Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 579: International situation

The first topic of the year-end party of the West Lake Conference is the current situation. China's market and China's users are giving everyone an opportunity. Whether you can seize this opportunity depends on whether you can make your own products well. At the meeting, everyone was exchanging methods of technological development.

The second issue is still the financial crisis. Because the financial crisis has developed to the present level, everyone agrees that it will continue for at least a few years. No one has any hope for a short-term economic recovery. Just continue to report to the group to keep warm.

As a result, Meng Qian gave a different opinion, “The core of this financial crisis is finance after all. The technology market belongs to the city gate and the fire has affected the pond. So I agree that the economic recovery will take many years, but the recovery of the technology market is not necessarily It will take a long time, and it may even be faster than many people think."

"Why does President Meng think so?"

"Recently, countries all over the world have launched the most powerful rescue plan. China Xia also launched ten major measures with a forecast investment of 4 trillion yuan last month. In fact, the problems exposed by this financial crisis have reached the roots. It just takes time to recover slowly.

And I will always believe in a word, capital never sleeps.

As long as the problem does not continue to erupt, capital will begin to find new markets to nourish it. In the process of economic recovery, the recovery of the primary and secondary industries has always been slow. My current prediction is , Capital will flood into the IT industry for a long time to come. "

"Why is this again?"

"Because the volume is enough, the market is enough, and the space is enough, I can not only swallow capital, but also contain the bubble. If I were a big capital, I would choose the IT industry without hesitation."

Everyone began to think about Meng Qian’s thoughts seriously, “If it is really as Mr. Meng said, then the next capital center is likely to become Silicon Valley, that is, after many years, the most valuable company in the United States may no longer be a Wall Street bank. It's Microsoft and Intel."

"If big capital really invests in the IT industry, Silicon Valley will inevitably be the first choice. After all, Silicon Valley is still the vane of global technology, but although we can't be a world technology center now, we can at least take advantage of the trend and grab some First move."

"Mr. Meng meant that if we accept such speculation, then we should prepare for the next technological explosion from now on."

"Yes, just like stock trading. Now the industry has reached the bottom and everyone is panicking. Instead, it is time to go to the bottom. I know that it is not easy for everyone now, but if the technology recovery comes, it will be very fast. My suggestion is that if you are within your abilities, you may be able to consider bargaining. Of course, risks are bound to exist."

"This is the reason why Dafeng Group has been frantically acquiring and digging people."

"Well, you can say so."

Since mid-2009, Silicon Valley’s global acquisitions have entered a intensive period. By 2010, Silicon Valley’s explosion will come. Dafeng Group is only a company if it has money, and Dafeng Group has not involved in many areas at all. It must mobilize everyone. I didn’t say anything about this before. It’s because everyone’s life was a bit difficult to live on before, but the domestic situation has changed a lot after the country’s top ten measures came out last month. After all, China’s original impact was not too great. Everyone’s situation has begun to improve. At this time, when you say these judgments, you are more able to listen and have a better chance to do something.


Another important issue this time is that the US has changed its boss. Let's talk about your views.

"At present, the new appointment seems to be quite friendly to China, and what this sector advocates is cooperation, not the supremacy of the United States."

Meng Qian knew that some people would think so, "Cooperation is indeed cooperation, but cooperation may sometimes be more terrifying than the supremacy of the United States, because behind this so-called global cooperation is the restart of the liberal internationalism line of the United States in the 1990s."

To put it simply, the liberal internationalist line is to help other countries, to support other countries, to continue to build and join groups to create a globally integrated world, and then there must be a head in this world, which is naturally the country of the United States. I have been working hard, after all, I am most capable of protecting everyone.

Therefore, the first element of the liberal internationalist line is to establish a good image of a big country. You can no longer engage in selfish American supremacy. It is necessary to make others feel that you are strong and that you are good.

"The core of the theory of liberal internationalism is actually very good." Ren Zhengfei on the side said, "This theory is seeking a kind of permanent peace driven by kindness, but this theory is used as Foreign policy immediately went wrong, because from a diplomatic standpoint, the goal from the beginning was to build a new world dominated by the United States, which violates the original intention of liberal internationalism."

"Yes, so this kind of natural contradiction can easily arouse all kinds of problems. In the 1990s, the third world countries were still very poor and poor. The United States did a little bit of a foreign policy with such a foreign policy, but now the third world The country is getting richer, and the development of the Internet is revealing various truths. In my opinion, adopting such a foreign policy at this time is not suitable for the world. Therefore, my prediction of the international situation in the next eight years is chaos. "

Ren Zhengfei took the words again, "Facts have proved time and time again that there is an insurmountable gap between countries. The great peace and reunification of mankind is indeed a beautiful ideal. If there is such an outcome, I believe many people. They are all supported, but how to reach such an end peacefully is too difficult and too difficult. Maybe it can only be a beautiful vision forever, which exists in an ideal country."

Meng Qian smiled and shook his head, "The real and realistic world of human beings is a world where the weak can eat the strong. If you tell the lion not to eat meat, he will starve to death."

Hou Weigui also intervened, "In fact, we have been following the aid route in China for the past few years, but our gameplay is different from that of the United States. After China has helped others, it is very real. I just want the market, the order, the money or the support and It means that I do not actively interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. But after the US aids you to accept his rule, this concept is completely different."

"But why is it chaotic?" Someone who didn't understand immediately raised doubts.

"For the simplest example, one person keeps giving, and keeps being good to another. If this kind of effort is purely because of love, then it is likely to be a beautiful marriage, but this kind of effort is for Completely control the other party, and then the other party constantly resists this control after realizing it. What will happen after a long time?

The former will begin to question its own strategy. The United States will do this for a period of time in the future, and there will be a political struggle in the United States. If you pay for a long time and get nothing, your opponent will use this as a reason to attack you.

Therefore, we have set a foreign policy that is impossible to achieve, and we must ensure that the United States can be strong. Various chaos will inevitably occur in the process, such as the rapid changes in the strength of diplomacy. Maybe next year everyone will feel that the United States is very friendly. As a result, 7 years later, it was discovered that the United States had become extremely tough.

And the more the world resists, the tougher the U.S. might be in the later period. "

"This kind of unforeseen toughness is actually terrible."

"I think so but I always have a hunch that in two years our country may get rid of the policy of keeping a low profile."

"Why is this again?"

"Because the muscles are too obvious, I can't stop wearing anything..."

"It's just about the promotion of the international status of the soft sister coin, but there is no way to hide it."

"In other words, a more confrontational era is coming."

"The international situation will become more and more complicated, so in the next few years of development, I have two suggestions. Do everything possible to increase the global influence of enterprises, do everything possible to break the western technology monopoly, and have an independent core. Technology, whether it is to break the game or to gain a foothold, this is a problem that must be overcome."

The three core issues are actually a conclusion. The current internal environment is getting better, but the external environment will get worse and worse. So for everyone, the way forward is very simple. Even if you die, you have to knock out your own technology. .


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