interference factors. However, in this case, the simulated brain still accurately picked out 12 photos of giant pandas.

There was a round of applause, and industry insiders watching the live broadcast were also shocked.

The success of this experiment by Dafeng Group means that deep learning has the ability to learn by itself, which is a historical node in the history of artificial intelligence development. From the success of this experiment, a large number of companies and talents will flood into the field of deep learning. , Artificial intelligence with learning ability brings unlimited imagination to this world.

It can be said that this morning has brought surprises to many people, and also made more people curious about what greater technology Dafeng Group can come up with this afternoon.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, it was still the main venue. Meng Qian stood in front of everyone again. More than 20,000 developers from all over the world were waiting for Meng Qian to unveil the finale of the conference.

"In the past two and a half days, how do you feel in our conference?" Meng Qian still adopted an interactive opening.

"Awesome!" Many Huaxia developers yelled aloud, they really didn't ask for it.

Meng Qian smiled and nodded, "Before we announce the content of this afternoon, let's do a brief review of the conference. On the first day of the conference, our focus was on electronic components and electronic products. Naturally, the most attention was paid on that day. It is a new generation of Hongmeng mobile phones, a new generation of ancient computers and a new generation of cameras.

At the same time, another area that has attracted much attention is micro-electro-mechanical systems. Micro-electro-mechanical systems are developed on the basis of microelectronics technology, combining photolithography, etching, thin film, LIGA, silicon micromachining, non-silicon micromachining and High-tech electronic mechanical devices made by precision machining and other technologies are a new development area in these years.

This time, a variety of products including MEMS optical sensors, MEMS pressure sensors, MEMS gyroscopes, MEMS humidity sensors, and MEMS gas sensors provided by Shanghai Microelectronics Branch of Dafeng Group were unveiled and received heated discussions in the industry.

On the second day of the conference, our focus was on software, among which cloud computing was the main topic of the second day, and we made a link and synthesis of our database, business software and other industries.

And this morning, our core display is deep learning, especially we successfully completed the recognition of pandas through deep learning. This is a great breakthrough. Future artificial intelligence researchers will surely remember this event that happened on this day.

Okay, now let us merge all the technologies in the two and a half days. "

Speaking of this, Meng Qian puts four things on the big screen: smart phone, MEMS, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence on the four corners and pointing to the center at the same time through arrows.

After that, three words appeared in the center: Yunzhilian.

There was a large area of ​​discussion on the scene.

Cloud Zhilian has not existed at all in the past. It is a brand-new technical term completely created by Dafeng Group. However, in fact, this is pan-interconnection, which is the Internet of Things.

However, the concept of the Internet of Things was formally proposed by the International Telecommunication Union at the World Summit on the Information Society on November 17, 2005. It has not been three years since then, and research on the Internet of Things technology is still in the world. In the initial stage, most people have not yet understood what kind of technology this is, how it should be implemented, and what applications it has.

At this time, the companies that are chanting about the Internet of Things are actually still grabbing the concept high ground, so let's talk about it first.

That being the case Meng Qian, who has a prophet who is very clear about the development of the Internet of Things, thought about it and wanted to directly create a technology concept.

As the initiator of the core technology concept in the future, the status is completely different. When the related technologies are developed in the future, Dafeng Group is the founder of this concept. Although the essential things seem to be the same as the Internet of Things, the entire technology The development and perfection of the application and the operation space of the application have gone.

Feature phones and smart phones are essentially mobile phones, but they are two different things in the eyes of the world.

After grabbing the name of the concept creator, as a founder, he will have greater appeal, and it will be more convenient to establish standards, establish rules, and integrate Yunzhilian related industries into Dafeng Group and China.

Of course, just proposing a concept is useless. If you want to stabilize the position of the founder, you have to clarify the concept and make people feel it is enough. Although there are bragging elements, you should make everyone feel that it is awesome. It is very reasonable, and it sounds like that. After all, Meng Qian likened this thing to the key to the future.

So next, Meng Qian will begin to explain Yunzhilian.


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